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" ence!

The new TS-940S is a serious radio
• Low distortion transmitter.
Kenwood's unique transmitter design
delivers top "quality Kenwood" sound.
Optional accessories:
• AT-940 full range (160-10 m) automatic
antenna tuner . SP-940 external
for the serious operator. Superb • Keyboard entry frequency selection. speaker with audio filtering . YG·455C·l
interference reduction circuits and Operating frequencies may be directly (500 Hz). YG-455CN- 1 (250 Hz).
high dynamic range receiver com- entered into the T$-9405 without using YK-88C-1 (500 Hz) CW filters;
bine with superior transmitter the VFO knob. YK-88A-1 (6 kHz) AM filter . V5 -1 voice
design to giYe you no-nonsense, no • Graphtc disp4ay of operating features. synthesizer . 50-1 temperature
compromise performance that gets Exclusive multi-function compensated crystal
your signals throughl The exclusive LCD sub-display panel oscillator . MC-42S UPI
multl-tuncUon LCD sub dis~ay shows CW VBT. SSB slope DOWN hand mic.
graphically illustrates VBT, SSB
$k)pe, and other features.
• 100% duty cycle transmitter.
tuning, as well as fre -
ouency, time, and AT-940
antenna tuner status.
If· - . , .
• MC-GOA. MC-BO. MC-85
deluxe base station m ics.
• PC-1A phone patch
Super efficient cooling system usmq • aRM-fighting features.
special air ductmq w ork s with the inter - Rem ove "rotten CRM" With , ... ,.....- ..
• TL· 922A linear amplifier
• SM-220 station m onitor
na l heavy- duty power supply to allow
continuous tran smission at lull power
the SSB slope tunmq, CW
VBT, notch filter. fJ.F tune.
- ---- ~- . • B5-8 pan display
• SW-200A and
output for penoos e xceed ing one hour. and CW pitch controls. SW-20c0 5WR and
• Programmable scanning. • Built-in FM, plus power meters.
• Semi or full break-in (aSK) CWo SSB. CWoAM, FSK.

• High stability. dual

digi tal VFOs.
An optical e ncod er and
the flywheel VFO knob
give the T5·9405 a po si-
tive luning 'teer
• 40 memory channels.
Mode and frequency may More TS-940S information is available
be stored in 4 groups of from authorized Kenwood dealers.
10 channels each.

• General coverage
Tunes from 150 kHz to
30 MHz.
- , yr. limited warranty. 1111 We st Walnut Street
Another Kenwood First. Compton. (;alrlornia 90220
C~re Sl!'I'>'ICe rn.tIlUaIs /fie ava_ "" .. Too ·/(enwootJ ITa' ......e'II't"'s and most accessoroes
~roons an<! IJ"C,,"S .'e $Ubj1tCl1O ~ -.our
eceee 01 obl9itr.oon

VHF/UHF all-mode base stations.
The TS·711A 2 meter and theTS·811A - Automatic mode selection.
70 centimeter all mode transceivers You m ay select the mode manually
are the perfect rigs for your VHF and usmq the front panel mode key s.
UHF operations. Both rigs feature Manual mode selection is verified 10
Kenwood's new Digital Code Squelch International Morse Code.
(DCS) signaling system. Together, • All-mode squelch.
they form the perfect "matching pair" - High performance noise blanker.
for satellite operation.
• Speech processor.
- Highly stable dual digital VFOs. For maximum efficiency on 55B
The 10 Hz step, dual digital VFOs offer and FM.
excellent stability through the use of a -IF shift.
TCXO (Tem perature Compensated • "Quick-Step" tuning.
Crystal Oscillator). Vary the tuning cnaractensucs from
-large fluorescent multi-function - Versatile scanning functions. "conventional VFO feel" to a stepping
display. Programmable band and m emory sca n action.
Shows frequency, RIT shift. VFO AlB, (w ith channetlock -outj. "Center-s tep" • Built-in AC power supply.
SPLIT, ALERT, repeater offset. digital turunq on FM. An "ale rt" runcuon lets Operation on 12 volts DC is also
code, and memory channel, you Hsten for activity on your pnonty possible.
channel while listening on ano ther • Semi break-in CW, with side tone.
.40 multi-function memories.
Stores frequency. mode, repeater off- frequency, A Kenwood exclusive! • Optional voice synthesizer.
set. and CTCSS tone. Memories are _ RF power output control. More TS-71tAf811A informa tion is
backed up with a built-in lithium battery, Continuously adjus table from 2 to av ailable from authorized Kenw ood
2 5 walts. dealers.

