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What is graphics software?

Graphics software is a type of computer program that is used to create and edit images. There is a wide
range of graphics software available on the market, ranging from simple programs that allow users to
create and edit basic images, to complex tools that can be used to create detailed 3D models and
animations. Some of the most popular graphics software programs include Adobe Photoshop, Corel
Painter, and Autodesk Maya.

Definition of Computer Graphics:

It is the use of computers to create and manipulate pictures on a display device. It comprises of software
techniques to create, store, modify, represents pictures.

Why computer graphics used?

Suppose a shoe manufacturing company want to show the sale of shoes for five years. For this vast
amount of information is to store. So a lot of time and memory will be needed. This method will be
tough to understand by a common man. In this situation graphics is a better alternative. Graphics tools
are charts and graphs. Using graphs, data can be represented in pictorial form. A picture can be
understood easily just with a single look.

Interactive computer graphics work using the concept of two-way communication between computer
users. The computer will receive signals from the input device, and the picture is modified accordingly.
Picture will be changed quickly when we apply command.


A graphics software program is a computer application used to create digital images.

Graphics software programs can be used to create both vector and raster images.
Common features of graphics software programs include the ability to create, edit, and save images in a
variety of formats.
Some graphics software programs also offer features such as the ability to create animations or 3D
Popular examples of graphics software programs include Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, and Inkscape.


Some popular graphics software programs are Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and CorelDRAW.
These programs can be used to create and edit digital images, illustrations, and logos. They offer a
variety of features and tools that allow users to manipulate photos and graphics to create custom

Adobe Photoshop is a popular graphics software used by photographers and graphic designers.
Adobe Illustrator is another popular graphics software used by graphic designers, especially for creating
vector illustrations.
CorelDRAW is a graphics software used by both professionals and hobbyists.
GIMP is a free and open source graphics software with capabilities similar to Photoshop.
Inkscape is a free and open source vector graphics software used by graphic designers and illustrators.

Application of Computer Graphics

1. Education and Training: Computer-generated model of the physical, financial and economic system is
often used as educational aids. Model of physical systems, physiological system, population trends or
equipment can help trainees to understand the operation of the system.
For some training applications, particular systems are designed. For example Flight Simulator.
Flight Simulator: It helps in giving training to the pilots of airplanes. These pilots spend much of their
training not in a real aircraft but on the ground at the controls of a Flight Simulator.
Fuel Saving
Ability to familiarize the training with a large number of the world's airports.
2. Use in Biology: Molecular biologist can display a picture of molecules and gain insight into their
structure with the help of computer graphics.
Play Video
3. Computer-Generated Maps: Town planners and transportation engineers can use computer-
generated maps which display data useful to them in their planning work.
4. Architect: Architect can explore an alternative solution to design problems at an interactive graphics
terminal. In this way, they can test many more solutions that would not be possible without the
5. Presentation Graphics: Example of presentation Graphics are bar charts, line graphs, pie charts and
other displays showing relationships between multiple parameters. Presentation Graphics is commonly
used to summarize
Financial Reports
Statistical Reports
Mathematical Reports
Scientific Reports
Economic Data for research reports
Managerial Reports
Consumer Information Bulletins
And other types of reports
6. Computer Art: Computer Graphics are also used in the field of commercial arts. It is used to generate
television and advertising commercial.
7. Entertainment: Computer Graphics are now commonly used in making motion pictures, music videos
and television shows.

8. Visualization: It is used for visualization of scientists, engineers, medical personnel, business analysts
for the study of a large amount of information.

9. Educational Software: Computer Graphics is used in the development of educational software for
making computer-aided instruction.

10. Printing Technology: Computer Graphics is used for printing technology and textile design.

The graphics software components are the tools that you use to create and manipulate your graphic
images. These components include the following:

Image editors: These are the tools that you use to create or edit your graphic images. Common image
editors include Photoshop, Illustrator, and Inkscape.

Vector graphics editors: These are the tools that you use to create or edit vector graphics. Common
vector graphics editors include CorelDRAW and Inkscape.

3D modeling software: This is the software that you use to create three-dimensional models. Common
3D modeling software includes Maya, 3ds Max, and Cinema 4D.

Animation software: This is the software that you use to create animations. Common animation
software includes Adobe After Effects, Apple Motion, and Autodesk Maya.

Video editing software: This is the software that you use to edit videos. Common video editing software
includes Adobe Premiere Pro, Apple Final Cut Pro, and Avid Media Composer.


The applications are used by professionals in a variety of fields, including graphic design, photography,
video editing, and web design. There are a wide variety of graphics software applications available, each
with its own unique set of features and capabilities. It is important to choose the right application for
the specific task at hand.

It can be used to create and edit logos, and other graphical elements.

It can be used to create website layouts and design elements.

It can be used to create illustrations, visual presentations, and digital art.

It can be used to edit and enhance photos, images, and animation.

It can be used to create and edit website designs, presentation slides, and marketing materials.


There are many advantages of using graphics software, including the ability to create high-quality
images, edit images and create custom graphics.

Graphics software provides users with a wide range of tools to create, edit and manipulate images.

It is often easy to use and can be used by people with little or no experience in image editing.

It can be used to create images for a wide range of purposes, including web design, advertising, and
It often provides a wide range of features, making it possible to create complex images with ease.

