You are on page 1of 26

Pr● gr● gs 七● t 1= Ⅱε七●n● ng :●

H● ⅲ●
婚 .

●●d nuⅲ b● r.
”” '●

휠罷ㄴ :'七 ●
●nd ●
"● "●
r. Wf'七 ●七hro● "● rd● .

. '˙

:::~ : I-—

瀅 Does Sotty l¡ ke rnusic? Yυ s. $he do땁 s

撥 Does she reod books?

盞 Does she [¡ ke ploying tennis?

崙 Is Sg roh So [ly’ s best friend?

s ⅥIhot’ s her fovourite fi tm?

岱 Does she toke photogrophs?

㉢ Combr'dge Un¡ versⅱ y Press 201 2 ¸ΨρeΓ MIhd'ξ Tbocher’ s Resour˛ e Book Level 4
Pr● gro● ε七●●t η ●ㅔ ng ●nd "r'ⅱ ng
= R●

H● ⅲ●
籍 -

●˛h● "● rㅟ ●.

nbod yomro :te rstooce rro

b α磯


dotoubnuor ts ujoot¡ rn poetoohpgrrh

●nㅟ AnΠ ●●r● 七ⅲㅗ "r'七 ●J● hn・ s q"● ●

薰晞 J● hn 'ng● "s.

瑙J。 hn: [ost / good I Wos I week ξ 稅基
/α s ¼ t wee妃 good ?
Anna: Yos, ¡
t Ⅵ

逵 John: tennis I you I Did I ptqy

Anna: Yos, I p[oyed w¡ th Bill ¡
n the pork.

J。 hn : get I did I to I you I How I pork I the

Anna: ''IΠ

'Ie wg lkod there.

J˚ hn : c¡ nerㄲ o I go I D¡ d I the I you I to

Ann :’ ι Yos, I d¡ d. It wos g funny fitm.


J。 hn : fitnη n
I wos I the I ¡ I Whot
Anna: A potor beor ond its friend.

o'ㄲ puter / you I gomes / Did

麾 John: ptoy I ˛

Ann''ι : Yos, I p[oyed therㄲ Ⅵ th my s¡ ster on Fridoy・

erMin“ Teocher’ s Resource Book Leve‖ ⓒ Cqmbridge University Press,0● 2

똘豁 Sψ
Pr● gr● s● 七●o七 1= L'● 七o"'ng


歆 ●
혭 n ●
n● ˛*
i˚ /) ●●'g ●
r X).


3 ::

''妥 獄 □

θ 부
賢歆L'g˛●n ●"d o'r● :● .


프F ● "-¨
'" ●

— 、
- 、

": —

1 We rnυ 뵤 /畛 茴
pioy footbolt in the smoil ployground.

2 ⅥIe '” υs' / I” υs'Π ’

' put our bikes in front of the schoot.
∃lltle I” υs十 / Π t weor troㅑ ners
s'n ’ ¡
n the gym.

4 ⅥIe Inυ s' / I” υstn 十do our horㄲ ework ot tuncht¡ n、 e.

5 ⅥIe '” υ¸ t eot ¡
υstn ’ n the pι oyground.
' / I”
6 We mυ st / Inυ s'Π ’ ¡
n the cι ossroonη .

' put our coots

['¡ ● combridge Uniˇ ersity Press,0● 2 ¸ΨρeΓ M'n,dj ㅜoocher’ s Resour˛ e Book Leve' 4 별荒
P'● gr● ●●七●●˛== *● ●●●
ng ● H'● ˛■
"ㅟ "ㅁ
H● ⅲ●


:., {≡ 兮

/-\ 中

\ ・

一—一크 뵤료요旦—--—


Wr'七 ●˛ho ●●n七 ●n● ●


gove I h¡ rn / book / I / o
ααve 嵐ⅲ
ξαboo趣 .

⊇opp[e I G¡ ve I the I her Iju¡ ⊂


용thern I Give I boll I the

sword I show I the I us I Don’ t

膠 ㄲe I g / Buy / computer I pteose

5 the I crown I Peter / Show

¸νpeI M''hdξ τoo˛ her’ s Resource Book ιeν e[ 4 ⓒ Combridge University P” ess 201 2
Pr● gr● sε 七●s七 '= Ⅱg七 ●n'ng

翰 ㄵ
L:● t● n ●nd o:ro'e.

⊃ 뫈段

酷 轍蠅瞰 윈

좌φ {하 #

<龜 L'●

七 nd o● ¬●
n ● 七●七
he '● ●● n七 n●


becouse먹 ⅲ
鮮e裨 ≠ ondbe⊂ ousebut so

풩 I 一—
—뾰窒또노一 to o forest w¡ th rny porents gnd my s¡ ster:

盞 We vvent for g long Ⅵ I cι ㄲ bed g tree.

“she wgs scored.
璽 My s¡ ster d¡ dn ’
t clirnb the tree

擺 VVe were hungry, we hgd g b¡ g picnic!

I didn 't.
菖After the p¡ cni˛ , my s¡ ster took photogrophs of the trees
I reod o book.
we were t¡ red.
錨 When we got honle, vve vvent to bed eorly

ⓒ Combr¡ dge University Press 2012 Super Mj'Π ds ㅜo¤ cher’

s Resour˛ e Book Leve[4 黑
Pr● gr● ss 七●s七 으 ●베 ng ond wr:ⅱ ng
= R●

징豪 "●●d. ˛h● n o● ⅲp'●˛●˛h●
R● "● rds.
瑾We live neoro big Πη요뽀 nt
垂흐 n. We clirnb there in the su'ㄲ men
瓘 There’ s o [ong p
— t — fronn the street to our door
醫 Austrglio ¡s o very b¡ g
— s l - - d.
搖 My grondfgther is g forrnen He’ s got lots off - - [d s vvith cows in thern.

頀 ㅜhere ¡
s o beoutiful r
— v — r in ourtown. Ybu con toke o boot on ¡

膾 only four hundred peopte [¡ ve in ourv - [l

—g - ●

闊萱 R● ●d. oh● ●●● on● "r:七 ●七he ●●rreo七 "● rㅟ ●.


紇z"-' ㏊
Lost summer I went to the mountoins with my porents 1 -—
합—- my sister:
We hod o greot tinne. My porents d¡ dn’ t wqnt tㅇ stqy in o hotel, 2 we
stσ yed in o b¡ g tent. ㅜhe vveother wos bequt¡ ful. We 3
see o tot froΠ ㄱ
the top of the rnountoin. ㅜhere weren’ t ony b¡ g towns there, so

'e 4
go to the ⊂¡nenㄱ o or shops or cof6s. My s¡ ster wos sod obout thgt 5 she
loves nㅇ ¡
sy p[oces! It wos very quiet on the mountoin gnd time went very stowν
I t¡ t
ked ¡ 6 I ν
vgs hoppy to go horne ond see nny friends.