Optional accessories.
- CD- l0 call sign display _ MC-48 16-key DTMF. MC-42S UPI
_ SP· 430 external speaker DOWN mobile hand microphones
- VS-l voice synthesizer • SW-200AlB SW R/power meters :
• TU-5 CTCSS tone unit
• MB-430 m obile mount
• PG-2J DC power cable
SW-200A 1.8 -150 MHz
SW-200B 140 -4 50 MHz
• SWT-1 2-m antenna tune r
• MC-6QA, MC-80, MC-85 • SWT-2 70-em an tenna tuner
deluxe desk top microphones 1111 We st W alnut Street
Comp ton. CaldOlrlla 90220
Complele 5eflf1Ce manuals al e avaoeb/t' /0( all roo -I'(en...ood lrall$l;etvels and mosI eccesscee s
Sp<>cdlcalJOllS and prICes are $IJl)teCI 10 change _ /lOUl llOlce 01 ob*ga11Oll
T...,- Optional accessories:
All band HF transceiver! • AT -930 automatic antenna tuner
• $P·930 external speaker, with sele ctable
general coverage receiver. audio filters
The TS-930S (with or without auto- • YG·455C-1 (500 Hz) CW filter
matic ant enna tuner) Is a high • YG-455CN-1 (250 Hz) CW filter
performance OX and contest trans- • YK-88C -1 (500 Hz) CW filter
ceiver delivering superior features • YK-88A·' (6 kHz) AM filter (all plug-in type)
. 50 -1 commercial stab ility TCXQ
and field -proven performance. Com-
• Me-60A, MC-80, MC·85 desk microphones
pare the TS ·930S with other HF rigs • TL-922A linear amplifier (not for CW aSK)
in its price class and see why no • SM -220 station monitor
other rig comes close! • PC-1A phone patch
• SSB slope tuning - A no t he r • SW-2000. SW-200, SW -100 SWR meter s
-160-10 meters, with 150 kHz-30 MHz Kenwood First!
general coverage receiver. • HS-4, HS-5, HS -6, and HS ·7 headphone s.
Allows Independent adjustment of the • LF-30A low -pass filler
An innovative. quadruple ·UP· conversion low and/or hIgh frequency slope at the
digital PLL synthesized circuit provides More TS-930S Information is available
IF passband, for best Interference
superior frequency accuracy. stability, from authorized Kenwood dealers
plus greatly enhanced selectivity. • IF notch fi lter.
• Non-volatile operating system. • Tunable audio
Kenwood tran sceivers reta in all micro- filter built-in.
coded operating functions evenwhen the
• RF speech
lithium memory back -up battenes tall. processor.
• Easily modified for HF MARS and • Dual mode
CAP operation. noise blanker.
• All solid-state. 28 volt final amplifier • Dual digital VFOs.
for lowest intermodulation distortion. • Eight memory channels.
• Power input rated at 250 watts on
• AC power supply built-in.
SSB , CW, FSK , and 80 watts on AM .
• Full break-in or semi-break-in CWo • Built-in automatic antenna
• CW VBT and pitch controls. tuner (optional).
Covers 8O~ 10 m Another Industry
CW Variable Bancwidtn Tuning control
tunes out interfering signals. The CW
pitc h control stutts the IF passba nd
first by Kenwood'
• Fluorescent tube digital display.
• Excellent receiver dynamic range.
and SImultaneously c han ges the beat TRIO -KENWOOD CO MMU NICATIONS
frequency pitc h. • One year limited warranty. 1111 We st Walnut Street
SpectOCa.oons and ptoces subj«'10 chiingoe ....,/IOut notoce or obIogaroon Compton. Cah'ofl1l3 90220
COfJlO/ele servoce malll)a/$ a'e av"b/e fror ilIA T,,,;H':enwood uanscerve/s and mosl ac<:es$Ofoes
EDITORIAL ST A'~F'"'F; --------'
Alan M. Dornotfer. K2EEK
E"llo. The Radio
Gail M. Schieber
.....oel.' . l. d lt o.
Lew McCoy, W lICP
Amateur's Journal
T _hn l c o l ".p.......' . 'h••
Frank Anza lone, W 1WY " Ham and Eggs ."' The kllChen and cupboa.d ,n pa.licula, is lhe l ile 101
Cont•• t Cha irman lh e slatlOll and 'eptl"le. 0 1 BOb Ha . " e. , WB2AAO. and "'" * ile B'ig
John A. Allaway, K41lF Ilte. N2ElC. J'f>oto by Laury Mul.e h lii. WBU Pt
Cho'"""", CQ o x c. ......ln_
Steve acua. N8BJQ
WP X C onl _t D l,.." OO'
larry Brockman, N6AA JANUARY 1986 VOL. 42, NO.1
Robert Cox, K3EST
W. W. Con l_' Dl, ..,t o rs FEATURES ----,
Hugh caeerov. WA6AUO
O il IIdlt. .
. . . . .1...' _ c.......... too... VI BAO PLEX EK·1 A lbert H. J ackson, VE3QQ 13
leo Haijsrnan, W4KA
Dave Ingram, K4TWJ To m T aor mina, K5AC 20
" ....1_, _ _looltl_

'_ ........
George Jacobs, W3ASK
Dorothy H. Johnson, WB9RCY
Dave Ing ram, K4TWJ 22
SIeve Katz, WB2WIK Ric hard A. N els on, W B01 KN 28
VHr Edllor
WPX .......d . . ... ....
'.0 • . C_t•• t DI' _ lor Joh n J. Schultz,W4FA 40
Karl T. Thurber, Jr., WBFX
Adrian Weiss, K8EEG/Q Barry L.lves, AI2T 44
Q R P p EdItor
Conl•• t Advl...
WA SHIN GTON SC ENE Dr. Theod or eJ . Cohe n, N4XX 50
Bill Welsh, W6DDB
Billy Williams, N4 UF
BUSINESS STAFF Bill Welsh , W60DS 58
Richard A . Ross, K2M GA
Dorothy xenrwreoer THE VH FER , Steve Katz, WB2WIK 82
O . .....I • • n.g••
1II.1I0n.1A<lV. fll . ln g • • n ••••
Tori Hazlett
Frederi ck O. Ma! a. W5YI 68
S.I •• A••
A<l w. rt l. ln g co .....".nl WPX CONTEST . . .. . . . - ... - - - - - . ... 88
Arlene Caggiano
Cheryl Ch omicki Karl T. Thurbe r, J r., W8FX 90
c ... t ....... SMwl c.
Dorothy Kehrwieder YOUR HEALT H? Dave Ingram, K4TWJ 102
P.od"ctlon ••n.g••
Elizabeth Ryan
A'" DI....lo.
Barbara Scull y
Pat Le Blanc
DEPARTMENTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---,
Richard Kisha nuk
Hal Keith (CWRJ ) Dorothy Johnson, WB9RCY 70
1Il... I.Olor
C_ t.n,,,Iln9 ~ .t ..... o p"', Frank Anza lone, W1WY 74
()thces, 76 "'ort '" B ,*II ~ . HlCk. vllle. N Y 11801
T. lephone. Sl6681-29n CO(ISS N 0007-893Xli. pub- DX: DX INFO, TIDBITS AND WISDOM
".!'Ied monlhly by co P",tIll.,ung Inc, s.cor>d Cln.
P<»llope PIlod III H,ck .ville. "' ... and ;Idd,honal olllCel
Hugh Cassidy, WA6AUD 81
Sub$Cflpl _ priC. .: DomesliC -one ,H' S16,00. 1_
,.11.. 129 00. 11'1... )'eM"I 1-&2 00; C8nIlO&IMe PROPAGATION : SHORT SKI P C HARTS FOR JANUARY
one ,1;1< SI8,oo.l_ y.... 533,00. 1 _,.11•• 1-&8,00;
FOIeogn _one , I" 520,00. 1_ y 137.00. 11'1'. .
GeorgeJacobs, W3ASK 98
yea.. SSo4 ,OO-. FOI.."" Alf M lll l - one , ea, S73,oo. 1_
yell.. SlQ.oo. 1_ , .... $21 3,00 E nt Ire conlenls
COPy'ighled CO P",blll"" ng Inc IllllS, CO doe. not II$-
_ '''PQnslb!''I, lor- .....SOIte'led rn;InUSCfl PII , AI·
tow ,'z * _ s 101 cha~ Ol;ldd''''. Pr,n led In lhe
Unl led S ll-l. . 0 1 .........iCII
OU R REA DERS SAY . 8 HAM SHO P .. _ 106
Poslmuler: P!e ll. . send cl\;l,. 0 1 ;Idd. esa 10 CO
MIlg&Z' .... 76 N orth Br~lIy. Hlck n lile . NY 11801

