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As students, it is important we learn how to save money for the future although we are still

financially-dependent on our parents.

Firstly, saving money for the future will help us buffer the unexpected and emergencies. No
one can predict the future and the little that we save daily will come in handy later. Furthermore, the
habit of saving also helps us to cultivate discipline and good stewardship of our finance in the future.
There are many ways we can save our money for the future. First, we could track our
spending monthly. Next, avoid eating out as often as you can and skip the expensive coffee too. Then,
we should open a savings account and put aside some money monthly.
In conclusion, saving money for the future is important as this money may come in handy for
our education and pocket money in the future. You do not know when it will
be a rainy day.

Cyberbullying is any form of bullying which takes place online in social networking websites,
chat rooms or even through group chats.
There are many forms of cyberbullying. Firstly, your identity could be stolen and the hacker
could pose as you. Another form of bullying is spreading rumours and gossips about you or making
abusive comments. You could also be threatened or blackmailed.
What can we do to protect ourselves? Try to pick an unusual password instead of the usual birth date
or name. Do not divulge any private information. Report to social media websites if abuse happens.
Block any suspicious characters and do not respond to strangers in chat rooms. Tell an adult
or make a police report if it does not stop. Take a snapshot of the threat or conversation as evidence.
Cyberbullying is growing rampantly among young adults. Be careful of what you are posting.
Better be safe than sorry.

The rise of computer games has changed the way we learn. Some studies have shown that
these games are beneficial. They are fun and creative as they are interactive. Furthermore, these
games improve hand-eye coordination, problem-solving skills and the mind's ability to process
information. These games also reduce anxiety as they are repetitive and provide plenty of
opportunities for replay. However, too much computer gaming may cause problems. The main worry
is the addictive nature of the games. We end up playing hours without realising it and soon, we begin
to neglect our studies and health. Another worry is the exposure of violence to young children which
has been known to affect their social behaviours. Some games require in-apps purchases and this may
lead to gambling and stealing among students.
Computer games are here to stay. Parents need to set rules for very young children to
minimise the effects. The authorities need to regulate gaming centres too. (157 words)

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