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Islam comprises a variety of different schools of thought, cultural norms and values, languages, social

groups , political viewpoints, ethnic groups and notions of gender. Due to which the school leader’s
beliefs on the purpose of education is diverse as well. Which includes employment, democracy, social
cohesion, intellectual learning, moral and spiritual development, individual betterment and individual
happiness. Since Islam is divided into traditions and faith as discussed above, the leaders does not share
similar beliefs on the purpose of education. However, there are three core Islamic concepts that the
leaders agree upon equally. They are first being defining doctrine of Tawhid, second one is Ilm and the
third is Talim. Furthermore, leaders influence school cultures by imposing particular norms, beliefs,
ideologies and behaviour about teaching and learning. So that the school maintains an appropriate
discipline. Moreover, the leaders beliefs about leadership contributes to the understanding of their role,
authority and part in the organisations. There are four main types of leadership , transactional leaders,
transformational leaders, moral leaders and servant leaders. However, Islamic school leaders views their
occupation as a sacred responsibility, because the dignity of a teacher is placed next to a mother and
before a father.

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