Say You Saw It In CO J anuary 1986 • CO • 3



There Is nothing like a beam!
Compact, High Performance
You hflar aboul lhf1lmpor1allCe Ill''''' an,,,,,,,,, .""" !rom the lillll day you gm Broadband Tribander with
Involved In amaleu, radio. You hMr the big aIg
and you ' - 1 ' - _ sigMIII WlUllly cIi'"._ on the air being 'adlllle<! by lIN....
wilen trle bMm '- fOlaled , Yet. lot
Quad.Band Option

~!he _
d<MrHight •• ~
wouIdllaw ~ , ,
. geningon the . . for the IItWllime MIll. bMm II your ~ ill.
nw .......... l'NCtiol, ill "l-IId l..-Iy knowrI. I
'a bNm,..,.1IglI" , The ........ of • DilecliOl. " - ' a _ _ of my-'Y
The gMl ol a _ ...... r Ihe ..¥. . . . . ' l pcM9 of l'OU' lI'• • 'oiIIoo juIt .... ........,..,_ ~ . 0--_ ....... I ' - ~ CIt bougI'I _ _
. . ., . -• . Mote irnportaod" . a'I'lC*f_1he8ignll1ro"l1he.-:.n being ~ au..IndY.,I'-_~"Io'... 'lII' __ my
Olttrle .... ..., bK*althe ........ trle lIfI&:e ,.'. , I jXIlNrof _ kiIow_ TH7OX. I ...,oy ORP buI O'KM' ' - 1 piClblll" COl,•• lCing !llI<I _
onn-l'OU' ~ .... redlacllO OAP ..... I am only runn;ng 5 _ , The TH70X .. llItJllIlb.-. bOl/'l
!rom • per1orTnancI_ • ItI'\lClUraI pon: of_,
A ••• dll 'g-oed bMm .. by dar the b-' ~ t>uy you..." ....... and it~'l
... snyelectrlcily FUflhet. ~ you buy.good 0IlII, H... ..., longer ,han _ or the
eilK:tronQ ~., In you•• Iuw:~, In ' em1S 01 cost per hour 01 enjoyment• • be am antenna
III among the '--1 • • p"..........p station COI' .........,'• .
JlCk Flll kll.
"- IUnspoI cyde 21 Mnds _ _ lhII nul ' - ,..,. !he pfiOfity lot • good bMm Thunderbird
I/'IIftS trorn " grMI 10_"10 ., ~ .. To rnax_ your_ion e ~ o n the
high _ a - _ of 11.- ...... bl,*,-ld.....,.
, . . . _ ...... IC*'IIile.the~TH3Mk3 . ..... . _Tr.«rwen ' ,."
. - an "'*'...... dipole wl'lidl ... COIoc:epI _ _ CIII PARA-Sl.E:EVE ( P _
P.. dillg). TlIepera 1"' ... ~.n.... the~~iAIjiit::ti .._n.
forward ~ _1ronl1O block ralJO ill..err ;"ipl llnl••, MPeCi..., _
other antennadellgns in the ...... w.claM. ~ Ibe. (1i.5 kglol aupe<b perIolm..-
on. 14 ft, (4 ,3 m) boom, Tuming rid,,," 11 ft. (5,3 m).nd 1 .51q , ft , (,69 m') oflUl1_
.... n... EX 14 II till ideal clloa ..Ill•• ~ ll limillld Grell lor roof moont Of on
1rnaI _ _. OptlOl\ll 01<1·'0 kil -.ide you. clloa of lither 30 CIt 40 meters 10 till
dfMtn il


Th ill ia • broIdband .,'<: ,_ 10 ,1'Ht '-g800llry TH80XX, FIY9 -.clive .... menl!l on 10
meters and 100.........." on boIh 1i5--20 meTers. The TH70X fllPI_ ,he ""imllliin
~ ..,.1\'8 wI'MIIheI you'.. ~ n g Olner 1a-9'" IrIbIndII", CIt SlICI<Id
monobIndIr·. 7$1>1. (35 kgJWllh'~_ of 11411Cl ft. ( 8 7 m), 1 24 ft . {7.3 m)
boom and. \uInlnQ ..... of 20 ft. (B I m)." you own • TH6OXX, .COl •. . , . ' ..... II
•• 'I W...",incUiII_-.cldrftten ' ,. "'
..-n.• IuI _ of ... ' , <ta••• andofClOUlM
,.' I 1,_mIIetIing
." . . ntn.ctionI.
AIW .... ,...... ~ 'fOUl TM5DXX TW1DX.1IlIClI)


• sepao. . Hy.() IfIPI tDr Ndl "--'<:y, FK'IOry ,_ _ ~
TH5Mk2 Five element
_ l i d 10 InIl.wI unibm ~ Thunderbird
• H ......... """,imum IegII poweI .. ilh 1 respICIlW Il\Irgln of uteIy,
• Uniqlll b~nd bet. milch lIIll"rnlltlicllnl..-g, 1."",Ie. and plac"" lhl
en'ire antenna IllructU'lIl11 ee ground