瓘 巒#쫘 ㎭ s ° becgu ξ
擴 so becouse but
催 con cgn ’
t could

羸coutdn ’
t hgven ’
t wosn ’
簧 becouse ond s o

驍 s ° ond

宰 ¸닉ρeΓ Λ
〃 dζ Toocher’ s Resource Book Leve[ 4 ㉧ Cor'nbridge ∪n ¡
vers¡ ty Press 201 2

Pr● gr● gs ˛●o˛ '= L'● 七●n● ng

畦患 ¸
부 七●n ond

n"ⅲ b● r.

●n ● /, g●●
:ok ˛
nㅟ ˛ ●r "●●
箕 七 L¡

When the filΠ

□ □□□□□

' sto rted,

瑙Soryㄱ wos us¡ n:g her phone. yes n °

ock vvgs egt¡ ng some popcorn.

萱Ξ yes n ㅇ

藿 Dgisy wos drinking woter: yes n °

韆Sorgh wgs steep¡ ng・ yes n °

瑩 Mort¡ n wos eα ting g sondwich. yes n °

罷 Mike vvgs totk¡ ng tㅇ Ξ

ock. yes n o

㉧ Cqmbr¡ dge Un¡ versity Press 201 2 ¸υρeΓ M'” dζ ㅠoo˛ her’ s Resour˛ e Book tevel 4
Pr● gr● ss ˛●●七2= R● ●데㏐g ●nd "r'Ⅱ ng

흉 ¡

며 r● l● ˛h● o● rr● ●˛"● rㅟ .


po [i ce off¡ ce r ref¡ ghtql po ro Π¬

edic / potice off¡ cer

fire engine / po[¡ ce cgr

po[ice cgr / grㄲ butgnce

幣廓 f¡ refighter / poro rㄲ edic

Wh● 七"● ●七h● f● ⅲ :υ 七●rd● u ●˛Ξ●・

ㅟ●:ng u● ● 。【●˚k?
。●ⅲP'●七●七h● qu● s甘 ●n● ●n● ●n● r● .


卑翕 ●
— L--- 'ⅵ ike ptoying tennis?

患 Yos, he W《垂$

Dod qnd Grgndpo reod¡ ng g book?

No, they

盞 Alice sleeping?

No, she

L¡ enny doing their ho“ ㄲework?

[y ond Ξ

, they

you gnd your rㄲ u Π¬shopping?

Ybs, we

you wotching TV, Tbrn?

Yos, I

醫荒 ¸Ψper M'!hdξ τ↔gch!er’ s Resource Book Level 4 ㉧ Cσ Πㄱ

br¡ dge Un¡ vers¡ ty Press 201 2
P/r● gr● ●s 七● '= Ⅱs七 ●n● ng

闊 i

1罷 L:●

˛n ●
n● ˛
:o* ˛
I', ˛
h● o● rr● o七 p:o七 ■
r● .

f嵬 詰R●●
ㅟ. 七 ●
h● n ':● ˛n. Wr:七 ●U ●
, ●
r " ,.
s birthdgy is in Morch.
‘ ‘
壻 Donie1’ 'Y

盞 The troin tegves gt 6 0’ c[ock.

훨 Jenny sto rted p[oying tenn¡ s in 2009.

暮 Poul ond Mork went to the cinerT1o on Fr¡ dσ y.

醫 Ben sow Lucy in the 'ㄲ orning・

彗 The pgrty ¡
s going to be on Soturdgy・

ⓒ Cgmbr¡ dge Un¡ versity Press 201 2 ¸υρeΓ M∴ Πdξ Toocher’ s Resource Book Levet 4
ng ●nd "r:七 ●
Pr● gr● ●ε七●s七 2= R● o어 ●

婚 1

"●t● 七h● "● rd'●



sectogrot c kc kosur
e$ <:ι 基

morftgpt ttgo ¡ns

Re●ㅟ●nㅓ oho● s● .

ⅲrthdo” so I l wσ s frgve"ⅱ g /蟹玉
wgs my i/eIIe危 ⒦Ⅱ
verpoot by trqin wⅱ h my
murn. We got to the stotion gt qugrter to 8 gnd the tro¡ n ZIef' / wσ s Ieσ yliΠ g

gt 8 o’ clock. When we 3σ rrliν ed / Ⅳαs σrrIν hg in Liverpool, I wos so excited

becα use, when Murn ond I vvglked out of the stgtion, o bgnd 4'〃 ere ρIσ γⅱg /
ρIσ νed Beotles’ n the street. We wotched them for o few rninutes. Then
Ⅵ ty. VVe 5vlisl*ed / Ⅳere i/⅛ Itⅱ g the museurns ond
'e went to the centre of the c¡
the shops. We hod tickets to g greot footbgll motch: L¡ verpool qnd Arsengl!
When we orrived ot the footbgll stodiury1, gll the people 6sσ ng / Ⅳe'℃ sIΠ gIΠ gI

The Πㄱgtch wgs greot! It finished 2-2.

¸ψ erMⅱ ds Te● cher’ s Resource Book LeveH ㉧ Cqmbridge University Press 2012

Pr● gr● ε●七●s七 '= ㄴ 七●n'ng

H● ⅲ●
l L:● 七 en ●nd o:ro【 ●.

I (˙ 야 #

嘆 ●
n on● n"ⅲ ber.

ㅟ ㅢ 」 「 ㅣ 끼 I

/ㅑ 急

ⓒ Cqrnbridge University Press 201 2 ¸ΨρeΓ MIhd¸ ㅠoq˛ her’ s Resour˛ e Book Leve[ 4 힝埼
Pr● gr● ss 七● η ●데㏐g ●nd "r'ⅱ ng
'七 = R●

"● ●˛h●
W"七 "● rd● .

걺g#㏊ moustqche strqightbegrdscgr˛ urly

i♀ ㅑ
逋ι hgir


ho¡ r

Wr'˛ ●˛h● ●●n˛ ●no● ε●

ⅥIhen I wσ s young . ●

瑙used / rny I live / to / snngt[/ o I in / v¡ lloge I fgnnily

頀fother / Π
ㄱy / used / work / city / the I in / to

璽stgy I 'ㄲ other / to I ot / hod / horne / rIη y

權 the I I / to / get I in I hqd / Π

¬orning / eorly I up

驩I / used / ofter / footbgll / p:oy I school I to

飄 evening / I / hgd / the / honη evvork I to / my I in / do

瑾詰 ¸νpeI M'hdζ ㄲoocher’ s Resour˛ e Book Leve[ 4 ㉧ Conㄱ br'dge Un¡ vers¡ ty Press 201 2
Pr● gr● g● 七● '= ㄴ ˛●n'ng
'七 '●

r or● ●

芒 ●n ●
n● ˛ ˛
/, ● 【



恰晞 戶̇ ●
諱歆L:● ˛n on● o:Γ o:● .

