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I want Ruth’s colour palette to be based around

blue. I chose this color because she is calm
and responsible, yet she has confidence and
integrity. Ruth is also someone who is affected
by other people's dreams. She’s constantly
taking care of everyone, and as a result is worn
down which can cause her to feel sad. She
also cares about her family's dreams and
wants them to be happy.
Ruth Final Rendering
I chose the color magenta for Beneatha
because it’s a combination of pink and purple.
Beneatha is very intellectual, artistic, and
emotional. She believes strongly in women's
rights, and has many dreams and goals in her
life. She is very driven.
Beneatha Final Renderings
The color I chose for Walter is Red. I
chose this color, because Walter is a
dominant personality. He has large
dreams and hopes for the future that
cause him to be selfish. His dreams go
against his family members dreams at
first as well.
Walter Final Rendering
This is the tie I would like with
different red shades.
This is a drawing I
found, and it is what I
want for Walter.
However, I would
make the coat a
deeper red and the
squares a lighter red. I
wouldn’t have him
wear a vest
underneath either. Just
the white shirt.
The color I chose for Joseph is orange. I
chose this color because he is a
positive influence in Beneatha's life, and
encourages her to go after her dreams.
Orange also represents wealth and
Joseph Final Rendering

The black and white picture

is the style i’m going for.
However, I would make the
sweater orange and the
bow tie a deeper orange.
The pants will be dark gray.
Like the picture on the left.

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