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Em ployable S k ills

The Characteristics of the Different Type of Skills

Transferable skills Nam e____

Per._______ Date:
How employable are you?
Directions: From the reading or your notes, list three characteristics for soft skills and
Review Soft, Hard and Transferable Skills.
hard skills.

T he Characteristics of Soft Skills The Characteristics of Hard S k ills

1) 1)
2) 2)
3) 3)

The Characteristics of Transferable Skills

Directions: Fill-in the blank space with the correct words.
1. Skills th a t are easily transferred from one job to th e next are called

2. T hese skills can be__________________ skills o r __________________ skills;

h o w e v e r,__________________ skills are much m ore likely to be transferable
th a n

Directions: Below list three examples for each type o f skill.

Soft Skills Hard Skills

1. C o m m u n ic a t io n 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

Transferable Skills

Match Column A and B to write sentences that are grammatically correct.

a)  I am good at... 

1. plan for fast-paced projects.
b)  I am able to 

2. a training course.
c)  I can... 

3. a creative designer.
d)  I have a... 

4. driving license.
e)  I have excellent... 

5. developing relationships.
f)   I have experience as... 

6. time management skills.
g) I have nished... 

7. speak two foreign languages.
h)  I like... 

8. working in teams.
Now, identify transferable skills that you have used at work or university.
Complete the sentences with statement that are true for you.
a)  I am good at ____________________________________________________________________

b)  I am able to _____________________________________________________________________

c)  I can __________________________________________________________________________

d)  I have excellent __________________________________________________________________ 

e)   I have experience as _____________________________________________________________ 

f) I have nished __________________________________________________________________

g)  I like __________________________________________________________________________

Match the examples of Transferable skills (1-8) with examples of professional

behaviour (a-h)
Looking inwards
mind-map on someone’s strengths and weaknesses. Complete the
using the prepositions in, to, or at.
Look at this mind-map on Silvia’s strengths and weaknesses. Complete the sentences a-j
e headings (1-6) on the
using the prepositions in, to,mind mapcomplete
or at. Then, using the words(1-6)
the headings in the box
on the mind map using
the words in the box
Your strengths and weaknesses mind-map

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