翰|蛭鰥 攘

For home'Nork, Lu˛ y must coγ ㄲpore onimols.

ucy thinks dog— gre型 ore dσ
nge1王 讓
堊 / frieΠ dllier thgn cgts.

諱Lucy th¡ nks elephgnts gre ΠI●eΓ / heα ylier thgn giroffes.

ucy th ¡ *eΓ / Π
nks shorks gre I˚ ¸ η
ore IΠ ●
' thon dolphins.
徽 Lucy thinks rgbbits gre ¸Igger I' qυ λeΓ thon m¡ ce.

ucy thinks horses ore 'he '” os' ¸eσ υ
醫 ㄴ Πλs' on¡ ㄱ
''fuI / the fuΠ
簧 ㄴ
u˛ y th¡ nks porrots gre the ¸est / the Ⅳorsf onimgls. ’

ⓒ Cornbr¡ dge Un¡ ve「s¡ ty Press 201 2 ¸

"per Mⅱ
dξ ㄲ
oocher’ s Resou¨ ce Book Level 4
Pr● gr● εε七●s七 2= R● ●대㏐g ●nㅟ "r'Ⅱ ng


R●●ㅟ●n● o● ⅲpI● 七●˛h● "● r● s.
My dog hgs o very [ong t 墾 —
i- ι .

Birds hove f t h r s.

Snokes hgve [ong t — n g - - s,

Horses hove strong b — c k 一●

nicorns hove o big h — r n on their nose.


Giroffes hgve very tong n — c

k s.

R● ●●, oh● ●●● on● "ⅱ 七● 七h● o● rr● ●˛ "● rㅟ .

I Ⅵ ¡
n the pg rk yesterdgy gfternoon when I sow g very stronge th¡ ng・
'gs wg lking
I don’ t know whot it wgs! It tooked 1 뇨惡
-̈」ξ — σsnng‖ bird. It hod scgles gnd
ⅥIings. It vvσ s 2 thgn g mouse but smgller thgn o cgt. It hod o to¡ [. It

wgs red. And ¡

t 3 [ike so“lething fron1 o co rtoon. When I got hon¬ e, I

sgid to Π 4
ly sister; ‘ does g drqgon 5 tike, Hol[y?’
She [oughed

ond soid, ‘
Drogons gren’ t regl, Ξ Well, I don’
im. They qre Πlythicgl beosts.’ t

think rny sister is right. I think there ore drogons ond they ore the 6

i nteresting beosts in the wortd.

菖[¡ kes ㅕ춰
«岬 [ik¡ ng

∶ bigger b ggest
簧Ⅵ [ook [ooked
'os [ooking
盡VIIhere ⅥIhi˛ h
萱 [ook tooke d took¡ ng

簧 nㄱ ore most nㄱ uch

(牟 Sψ ㏛
㏐ Teqch㎥ s Resou㎏ Book ㏐ e‖ ⓒ Cornbr¡ dge Univers¡ ty Press 201 2
Pr● gr● ●●七●g七 '' Ⅱ●˛●n'ng

● nd ●
f奄暈ㄴ˛n ●
:● :ro'● .

巷, {

꿇中 변

爭守 {舞 療ㅑ

闊 nd "r'七 ●
翰 ●●
晞 뻑 L¡
s七 n● h● r● .

⊃ 串
r::=F '
', - ˜-、
ε '罷 ㎲
回 □



ⓒ ⊂ornbr¡ dge 'Jnivers¡ ty Press 201 2 ¸υρeΓ MiΠ ds ㅜoo˛ her’ s Resouroe Book Leve' 4
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■□■■■■■■■■■■■■■, , , , , ] , , , , ¡
’ 아
Pr● gr● ss 七●s七 Y==丁T石τ τTτ盂τ㎘ ‘

哮 -

Wⅱ 七e 七h● "● rds˚

I I |
ru rnte pt noeb 10rt n ¡tiov


쓩¾ “

I -
i # '㎡

gon [e¡ rt eonhoxgsp

R● oㅟ ond o● mp'● 七●七he '● n七 ●noe' ""˛ h ⅲ o. "¨ H●ⅱ●r Ⅲⅲ˚ .


s the house 一
ㅜhis ¡ —뽀銓窒莖ㅡ- John [¡ ves.

The instrument L¡ ndo p[oys ¡

s the guitgr.

B¡ lι ¡
s the boy hgs got dork ho¡ n

This is the librory I go gfter school.

⊂toire is the gir[ ptgys chess.

ㅜhe sport I [¡ ke the rㄲ ost ¡

s tenn¡ s.

Sυ per MIΠ ds ㅜoo ˛her' s Resource Book Leν e[ 4 ㉧ Cgmbridge Univers¡ ty Press 201 2
i뾰 뾰⊥⊥:

● ¨ ¨ˇ¨● 碎 ¨ ¨¨ - - L.
¨ ¬-… ¨ ¨ :'… , ¨ '● '—
마 ¨ ¨
● *● ●
Ψ●'--!--¨ ˛‘

” ”

;● s七 1: ㄴ en:ng ㅑ
;'-● ●
¨●'¨ ¸
●● ●
●˛● ----● ˛
●-'● ● ●●●
● ●
●● ●
● ●
●ˇ ● .√

●-̧● ●

˛●˛ "●

●●● 'ˇ

.˜ -● .-●

H° ⅲ●
:;: L:s七

n ond n"mber.


● ●n ●nㅟ ⅱ r α
ok ⑺ '¨ ●
萱翕 ¾Ⅱ 七
When they grovv up, ”
卞 ㎏dⅷ ㏝ ㎀
앓, eotennk gyer 回 yes □ no

Tbny w¡ ll be o police off¡ cer, □ yes □ n°
⅜ 澣

碣革 Rg⊂ het witt be o vvr¡ ter. □ yes □ no

I no
M¡ choel vvi ll be o doctor. □ yes


학 Lou¡ se vvi[[ be o photogropher. □ yes

Susie Ⅵ be on ostronout. □ yes

'i [ι

㉧ Conㄱ brid9e Universit'y Press 2012 ¸υρeΓ M'Π d,
Pr● gr● ss 七●s七 으 ●ㅃ ng ●nd "r'ⅱ ng
= R●

Wr:七 ●七h● "● rd● .



●˛h● ●●n七 ●no●

"r'七 '.

horne I ron / I / quickly

ιㅣ 舡κ
I r{:¼ I'Iι 1ι 0i'1f1ι (:尹 ξˇ

friend I hurt I My I teg I bod[y / his

璽be / VIIhgt I you I w¡ tt I you I grovv / Ⅵ

'hen I up

驩 door I the I qu¡ etly I Close

靂wg[k / to / lllle I qu¡ ckly / schoot

晞 be / o / I’ t[I Π1oyor I groⅥ

' I I I up I when

퓽≠ SΨpeI M'!hdξ Toocher’ s Resour˛ e Book Levet 4 ⓒ Combr¡ dge Uhiversity Press 2012
Pr● gr● ●s 七●●七1= L● ●七● n'ng

萱 φ

●n ● I) 七
nㅟ 七* ˛ orr● ●
h● ● 七p'o˛

부 龜 ˛ L'● "r● '●

芼朽□ □

¼ ●
蚩輪L's七 n ●●t:● k /,.

