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5 t h W E E K )
Marry Rose Daganzo
What have you learned and
considered an accomplishment for
the week?
I was able to begin posting samples and daily posts
for our 21-day challenge after learning how to use
sprout social, meta suite, and creator studio. and
also on how to create a chatbot using manychat
What will you work on and complete before
the next session?

I will work on my remaining tasks so that

I can focus by doing my 21 days
What questions or concerns do you
have and need advice on?

I'm having trouble designing my posts and finding relevant content due to the hectic
posting schedule.

Additionally, the way some people treat us during training bothers me.My coworkers
and I have the impression that we are being harassed, which causes us unnecessary
stress and makes us feel like we don't have enough work to do.

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