• BN 86 balun lUpplild 1II1l1Adard

Top quIIily - - .
Super ttronlI
hIIOooare -..ppIiId. no IddIdCOlt,
. . , llO83-T832 _ ..... "'-"'Iubing . - !l'InIughouI
lJno:lue Hy-GIiII lie ~ ........... boom .. . . - bfKUL ~ ..-.-m....
up "'~. (83 ........
• T-.iIIIrId IIip proof dil tormId -,.gILIgI ..............,. ,• • '" Doom _
• M tublng _ _ 1 ildlOf_at ,~, . oeooAldoich _ So.• hIoI •• ; . .. MN 56420 U S A
• Only _ _ at .,.,...... tDr COl ' .' t _ . at III1V11 ~ IleIow 2: 1 SWR
• o. 'g iId .. --.... windI of 100 mph (l80 kmo'Ivl, Technlcel As . lst. nee Hotll .,._ C.1l 10800-328-S652
SW-200AlSW-200B/SW-2000 SW-l00A/SW-l00B
Base station SWR/ power meter s Compact SWR/ pow er/ vo lt meters
SW-200A suppl ied wllh s wC 1, SW-200B SUDphed ...,lh SWC'2, SW -2000 supp l,ed 18 - 150 MHz (SW·looAJ , 140 - 45 0 MHI (SW 1008) or, range 01150 W luI( scale
....m $W C·]
10 ' m obile us e
Selectable Pea k-read,ng I RMS. SWRIPOW ER met ers cover 1 8-150 MHz ISW ·200A),
140 - 4 50 MHz (SW· 200 BI 1 8 -54 MHz (SW -2 0001 on 'a nge 010 201200 W erm pedanc e 50- 52 lJ • Frequency rang e 18 150 MHz (SW -100A), 140 -4 50 MH z
ISW'200AIB), 0 -20012000 W (SW·2000) lull scale 10' base s ta lKln u Se (SW- l 0 0B) • Pow er me asu fl ng rang e : 0- 150 W • DC VO LT m eier 0 20 V
SPEC IFIC ATI ONS • Accu' acy: Less than ± 10'1l1 01 lull scale • M "ter Illuminahon: 12 V 50 m A
. Impeda nce 50 -52 lJ o f ''' Que nq ra nge ' .8 1S0 MHI (SW ·200Al.140 - 4 50M Hl • DimenSIOns d,splay 92 (3 6) W . 64 (251 H. 361 1 4) 0 mm (Inch), coopler 62 t:? 4)
(SW woel! B- 54 MHz ISW-2000) • Powe , measu''''g range 0- 201200 W W . 50 a.Dl H . 30 (I :1) 0 mm (Incl»
(SW-XlOAIB), 0 - 20012000 W rSW-XlOO) • AccufilCy Less than::t 10'lt1 oI lu.
$CaIe • $enM ... ,ty. Less Il'1&n;;> W CSW 200AiB). 2{\W (SW ·20001 • Powe' sUPDl'1
12 vt>C 100 rnA • Dlf'I1el'lsoons 19 3 (16) W . 62 (2 4 1H . 7913 1) D mm (meh,

SWC-l/SWC-2/SWC-3/SWC-4 Compact antenna tuners
Option al couplers
SWC-l (1 8- 150 MHn Coupler lor SW-200 AIB. $W· 2000
SWC-2 1140 - 450 MHZ) Coupler to< SW-200AIB, SW-2000
l SO-23 9 connectors
• Freuuencv Range SW T- I (144 -148 MHz). SWT- 2 1430 - 4S0 MHzl • Inp ut
Impedanc e , 50 11 (unb alanced) • Oulpul lm pedance (MatCh ng rang " ) 25 100 lJ
(unbalanced) • Insertion loss: l e ss tl>an 0.3 dB • M a• . Inp ,,1Pow er: f MIAM 100 W ,
SWC·3 (18 54 MHZ ) Coopler 101 SW·2000 sse 200 W (PEPI • ConneclOf 50-239 . D,m e nSIQnS 6812681 W. 32
SWC· 40200 1300 MHZ) Couple, 101 SW·2OOA/8. SW·2000 T~pe N ccnr-ecrces (126) H • 50 (I 97) 0 mm (lnch) (Pro,ect>oos fIOI ,ncluded)

1111 We st W a ln ul Street
SpeCJ'teatJonSlma p'tees suoJ ec I 10 change WI/fIOul rouce 0' oollgarfQII
CompJete se'vtee manuals are a va"Jaole '0'
all r1lo- Ken wooa lfansceJvetS Compton. Ca lifornia 90220
ana m OSl eccessc ees
Zero Bias

