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April 2, 2023

Matthew 27: 11-54

In this gospel, the phrase that struck me was when Jesus cried “My God, My God. Why have you
forsaken me?” and the part that touched me was when Jesus’ silence and obedience in the face of unjust
accusations and brutal punishment show his unmatched love for us. Jesus saved others by not saving
I wanted to reflect on it by appreciating my parents. Just like Jesus, they save us by not saving
themselves. They tend to be selfless in order to them to provide everything that we need and want. And
sometimes, I hate myself for not appreciating it and for being a source of their headache. there was this
time when my mom badly needed to go to the dentist. However, she promised me that she’d get me
braces. So instead of having herself an appointment, she got me an appointment. She put aside hers for
mine. Also, while we’re enjoying our sleep, we should think about our parents who are working abroad,
so hard, just for us to have a comfortable life. Upon writing this reflection paper, I realized how much I
need to pay them back with good deeds.
We should also note that the people who rejected Jesus in the narrative of Matthew 27:11–54
were the same individuals who held their hands to welcome Jesus. While welcoming Jesus in their place,
these folks waved their palms, but then turned their backs on him. Look how simple it was for them to
reject Him and send Him to be crucified. We learned that these folks are just like us from Matthew
27:11–54. Although we adore Jesus, we have frequently betrayed Him throughout our lives by
succumbing to temptations, for example.
What I learned from this gospel is that we should make up our minds and ask Jesus for
forgiveness and strength and we should all reminisce the sufferings of Jesus on the cross.

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