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Who You Will Interview With

In most cases, you will meet with as many as three

people at one time. The interview panel typically
includes the hiring manager, and a few other people
whose point of view they value. This could be the
skip level manager, an internal client, or a peer.
We try to bring a strong diverse panel to meet our

What to Expect: candidates so that you may have a great experience

of understanding the role and the Company.
The Candidate Guide to
Interviewing with Coca-Cola
How We Interview
We will use this opportunity to get to know each
Congratulations and thank you for other. We will talk about where you’ve been, and
where you want to go. This is our opportunity to learn
expressing an interest in joining the
about your past experience that demonstrates the
Coca-Cola team! We are looking forward
skills and behaviors needed to succeed at Coca-Cola.
to meeting you. Here is an overview of
our interview process so that you may
prepare in advance. During the interview, you will have the
opportunity to highlight your experience and
strengths in three broad areas.

• Your background and interest in the role: We will

ask you to walk us through your work history and
prior experience. Be prepared to speak to all parts
of your resume in response to follow up questions.

The Coca-Cola Company Candidate Guide 01

• Key skills required for the role: Be prepared
to discuss strong examples of past experiences,
ensuring that you are highlighting your role in the
examples. Think broadly about your transferable
skills, especially if you are interviewing for a
position where you have had less direct experience.

• Leadership Questions: We believe everyone at

Coca-Cola has the capacity to lead, and everyone
should be able to see themselves within our
leadership philosophy. We will ask you open-
ended questions to learn how you approach work
and solve problems. Study the job description and
Leadership Model handouts. They may help you
anticipate the types of questions you might be
asked. There is no right answer – we are looking
to better understand your thought process and
approach when handling problems, pressure
and/or ambiguity at work.

Of course, you will also have an opportunity to ask

follow-up questions and understand the role and its
responsibilities much better during the process.
Other things to think about:

• Be Relaxed! This is a conversation and we are

trying to get to know you better so that we
can create the right experience for you when
you join us.

• Come prepared to discuss all your

experiences – including things that did not
go as planned. What did you learn from that
experience and how has it influenced your
leadership today?

• Let us know if you need more time to think

and organize your thoughts. We want to
make sure we provide you with the right
environment for success.

• Interview us too! Ask questions about the

work, the team(s) you would be working with
and any other topics that you think will help
you make a good decision about joining us.

• Coca-Cola Resources to help you prepare

• James Quincey Letter

• The Business Strategy, Priorities and

Leadership Model

The Coca-Cola Company Candidate Guide 02

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