. J a nuary is the traditional time for new be- committee or go to a lew hamrests? You can was out for several days on Long Island
ginnings. However. new beginnings somehow also add whatever you want to the above (Dick's was out lor almost four days), The guys
Infer a giVing up of the old Perhaps 1986 will Las! year I receveo several letters coo. on the local repeaters (where there was pow-
see amateur raoc expeflenClng a bright. POSI- cemeo With my appeal to youth while appar- er) did a great fob 01 keeping people mtonreo
tive resurgence. but we Will also be losIng a ently ignoring our seruor cmzens Amateur ra- as to wha! was happening and standlllg by to
hne Old rreonoo at me same lime One of the dio is lor anyone of any age at any time Senior haOOle emergencies. Needless to say. there
old things that Will pass by me wayside tlus Citizens, young people. handlcappecl people, wasn't a generator avaeabre at any price atter
veer IS GMT and the ever-occoier people all a few hour'S. So we missed crscecc eoc RadIO-
I know there were those who made a need the same e xact thlllg They all need all 01 Expo ttus year, and if everything goes r'9hl
smooth IranSll100 tron spark and those whcfU us to resolve tooo sometnoqtc help them ge- we'lI be there In '86
never miss burning thell lingers on a metal member that old doesn't oecesserev mean m- We hope to see a lot 01 you lhis year as we
6L6. while others elect 10 remain loyal to AM firm. mtnm doesn't oecesse-sv mean help- begin the hamlest season These events are
and carry 00 The computer exccsco did less. and helpless doesn't necessarily mean realty held Just lor you aOO your tneocs. SO why
manage to slip a tremendous volume 01 new incapable A lot of uese people are doing oth- not take advantage 01 your nelQhbor'S hospt-
terms ore our eocco. and somehow Without er things -things that promote fun, enJOY' lality and treer yourself to a good lime II
realizing It UTe did manage a foothold Such IS ment. and a sense 01 eccorcrenrreot The you're reading this and you're not vet an ama-
oroqress tnst thing IS 10 make someone aware 01 arne- teur or would like to lind out more about ama-
For the stalwarts among us. though, GMT teur eaoo. ItS possibilities, and ue things that teur reoo. then check our Announcements
really means tradlhon Back In 1675. long be- can be done Above all, the person descnblllg column Ttus nsts most events throughout Ihe
lore Samuel F B Morse was a glimmer In any- amateur -acc must sound like ta-o really country on a monthly baSIS A nemrest IS a
one's eye. the Royal GreenwICh Observatory mean II) they are havlllg lun and a good lime good place to meet amateurs, lind OUI about
began providing standard nmekeepmq ser- Isn't that why we all do It? II so, It shoutd be clubs, and get the latest mtormation on ama-
vices ror seamen Now, In anyone's book, 311 lalrly easy to share your eruncsesm leur radio licenSing classes n's a chance 10
years IS really naouon Imagine an accurate see aOO touch mosl 01 the eccoroem adver-
tenekeepmq system set up over 200 years te- Travels With CO usee wrttun these pages and to meet the ceo-
tore It was needed to arrange DX skeos and ple who represent these corroerues II you
OSOs Since our last report, ire co gang attended want to buy any of the equipment or need any
Of COurse, the ounsts among us also re- mree narnrests and missed a fourth DIck and help With a selection, Ihere Will be plenty of
fused to acknowledge the change In the 1950s ms Wile, Cathy, did the honors at Ihe Virginia dealers and estnoutors there to help you
when the Observatory was moved hom tile Beach Hamtest. while Arnie and I waved the There Will be talks, lectures. and forums at
London suburb 01 Greenwich to Herstmoo- flag at the Houston Harntest The Vlrglllla wtucn you can pick up on some e~cillng as·
ceux, close to England's south coast Herst- Beach event IS always a good one, With large cects 01 amateur reoo. There Will probably be
monceux Mean Time (HMT) didn't sound ncm and spacious ractnues. Dick reported on sev- a nearnarket where with a bll 01 careful snco-
even lhen So, along about the time when SSB eral goodies found at the ueamatket. The pmg you can pick up a treasure or two to start
stalled making mroaos Into amateur radio and Houston show tms year was held at a new 10' at! your station. II you're lucky. you might even
giving tre AM gang something 10 Ihlnk about. cation, one more ceotreuv located The Me~' have something good to eat. but that's the only
cesium atormc clocks began Creeping up on ICO earthquake happened that weekend, and It thmg ! won't guarantee, I will guarantee that
tne big mechanical clocks, Over the tast 20 or was reported that a few buildings In Houston you'l l have a good lime
so years a network o f 150 atormc clocks has moved Irom the tremors. So whethe r you're ma le or female, young or
been set up throughou t the world 10 coorct- Dick and I manned the CQ booth at the Na. o ld (or median age), phySical ly able or tianor.
nate time and timekeeping, hence UTC, tona l in LOUisville, Kentucky. The tacmues at capped, you are cordially Invited to attend any
The p rognosis tor GMT is poor The British this one cou ld house atteast 1 1/1 Day tons For or all 01 these events. At most 01 these even ts
government tests that the annual cost of lellow hamlest gou rmets, there was an extra- there wil l be an entrance tee, but this usual ly is
$100,000 can best be spent elsewhere, and ordinary treat at this one"Along With the ever- onset by the chance ot winning one 01 the
the clocks Will Simply be allowed 10 run down popular creese-coc concession, the Kentucky many door prizes II you're an old limer who's
over thiS coming year or so The site at Herst- Pork Association set up an outdoor barbecue gelling back into amateur radio after many
monceux wi ll probably be sold, and at that featuring pork chop sandwiches. pork burg- years, you'll be amazed how fa r we've come
POint GMT Will be a lading memory I'm glad I ers, and. of course, barbecued pork A ll Items Since the Sky Buddy, Whoever you are. we
was around to enrov II were served WIth a bag 01 chips and sold at would like to see you, tell you about amateur
cost (better than reasonable) ThIS was done race. and show you how much fun there IS 10
as a PR event to tammanze people with wha t have

'. "-,
-" .~.
they call "white bee! .. tl was one 01 me best
and tastiest namtest meals
I guess that these lood reviews must be Correction
~, catching on We received a call trom Evelyn I cooreo In the photo credit lor our October
• eauzens. W4WYR. the chairperson 01 the
troocar Harnooree In Miami (coming up In
1985 Issue The cover shot of Neal McEwen,
K5RW. and his ant-cue key collection was
February),le\llng us know that although there taken by Joe Veras, N40B Joe has taken a
New Year 's Resolutions would be a new local/on lor thiS event, the ceo- number 01 cover shots lor CO over the years
January IS also the time for making or break- pie who ran the Greek lood ccncesson (also
Ing those New Year's resonnons Why not try very good) would be catering me one, too So
10 make a lew mer you can keep and that WIll "you're in thl1' Miami area and want to attend a January
help out everyone? Why not -escve 10 Inlro- realty good namtest and treat vccrsen tosorne Remember, January IS tradlllOllalty antenna
ooce one new person to amateur rado In Greek oencases while strolling through the month, so dress warm. II you were lucky. yOU
1986? How about helpmg one new amateur nearoaoet. then put this one on your ust got a scarl or two plus some warm scces for
gel on the all?Gan you reettrcouce to amateur The fourth event we were supposed to be at the holidays Use them. Also use a safety bell
radIO an old timer who has been of! the air? had to be scrubbed on account 01 Humcene It's a very good Investment. No antenna worthy
Could you resolve to have more lun wnn arna- GlOria It hit the New York area Just about the 01 OX was ever put up In warm weather, or re-
teur race? Is It possible you could resove to time we were to board the IlIghl to Ctucaqo paned In good weather I clorfl know why Irs
leave the rnam ccosoe at ' MlsslQll Control" (Radlo-E~po). AIIII'9hts. and Just about every· Just traouon.
even far a lillie whIle to help out wllh a club thing else, were cancelled Ihat day Power 73, Alan, K2EEK

Say You Saw It In CQ

Packet + RT1Y= transceiver. and vuun- set.
If yo u're anx ious to II;" it OUl, our
specific operating parameters for
quic k set-up for emergency
Pakratt" PK-64. new "quickxtart" man ual sect ion services. d ubs, and multiple fre -
If you 'vc read about pac-ket . or e m gel you on the ai r in under quencv lise. And the Pakratt con -
arc :llrc:ldy into it. yo u kn o w 11 m \" !r2 hour. t roller's standard, TAPR style
exc-i ti ng it is. \X'i th th e h oi n ew modem gi\"cs you 300 and 1200
Pa kratr PK-<J.i wv'vv juxt b rough t a Simply Powerful baud ope ration wit h great
new di mcusi on 10 pac-ket. The The versat ile Pakrat t ron rrolh-r IIF/\1 IF per form ance.
l 'akrau PK (i '1 is a complete. fully xhows messages and conn ect \X'e can't possibly li st :III of
assembled and tested packet radio status simult aneously on your the impo rtant feat ures o f l'a kr.ur
controller which, to gctl u-r wit h :1 Comm odore w i th :t unique split - here. But the abso turclv best parr
Comm odore 6~ or 12K c-omputer. screen display. And it lets you o f the l'akratt PK G..} is that it's at
can convert yo ur shack in to n you r dealer now. So stop read ing.
pac-ket operations ce nter. fun down to your local d eale r,
And we've included a IlL'W \L'TS;OIl and check Pa kratt out. Because
of ou r advanc-ed ,\ lBA- TOHTM soft - the real challenge will b e to find
wan' (0 make itthe IITSI packet one after the other hams we it.
con troller with A.\1TOR. Baudot, Pakratt 1'1\.-6-r. Packe t Power
A"iCIi and ,\ torst.'. But an cvvn from AEA. AI amateur radio
mort.' exc-iting pan of the Pakratt dealers evervwhcre.
controller is its grl';l1 pric-e.
PK-64 shown with HF modem option.

