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Ritual of the apprenticeship degree

according to Friedrich Ludwig Schröder

This version dates from 1992. 

Preparation of a seeker

As soon as the result of the balling is known, the seeker will be informed in writing, in a dignified form, on which
day and at what hour his admission should take place.
At the same time, the guarantor is informed in writing by the secretary of the upcoming event. The guarantor is
requested to pick up the seeker from his home in good time before work and to accompany him to the
preparation room. Should the Master be of the See of Surety, he is to see to it that another brother is introduced
to the seeker and then fetches him in his stead.
The actual preparation begins well before work. The guarantor leads the seeker into the preparation room and
lets him sit down at the table. Then he hands him three questions and asks for their answers
The questions are:
1. What is man's destiny?
2. What do you expect from the Masonic Bond for your spirit, for your heart and for your temporal bliss?
3. What can the Masonic Federation expect from you?
The guarantor asks him to have complete trust in those who will come to prepare him. He reminds him that he
himself has become his guarantor in the lodge and admonishes him never to give him any reason to regret it. The
guarantor then leaves the seeker after he has instructed him to answer the questions uninfluenced and in peace.
Then the Surety goes into the meeting room and tells the Preparing Brother that the seeker is in the preparatory
room. After a suitable time, the Preparatory Brother, bare of Masonic clothing, enters the preparatory room and
states in free speech something like the following:Sir! I've been sent to ask you a few questions. Please answer
me openly and frankly. Did you come to us of your own free will? Has anyone persuaded you to become a
Freemason? Have you been made any promises?
The seeker should answer freely and not be interrupted. After the seeker's answer, the Preparatory Brother
continues: It is gratifying that you have sought and found your way to us of your own free will and inner
conviction; only, that's not enough for our society. We need to know what made you decide to apply for
admission with us.
After the seeker's answer, the Preparatory Brother says:I will deliver your written answers to the Brotherhood
and report back to them. As a token of your trust, give me your hat. Follow me so I can continue preparing the
He leads the seeker into the dark chamber and lets him sit down there. Then he says goodbye with the words: I'll
leave you alone for a while now. They want to be Freemasons; consider that this will be an important step in
your life.
The Preparatory Brother takes the tall hat and Questions and Answers sheet, closes the door of the Dark
Chamber, and enters the meeting room.
He takes part in the opening of the lodge.
After entering the temple, he gives the bow to the secretary and the hat to the master of the chair or secretary.
Then he takes his place.


The master of the chair has the person to be accepted led in front of the altar by the first conductor.
M: My brother, you have expressed a desire to become a member of this just and perfect lodge. The Brotherhood
will grant your request if you agree to abide by the duties of a Mason you know, the laws of the Grand Lodge,
and our Bylaws.
Assure us of the faithful fulfillment of these obligations by shaking hands.
Receive the membership badge, statutes and register of members of our Lodge.
M beats once.
2.A beats once.
lA beats once.
M: All right, my brothers!
The Master puts his hands on both shoulders of the acceptee.
M: By virtue of my office, I accept you as a member of the Lodge... Be a faithful collaborator in spreading
human happiness through your own and others' improvement.
My brothers! Welcome the new member!
There is a masonry clapping.
M: Now take a seat in our midst!
The 1st conductor leads him to a place reserved for him.

