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The basic objective of normalization is to reduce the data redundancy. This

means that information is stored only once.

Relations (Entity/Table) are normalized, so that when relations in a database

are to be altered, we don’t lose any important information or introduce any
new data or inconsistency.


A FD is a constraint between two or more columns (attributes).

Ex: STUDENT (Ht_No, Name, Address, DOB)

. In the above student relation, by the given value of Ht_No, name of the
STUDENT can be identified uniquely i.e. Name attribute is FD on Ht_No.

Represented as:

Ht_No --- Name

. An attribute may be FD on two or more attributes.

.Primary key is also called as Key attribute and rest of the attributes are non-

ex: Ht_No is primary key(key)

Name, Address, DOB are non-key attributes


The attribute on the left hand side of an arrow in a FD is called determinant

EMPOLYEE [Emp_id, EmpName, DOJ, Salary]

FD diagram as follows
Emp_id EmpName DOJ Salary

Normal Forms
First Normal Form (1NF)

 A relation is said to be in 1NF if it does not contain any multi valued

 A relation must contain only single valued attributes(Atomic values)
PRODUCT (PID, PName, MfdDate, Price)
In the above relation, all the attributes are single attributes. So there
is no multi valued attribute in the relation. So the relation is in 1NF

EMPLOYEE (EID, ENAME, Hire_date, Salary, Phoneno)

EID ENAME Hire_date Salary Phone

E101 Priyatham 20-mar-2025 35000 1234567890
E102 Rishit 30-mar-2025 35000 3456789012

E103 Niyati 15-April-2025 40000 5678978


E104 Ruhika 15-Apr-2025 40000 76899335274

E105 Rishika 8-agu-2025 45000 7892058023458

In the above relation there is a Multivalued attribute (MVA) Phoneno.
So the given relation is not in 1NF. So convert the relation as show

EID ENAME Hire_date Salary Phone

E101 Priyatham 20-mar-2025 35000 1234567890

E101 Priyatham 20-mar-2025 35000 0987654321

E102 Rishit 30-mar-2025 35000 3456789012

E103 Niyati 15-April-2025 40000 5678978

E103 Niyati 15-April-2025 40000 56789873

E104 Ruhika 15-Apr-2025 40000 76899335274

E105 Rishika 8-agu-2025 45000 7892058023458

E105 Rishika 8-agu-2025 45000 45678976

. In above relation, all the attributes contains atomic value, so above relation
is in 1NF.

Second Normal Form(2NF)

. A relation is said to be in 2NF if

1) It must be in 1NF
2) Every non-key attribute is functionally dependent on the key attribute. So
non-key attribute is FD on part of the key attribute.

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