볍Where grethey qoinq? 寺 ‘ □

警 嬖歆 巷



f⅛ ;hey tgke

ⅥIhgt gre they go¡ ng

tㅇ egt?

Whot ore they going

to dr¡ nk?

Whot ore they go¡ ng 選互

to buy?

VIIhot ore they go¡ ng

to to ke?

ⓒ Con¨
dge 'Jniν ers¡ ty Press 201 2 ¸υρeΓ M'Π ds ㄲoo˛ her’ s Resou rce Book ㄴeve' 4
Pr● gr● ε●七●s七 2= R● ●Ⅲ ng ●nd w"ⅱ ng

恰 ¡

R●o● . 七h● n o● ⅲp:o七 ●七h● w● rd● .

I’ ⅜k e g
d [ike to m 旺 Do you vvgnt to s ㅡ一
r ξ⅜ft. o b t?

n∵ int
Let’ s c l [ ct w d.



.鐄 Ξ

t —p th 一 OK, corne onI It’ s tirne to

獪흙 p— d一 y y一 一r ⊂[-th —s.

R● ●ㅟ●nㅟ ●°ⅲp【 ●七●w:七 h ""o" ●r "● g¡

F¡ nutes, Robert ond then we ⊂on hove some tunch. Oκ , so how

ve more nㄱ ¡
뉼一— bottles of woter ore there? Five? Good. And how 2
breod is there? Only th ree [ooves? Right, 工
’[l buy some 'ㄲ ore. Novv, vvhot obout

corrots? Hovv 3 ˛o rrots o '"e there? Three bggs? At: right. Good. HoⅥ

cheese hove we got? Five b¡ g pieces? Thot’ s exceLlent. Whgt obout

pototoe$? HoⅥ pototoes gre there, Robert? Four bogs of potgtoes.
' 5
Hnㄱ Π
ㄱ. I’ ll buy so'ㄲ e nㄱ ore this ofternoon. And the [ost one. How 6

choco[ote hove vve got? Tvventy¨ five bors! VIIet[, thgt’ l[ be enough. A[[ right,

Robert. ㅜhot’ s it, thonk you.

perMⅱ d, Te● cher’ s Resource Book Level4 ⓒ Combridge University Press ZO● 2
쀼 S」
Pr● gr● ss 七●s七 s
Introdu˛ t¡ on to the progress tests 3
Boy: Do you tike pι oy¡ ng tenn¡ s, Sotty?
There ore two prog ress tests for eoch of the ten un ¡ ts
Girt: No, I don’ t. But 工sonㄱ et¡ mes wotch it ㅇn Tˇ
in the Leve[ 4 Stu dent’ s Book. ㅜhe first test ¡
s o tistening

test ond the second ¡ s o reoding qnd writing test. ㅜhere 4

σre two octiv¡ t¡ es ¡
n eoch test, cover¡ ng the vocobulory Boy: Whσ t obout sw¡ nη m¡ ng? Do 'you go swimming?
gnd grommgr presented ㅇn the first, second ond G¡ r': Yes, I do. I go every Sundσ y morn¡ ng with Soroh.
fourth poges ㅇf eoch un¡ t in the Student’ s Book. The Boy: Is Sgroh your best friend?
f¡ rst octivity in eσ ch test usuo[[y covers the vocgbutor'y G¡ rι : Yos, she is.
ond the second covers grσ n⌒
'r'nor. ¸
ㅜhere ore five quest¡ ons ond gn exonnple in eoch ㅇf the Boy: Do you wotch fi tnns?
two σctivit¡ es, which rr'eons thot eσ ch test is rr'σ rked Girt: 工[ove f‖ ms, Poul! I wgtch theΠ ) w¡ th rrly fo'ㄲ ly
out of 10 ond shou[d tgke obout 20 to 30 r˙ n¡ nutes of
every Sotu rdoy・
c[gss ti nㄱ e. The totσ [ n¨ ㅣ
ork for both progress tests in o
Boy: VVhot’ s your fovour¡ te f¡ trn?
unit is, therefore, 20.
G ¡
rι : Tbγ ¸torγ B!
The progress tests con be used in o nurㄲ ber of woys.
Yδ u 'ㄲ ight choose to do ㅇne of the two progress tests
Boy: ㅜhis ¡ ost quest¡ on. Do you tσ ke photogrophs:
s the ι
once students hove compteted the f¡ rst holf of eoch
G¡ rL: No, I don’ t. But I’ d [ike o comerg for nㄱ y birthdoy・
unit ¡
n the Student’ s Book ond then sove the other
progress test unti [ students hove compteted the enti re κEY: 2 Yes, she does. B No, she doesn’ t. 4 'ν 'es. she is.
un¡ t. Alternot¡ vely, you nㄱ ¡
ght choose to do one of the ¸Tbν Sforγ 3, 6 No, she doesn’ t.
two prog ress tests ot the end of eoch unit ond then
sove the other progress test unt¡ ιthe end of term. Th¡ s

stoged opprooch witl help 'you to see whqt students 茴畵囍

碧轄警擺 壺鍾撈專
鎣蔑 罷 魯彗壟 翰篁廛넬
蘿 彎曦擊 彙힙醫틀
hove [eornt gnd understood in the short term ond Pr●gr● gs 七eε ˛2‘ R● ●ㅔ ng ond
whot they con remember ¡ n the [ong terrr'. It wi[[ g[sㅇ
g¡ ve students on opportunity tㅇ rev¡ se gndlor osk for
hetp between tests in order to irn prove their rnorks.
闊頀Write the words.
Students look σt the pictures, solve the σnogro rrㄱ s ond
萱篁荒靈 暈蹙晝譬
馨驪嶽虜囍 菖蹙
鷺 電萱憙 繭 徽鎣囊瑤
姦黑蠱量 write the words.
Pr● gress ˛es七 1: ㄴ:s˛ eⅲ ng κㅌY: 2 rr'oyor, B rollercooster, 4 roundobout,
¸journotist, 6 photogropher
鍼Listen ond numbe∴
廓 :::*

Students [isten ond nurrl ber the pictu res. 醯歆Ξ

ohn ond Anno ore totking. Write John’ s
1 photogro pher Students reσ d the onswers to the questions, then
unjunㄱ bte the words ond wr¡ te the questions.
2 bond
g wheet
3 b¡ κEY: 2 Did you ploy tenn¡ s? B How d¡ d you get to the
4 microphone pgrk? 4 Did you go to the c'nerr'o? 5 Whot wσ s in
nㄱ ? 6 Did you p[oy co'ㄲ puter gomes?
the f¡ ι
5 ro '[e rcooster
6 dodgenㄱ cσ r

