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Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to all Selangor International Islamic

University College (SIIUC) staff. May all of you in healthy condition hopefully. On this
glorious morning, I, Siti Munirza Mohd Suit as a training manager from Training Section
and Development, Division Human Management, am going to give a talk on “Self-
Development Programs Offered by SIIUC)”. In my speech, I am going to inform with
you some self-development programs to be carried out in year 2017. I hope all of you
have done correct intention when following programme so that can attainment of the his
objective. From Amirul Mu 'minin, Abi Hafs Umar bin Al Khattab radhiallahuanhu, he
said, "I listen to Rasulullah shallahu`alaihi wa sallam decreed: Indeed every action hang
his intention. And indeed everyone will be reciprocated based on what he intention. Then,
research shows that people who set goals accomplish more than those who do not. In
deciding your goals, ask yourself “What do I want to be?” and “What do I do to get
there?” Knowledge that future all of you achieve is about a few skills needed when you
work later.
For all your knowledge, HR department there is set several training programmes
to further stabilise skills that are existing in all yourself. Apart from that, form identity
that is new for you that just set foot in job nature. The training main purpose held is to
ensure that organisation can attainment of the objective delineated to achieving full
university objective 2018. Hence, training main purpose is make any change in
knowledge, skill, experience, behaviour, or manner which leap all your self-ability. For
your information, this training especially carried out to enhance skills and employee
knowledge in areas that are certain, to adapt employee with new system, procedure and
working style due to technological progress which causing change, help old worker and
new employee adapt with will of certain new job in organisational and have new
employee. Among training programme carried out by as like Motivation and Excellent
Work Culture, Leadership and Excellent Management Principle, Communication That Is
Effective, Time Management and Excellent Work Principles, Change Management
(strategy and action plan) and Teambuilding (Team Formation).
In Motivation and Excellent Work Culture training, you will be taught to
understand and accept a fact the job as religious worship. Teaching you to cultivate
attitude that is proactive to generate excellence and self development so that can form


excellent work culture. For example, all works implemented according to action that were
engineered so that could reach target work and performance indicator index (KPI) that
had been prepared by organisation. Training which in turn about a Leadership and
Excellent Management Principle, which would emphasise on leadership concept that is
latest and the most effective and teach you to tell between leader and manager. How to
become a manager that is effective? Manager that is effective need to have manager
features that are effective so that can lead people under him successfully. How stimulate
and initiating organization? For announcement, this training is more suitable for those
who in position that with the status of as a leader in part or your section. Teaching you to
understand mission and objective issued by organisation and make strategic plan like
Communication that is Effective does not only concern communication by verbal
only but about language selection and emphasis in voice intonation and understand and
evaluate communication accepted. Communication have various ducts that are
applicable, apart from your equipment also can read up communication used by not
verbal like writing or body language. Very important communication to presenting
various information especially to inform work procedures other party in area your work
and time period allowed. Time Management and Excellent Work Principles training will
emphasize you to understanding importance of time by using gantt chart method to
facilitate you monitor goal achievement targeted. How to reduce wasting time so that
your works become effective and efficient? You should identify activity priority
according to emergency and important, emergency but unimportant, not emergency but
important and not emergency and unimportant to motivate self for higher achievement.
In Change Management (strategy and action plan) training, you will identify
vision, mission and objective SIIUC duly all SIIUC citizen need to know. Apart from
that, you need to analyze culture and attitude in part that you stationed so that latest
culture can speak up strategy plan implementation that is bombastic. Any change in any
part in organisation need to be studied and analyzed to facilitate new citizen which
replaced anyone employee that had resigned or temporary leave. Among example of
change which often occurs in our organisation is annual activity implemented, annual
budget and action plan to achieve objective prepared. In Teambuilding (Team Formation)


training required all of you work in team and offset personal victory and team's victory.
Working in team need you have the same objective with team mate so that can stimulate
motivation to reach that goal successfully. Apart from that, you need to clever to divide
duties with member of a group so that assignment given carry out according to schedule
determined without happen assignment delay completed. As in a section do work
according to action tabular layout that had been set by superior officer so that assignment
given completed per his schedule.
Finally training programme effectiveness measure that is frequent debated is work
performance. Need to be explained that context factor work, motivation, knowledge,
skill, attitude, capacity and talent is among factor that could not be neglected in
evaluating performance worker's job after they through something training programme.
Work performance could be formulated as employee mental and physical ability
combination in implementing certain job, of which both depend on the other hand to
requirement of a job. To measure something work performance, difference between one
form of work and an employment other need to be considered. This statement explained
that programme training that is effective only successful not yet can be considered as the
only determinant to increase of work performance. However interest role, influence and
effectiveness of the training programme could not be denied as critical towards improve
employee work performance. [1000 words]

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