opening of the lodge

When the official posts are occupied, the M proposes once: Brother 1. Conductor, check whether only
Freemason brothers are gathered in the anteroom, and then lead them in an orderly procession into the temple,
with the grand officials and the angle-bearing masters leading the way.
The 1st conductor or master of ceremonies then goes into the anteroom and hits the baton three times: My
brothers, I salute you from the venerable master from the chair of the perfect and just lodge .... I ask you to sit
down in an apprentice's lodge to prepare and to dress Masonic.
When this is done, he hits the staff three times again:My brothers, at the behest of the venerable Master of the
Chair, I beg you to follow me in an orderly procession into the temple in pairs and in silence, first the grand
officials and angle-bearing masters, then the brother masters, journeymen and apprentices.
The first conductor leads the brothers into the temple, following the path of the sun.
Together with the 2nd conductor, he directs the brothers who have entered to the places reserved for them.
Music accompanies the entry
1. S: Venerable Master, the brothers are gathered in the temple.
The guard takes his place in front of the door.
M, proposes once: Brother 2nd Conductor, what is the first concern of a Freemason?
2.S:To examine whether the box is covered.
M: Fulfill this duty!
The second conductor knocks on the box door with the apprentice's slap. As soon as the guard on duty has
responded with the same hit from outside, the second conductor goes back to his place and speaks without
entering the sign: Venerable master, the box is covered!
The officer on duty re-enters the box and takes his place.
The 1st conductor goes to the pillar of wisdom, takes the candle and presents it to the master. While he lights the
candle, the first conductor goes back to his place.
The 1st and 2nd Wardens go to their pillars.
The Master carries the burning candle to the Pillar of Wisdom without stepping into the sign.
The 1st and 2nd wardens take their candles, approach the Master and light their candles on the Master's candle.
Then they go back to their pillars.
The guard on duty then gradually illuminates the temple.
The master places his candle on the pillar facing west: Wisdom guide the building!
The 1st Warden lights his candle facing east: Strength execute him!
The 2nd warden lights his candle facing north: Beauty adorn him!
The two overseers go back to their places.
The master steps to the east edge of the carpet: Brothers Schaffner, spread out the carpet!
The two conductors spread the carpet and then go back to their seats.
The Master faces east and steps in front of the altar. He takes up the Book of the Sacred Law, takes the square
and the compass, placing the square over the compass, lifts them both up so that all the brethren may see the
correct arrangement, and places them on the Book of the Sacred Law.
After that, the master goes back to his place
M hits once.
2.A beats once.
lA beats once.
M: All right, my brothers!
Where is the second conductor's place?
2.S: Near the 1st Overseer to carry out his orders. M: Where is the first conductor's place? 1.S:

At the Master's right hand, to carry out his orders. M : Where is the second overseer's place? 2.A : In the south,
because just as the sun is in the south when it is midday, the second overseer is also there to call the brothers
from work to rest and to see that everyone returns at the right time go to work to promote the construction. M :
Where is the first overseer's place? lA: In the West, for as the sun sets in the West to end the day, so also the 1st
Warden stands there to close the lodge, give the workers their wages, and dismiss them from work. M: Where is
the master's place? 2.A:

In the east, for as the sun rises in the east to begin the day, so also the Master stands in the east to open the lodge
and arrange the works.
M: Since I am in the East by the free choice of my brothers, I open an apprentice lodge in reverence for the
Great Architect of all Worlds and according to the ancient usages of the Freemasons.
M beats three times. 2. A beats three times. l. A beats three times.


Almighty! O look down graciously!

To further the work of virtue we are here;
Faithful brothers laid the foundation stone of the building,
but the blessing comes from you alone.
Awaken holy zeal in us all;
Let free from folly and from vain semblance
The brothers' work in these quiet halls
And let it be blessed for mankind!
The Master of the Chair is not bound by these prayers. After the prayer, the Master completes the Sign of
Apprentice with all the brothers.
M: The lodge is open. Let each one remember his duty, and blessed be this hour!
All brothers clap Masonic and then sit down.
The master can now greet guests, have the recorder read out the minutes of the last work and indicate which
works are available.

Report of the Preparatory Brother

M: My brethren, the purpose of our work today is the initiation of a seeker into our brotherhood. Lord... is in the
Dark Room. I ask the Preparatory Brother for his report.
The Preparatory Brother rises, in the middle of the sign and speaks from his seat: Venerable Master, the seeker
whose examination I have been commissioned gives us hope that he will become a Freemason. His concepts and
conceptions of the Brotherhood are worthy of a thinking man. I gave the written answers to the questions put to
him to my brother secretary.
M: Brother Secretary, read the seeker's answers.
The secretary reads out the questions and their answers.
M: My brethren, you have heard the Preparatory Brother's account and heard the answers to the questions.
If one of you would like to speak, I ask him to get in touch.
If there is no message: Since this is not the case, I ask for your approval to continue the recording.
The brothers give the sign of approval by raising their right hands and slapping their thighs.
M: Brother 1. Conductor (or Master of Ceremonies), lead the Preparatory Brother and his companions out of the
temple so that the seeker may be reminded of the meaning and importance of today. If he persists in his decision,
the Preparatory Brother, according to our custom, leads him to the gate of the temple.
The 1st Conductor (or Master of Ceremonies) leads the Preparatory Brother and his attendant (youngest
journeyman, youngest master, conductor or other pre-appointed brother) to the gate of the temple, closes the
door behind them, and takes his place.
The resulting break can be used by the master to make regulations, honors and the like.