Incredibly Simple
Computer not included.
send letter-perfect text from the
Advanced Electronic Applications, Inc.
To Set Up text editor software while mon -
P.O. Box C-2160
JUSI plug the Pakratt C011lrol1L'f itoring incoming messages. The lynnwood, WA 98036.0918
into the C6-t 's game cartridge 20K byte QSO buffer stores mort' (206) 775-7373
slot , add :1 mit' connector for than 20 video screens of lexl! Telex: 6972496 AEA INTl UW
connecting (0 your particular Disk commands It'I ~llU san'

PIlqQ . . ...... 11JR . . b" ....... AftIlltelllBlctl ' di F It' ,_.CC_ _· " , 64 IU b ' l ...... e' ".. EM:b 1 • LTD.
1986 Say:- -------,
Conversion Article Caution w ith me via Caubook. (P.S Send me an
Edito r, CO: SASEI)
In reading your October 1985 issue I Craig W illiams, KB6DRW
noted a potentially very dangerous ar- Idaho Fall, 10
rangement of parts in the Warren artic le
("A Quick Convers ion of the Drake l 4B Live Help Needed
For Use With a 3CX1200A7," p. 33), As Editor, CO:
shown, it is possible to place the full high I am not an amateur rad io operator.
voltage onto the Jones plug by connect· However, I would love to become one. In
ing the HV part of the amplifier but not fact, I am the kind of person your edi-
connecting the Jones plug. It is also torials and letters to the editor are
worth cautioning the reader tha t if the discussing.
+ HV is connected between the power I am about to drive over three hours to
supply but the Jones plug is not pluggep see if the ARRL convention can help me .
in, the chassis 01 the L4B amplifier will be The only other help I own bes ides a few
silting at - 3000 volts. There should copies of CQ is a copy of Tune in the
always be multiple permanent grounds World with Ham Radio. I have read it
between the chassis and these shoul d be through, and it is exciting to consider the
in place befo re the + HV is connected. po sslbutt es open to a new ham. I am go-
Bob Larkin, W7PUA ing bac k to Sludy th rough it for my ticket.
The "Flying Horse" Corvallis, OR My poin t is this: I do not believe I will
make it as a ham un less I find real live op-
has a great new look! erators to help me through the areas I do
It's the blgges! cha nge In c auecck history I
N ow there are 3 new ceuece es for 19 86 .
Keyer Article Reaches Out not really understand. I need the frie nd·
Ecttor. co: ship and guidance of ot hers. I wonder if I
The N o rt h A m erica n cau e o o« lists t he It is alwa ys wi th great interest that I will find help in Louisville , Will someone
amateurs i n all cou n t ries In N orth America
plus th ose In Hawa II and the U .S. possesstcns , read your exce llent ma gazine every show me a good. inexpensive receiver
mon th. Ther e is always something of m- with which t cou ld beg in Iistening?Could I
T he In t ern at i o na l canec o« lists the ca lls,
na mes, and address Informa t ion f o r li censed lerest for everyone who is in love w ith even get it set up correctly wit hout help?
amateu rs In all count ries o u t si d e N o rth radio. It has a big variety of articles, cov- The point is made plain when you realize
A mer ica . Coverage In clu des E u rope , Asia , ering all aspects in the radio amateur that I have never seen a shack, heard a
A f r ica, Sou t h Am eri ca , and the Pac ifi C area
(eKclusl v8 o f HawaH and t h e U .S. posses - world. contact, or talked to an operator
Si ons ). As an old CW Dog I have alwa ys read Learn how to tink up with folks like me,
The cenec o « Suppl em ent Is a wh ol e new the nostalgic articles written by Dave In- and you are well on your way to finding
Idea In callbao k upcetes , PUDtlshed June I , gram, K4TWJ, with great interest . butthe the new Novices you care so much abou t
1986 , t h is Supplement w ill i n cl Ude ,)11 t he
act tvttv fo r bot h t he N o r th Ame rican and May and June issues, with old Morse keys entering the ranks 01 amateur operators.
Intern ational ce uecc es f or tne preced ing was wonderful, and very interesting. It is SIeve Baker
6 months. good to know there are people like K5RW Kuttawa, KY
PlJ bllcatlon dat e for the 19 86 callbookS is around. in this plastic age, who have a
Deeember 1, 19 B5 . see you r dealer or o r der
now dlrel:tly f rom the pu blisher .
leeling and veneration for the past. Editorial Ad ds To New Book
I was so delighted by it allthatl sent the Editor. CO:
two magazines right away to my friend in I rece ived today my September issue
o Nor th Amerll;an callbook Australia, VK6WT, David. He has the big· 01 CQ magazine, and have just fin ished
Incl. sh i p ping w ithi n U SA $25.00 gest collection of Mor se keys in Australia. my first read through it. I particularly
Incl . sh ipping ta f a reign co un t ries 27 .6 0 and I have been corresponding with him wanted to compliment you on your timely.
o In t er na tional ca ll boo k about this item fo r several yea rs. Beside though tful, and outstanding editorial reI·
incl . shiPPi n g within U SA $24.00 that. he has a collec tion of stamps with erencing gelling the Novice licensee on
i n cl. shippi ng t o f orei gn count ries 26.6 0 Mo rse keys pic tured on them, from the the air. Your comments should be reo
whole world, so I know David will be glad quired reading for all amateurs. The
o ca llbook Su p p lement, pub lished J un e 1 st
In cl . shlpP ln 9 w i thin U SA $ 13 .00 to read these two issues. points Ihat you make have to be immedi-
In cl. sh ippin g t o f ore ign countrtes 14 .00 I just wanted to th ank you for it all, and ately obvious to all who are concerned
hope you will keep up the good wor k. with the health of ou r hobby. and you are
SPECIAL OFFER Martin Haasen, OY7 ML certainly to be congratulated on your in-
o Both N .A . & Internatio nal c aueoo es Torshavn. Foro yar sights.
Incl. sh i ppi ng within USA $4 5 .0 0 Faeroe Islands
Incl. sn i p p i n g t a f oreign countries 53 .50 I have been working on a book for the
new Novice, a book designed to get the
new amateur on the air in the easiest
illin ois residen t s pl ease add 6 lto % sales t ax .
All pa yments m ust be In U .S . f u n ds .
Lost and Found Oepartment practical terms, and it is about one third
Edit complete. Hopefully, it will offer to some
IIb0 0 k INC.
I received QSL ca rds from the 6 land the help tha t you spea k of. And you
Dept. Q
bu ro today, Two cards that do nOI belong broughl up seve ral points of potential

