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The Night Goblins

In a community called La Estancia located in Querétaro there is talk of

a strange event that happened a long time ago when La Estancia still
did not have electricity. It is said that late at night when the workers
were leaving their workday on a long stretch of road they heard
footsteps like those of "children", which was not logical because it was
too late for the children to be out of their homes. which was not logical
because it was too late for the children to be out of the house.
Everyone in the community talked about this strange event, they say
that one day a man named Don Venustiano witnessed firsthand the
footsteps as he was leaving work, but he was the only one who had the
courage to look back and see what he saw. what he saw surprised him
so much that he realized that they were small and frightening creatures
with pointed hats, they were "goblins" when Don Venustiano turned his
head to look behind him, they tried to attack him and shouted "you will
pay for refusing our protection". He was able to escape and arrived at
his house where he met some acquaintances and neighbors and told
them what had happened to him, very scared, he said he had to flee
for having rejected the protection of the goblins. He asked his
neighbors and acquaintances not to leave him alone until dawn
because they only appear at night. The next day at dawn he tried to
leave the Estancia, some say that leaving the town he had a heart
attack and died, everyone believed that it was the punishment for
rejecting the protection of those beings, since then nobody turns
around when they hear the footsteps of two goblins and even the
people of the Estancia take toys and candy to the goblins with the
intention that they do not attack them and protect them.

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