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Topic 01: Make a conversation about a kind of social media that has changed your life.
You should include:
- the kind of social media that has changed your life
- your usages of this kind of social media
- changes made by this kind of social media to your life
- its importance to your life

Topic 02: Make a conversation about a meaningful song you like.

You should include:
- the kind of song
- the main content of the song
- the time when you first heard it
- reason why you think it is meaningful

Topic 03: Make a conversation about a time you did volunteer work.
You should include:
- the occasion on which you did the volunteer work
- activities involved in your volunteer work
- reasons why you decided to do the volunteer work
- your emotions of the experience
- your willingness to volunteer in the future

Topic 04: Make a conversation about your tastes in fashion.

You should include:
- your favorite fashion
- changes of your taste of fashion
- the influences fashion has on your appearance
- your personalities reflected by fashion

Topic 05: Make a conversation about your current place of living.

You should include:
- the name of the place
- the location of this place
- the amenities it offers
- things you like and dislike about this place
Topic 06: Make a conversation about animal rights.
You should include:
- Some animal rights you know
- The reasons why you think animals should have rights
- Some ways to protect animals

Topic 07: Make a conversation about a shopping mistake you have made.
You should include:
- The product you purchased
- The reason why you think it was a shopping mistake
- Some ways to avoid making shopping mistakes

Topic 08: Make a conversation about the pros and cons of living in an extended family.
You should include:
- definition of an extended family
- benefits of having an extended family
- drawbacks of having a nuclear family
- the reasons why parents and their kids have big arguments when living together.

Topic 09: Make a conversation about the fraud of news sources.

You should include:
- how you evaluate news sources
- drawbacks of getting fraud news sources
- how to avoid getting fraud news sources

Topic 10: Make a conversation about the best ways to use technological devices.
You should include:
- the importance of using them the right way
- recommendations to use them at university
- recommendations to use them at home
- pros and cons of using technology in the classroom

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