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Describe the persona's journey in the first 3 rows, using one In the "emotions" row, move the dots

the dots up or down In the final row, brainstorm

4 sticky note per action. "User actions" pertain to activities; 5 the colored spectrum to visually show how the 6 possible solutions or areas of
Djoni Alimasi "touchpoints" are interaction points like a website or email; persona's emotional experience rises and falls opportunity to improve the
and "pain points" refer to frustrations, errors and bottlenecks. throughout the journey. Positive peaks = delight, persona's experience.
while sudden drops = frustration.

Awareness Consideration Purchase Onboarding Advocacy

User Actions

Add your Add your Add your Add your Add your
thought thought thought thought thought
here here here here here
Pain points

D e l i g h t e d

F r u s t r a t e d

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