κEY: g6. b3. ˛2. e4, f¸ 鰥繫

毫 舊藎薰壬驍Pr● gr● ss ˛●s七 1'
Ⅱs˛ ●n:ng
鹵撥Listen or!● onswer: Write three

words. :::˛ :

晞Listen ond ti˛ k ν) or cross (x). CΓ

Students tisten ond onswer the questions with Students [isten gnd tick the box when the word nㄱ gtcheI
short onsi ’
vers. the pictu re. ㅜhey put o cross when it doesn’ t Πㄱ


1 1 bett
Boy: Cσ n I osk you sor˙ ne quest¡ ons, So[ι y? I’ nㄱ doing o 2 cro'Nn
re for n¨ ly
quest¡ onng ¡ homework. 3 bow σnd orrow
G¡ rι : Of course you con, Pout. 4 he:met
Boy: Oκ . Do you [¡ ke r'nus¡ c? ¸ swo rd
G¡ rι : Yos, I do. 工[ove rnus¡ c. 6 shie[d
κEY: 2 '', B X, 4 '', 5X, 6 ''

괍 무
准::땄 ㅑ
■ H:茫 ;&⅛ ;묘 ;량 # bookΩ 7 I

!;: : ::: : :T : TTT「 「

::T -:i :ㄲ ㅁi-∏ 曷
mf岳 ™ㅒ :'
흖芦Listen ond ˛
ircte. :얗
驍疑Listen ond ˛
omptete the senten˛ es・ :∵

Students [isten gnd c¡ rc[e the correct option. Students [isten ond comptete the sentences w¡ th the
words from the box.
G¡ rt: There ore so pnony rutes ¡
n our new schoot. 1

Boy: I kn ow! For exg rnpte, we rnustn't p[oy footbgtt in Jone: H¡ ,Tinㄱ . How wσ s your weekend?

the srno [ι pι oyground. Πη

ㅜ¡ : He'ι o. It wgs greσ t, thonks! 工went to g forest with

2 my pgrents gnd my s¡ ster.

Girι : n front ㅇf the schoo[.
We must put our bikes ¡ 2
Boy: ㅜhot’ s right. There's o cor pσ rk behind the schoo[. Jone: Wow! Whgt d¡ d you do there?
B ㅜim: We went for o tong wolk σnd I climbed o tree.
G¡ rι : We mustn’ t weor our shoes in the gyn1. Jone: Thqt sounds [i ke fun.

Boy: Yos. We must weor trσ iners. 3

4 】
one: D¡ d your s¡ ster cι ¡
mb the tree, tㅇ ㅇ?

G¡ rt: VVe rnustn’ t do our hor'nework ot tuncht¡ r˙ ne. ㅜ¡

m: No, r'ny sister didn’ t cι ¡ b the tree becouse she
¡ wcls scσ red.
Boy: Yes, we Π^'ust do ¡
t ofter schoot. Lunchtirrle s

for eot¡ ng ond p[gying・ 4

5 ]one: D¡ d you hove g p¡ cn¡ c?

Girt: We mustn’ t eot ¡n the p[clyg round. T¡ m: Yos, we did! We were hungry, so we hod o very
g p¡ cnic!
Boy: But 'Ne cσ n drink something ¡
f we wont to. b¡

Girt: And we mustn’ t put our cogts ¡n the c[ossroom. Ione: Whot did you dㅇ ofter the picn¡ c?

Boy: Lots of rutes! How con we rernenlber them oι ι ? ㅜ:Π 1: My sister took photogrophs of the trees but 工
don’ t :ike tok¡ ng photos. I reod o book. ㅜhen we
Girt: We r˙ nust [eo rn them!

κEY: 2 must, 3 must, 4 rnustn’ t, 5 mustn’ t, 6 mustn’ t 'Nent for onother 'No tk.
Jone: D¡ d you vvσ tch ㅜV when you got honㄱ e?
凄땋ㅑ¾효Pr●gr● ss
읊̈ 七●s七 으ε Πη
ㅜ¡ : No, we didn’ t! When we got horne we went
to bed eorty becouse vve were very tired!
ng ond "r:七 :ng
R●oㅟ ¡
κEY: 2 ond, B becouse, 4 sㅇ , 5 but, 6 becouse
彎撥Write the words.
Students ι orrect words.
σbel the picture Ⅵ th the ⊂
물ㅑ 菫 Pr●gress ˛es七


κEY: 2 necldoce, B brocelet, 4 crown, 5 kn ¡
'墅 ●nd "r:˛ :ng
6 sh¡ e[d

闊砂 Reod, then ˛omptete the words.

闊顥 Write the senten˛ es. Students reqd the sentences ond comp[ete the words
Students reod the jumbted sentences ond order them. by wr¡ t¡ ng the r˙ n¡ ss¡ ng [etters.

κEY: 2 G¡ ve her the opp[e ju¡ ce. B G¡ ve the'ㄲ the bgll. κEY: 2 poth, 3 ¡
s[ond, 4 fields, 5 r¡ ver, 6 villoge
4 Don’ t shㅇ w us the sword. 5 Buy rne o computer,
pteose. 6 Sho'N Peter the crown.
闊徽 Reod, ˛hoose ond write the ˛orre˛ t
wo rds.
i:::¡÷ 孕Pr●gress ˛●s七 ㅗε
훔홍 :
:::::출 :: ::: Students reod the text ond choose words frorn the tist
L:ε ˛●ⅲng to i’vr¡ te ¡
n the spoces.

繭斟Listen ond ˛Le. :뿅

κEY: 2 so, 3 cou[d, 4 couldn’ t, 5 becouse, 6 but

Stu dents ι e the correct p¡ ˛
sten ond ˛ir˛ ι
毒=藪 Pr● g*es' ˛es七 1ε
tu re.
료β후⅛ i⅜

L:s七 eⅲ ng
1 f¡ etd
2 v¡ [[gge
盞Listen ond numben :: 留

3 [gke
Students [isten ond number the p¡ ctures.
4 fo rest
¸ poth
1 f¡ re
6 mounto¡ n
2 po[ice offi ce r
Kㅌ Y: 2o, 3o, 4b, ¸b, 6°
3 fire engine
76 :
4 po[ice cgr
5 ornbutonce 윕馨
慧鷺藎萱뭍墓訖Progr● ss ˛●s˛ ㅗ
Ⅱs七 eⅲ ng
6 f¡ refighter

κEY: b4, cB, d6, e2, f¸ Listen ond ti˛ k (/) the ˛
orre˛ t pi˛ tur㏉ :::;私

荒sten ond ti˛ k ν㎲¸Π

鳥 L¡ o. :::*: ) or Stu dents [¡ sten σnd tick the picture for whqt they heor.

