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R.E.R.Nº231-90. (Creación) R.M.N.Nº297-94. (Ratificación) R.D.Nº212-05-ED.


“Año del Fortalecimiento de la Soberanía Nacional”


TEACHER: César Daniel Bregante Checa.

STUDENT: Josue Denys Olaya Gonzales


1. Past simple or Past continuous. Choose.

- I _________. I didn’t hear you come in.

a) Was sleeping
b) b) slept

- I _________ to see her twice, but she wasn’t home.

a) Was coming
b) Came

- What ___________? I was watching TV.

a) Did you do
b) Were you doing

- I __________ home very late last night.

a) Came
b) Was coming

- When ______________?
a) Did you arrive
b) Were you arriving Av. Marcelino Champagnat cdra.15

R.E.R.Nº231-90. (Creación) R.M.N.Nº297-94. (Ratificación) R.D.Nº212-05-ED. (Revalidación)

2. Choose the correct option.

- A: Where are you going? B: I __________ something for lunch.

a) ‘m going to buy

b) ‘ll buy

c) ‘m buying

- I promise I __________ my homework after the game.

a) Won’t do

b) ‘m going to do

c) Will do

- Look at that man on the cliff! He ________ jump!

a) Will

b) Won’t

c) Is going to

- My family and I ____________ travel to Lima in January. We have the tickets.

a) Will

b) ‘m going to

c) Are going to

- Hurry! The movie ________ in 10 minutes.

a) Is going to start

b) Will start

c) Starts Av. Marcelino Champagnat cdra.15

R.E.R.Nº231-90. (Creación) R.M.N.Nº297-94. (Ratificación) R.D.Nº212-05-ED. (Revalidación)

3. Put in can, can't, could or couldn't.

- could you read when you were 6?

- She's awesome, she can speak five languages, including French.

- Pedro can play soccer really well. He's the captain of his club.

- Jose could play the piano really well when he was only twelve.

- Luigi can’t speak English. He has never studied it.

4. Choose the correct forms of should, shouldn’t, have to, don’t have to, must or mustn’t, to
complete the sentences.

- You shouldn’t drive so fast; we have a lot of time.

- It's an incredible movie. You should watch it.

- You can't drink so much beer; it's bad for your health.

- He mustn’t apologise; it isn't necessary.

- It's a very beautiful beach. Tourists have to there. Av. Marcelino Champagnat cdra.15


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