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Scope and Limitations


1.) Access to high quality teachers: Traditionally the quality of education

received by a student depended on the socio-economic status of her family
or her geographic location. E-learning breaks down such barriers. It gives
students access to best teachers in the country.
2.) Increased flexibility: Students can learn in a most flexible manner: the
subjects of their choice and at their individual pace.
3.) Online revisions: Revision is one of the key for daily study and exam
preparations. Revision does not need a teaching but a constant grading of
performance or updating the knowledge.


1.) Limited informal learning possibilities.

2.) Course based model that limits community development.

3.) Organizational and instructor focus. They tend to meet the needs of the

organization and the instructor more so than the learner.

4.) They are based on an overly simplistic understanding of the relationship

between teachers, knowledge and student learning.

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