It is often able to create images in a range of different formats, making it easy to share images with

It provides users with a wide range of tools to create, edit, and manipulate images.

It can be used to create both vector and bitmap images.

It offers a variety of features and options that allow users to create images that are both creative and

It is often used in conjunction with other software programs, such as word processors and spreadsheets,
to create comprehensive documents and presentations.


Many graphics software programs are expensive, and the cost can be a barrier for some people who
want to use them.

It requires a lot of memory to store huge files.

Some graphics software programs can be complex and difficult to use, which can be complicated for
some users.

It requires a powerful computer to work with the project smoothly.

It can be time-consuming to create graphics.

It can be expensive to purchase the software, and then you also have to pay for the subscription

It can be difficult to learn how to use the software, especially if you are not familiar with graphic design.

Some graphics software programs only offer limited functionality, which can be frustrating for users who
want to do more with their images.

Input Devices
The Input Devices are the hardware that is used to transfer transfers input to the computer. The data
can be in the form of text, graphics, sound, and text. Output device display data from the memory of the
computer. Output can be text, numeric data, line, polygon, and other objects.

Input Devices

These Devices include:

Keyboard Trackball
Spaceball JoystickLight Pen Digitizer Touch Panels Voice Recognition Image Scanner Mouse
Output Devices

It is an electromechanical device, which accepts data from a computer and translates them into form
understand by users.
Following are Output Devices:

Scan Conversion Definition

It is a process of representing graphics objects a collection of pixels. The graphics objects are continuous.
The pixels used are discrete. Each pixel can have either on or off state.

The circuitry of the video display device of the computer is capable of converting binary values (0, 1) into
a pixel on and pixel off information. 0 is represented by pixel off. 1 is represented using pixel on. Using
this ability graphics computer represent picture having discrete dots.

Any model of graphics can be reproduced with a dense matrix of dots or points. Most human beings
think graphics objects as points, lines, circles, ellipses. For generating graphical object, many algorithms
have been developed.

Advantage of developing algorithms for scan conversion

Algorithms can generate graphics objects at a faster rate.
Using algorithms memory can be used efficiently.
Algorithms can develop a higher level of graphical objects.
Examples of objects which can be scan converted
Filled Regions
The process of converting is also called as rasterization. The algorithms implementation varies from one
computer system to another computer system. Some algorithms are implemented using the software.
Some are performed using hardware or firmware. Some are performed using various combinations of
hardware, firmware, and software.

Pixel or Pel:
The term pixel is a short form of the picture element. It is also called a point or dot. It is the smallest
picture unit accepted by display devices. A picture is constructed from hundreds of such pixels. Pixels
are generated using commands. Lines, circle, arcs, characters; curves are drawn with closely spaced
pixels. To display the digit or letter matrix of pixels is used.

The closer the dots or pixels are, the better will be the quality of picture. Closer the dots are, crisper will
be the picture. Picture will not appear jagged and unclear if pixels are closely spaced. So the quality of
the picture is directly proportional to the density of pixels on the screen.

Pixels are also defined as the smallest addressable unit or element of the screen. Each pixel can be
assigned an address as shown in fig:

Scan Conversion Definition

Different graphics objects can be generated by setting the different intensity of pixels and different
colors of pixels. Each pixel has some co-ordinate value. The coordinate is represented using row and

P (5, 5) used to represent a pixel in the 5th row and the 5th column. Each pixel has some intensity value
which is represented in memory of computer called a frame buffer. Frame Buffer is also called a refresh
buffer. This memory is a storage area for storing pixels values using which pictures are displayed. It is
also called as digital memory. Inside the buffer, image is stored as a pattern of binary digits either 0 or 1.
So there is an array of 0 or 1 used to represent the picture. In black and white monitors, black pixels are
represented using 1's and white pixels are represented using 0's. In case of systems having one bit per
pixel frame buffer is called a bitmap. In systems with multiple bits per pixel it is called a pixmap.

Scan conversion of Line and Line Drawing algorithms

SCAN Conversion of Line :

A line connects two points.
It is a basic element in graphics.
You’ll need two spots between which to draw a line to draw a line .
A line, or line segment, can be uniquely described by two points, according to geometry. We
also know from algebra that a line can be defined by a slope, commonly denoted by the letter
m, and a y-axis intercept, denoted by the letter b. A line in computer graphics is usually
defined by two endpoints. However, most line-drawing algorithms calculate the slope and y-
intercept as intermediate outputs.
Line Drawing algorithms :
Given the inherent restrictions of a raster display, the purpose of every line drawing method
is to produce the best feasible approximation of an ideal line. Before getting into specific line
drawing algorithms, it’s a good idea to think about the needs for such algorithms in general.
The primary design criteria are as follows.

Straight lines appear as straight lines.

Straight lines start and end accurately.
Displayed lines should have constant brightness along their length, independent of the line
length and orientation.
Lines should be drawn rapidly.
Method-1 : Direct Method :
In this algorithm, we have two endpoints. We find the slope of the line by using both the
points, and we put the slope in the line equation y = mx + b.
Then we find the value of b by putting x and y equal to 0. After this, we have a relation
between x and y. Now we increase the value of x and find the corresponding value of y.
These values will be the intermediate points of the line. After finding the intermediate points
we’ll plot those points and draw the line.

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