A 92S She r wood o r. , Box 2 47 to me also showed up. Bolh were for CW problems lo r the new Novice that were
La ke B luff, I L 600 4 4 , USA contacts w ith DL8GAD in Sverd lovsk, not in my book ou tline. Believe me. they
Russia. The QSO's took place on Marc h are now! Keep up the good work I
T el : (3 121234-6600 ~ ffi 25, 1984 at 15:45. Anyone ou t ther e
claiming these QSL's please get in touch
Bob Loc her , W9KN I

8 • CO • January 1986 Say You Saw It In CO

• Spec:IlII-Eftnt Slition KD.lK · Special-event station K DIIIZK will operate all Gen e r-

8D-73 al and Novice bands dunngJanuary 86 An 8'1.' X 11 ' ceeuncate is avauabre lor
contac t Send OSl and lalge SASE to KDIIIZK. Barry HorOWitz. 7t5 West 5th SI
Junchon C,ly. KS 664 4 1 pus event IS In cereorenco 01 Kansas's 1251h birthday
• PItiladllpllii M'cll SIlow.1Id FII'lII4I'kll ' ThiS event will be held on Sa turuay. Janu-
ary 111h at tee George Washlng l on ccetereoce Center, W,lloW Grove. PA Over
175 vendors WIll sell new. Used. surplus. and cjoseon compuler merchand,seol
all k,nd s Show hours are 10 a m 105 P m anct admiSSl()l'llS $5 00 lo r adults and
S3 00 101 chlldren~es5-12 Vendor spacesare$25- $70each_ For addlll(llMllln·

byAir 100matl()l'l cail Ken Gordon ProouC\I()I'lS Inc at (201) 297-2526 or outside NJ calt
(800) 631.()()62
• Midwintll S••pll.l- The annual Midwinte r Swaplesl WIll be held on Saluroay,
January 11 at ire Waukesha Co Expo ceerer Forum at 800 a m AdmISSlOll

A precision instrument S2 00 In advance. 5300 at 0001 Tables (4 ft_): 53 00 In advance. SA 00 at cIoof

Dealers weteome Sponsoo-ed by ire West Allis aaoc Amateu, Club For hCkets
01 WlIOlfflal1()l'l wllte WARN:;; Swap/est. PO eo. 1072. Milw aukee. WI 53201
built to last. <SASE)
• Ric~MMIII . V" FIIS""t • The N,nttl Arlnual Richmond Frostiest WIll be held on
Sunday. Janua.y 12 al ttle Vlfglrna Stale Falr9rounds. 830a m 103 30p m Gen·
The H D-73 combi nes Dual-Speed rotation eralaG"nosslon SA 00 Fleama,kel spaces SA 00 Wllhout. sa 00 WIth 810at table
and a single 5-position switch with the clear Booths available to dealers and exhibitors No OUISlde Iallgatong Deadlioe for
visibility of a backlit O'Arsonval meter. So boolhsand -esevee t1eamarket spaces e oeceecer 3t VEC ExamonSalulday

you get precise control for fast and fine tuning .