Ritual testing and cloaking of the seeker in the Dark Chamber

The seeker should not leave the dark chamber without seeing eyes.
The Preparatory Brother enters the Dark Chamber with his companion in Masonic garb without knocking.
VB: Sir, after serious self-examination, is it still your own free will to become a Freemason?
The seeker answers.
VB: Do you think you understand the scope of your decision and the importance it will have for your future life?
The seeker answers.
VB: Do you feel prepared enough to be accepted as a Freemason?
The seeker answers.
VB: Are you ready to submit to the prescribed tests and fulfill the duties that a lodge imposes on its members?
The seeker answers. VB: So shall your will be done. Everything you experience from now on has symbolic
meaning and points to the spirit of Masonry and beyond that to the meaning of life. He turns to his companion.
My brother, bring Mr. into the condition required for admission. Given the ritual significance of the Preparatory
Binder, it is not proper for him to assist in carrying out his commands.

The Preparatory Brother has the seeker remove the tie or bow and undo the top buttons of the shirt. so that the
chest is free. The left pant leg is pushed up to above the knee and secured in this position with a napkin.
The right shoe is taken off, the foot is covered with a slipper.
VB: According to old custom, the seeker may not carry any metal objects or jewelry with him. So put them away
for the duration of your recording.
The accompanying brother hands the seeker the container to receive the objects, including the money.
VB: From the night of ignorance the path leads through various trials to the light. According to old tradition, we
are now closing your eyes.
The accompanying brother blindfolds the seeker and makes sure that he cannot see anything.
VB: You are surrounded by darkness and feel a desire to see the light. The search for the light is the path to new
knowledge about yourself and life. I take hold of your hand, because the steps of the one who seeks his path
alone in the dark are uncertain.
The Preparatory Brother steps to the left side of the seeker and has him place his right hand on the heart area.
With his left hand he grasps the seeker's left hand and puts his right hand around his back. The brother's hand is
on the seeker's waist or grasps his elbow (guiding grip).
So they go together to the gate of the temple.
VB: Extend your hand. They are standing in front of the door of our temple. Get yourself in with three powerful
It happens.
As the three chimes sound, the temple is darkened. If the blows fall into an
action that the Master is about to undertake, he finishes it without
bothering about the blows.


After the three strong blows on the doors, the 1st supervisor, then the 2nd and then the foreman give a strong
hammer blow one after the other. All brothers rise from their seats without stepping into the sign. (The officials
set up their tables and chairs so that the detour is not obstructed)
M: Brother 2nd conductor, who is knocking so unusually?
The second conductor goes to the door, which the guard on duty opens and closes again for each of the
following questions, and asks: Who knocked?
The Preparatory Brother answers from without: A free man in good standing!
The 2nd conductor repeats each step without leaving the door.
2. S: A free man of good reputation knocked.
M: What does he desire?
2. S: What does he desire?
VB: He is asking to be admitted as a Freemason.
2. S: He asks to be admitted as a Freemason.
M: Is he ready to submit to the trials and uses?
2. S: Is he ready to submit to trials and uses?
VB: Yes.
2nd S: Yes. M: Who vouches for him? 2. S: Who vouches for him? VB: Brother... vouches for him! 2nd S:
Brother ... vouches for him! M: Brother... do you confirm this bond? Guarantor:

Venerable Master, I confirm my pledge.

M: Let him in. 2. S: Enter! The Preparatory Brother grasps the seeker's left hand in his left hand and puts his
right hand around his shoulder. So he leads the seeker to the west in front of the carpet and speaks to the 1st
supervisor: I hand you over this free man of good reputation who wishes to become a Freemason. The preparer
speaks somewhat more quietly to the seeker: I am parting from you now, but you remain in the hands of faithful
and safe guides. The Preparatory Brother returns to his place. l. A:

Venerable Master, a free man in good standing asks to be admitted as a Freemason.

