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Colegio Parroquial Franciscano San Román

Área: Ingles
Profesor: Johan Arivilca
Alumno: Ferdinand Yerba Parí
Recuperación: III bimestre
Tema: Mitología nórdica
La mitología nórdica
The beginning of creation was with the birth of the first ogre called ymer
and the giant cow called audumbla the ogre lived through the milk of the
cow and from the sweat of both the frost giants called jötunns were born
where little by little the first man was born and from him the gods called
asas were born.
The son of Bure named Bor was killed with the daughter of a jötunn
named Bestla and they had 3 sons: Odin, Vile and Ve. These killed ymer
from their body parts Midgard was created sustained by the Yggdrasil (the
tree of life) In which Ratatoskr and Odin lived, I believe Asgard where they
went to live in their house called Valhalla where they ate and drank with
their warriors and the Valkyries chose their best warriors.
The gods
Odin was the supreme god the father of all was the god of wisdom and
aesir war. He had two ravens called Hugin and Munin who were the eyes
of Odin where through them he saw everything that happened in the 9
kingdoms, Odin had three wives: the first was Fjordgyn with whom he had
Thor, the god of thunder and the champion of the aesir; the second was
Frigg, her favorite with whom she had Baldur the god of peace and the
third Rinda with whom she had the son Vali who would survive Raknarok
Thor the champion of the aesir the god of thunder, war, and brute force
who always had his hammer called Mjolnir that was able to return to the
hands of its wielder. He married Sif and had three children.
Magni the god of strength, Modi the god of bravery and trud.
Freya and Frey the vanir gods of love and fertility, Freya was the most
beautiful goddess of all, she was the one who taught the gods vanir magic
capable of becoming a falcon the leader of the vanir who are in constant
conflict with the aesir and Frey who had a ship that sailed in the sky and a
sword with its own life
Loki, a false son of Odin who was actually a jötunn, was the god of lies,
capable of transforming himself into any animal, person or thing, the
father of the world serpent called Jormungandr and the giant wolf called
Fenrir, and this wolf was the father of Skoll. and hati who will be the ones
who will eat the sun and the moon when the Ragnarok begins
THE ragnarok
This is the event of the war between the aesir led by Odin and the fire
giants led by surt and loki where catastrophes will happen, the ragnarok
will start when the god baldur dies and the Fimbulvetr (freezing winter
years) will pass and odin preparing his troops also with the death of
heimdall and when he touches his horn the war will begin where skoll and
hati will eat the sun and the moon, jormungandr will fight against thor
where he will kill the giant serpent but will die from the poison called eir
and with surt the giant of fire absorbs the flame of iggdrasil and becomes
very large and plunges his sword into the heart of asgard with odin being
devoured by fenrir and with the destruction of asgard and the reversal of
time being this a loop or a simple myth.

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