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1/26/23, 1:33 AM (Obtain your Badge) La négation

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Now that we understand the basic parts of a sentence and can make simple affirmations using the verb être, let’s examine how
to make affirmative sentences into negative statements.

Two negative expressions in a statement cancel each other out and actually make the meaning of a sentence positive; using
two negative expressions together is confusing at best, and often incorrect, and we are taught to avoid it.

There are always two parts to negation, and any negative statement requires both of those parts to be present.
As we advance in our study of French grammar we will learn the nuances of different structures, but for the purposes of turning
a simple affirmation into a negative statement, the two parts we will need are ne and pas, which essentially translates as “not”.
La négation (0:40)
Watch the short video to discover how to use negation in simple French sentences. 1/2
1/26/23, 1:33 AM (Obtain your Badge) La négation

La négation


Question 5/9:
Vous êtes américaines. Vous n'êtes pas américaines.

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Correct Answer: Vous êtes américaines. Vous N’ÊTES PAS américaines.

You answered: Vous êtes américaines. Vous N'ÊTES PAS américaines.

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