Music, if possible: “In these sacred halls” from the “Magic Flute”.
M: My lord, according to an old and venerable rule, your eyes were closed so that your inner gaze could look
more calmly into the most hidden depths of your soul. We are unable to penetrate them. But your repeated desire
to associate with us, your good reputation, the confidence we owe to the brother who vouches for you, and the
report of the brothers sent for your examination have confirmed our good opinion of you. So if it wasn't real
expectations that brought you to us, but rather the desire to be connected to a brotherhood striving for truth,
goodness and beauty, confirm your attitude with a clear yes.
SU: Yes!
M: So are you determined to submit to the ancient customs of Masonic admissions?
SU: Yes! M: So follow the brother who guides you. The 1st Warden puts the open compass lying on his table in
the right hand of the seeker, places a point of the compass on his left breast and says: I place the point of this
open compass on your heart, but I desire more touching your conscience than your body. Never lose these words
from memory. The master signals the brothers to step into the sign.

The 2nd conductor steps between the person to be admitted and the 1st supervisor, grasps the left hand of the
seeker with his left hand, puts his right hand on his right shoulder and, turning towards the brothers, leads him
slowly from the west through the north and east three times in front of the altar of the master. As often as he has
arrived in the East, the sign of apprenticeship is completed by all. When the seeker has returned west for the first
time, the M says: Man enters earthly existence ignorant and weak. Now the light of reason is gradually dawning
on him, slowly the strength is maturing.
After the second circumvention: Your own will and your own striving helps in investigating the truth more than
the help of others. The more honorable is the victory over error and prejudice.
After the third circumvention: Whoever wants to find happiness on the path of life, seek his ennobling from
everything and his brothers' happiness.
After the third roundabout, the second conductor and the person to be picked up
face the master in the west. Now the 2nd conductor hands over the person to be picked up to the 1st supervisor
and goes to his place.
All brothers want the apprentice sign and sit down.
l. A: Venerable Master. The seeker has ended his wanderings.
M, after a pause: Before we go any further, I am obliged to tell you that once your recording is complete, you
cannot step back. But there is still time!
You can still resign!
Do you persist in your resolution to become a Freemason?
SU: Yes!
M: So shall your will be done. Brother overseers, escort the seeker east.
The 1st supervisor now leads the person to be admitted through the north in front of the balcony. The 2nd
warden goes straight to the altar.
After a pause, the Master continues:The determined longing and the keen desire which you have repeatedly
shown, the patience which you have shown hitherto vouch for the sincerity of your sentiments. We are ready to
grant your wish and to reward your perseverance, if you have previously solemnly declared that you will
diligently carry out the duties which the name of Freemason imposes on you. At the same time, I assure you that
these duties contain nothing that does not in the least contradict your dignity as a human being. Do you want to
take on this obligation? SU: Yes! M: Brother overseers, put the seeker in the required position! Make him kneel
on this stool with his left knee, put his right hand on the Bible, the square and the compass.

Have him place this circle on his left breast with his left hand.
beats once.
All right, my brothers!
Great builder of the world! We admire Your wisdom and greatness in the universe; we admire it chiefly in man,
whom alone, albeit imperfect, can know and adore Thee. Bless what we are doing here together! Make this man
a good Freemason! Give him and all of us light and strength to recognize the good, to love it heartily and to
practice it with zeal and steadfastness, so that the purpose of Freemasonry is fulfilled and truth, virtue and
philanthropy are spread more and more throughout the world!
Sir, we wish that you bind yourself to us by a vow at this hour.
Brother secretary, read the vow!


SK: I swear on my honor and on my conscience:

to devote myself to humanity with all my heart and strength.
Accordingly, to conscientiously fulfill my duties to my family, my church, my country and the communities of
all people.
To keep the customs of the Freemasons in honor, not to carry the internal affairs of my lodge to the outside and
to keep secret what a brother entrusts to me.
To give Masonic obedience to the laws of the Brotherhood and the blow of the Master's hammer.
To promote the work of my Lodge to the best of my ability, dedicating time and manpower to it, and never
abandoning it without valid cause.
To stand by my brothers in word and deed and to keep the promise made on the mason's word as conscientiously
as a holy oath.
M: Lord... are you ready to take this vow?
SU: Yes!
M: So repeat after me:
I swear it, as much as I love the name of an honest man.
The seeker repeats this.
The master now approaches the altar from the east with the hammer.
Apprentice blow on the circle.
M: In awe of the Great Architect of All Worlds,
apprentice strike the compass
in the name of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Germany,
apprentice strike the brick
by virtue of my office as Master of the Chair of this just and perfect Masonic Lodge ... in the Orient of ... I
accept and accept you as an Apprentice Mason.
The master places the hammer and compass on the altar.
En lays his two hands across the balcony on his young brother's shoes: The bond is closed for life! May the
memory of this moment remain sacred to you!
Get up, my brother!
The Master motions for the brothers to complete the sign.
The Master, the overseers and the seeker remain at the altar.
Music, if possible: “O Isis und Osiris” from the “Magic Flute”.
M: Brother overseers, lead our new brother back west.
The overseers lead the taker back west through the south.
The master takes the hammer and goes to his place. All the brothers form the chain and include the inductee.
M: My brother, what else do you want now? At this moment, isn't the unveiling of your eyes, isn't the light most
desirable to you?
BR: Yes!
M: Always be your striving to attain light. What light is to the eyes, so is truth to the mind. Ignorance and
prejudice are to truth as night is to day.
Give the light to the faithful, truth-seeking brother!
At the last word "Light" the master hit the master hard with the hammer, and with the blow the second conductor
dropped the blindfold from the eyes of the prisoner.
Joint singing of the federal song:
Brothers, give your hand to the alliance,
This beautiful ceremony
Leads us to bright heights!
Let what is earthly flee,
our friendship harmonies
last forever, firm and beautiful.
M: Our clasped hands unite you with us around the altar of truth. Our hearts go out to you, and the pressure of
our hands tells you that we will remain your brothers as long as truth, justice, discretion and brotherly love are
sacred to you.
The chain wind separated. The brothers stop.
Our new brother, through his disrobing, has symbolically represented man as he comes from the hands of nature,
a sign that man's worth rests on the purity of his being and not on accidental outward appearances.
Preparatory brother, now let the new brother complete his clothes again.
As soon as the preparing brother has arrived at the lodge door with the new brother, they announce themselves
with the apprentices' strike. The Officer on Watch opens and the Preparatory Brother leads the new Brother to
the right of the 1st Warden and then takes his place.
M: May your reception, dear brother, be blessed to you and to us!
Brother First Warden, let the new brother approach the East through the three Masonic steps.
l. A: Each of these steps forms a right angle and teaches always to walk according to right and duty.
He steps to the north-west by the carpet, places both feet at a right angle, the
tip of the left foot against the altar, then strides three times, beginning with the left foot, in a straight line
towards the Master, head held high, facing east directed and each time drags the right foot. After each step, the
feet form a right angle again.
The admitted follows him in the same way, striding across the carpet and then stands in front of the altar.
M: My brother, it is my business now to introduce you to some of the chief symbols of our covenant and the
distinctive marks of your degree. These three symbols: the Bible, the square and the compass are called the three
great lights of Freemasonry. And those three candles are called the three little lights of Freemasonry. In order to
recognize us outside our congregations, even where we do not know the local language, certain characteristics
have been introduced since ancient times. They consist of signs, handles and words.
The sign refers to the readiness required in the early oaths to have one's throat cut rather than to become a traitor.
He teaches him the sign and the grip.
The word is taken from the pillar that stood in the courtyard of Solomon's temple and was called Jachin. Here
the apprentices received their wages.
He teaches him how the word is given.
In addition, most lodges have adopted a special password which is required of strangers if they wish to be
admitted. It's the word Tubal Cain. I'll let you know in case you visit foreign lodges. It is not used in the lodges
of our teaching style.
Then we have a special way of tapping to distinguish ourselves from the non-Masons and gain entry into the
Lodge. The master demonstrates this blow with the fist (not with the hammer).

Receive this white kilt as a symbol of the innocence of the covenant of peace into which you are now received.
The 1st conductor ties his apron on and folds the flap up.
Receive these white gloves to wear in all temple work. Your thoughts and actions should be as white as these
The captured puts on the gloves.
According to old custom, every Freemason receives a pair of white women's gloves upon admission. Give these
gloves to the faithful companion of your life as a token of our respect.
The 1st conductor wraps the women's country shoes around the ribbon of the apron.
The master presents the lodge insignia and the hat with the words: This is the sign of membership of our lodge;
wear it like us.
Now take back your hat, the emblem of the liberty and equality of all brothers.
Brother 1. Conductor, take our new brother to the Brethren Wardens west and south to identify himself as a
The 1st conductor leads the inductee south to the right of the 2nd warden; afterwards to the 1st supervisor. The
overseers address him with the words, everyone can hear them: How should I know that you are a Freemason?
They teach him the answer, "By sign, touch, and word," which they have him repeat.
M: Brother 1. Conductor, take the new brother to the brother secretary to sign his pledge. Then they lead him to
the altar.
When this is done, my brethren, join me in wishing our new brother heartfelt happiness in his accomplished
There was a masonry clapping.
M: After the close of the box, thank your guarantor with a warm handshake. May it always be your eager
endeavor to prove yourself worthy of his recommendation.
Brother 1. Conductor, let our new brother take his place in the north.
The 1st conductor leads him north and lets him sit down there.
Duties and Rights of the Apprentice Brothers

