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Leonardo Da Vinci

The Seven Da Vincian Principles

(of Innovation)

An approach to learning and

the cultivation of intelligence
Curiosita/ Curiosity

Am I asking the right questions?

• An insatiably curious approach to Life and an

unrelenting quest for continuous learning
• the value of 'learning how to learn'.

“The desire to know is natural to good

- Leonardo Da Vinci
 Observe. Record things.
 Hone question- asking

Dimostrazione/ (INDEPENDENT
How can I develop my independence of thought?
How can I improve my ability to learn from my
mistakes and experiences?
• A commitment to test knowledge through
Experience, Persistence, and a
willingness to learn from Mistakes.
• Welcoming mistakes for mistakes can
breed success.

Experience is the heart of wisdom.

 Challenge your own views.
 Question your our own opinions, assumptions,
and beliefs.
 Affirm self to internalize and align your state of
mind with your emotions (ex. When you tell
yourself, “I feel good quitting smoking”, you
force yourself to not just acknowledge the
thought but to internalize it and align it with
how you feel.
What is my plan for sharpening my
senses as I age?

• the Continual Refinement of the senses,

especially sight, as the means to enliven
• To be innovative, we must be aware of what
is going on around us.
• Sharpening insight of present and foresight
of future.

“All our knowledge has its origin in our perception.”

- Leonardo Da Vinci
 Saper Vedere (knowing how to see) was one of
Leonardo’s mottoes.
 Practice silence.
Sfumato= Embracing Uncertainty
How can I strengthen my ability to hold
creative tension, to embrace the major
absurdities of life?

• A Willingness to Embrace
Ambiguity, Paradox, and

“Going up in Smoke”
the technique of allowing tones and colors to
shade gradually into one another, producing
softened outlines or hazy forms.

 Trust your gut.

Am I balancing Arte and Scienza at home
and at work?

• the development of the balance between

Science & Art, Logic & Imagination.
• “Whole – Brain “ Thinking.
• imagination without logic is day dreaming,
and logic without imagination is boring.

“Study the science of art and the art of science.”

-Leonardo Da Vinci
 Switch between your right and left hand while
painting, drawing, or writing.
 Try mind- mapping- Da Vinci’s note-taking
 Mind-mapping frees you from the constraints of
your control-freak left hemisphere and enriches
your learning experience by allowing you to
design concepts at the full capacity of your full-
brain power.
Corporalita= Mind and Body Care

How can I nurture the balance of

body and mind?
• The cultivation of Grace, Ambidexterity,
Fitness, and Poise.
• About maintaining a healthy body as well
as a healthy mind
• Fit minds lead to more innovative and
creative solutions.
Tip: assess body
and embrace
Connessionne= Interconnectedness
How do all the above elements fit together?
How does everything connect to everything else?

• A recognition of and appreciation for the

Interconnectedness of all things and Phenomena.
• seeing the links between how to use old things in
new ways.

Systems Thinking.
 Make SMART
achievement of
goals with the end
in mind.
 Contemplate
The Seven Da Vincian Principles
(of Innovation)

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