Students reod the sentences. Then th ey [isten ond t¡ ck ㅜAP ㅌSCRI Pㅜ

the γes or Πo box gccording to whgt they heor. 1 t¡ cket off¡ ce

2 trσ in dr¡ ver

, rucksgck
4 escg [otor
Mon: Whot did you do yesterdcly, Alex?
Atex: 工went to the cinerno w¡ th my fr¡ ends, Som, Jock, 5 o cup of coffee
Do¡ sy, Sorgh, Mort¡ n ond M¡ ke. 6 ptotfornㄱ

Mon: ㅜhgt’ s o tot of friends! κEY: 2b, Bo, 4b, 5b, 60

ALex: Yos! VVe were eσ rty, so when the fitm sto rted
everyone wos doing d:ffe rent th ¡ngs.
Mgn: Oh, vvhot vvere they do¡ ng?
N (Πo).
th우 n tisten. Write Y (ye톼 or
A'ex: Som wos using her r'nob¡ [e phone. She [oves her Students reod the quest¡ ons. ㅜhen they tisten ond
phone! σnswer them by writing Y for νes or N for no.
Mon: Whot wgs Jqck doing?
Atex: Jock wos dr¡ nking woter. He’ s o 'wg'ys thirsty!
G ¡
rι : Is your b¡ rthdqy ¡n O˛ tober, Dσ n¡ el?
Boy: Nㅇ , it’ s not. It’ s in Mσ rch. My brother’ s b¡ rthdcly
Mon: Whgt qbout Do¡ sy?
¡s in O˛ tober.
Atex: Oh, Dg¡ sy wgs egt'ng some popcorn. She wos
ve ry n 이sy・
B° ν: ⅴ●
G¡ rι : I 'hot
think tirne
t ι does
eoves ot 6the
ctock. [eove,
No, no,Emmg?
ot 7 o’ ctock.
Mon: Wos Sorqh eoting popcorn too?
Alex: No, she wosn’ t. Soroh wgs steeping・
G¡ rL: When d¡ d you ond your brother stσ rt p[oying
tenn ¡
s, Jenny?
Mon: Whot wgs Mortin do¡ n9?
G¡ rι : My brother storted in 2009 but I storted in 201 0.
A'ex: Mort¡ n wos eot¡ ng q sσ ndw¡ ch. Oh nㅇ , he wosn’ t.
He wos reoding o book.
Boy: D¡ d we go to see thot fi[r˙n ㅇn Soturdoy, Mσ rk?
Boν : Don’ t you rer、 ner'nber, PQu [? We went on Fridoy!
Mon: Whgt gbout Mike?
Atex: Mike wos to[king to Jock.
G ¡
r': H ¡
, Ben. D¡ d you see Lucy yesterdoy morning?
Mon: And 'Nhot obout you, A[ex?
Boy: She wosn’ t ot s˛ hoo[ in the morn¡ ng but I sgw her in
Atex: I wos woiting for the f¡ ιn to stσ r˙ rt!
the ofternoon.
KEY: 2 no, 3 no, 4 yes, 5 nㅇ , 6 yes 6
Mon: Con’ t we hove the porty on FridoY?
覽 彙Prog¨ ●ss 七● 2' Womon: Sorry. We’ re going to hove it on Soturdoy・

Roo비 ng onㅟ wr:七 :ng'˛ Kㅌ Y: 2N, 3N, 4Y, 5N, 6ν '

闊鐄 Cir˛ ι
e the ˛orre˛ t word.

蠱Pr● g¨o's ˛●ε
Students [ook ot the p¡ ctu rde the correct
R●oㅓ ㎙g ●n● "r:甘 ng
re¸ ond c¡
WO fd.

κㅌY: 2 flood, 3 ombulgnce, 4 police officer, 5 fire 鳥茴Wr:te the words.

engine, 6 po rornedic
Students look ot the pictures, sotve the gnggrg 'ㄲ s ond
wr¡ tethe wo rds.
廓荒Whot wos the fom¡ ㏉doing?
κㅌY: 2 su¡ tcgse, B rucksock, 4 plσ tforr˙ n, 5 stotion,
Students reσ d ond conㄱ ptete the questions gnd σnswers
6 stoirs
w¡ th Ⅳσ,, μσ¸ Π'f, ™ere, gnd ''1''e¨ eΠ 'f.

κㅌY: 2 Were, weren’ t; 3 Wgs, wosn’ t; 4 Were, 'Nere; 鳥葫 Reod ond ˛hoose.
5 Were, were: 6 Were, wos
Students reod ond circte the correct words.

KEY: 2 [eft, ∃orr¡ ved, 4 were p[oying, 5 visited,

6 were s¡ nging 7 7
κEY: 1b beord, 2g cι

尊 뮬 辜 Pr● g¨ ●ss 七es七 1‘ 3b stroight
' rly, 2b moustoche, Bo scor,

L:s七 ●n¡
篁疑Write the senten˛ es.
Listen ond ˛ιir˛ e. : :½
Students reod the jumb[ed sentences ond order the㎥
Students ιsten ond ˛¡
rc[e tho picture for the
κEY: 2 m'y fσ ther used to work in the c¡ ty. 3 my rr'other
description they heor.
hod to stoy ot honㄱ e. 4 工hgd to get up eqrly ¡ n the
ㅜ’ rr'orn ¡
ng・ 5 工used to pιo'y footboll ofter school.

1 He’ s got dorl〈 hgir. 6 (In the even¡ ng) I hod tㅇ do my homework
2 He’ s got o scor.
(in the even ¡

3 She’ s got strgight ho¡ r.

4 He’ s got o beord. 藍濩 邕̇굴
盡電 鷄Pr● gress ˛●s七 1ε

5 He’ s got fσ ¡
r ho¡ r. L:s七 en:ng
6 He’ s got curly hoir gnd o moustq˛ he.

κㅌY: 2g, 3b, 4b, ¸o, 6b 藤Listen ond ti˛ k (/) or ˛

顥 ross (x). : ::::

Students [¡ sten ond t¡ ck or cross, occord¡ ng tㅇ the word

彎巍Listen ond number: ::CP: 1=::—
they hegr.

Students [¡ sten gnd number os they heσ r the σ˛tivities. ㅜAPESCRIPㅜ

ㅜ 'AP
ㅌSCR工 Pㅜ 1 wing
1 2 feσ thers

Mon: Do you remember Soturdoy gfternoons with the B horn

fσ nㄱ ity in our house? 4 tongue
Womon: When we were ι
¡tt[e? Oh, yes. 5 bock
Mα n: Robert used to s¡ t ond wotch TV. 6 tgi[
κ EY患

Womgn: Yos, he d¡ d. 2X, 3 X, 4 /, ¸ /, 6X

Wonη on: And yotl used to p[oy footboll with Dgd ¡
n Listen ond ˛ir˛ Le・
the g σrden
Students [¡ sten gnd c¡ rcte the correct onsvver.
Mon: Yos, 工d¡ d. I [oved ¡
t! 工don’ t p[oy footbot[ now.
Mon: And Mory used to wosh her teddy beor every
Sgtu rdg y・
Mum: Whot’ s your homework todgy, LucP
Lu˛ y: 've got to compg re different gnimg [s.