They are presented alternately by the 1st and 2nd supervisor.

l. A: Your admission as a Mason today entitles you to participate in the work of your degree in all just and
perfect lodges in the world.
2. A: I recommend that you have your guarantor or an experienced brother accompany you.
1. A: You have full voting rights in your lodge at elections and deciders.
2. A: You cannot now be elected to a ritual office yourself; nor can you propose any seekers to your lodge or
assume a guarantee.
1.A:It is in your own interest to visit the works of your lodge regularly. If you have a valid reason not to attend,
you must excuse your absence and make a donation to commemorate the poor.
2. A: Freemasonry only grows in you if you participate regularly.
1. A: You have sworn to secrecy. For the sake of trust in the Brotherhood, a Mason must be able to keep what is
entrusted to him.
2. A: A Freemason must also be taciturn in order to mature.
1. A: You should gain experience and knowledge and thereby recognize yourself.
2.A:But you also need to acquire knowledge. I recommend that you actively participate in the instructions of
your lodge.
1. A: Establish and study a small library of Masonic literature. Your sponsor, second warden or librarian will
assist you with this.

Explanation of the recording

Is presented by the speaker or alternately with the masters wielding the hammer.
My brother, your admission is the beginning of a new life for you. What was present in you as a seeker, we tried
to bring it into your consciousness with the means of Freemasonry.
That is why you were placed in a condition that is intended to indicate how man enters his earthly existence;
stripped of all that he owes only to accidental circumstances and a changeable fate. Because with us only the
moral attitude and the fulfillment of our duties count.
Freemasons want to explore the truth; especially about yourself, uncovering mistakes and overcoming
prejudices. We want to develop ourselves into enlightened and responsible people through constant self-exercise.
This is what we mean by working on the great structure of mankind, and it has been the case with us for
Together with us you seek nothing but the treasures of the mind and heart and no other dignity than that which a
human being is capable of giving to himself. What else we are and seek and believe and have we leave at the
door of our assembly.
I will now explain to you what you experienced before and during your admission.
Your guarantor led you into a room. You should reconsider your decision to join our association. Brothers have
been sent to you to examine your motives and ideas. Then you were led into a dark room to prepare for
admission. You were robbed of what would make you stand out in the profane world: money and jewellery.
Their bourgeois circumstances were to be stripped away.
The bandage over your eyes, the bared knee and the trampled shoe left you in a state of helplessness. Then they
led you to the gate of the temple. Three hits gave you access.
On her bare breast the first warden placed the point of a compass, more to touch her conscience than her body.
They were led around the oblong square three times. Truths have been called to you, and you should feel how
uncertain the truth-seeker is when not guided by the sure hand of a friend. At last they knelt before the altar of
truth and made their vows, as all the brethren have done for centuries. The blindfold fell off your eyes, you were
given the light and you found yourself in the chain of brothers.
What light is to the eyes, truth is to the spirit!
This is how you became a Freemason!
The master of the chair gave you a first teaching. The three great lights of Freemasonry are the Book of the
Sacred Law, the Square and the Compass. The book of the holy law, in our case the Bible, is the symbol for a
higher world order. The right angle symbolizes your obligation to live righteously, and the circle indicates that
you must have a solid moral standing to embrace a wide circle of love and respect for your brothers and fellows,
but within measured limits.
Thus the three great lights represent the duties that you have to fulfill to the Great Builder of all worlds, to
yourself and to your neighbor.
Another major symbol is the rectangular, oblong square found in all lodges around the world. This is to indicate
your outline of a spiritual building, often referred to as the outline of Solomon's Temple.
The entire brotherhood of the world is also understood under the image of the rectangle, the sides of which
represent the four cardinal points. This rectangle, like the single lodge, is supported by three great invisible
pillars: Wisdom, Strength and Beauty; for wisdom devises, strength executes, and beauty adorns. This is how our
building should be set up.
The oblong square has three doors: on the east, on the south and on the west, where the officials in charge of the
hammer take care of the safety and promotion of our building.
On the carpet, which symbolizes our Masonic world of work, you see a number of tools that are useful to us
when working on ourselves.
The brother apprentice is equated with a rough stone. With your admission you are asked to work on yourself so
that you become more and more a good component of human society.
Without these symbolic devices and the rituals of Masonic temple work, Freemasonry would not be what it has
been for centuries. Therefore, honor our tried and tested customs.
But all custom is nothing if it is not supported by your moral responsibility and your righteousness of the
Blessed be your work in building the Temple of Mankind!

