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Homework Cool Person

Name: Jonathan

In the world there are different types of people such as shy, happy, calm, sad, great,
cool among many others, but in the following work we will talk about cool people and
what it means to be a cool person.

a. A cool person is one who has any situation in his life under control, has his own
personal style and does not need to copy anyone because he has great
b. They have different characteristics such as being able to organize or lead a
group of people, participate in activities calmly without being nervous, at
parties they love to be the center of attention, they are very sociable and like to
talk a lot.
c. In my opinion, cool people have a unique personality, they are open-minded to
any situation or conversation, they have a high spirit in any activity, they are
very quick witted and most of the cool people are self reliant
d. In my family my cousin is a cool person because he has a very funny
personality, he has his own style, he has an open mind with which you can talk
about anything with him and he won't judge you.

In conclusion, cool people can be identified by their unique personality and lifestyle. In
the world, cool people are highly appreciated for their incredible ability to fit into
society and for the different characteristics they possess.

If you're not a cool person that doesn't have to affect you because the most important
thing in life is to help the people who need it the most and we should all be treated in
the same way.

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