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"1949 – 2019, 70 años de la gratuidad universitaria"


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Tom Wright
Is it possible to become one of the greatest modern architects of our time if you are
only noted for one building? When the building is the more recognizable than other hotels in
Dubai, yes, it is possible. The British professional who is famous for this is called Tom Wright
and he is responsible for the Burj Al Arab in Dubai. The hotel is acclaimed for its luxurious
amenities and also because it is one of the most recognizable buildings in modern
architecture. It is noted with the world’s tallest atrium and equipped with its own helicopter
landing pad. The architect also designed the tallest existing tennis court at the top. Therefore
Tom Wright definitely deserves to join the list of great modern architects.
The Burj Al Arab (Tower of the Arabs) was conceived in October 1993 and completed
on site in 1999. Tom Wright drew the first drawing of the Burj al Arab´s concept to the client
in October 1993. This drawing and a simple card model convinced the client that the tower
should be built. The felt pen illustration was an early development sketch of the hotel that
was drawn by Wright on a paper serviette while he was sitting on the terrace of the Chicago
Beach hotel which stood adjacent to the site of the Burj al Arab.
The brief to the architect was to create an icon for Dubai. The Tower of the Arabs was
founded in 1993 and completed on site in 1999. The building became the symbol of the
place, as Sydney has its opera house, so Dubai was to have the Burj al Arab.
"1949 – 2019, 70 años de la gratuidad universitaria"

A. Comprensión Lectora: Contesta brevemente en español.

1. ¿Cuáles son las características que hacen que esta torre sea tan original?
2. ¿De qué forma Tom Wright desarrolló la idea?

B. Gramática.
1) Haz otro recorrido por el texto e identifica las siguientes estructuras gramaticales:
Past Tense Regular Verbs / Past Tense Irregular Verbs / Comparative or
Superlative Cases / Relative Clause / Modal Verb / Passive Voice
2) Transcribe a continuación una o dos oraciones donde aparece la estructura,
identifícala con otro color dentro del sintagma y brinda tu versión en español.
1. Las características que hacen que esta torre sea tan original es que tiene una cancha de
tenis en la parte superior, tiene una pista de aterrizaje para helicóptero, son características
lujosas del lugar.
2. desarrollo la idea en un papel de servilleta estando sentado en un hotel de chicago y
también hizo un modelo simple tarjeta
The British professional who is famous for this is called Tom Wright
and he is responsible for the Burj Al Arab in Dubai
Tom Wright drew the first drawing of the Burj al Arab´s concept to the client
in October 1993
It is noted with the world’s tallest atrium and equipped with its own helicopter
landing pad
The felt pen illustration was an early development sketch of the hotel that
was drawn by Wright on a paper serviette while he was sitting on the terrace of the Chicago
Beach hotel which stood adjacent to the site of the Burj al Arab
This drawing and a simple card model convinced the client that the tower
should be built.
"1949 – 2019, 70 años de la gratuidad universitaria"


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