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The difference between grieving,

mourning, and bereavement

Grieving is a multi-faceted response to loss, particularly to the loss of someone or

something to which a bond was formed. Although conventionally focused on the emotional
response to loss, it also has physical, cognitive, behavioral, social, and philosophical
dimensions. Common to human experience is the death of a loved one, whether it be a
friend, family, or other close companion.

The word "grief" comes from the same root as "grave."

Bereavement refers to the state of loss, and grief is the reaction to loss. Losses can range
from loss of employment, pets, status, a sense of safety, order, or possessions, to the loss
of loved ones. Our response to loss is varied and influenced by personality, family, culture,
and spiritual and religious beliefs and practices.

Bereavement is normal following a loss.

Mourning is, what you do or refrain from doing after a loss. Mourning is the behavior in
which the bereaved participate or is expected to participate. Customs vary between
different cultures and evolve over time, though many core behaviors remain constant.

Wearing black clothes is one practice followed in many countries. Those most affected by
the loss of a loved one often observe a period of grieving, marked by withdrawal from
social events and quiet, respectful behavior. People may also follow certain religious
traditions for such occasions.

To summarize:

 Grief is the response or reaction to a loss.

 Bereavement refers to the state of the loss.

 Mourning is the action you take following a loss.

 Grief, mourning, and bereavement

 When a person loses someone important to them, they go through a normal process
called grieving. Grieving is natural and expected. Over time, it can help the person accept
and understand their loss.
 Bereavement is what a person goes through when someone close to them dies. It’s the
state of having suffered a loss. The person who has lost someone is said to be bereaved.
 Mourning is the outward expression of loss and grief. Mourning includes rituals and other
actions that are specific to each person’s culture, personality, and religion. Bereavement
and mourning are both part of the grieving process.
 Grieving involves many different emotions, actions, and expressions, all of which help the
person come to terms with the loss of a loved one. But keep in mind, grief doesn’t look the
same for everyone. And, every loss is different.

I have found these definitions in WR Dictionary that could probably help:

bereavement- dolor/pesar por la muerte de un ser querido

grief- dolor/pena profunda/desconsuelo/aflicción
mourning- luto/de luto/duelo por muerte

Bereavement is the state of having lost a significant other to death.

El duelo es el estado de haber perdido una pareja a la muerte .

Grief is the personal response to the loss.

El duelo es la respuesta personal a la pérdida

Mourning is the public expression of that loss

El luto es la expresión pública de que la pérdida de

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