Won'on: Thot’ s right. His nσ rne wos Cuddles. ㅐe wos
her fovour¡ te toy. He wos ver、 y cteon! Mu∏¬: VVhgt ore you go¡ ng to write?

4 Lu˛y: Wett, I th ¡nk dogs ore more dongerous

Womon: And Michoe[ used to p[oy w¡ thon cots.
th h ¡
s rgbb¡ ts.
Mu 'ㄲ : YOu re r¡ ght, but dogs ore friendt¡ er thon cots.

Mon: Yos. He's got robb¡ ts now gnd he’ s 45 yeors otd!
Mon: Whot obout Mum? Whot d¡ d she do? Munη : Whot obout e:ephonts?
Lu˛ y: I th¡ nk elephgnts ore heovier thon g¡ roffes.
Wonlon: She used to moke cgkes for us.
Mon: Oh, yes. Her choco[ote cokes used to be my Mum: Are elephgnts nicer thon girgffes?
fo vour¡ te. Lu˛ y: 工don’ t kno'N.
6 B
Mon: And whσ t d¡ d you dㅇ ) Sophie? D'd you use tㅇ Mum: And whot obout shorks?
he[p Mum Inσ ke the cokes? Lu˛ y: Shorks gre foster thon do[phins.

Wo∏1on: No. I used to eot thern' Mu Π1: But dolphins ore more intell¡ gent thgn shorks.
KEY: 2 Boy p[oying footboll w¡ th fother ¡n gorden, Lu˛ y: Yes, the'y’ re the most ¡
nte[[¡ gent oninㄱ σ[s in

B girl wosh¡ ng teddy beor, 4 boy p[gy¡ ng w¡ th the seo.

robbits, 5 Mu'ㄲ 'ㄲ oking ˛
σkes, 6 gir[ eσ ting cσ ke 4
Mum: Whgt c1 re you going to wr¡ te obout robbits?
Lu˛ y: Robb¡ ts ore bigger thon r'nice.
亭窪基藿秊藝P*●g¨●ss 七es七 2:
Mum: Yos. ㅜhey’ re qu¡ cker too.
●●od:ng ●n여 Hr:˛ :ng 5
Mu Π1: Whot do you think obout horses?
繭暈Write the words.
Lu˛ y: Wett, horses ore Γ
nore beout¡ fu [ thcn monkeys.
Students [ook ot the p¡ ctt' res gnd lobe[ theΠ ㄱw¡ th
Horses ore the most beout¡ fu [ σnimols in the world.
words from the word box.
Mun1: Oh, 工like monkeys. Monkeys ore the funniest
78 : σnimσ [. They’ ve got beσ utifu: foces too.

1■ ㎜ㅏ
6 3
ιu˛ y: And po rrots gre the best on¡ oι ¡n the wortd. Boy: I ι
ove th¡ s pictu re of o dinosour!
Mum: Oκ . Go upstoirs ond do your homework. Ybu’ ve ㄲeo˛ her: Me too. Do you know whose it ¡ s?

got tots of idegs obout onimo[s now, Lucy・ Boy: Yos, it’ s mine!

κEY: 2 heov¡ er, 3 foster, 4 bigger, 5 the most
ㄲeo˛ her: Whose picture ¡ s th¡ s? Soroh's ond κe[ιy’ s?
beout¡ fu l, 6 the best
t’ s theirs. ㅜ
Boy: Yos, ¡ hey toved the otd mgps.

鷺 頀Pr● gr● ¸s ˛es˛
萱壺 2:
Boy: Wow! ㅜh¡ s one of the crowns ¡
s greot, Mrs Brown.
R●●ㅟ:ng ●nㅟ "r:甘 ng Is ¡
t yours?
ㄲeo˛ her: UΠ ^ㅣ
. ●
・yes, it¡s!

廓餉 Reod ond omp'ete the words.

Boy: D¡ d you [ike the ˛rowns? It’ s o reglly good p¡ ˛ture.
Students reod the sentences ond coΠ lptete the wo rds Teα ˛her: Yes, 工d¡ d. Thonk 'you.
with the Πㄱiss¡ ng [etters.
κEY: 2 feothers, B tongues, 4 bσ cks, 5 horn, ne˛ ks Boy: ㅜh¡ s is g photo, not o p¡ cture.
Teα cher: Do you know whose it ¡

˛orre˛ t word.
鍵茴 Choose ond write the Boy: Yes, I do! It’ s ours! Yδ u took our photo outs¡ de
Students reod the text ond choose the correct words the nㄱ useurrl, Mrs Brown!
frorn the 'ist to write ¡
n the spoces.
κㅌY: 2o, Bf, 4e, 5b, 6c
κEY: 2 bigger, 3 [ooked, 4 Whot, 5 Look, 6 'ㄲ ost

盞 旱Pr● gr● ss 七es七 2:

晞萱鷺藎囍무 籌Pr● gr●gs ˛●●
七1= R● ●● ●n● wr'甘 ng
Ⅱs七 ●n:ng 'ng
喙噫Write the words.
歡Listen ond ˛
闊 irc㏊ . :::⅜
Students took gt 卄le pictures, solν e the onogro')ㄱ s ond
Stu dents ι
¡sten ond ˛i rc[e the corre˛ t pi˛tu re. write the nomes of the instru r、 nents.

TAPESCR工 Pㅜ Kㅌ Y: 2 trombone, B vio[in, 4 triong:e, 5 horp,

t this instru nlent with spec¡ o[ sticks. ㅜhe

1 You h ¡ st¡ cks 6 sgxophone
ore usugtty mode of wood.
nstru!ㄲ ent ¡
2 ㅜhis ¡ s [¡ ke on etectric pigno. You p[o'y it 廓翕 Reod ond compt,ete the senten˛
Students regd ond cornp[ete the sentences '˙ vith the
vvith your f¡ ngers.
correct re [otive pronoun.
s o very b¡ g instrur'nent. It’ s got str¡ ngs. Y˚ u
3 Th¡ s ¡
p[σ y ¡
t with yourf¡ ngers. κEY: 2 which, 3 who, 4 where, 5 who, 6 wh¡ ch
nstrur'nent ¡
4 Y;ou ho'd this ¡ one hcind ond donce!
p[σ y it w¡ th o
¸ㅜhis ¡nstrument hos got str¡ ngs. Yδ u

煌藎蚩羞蚩蚩 諱Pr● gr● sg ˛e●˛η
spec¡ o ιsti ck.

