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salary - wypłacana co miesiac apply for a job traffic warden - drogówka

wage - godzinówka, wypłacana trainee/ intern - stażysta dustman - garbage man

za prace wykonana w okreslonym in-house training window dresser - dekorator
czasie training courses wystaw sklepowych
minimum wage prospects - perspektywy, szanse (real) estate agent
income manager/ boss secretary
income tax pay rise undertaker - zakład pogrzebowy
in charge of promotion - awans bricklayer - murarz
responsible for emplyee plumber - hydraulik
deal with/ handle employer electrician
run a business fresh challenge - new exciting mechanic
attend meetings situation carpenter - stolarz
managing career change civil servant - urzednik
earning to resign/ quit/ leave panstwowy
advising involve/ include vet
duties dismiss/ sack - zwolnić newsagent - kioskarz
responsibilities unemployed/ out of work/ midwife
working hours jobless chef
flexi-time take over - przejąć architect
shiftwork retired librarian
nine-to-five job look after fishmonger - sprzedawca ryb
part-time job references miner - górnik
working overtime fill in curator - kurator
paid holiday short-list - ostateczna lista interior decorator
sick pay kandydatow typist - osoba pisząca
paperwork experience chauffeur
practical work vacancy - wakat surgeon
complaints interview optician
self-employed qualifications clown
clients application form jockey
applicant auctioneer
commute - dojazd(do pracy) editor - redaktor
practical - rozsądny, praktyczny perk - dodatek do wynagrodzenia docker - robotnik portowy
efficient - wydajny, sprawny, pension- emerytura chiropodist - podolog?
skuteczny increment - annual increases butcher
strong commision - prowizja reporter
punctual diplomat
accurate - dokładny, precyzyjny florist
fair - sprawiedliwy lawyer
gentle - łagodny engineer
organised accountant
cheerful university lecturer
friendly stockbroker
charming sales/personal manager
independent general practitioner - lekarz
capable - kompetentny rodzinny
tough - wymagający, soldier
nieustępliwy, wytrzymały sailor
responsible pilot
disciplined police officer
reliable fireman/firefighter
willing to learn
common sense
beat beat beat

become became become

bend bent bent

bleed bled bled

breed bred bred

bring brought brought

build built built

burn burnt burnt

buy bought bought

catch caught caught

come came come

creep crept crept

deal dealt dealt

dig dug dug

dream dreamt dreamt

feed fed fed

feel felt felt

fight fought fought

find found found

get got got

hang hung hung

have had had

hear heard heard

hold held held

keep kept kept

lay laid laid

lead led led

lean lent lent

learn learnt learnt

leap leapt leapt

leave left left

lend lent lent

light lit lit

lose lost lost

make made made

mean meant meant

meet met met

pay paid paid

run ran run

say said said

sell sold sold

send sent sent

shine shone shone

shoot shot shot

sit sat sat

sleep slept slept

smell smelt smelt

speed sped sped

spell spelt spelt

spend spent spent

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