Apprentice Catechism

Questions for the 2nd Conductor

M: Brother 2nd Conductor, are you a Freemason?
2. S: My brothers masters and journeymen recognize me for it.
M: What is the first song of a Freemason?
2. S: To examine whether the box is covered.
M: How should I know that you are a Freemason?
2. S: My take on signs, handles and words and the repetition of the special circumstances.
M: What does the word jachin mean?
2. S: It is the name of a pillar in the courtyard of Solomon's temple, where the apprentices received their wages,
and means: The Lord will lift you up!
M: What do you have to be to be a Freemason?
2. S: A free man of good reputation.
M: Where were you first prepared to be a Freemason?
2. S: Inwardly, through the advances I made of the Brotherhood.
M: Where after?
2. S: In a room next to the box.
M: How were you prepared?
2. S: Neither naked nor clothed, neither shoes nor barefoot, stripped of all metal and blindfolded, I was escorted
to the door of the box.
Questions to the 1st conductor
M: Brother 1st conductor, why were you blindfolded?
1. S:My heart should learn secrecy before my eyes discover anything.
M: Why were you stripped of all metal?
1. S: To teach that I was made a Freemason poor and destitute and must support all worthy poor brothers
according to my strength.
M: How did you get entry?
1. S: By three strong blows.
M: What do they mean?
1. S: Three sayings: Seek and you will find; ask and you will be given; knock and it will be opened to you.
M: How do you relate that to Freemasonry?
1. S:I occupied myself with the resolution; I confided in a friend; I knocked and the door of Freemasonry was
opened to me.
M: Why was the compass placed on your left breast?
1. S: As a reminder of my walk; touching my conscience rather than my breast.
M: Why were you led around the oblong square three times?
1. S: That all the brethren might see that I am duly prepared.
M: What do the three Masonic steps mean?
1. S: Everyone forms a right angle and gives the lesson to always walk according to duty and right.
Questions to 2nd Warden
M: Brother 2nd Warden, what are the three great lights of Freemasonry?
2. A: The Bible, the square and the compass.
M: How do you explain this?
2. A: The Bible judges and orders our faith, the square our actions, and the compass determines our relationship
to all men, especially the Masonic Brothers.
M: What are the three little lights of Freemasonry?
2. A: The three candles in the outline of the oblong square, east, west, and south.
M: What do you propose?
2. A: The Sun, the Moon and the Master of the Lodge.
M: Why?
2.A:The sun rules the day, the moon the night, and the master the lodge.
M: What shape does the lodge have?
2. A: The shape of a right-angled oblong, from east to west, between south and north, from the ends to the sky,
and from the surface of the ground to the midpoint.
M: How do you explain that?
2. A: Freemasonry is general, it extends over the whole face of the earth, and all the brethren make up but one
M: What does the lodge rest on?
2. A: On three great pillars: wisdom, strength and beauty.
M: Who introduces the Pillar of Wisdom?
2.A:The Master in the East; for as the sun rises in the east to begin the day, so also the Master stands in the east
to open the lodge and arrange the works.
M: Who introduces the pillar to the strength?
2. A: The 1st overseer in the west; for as the sun sets in the west to end the day, so also the 1st Warden stands in
the west to close the lodge and give the workers their wages, which is the strength and support of all the
M: Who introduces the pillar to the beauty?
2.A:The 2nd Overseer in the South; for just as the sun stands in the beauty of the day when it is midday, so also
the second overseer stands there to call the brothers to rest from work and to see that they return at the right time
to start the building to promote.
Questions for 1st Overseer
M: Brother 1st Overseer, how do you explain that the three pillars of Wisdom, Strength and Beauty support the
1. A: Because without them, nothing excellent can be accomplished.
M: Why?
1. A: Wisdom invents, strength executes, and beauty graces.
M: Why are all lodges called Johannis lodges?
1.A:Because the old Freemasons chose John the Baptist as their patron saint.
M: How many gems does the lodge have?
l. A: Two things: movable and immovable.
M: Which are the moving ones?
1. A: The square, spirit level, and plumb bob; for all the signs of Freemasonry are formed through them. M:
Which are the immobile ones? l. A: The rough stone, the cubic stone and the drawing board. M: Why are both
types called jewels? 1.A:

