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The country in this current times is struggling to get back on its feet. Due to this pandemic the country
had undergone changes, and that changes are somewhat new to us all. Specially in the educational
system in our country. Both learners and teachers have gone through tough situation just to cope with
this changes. That is why the "Brigada Pagbasa" were implemented. By the help of this program,
learners who hasn't yet developed their reading skills are given an opportunity to sharpen the said skill.
With us, the volunteer tutors, who also seek experience in teaching. Preparing for the field that we will
engage in the future.


My first day as a tutor, I first introduced myself and explained what are we going to do in the next three
months. I told them that if they listen to me, i'll listen to them too.

And after that, I introduced to them the sounds of the alphabet. Which is their very familiar with. And
our days continues. As we went on day by day, I noticed that some of them have difficulty in
pronouncing but they are able to read a phrase or a sentence and can read short stories. I also tried
their spelling, and i figured that they need improvements. But i see a lot of potential in them. As long as
a learner is eager and always curious to learn i got no doubt that they will figure it out eventually,
because I too came from there.


I would like to thank our hardworking and always encouraging coordinator, Sir Gary Cervas and Ma'am
Michelle Dela Rosa. Who always guided us since the orientation up until the last day. To the parents of
my tutees, who entrusted their child in me to learn. Of course, to my tutees who volunteered to be part
of this program, I really appreciate their willingness and trust in me. And lastly, to God who guided and
bless us with His Grace. Without him we wouldn't be safe and assured to undergo this program

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