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Laboratorium Darah

HEMATOLOGI Hasil Satuan Nilai

Hemoglobin 13.4 g/dL 14.00-
Hematokrit 34.3 % 40-50
Eritrosit 4.39 10^6/ 4.5-6
MCH 30.5 Pg 26-33.5
MCV 78.2 fL 80-97
MCHC 39 g/dL 32-36
Leukosit 7.1 10^3/ 4-10
Trombosit 219 10^3/ 150-400
RDW 14.3 % 11.60-
MPV 8.3 fL 6.5-12
Glukosa Sewaktu 115 mg/dl 70-150
Ureum 29 mg/dl 10-50
Kreatinin 0.76 mg/dl 0,6-1,1

HBs Ag Non Non reaktif
B20 Non Non reaktif

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