Because they serve as distinguishing marks; the three moveable designate the three chief ranks of the lodge, that
of the master and the two overseers, and the immovable the three grades of the brotherhood: the apprentice,
journeyman and master.
M: What are the tools of the apprentices?
1. A: The twenty-four inch ruler and pick hammer.
M: What are they for?
1. A: The standard for dividing time with wisdom; the pick hammer to cut off all corners of imperfection, that
the square of truth may be easily and rightly applied.
M: What are the apprentices working on?
1.A:On the raw stone, the symbol of the imperfections of the mind and heart.
M: How do the apprentices tap?
l. A: Two fast beats and one slow.
M: What do the punches mean?
1. A: The first two denote the Mason's zeal for work, the last slow his perseverance.
M: How should a Freemason differ from other people?
1. A: By impeccable conduct, a mind freed from the bondage of prejudice, and genuine friendship with his
brethren based on moral principles.

end of the lodge

M, bangs once: Brother 2nd Warden, does anyone have anything else to say for the good of the Lodge or
Freemasonry in general?
2. A: My brethren, by Venerable Master's will, I ask if anyone else has anything to say for the good of this Lodge
or of Freemasonry at all.
Those who speak wih stand up and make themselves known by raising their right hand, whereupon the 2nd
supervisor informs the master of this request to speak. If no one has spoken, say the 2nd A: Venerable Master, no
one has spoken.
When the Master gives a brother the floor, he steps into the sign and completes it before he begins to speak.
After everyone has spoken and no further requests to speak, say the 2nd A: Venerable Master, the brothers are
M: Brother 2nd conductor, we commemorate the poor!
The 2nd conductor takes the gift bag from the treasurer's table and collects it from brother to brother. If the
number of people present is large, the first conductor will support them.
M: Brother Secretary, read the minutes!
If nobody objects to the protocol, the master signs it.
M: Brother 1st Warden, why is the position of 1st Warden in the west?
1.A:As the sun sets in the west to end the day, so also stands the 1st Warden in the west to close the lodge, give
the workers their wages, and dismiss them from their jobs.
M: The work is finished; Do your duty! 1. A beats once. 2. A beats once. M beats once. 1. A: All right, my
brothers! By the will of the Venerable Master, I close this Apprentice Lodge in reverence for the Great Builder of
all worlds and according to the ancient customs of the Freemasons. l. A beats three times. 2. A beats three times.
M beats three times. The 1st Overseer completes the sign with all the brothers.
The Master goes to the altar, separates the square and the compass, and closes the Book of the Holy Law. Then
he steps to the east edge of the work carpet.
1. A: Brothers Schaffner, fold the carpet!
The conductors fold the carpet and then go back to their seats.
The master and the overseers go to their pillars.
The guard on duty gradually darkens the temple.
The 2nd supervisor puts out his light: The splendor of beauty stays around us!
The 1st supervisor extinguishes his light: The fire of strength continues to work in us!
The master extinguishes his light: Shine the light of wisdom above us!
The chain is then struck by all.
Then the master speaks this


Great builder of the world!

Eternal father of mankind!
You are the ultimate wisdom!
You are the almighty strength!
You are the perfect beauty!
Enlighten our thoughts so that they become wise.
Strengthen our strength so that we may act worthily.
Awaken our sense of moral beauty,
So that our life may resemble a noble work of art.
Don't let this hour remain unfruitful
for our mind and our spirit,
so that we can approach the goal
that we have recognized in Your light.
After the prayer the chain is loosened.
My brothers, I salute you by three times three!
The first conductor only leads the brothers out in an orderly procession in the same order as they entered the


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