6 'γ bu blow o¡ r ¡
nto this instrument with your rnouth. Ⅱs˛ ●n:ng
KEY: 2b keyboord, 3g horp, 4g tombour¡ ne, ¸b Ⅱ
땄en ond numben ::::⅜
violin, 6b trornbone Stu dents tisten ond nur'nber th¿ ξ
pgce ite'¨ ns ¡
n th e

茴Listen ond write the ㏊

picture os they heσ r them.
蛭 tters. :::姦
Students 'isten ond Π1ot˛ h the pictu res.
1 conlet
ㅜAPㅌ S⊂ RIPT 2 sto rs
1 g gstronout

oo˛ her: D¡ d you enjoy our trip to the nㄱ useum, Jock? 4 spo˛ e stgtion
Boy: Yos, Mrs Brown. 5 rocket
ㄲeo˛ her: Here ore the cι oss’ s p¡ ctures. But I cqn’ t
6 ptonet
renㄱ eiㄲ ber "vho drew them. Cgn you he[p rne?

isten ond ti˛ k νγ or Π

ㄴ o. 두
Boy: Yes! 彭 ) e‘
- ∃"1〓 ㎙
ㄲeg˛ her: Oκ . Look ot this one of o kn¡ ght. Students reod the sentences. ㅜhen th ey ιξ̇
:ㄹ :f:+":

Boy: 工think this pi˛ture is ㅜom’ s. Yos, this ¡

s h¡ s. Tom
γe¸ or no g˛ ˛ord¡ ng to whqt they heor.
toved the kn ¡ghts.
ㅜeo˛ her: VVhot obout this one?
Nhot d¡ d you dㅇ σt schoot todα ' ˜岱
Dod: 、
Boy: Thot’ s o beout¡ fut she[ι . 'f
L¡ so: Mr W¡ [son gsked us obout the --1¸ 「뜨 ・뿐 :艦 :L

ㄲeo˛ her: Whose p¡ ˛

tu re ¡
s it? Is it So [ly’ s?
Whot wilt you be when you gro、 '' -ㄴ
F→ ™
¡ ‘
t’ s hers. She ι
Boy: Yos, ¡ kes drgwing pictures of shet[s
Dod: Thot’ s g d¡ ff¡ cu 't qu estion! ㅜAPESCRI Pㅜ
Liso: I know, but tots of people hod good idegs. κqrt 1 row g boot

sgid, ‘[[ be o fon10us tennis p[oyer.’
’ 2 mσ ke o rgft
Dod: Did he? 工thought κo rl tiked footboll best. B put up g tent
2 4 sw¡ ng on o rope
Dgd: Whot d¡ d ㄲony soy? His dod’ s o potice officer. 5 nㄱ gke o fire
so: Yes, but ㄲony doesn’ t wont to do thot. 6 dry your c[othes


Dod: VVhσ t does he wont tㅇ do?

20, 3b, 4g, ¸b, 6b
L¡so: Tony soid, ‘I 'No nt to be o firefighter.’
Dod: We[[, thσ t’ s o good job. Listen ond ti˛ k (/). ::;무
3 on to onswer
Stu dents tisten ond t¡ ˛k the correct opt¡
Liso: Rochel soid, ‘ll be o writer ond write [ots of
the questions.
Dod: Does Rgche[ ι
¡ke writing stories?
Liso: Yes, she does. She’ s very good ot wr¡ ting, Dod.
Boy: Sㅇ , where ore 'Ne go¡ ng tomorroW?
Girt: ⅥIe’ re gㅇ ¡
ng to the ι
oke to so¡ [ our boot.
Dod: VVhgt obout M¡ choet?
I wont to he[p peop[e who ore
Liso: M¡ chgel soid, ¡ 2
‘ tι .’

Boy: Whot do we need to toke w¡ th us?

Dod: So w¡ ι
l he be g poromedic?
G¡ rι : Lots of thingsl We need so'ㄲ e rope to r˙ nσ ke o
L¡ 工
sg: No. He soid, ‘[[ be o doctor.’

Boy: Greot ¡
Liso: ⊂on you guess whgt Louise sσ id?
Dod: D¡ d she sgy, ‘lt be o photogrgpher’ ?

Boy: Whot obout fㅇ ㅇd?

L¡ so: No! She soid, ‘[[ be o fi[m d¡ rector gnd win on

G:rt: 工
’ oof ㅇf breod ond g b¡ g piece of cheese.
ll toke o ι
Osco r.’
VVe con eσ t thgt.
Dgd: Wo'N!
Girt: Whot obout sorneth ¡ng to drink?
tisg: Susie wonted to be on gstronout [σ st week. BU;˙ t
Boy: Yos, we’ be very thirsty. I’ ι
[ toke two big botttes
th¡ s week she 'Nonts to be g teocher. She sσ ιbe
id, ‘ι I’

of wote r.
o teocher ond he[p chitdren tㅇ [eσ rn.’
Dod: Thgt’ s nice. And whσ t obout you?
Girt: 工
s thot eν erything?
Liso: Oh, I don’ t know, Dod. I’ m onty 'O yeors otd!
Boy: Well, there’ s o shop neor the [oke. ⅥIe con buy o
κEY: 2 no, 3 yes, 4 'yes, ¸ no, 6 no ˛up of teo there.
G¡ rι : deo.
Good ¡

藎P*ogress ˛es˛ 2ε 6

R●oㅟ :ng ●nㅟ "r:卄 ng G¡ rt: We need one r'nore thing・

Boy: VVhot’ s thot?

馨巍Wr¡ te the words. G ¡

rι : ⊂hoco[ote!
Students [ook gt the p¡ ctu re ond write the words. Boy: Of course! Let’ s toke o big bgr of choco[ote.

κEY: 2 rocket, 3 rnoon, 4 spoce stgt¡ on, 5 comet, κEY: 2˛ , ∃b, 4o, 5q, 6b
6 ostronout
흴吃魯 渗Pr● gr●ss ˛●s七
옳驍靂 2'
薰麝 Write the senten˛ es.
Students reqd the jun¨ lbted sentences ond order thern,
ㅁe● ●㏐g ●nㅟ wr'ⅱ ng
κEY: 2 My friend hurt his [eg ˚ odty. 3 Whot wi[[ you :鳥
巖 Reod, then ˛
omnptete the words.
be when you grow up? 4 Close the door quietly・ Stu dents ι
ook ot the pictures, reod the sentences ond
5 We wglk to school qu¡ cldy. 6 I’ ll be o moyor when conㄱ p[ete the words by writing the n˙)issing tetters.
I grow up・
κㅌY: 2 collect wood, 3 put up the tent, 4 sgit o boot,
5 dive into the 'Ngter, 6 dry your clothes
憲釐晝晝흴 驍Pr● g¨oss ˛es˛ 1:
Ⅱs七 ●n:ng 驪鍛Reod ond ˛
omptete with '” υ˛ or '” ony・

筑 sten. ㅜ
˛k (/) the ˛
Students reσ d the text ond cor'nptete the gops with
顥 L¡
orre˛ t pi˛ ture. ::::⅜ rn Lr˛ h or rn σ:'y・

Students [isten gnd ti˛ k the correct p¡ ˛tu re.
κEY: 2 nㄱ uch, B mσ ny, 4 much, 5 mony, 6 rnuch

80 ::

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