socosceee by RIChmond Amaleur Telecommul'1lColllOfls socew wnte Rich·
mond Frosuest, PO Bo. 1070. RICIlITlOOd. VA 23206. 01 call Bill Scruggs.
And the advanced technology of HD-73 N4 0 0M. 804 -272-82'06
is backed by quality construction. Heavy • bII1Iw RadiI SIl:iIII. PIIilIdIilpflilI , Pol. · TheChavefim ot Detawaee Valley. Inc an
duty aluminum casings and hardened steel OIg.anlZatlOfl tormed to promote a close. essocetoe between jewISh Amaleul
RadIo opt!'ralO1S andthelllroeods throu9hout tee WOIkl. Will be holOIng lnell 6th
drive gears. Lifetime factory lubrication that rTlIOw'nter annual SOCl<lt In downtown Ptll!adelprlla on Su~y. January 12th at
withstands -20°F. to 10-01) a m Bultet brunch. bfoef .nstaltatlOfl or new cttcers. entertainment and
120°F. temperatures. lois of Eve,yone IS .rMled to paflrclpale Contact BIN Soble. W30XT
The superior design at 215-676-6769, 01 wrlle to 9357 Hoft Street. Ptuladelplua. PA 19115_ to' Intor-
mahon Rese,vallons are necf"SSary
of the HD-73 mast • Oak PI,k oI.RC S•• pltst · The Odk Park ARC annual race swaptest w.1I be held on
support bracket. with Sunday, January 12th et tbe Oak Pa'k Hogh School. 143OO0ak Park Blvd. Oak
optional no-slip positive Par k. M ,c htgan Hou rs Will be trom 7 30 a m. 10 4 pm
drive. assures perfect • Courage HoI.NDI-HoI.M System DSD Plrty - Ttus event writ be held Irom Janua'y 12
through January 16 Irom 2200Z 100400Z Recommendedoperallnglrequencles
in-tower centering with are 14307.7260. and 3 925 All HANOI·HAM members are mvoled 10 pemcr
no special tools . pate by callIng CO HAN DI-HAMS HANOI-H AMS Will ocetate ladlO camp slatlOll
Automatic braking WQfOOI6 trom camp at Malibu. Cahlorhla
minimizes inertia • EXPO /64 Campuler F1e.m•• kll - Th,s flea market Wilt be held on Sunday, Janua'y
191h at the MeadowlandS Hmon HOlel. Secaucus. NJ_The show Ise.cluSlvely lor
stress . owners 01Commodore 64/128120 (and Amogajcomputel systems. Ovel 150 vee-
Easy to install. a cors Will sell new. used. surplus, and closeout coeiocter meecneonse 01 all kindS
pleasure to use. Show noe-s are 10 a m to 5 p m aoo ad miSSI()l1 IS $700 tor adu lts and $4.00 tor
The HD-73 is on Children ages 5-12 For adclillOllal mroernanon call Ken ec-ooo Prooucnoos Inc
at (2011297·2526 or outsioe NJ call (800) 631-0062
your wavelength . • HOSoI. RC lucky 13 - The Hall 01 Science ARC will Issue a com memotanve cemn.
Write for perform- care 10 anyone wo'klng a HOSARC stenon on January 19th In celebration of Ihe"
ance details 13th anniver sary HOSARC stauons USing the call W B2JSM WIll operate SSB m
today. tte nrst 25 kH z a! the Ge ne ral poone bands 01 40, 20. 15. and 10 mete rs. CW in
tne tnstzs kH z 01 the Nov ice ba nda 0180. 40. 15. and 10 meter s. and In Ihe t'Isl5
kH zcrue 30 me let band, !,om 1500- 2 100 UTC_ QSl Wit h a lalge SASE (44 cents
01 1 IRC) to: HOSARC QSl Manag",r Arrl ie Schiftma n , WB2YX8, 8 1,22 250lh SI
Beurose. N Y 11426
• Conco.d B"upo undlf' Spacl.1 Evant · The Concord a resscoo noe rs ARC Wi ll oce-.
ale W I OC tc con rre rrcra te cnnsra McCauli lJe 's tnstteecbe r in space flig ht oc-
erauon Wilt be from 1300Z Sa Iurday to 1259ZSundaydullng the !uSI weekend tal.
lOWing the 1,llJnch otme Space snume w,th c rvera aboard. Ant iCipa ted taunch
da le IS Janu.ary 22 Suggested frequenc ies : CW 7050. 14050. 2 1050 and 7105
Novice frequency Phone 7285, 14285.2 1385. For an 8';'· x 11' ceuucete
send an SASE 10 W1OC , PO Box 2214, Concord. N H 03301
• 19th oI.nnuIIWint''',,1 at Him' · rms avem w,i1 be on Friday, January 24 ar the O,a·
mood Oub. Met Park, No,fol k. VA rnere Will be cocetaus et 630 p m (cash ba')
and dinner at 730 p.m Cost IS 5 12 50pel person Fo r tceets ccotact Gus B,ew·
e•• W4 FPW. 1359 Eagle Ave . NOI!olk , VA 23518 (SASE) Respond by 1/2OJ86
• Boston Mie.. ShoW 1l1li Fltlllllrket · ThiS eve-n wll! be held on Salurday, January
25th ettre NOIl he ast TradeCenter. Woburn. M A Over 200 veoooea Will sell new

I want to tune in on HD-73. CO
used. surplus. and csoseoct computel merchanctlse 01 all k.nds Show hOUrs a'e
10 a m to 5 p m and adrrNSSIOfl IS $5 00 for adults and $3 00 tor Children ages
5-12 Vendor spaces a,e S25-$70each FOI add'tlO/lallnto'matlOfl call Ken Gor·
don ProducllO/lS Inc at (201) 297-2526 0' Oulslde NJ Call 4800) 63HX162
I 0 Send comptele ew.1. I • s..tllfilld. MI S••p " Shop · The Soulhloeid High ScI100l ARC w~1 sponsor thelf
20th Annual Swap & Shop on January 26 at Soulhheld High School. 24675 Lah-
I 0 Give me the Nme of my dulor. I se•. Southloeld. M I DoOIs open at 6 00 a m fOl e .hlbltOls 0Qen to the PUbI<c al
8 OOa m 10300 P m AdmlSSlOlllS S2 50 Reserved tablesa,e $20 OOlor two8tt
I NAME I labIes(pald In advance) AdOoIIO/laI ,eserved lableS S10 00 each Tables WI I also
be avallable al lhe door FOI mOfl~ IIlfOlmatlOfl w"le 10 Robert YOUnke, Sou'h.
I I held Hogn School. 24675 Lahsef, Soulhfoekl. 1.4 148034
I """"ESS I • , ...." '. NYEIIctr", AlICtiIIl • The Yonke's ARC w~1 sporlSOl Its ElectrOIllCS
Auc\lononJanua,y 26 al lemko Hall. 556 YonkelsAve , Yon kers. New YOlk f,om
I em STATE ZIP I 9 a m 10 3 p m AdmISsaon rs 53 00 (buye.-s and sellers). ch.ldren undel 8 hee
Bnng equopmenl (new 01 used) you wanllO aUCllOfl ot!
I ~ The AJlillnce M.nutacturing Company, Inc., II • WIIuIIlI H• .-tnt. Altmgton HeogtlIS. Il. January 20. 1986 FOI moremfOlmat1(lh
~ Anillnce, Ohio 44601
call 312 231 7497
• T.-.picaI Halllbll... M,aml. Flo Feb'ua,y 8-9. 1986 FOI more Ihi00mallOfl ca

10 • CO • JanuarY 199fi C'_•• v_•• C' _ _ . . ._ ......

The DX is b r out here.
Ask anyone who owns an FT-726R.
It's true. Linking up to OSCAR 10 is optional modules. one for 435-MHz pushbutton transfer capability to
the one sure way to bring the world operation. another for cross-band either of t'MJ VFO registers. And
into your ham shack. No matter duplex. versatile scanning functions you'd
where your shack is. You can set up your earth station expect from a'eesu radio.
FT-726R owners know You'll find just about anywhere. All you need Plus you get a lot more extras,
them working the world from their is the 726 and two 'cagi antennas: including a built-in speech processor;
apartments, AttICS. And from their 435-MHz for transmit and 2-meters all-mode squelch and a noise blanker
antenna-restricted neighborhoods. for receive. So no matter where your shack
They'll even boast of a signal Even as a conventional base is, let Yaesu's FT-726R introduce you
quality and DX potential that would
make any 2a-meter operator envious.
Regardless of where we are in the
You can choose from three operat-
ing modes: SSB, FM or CW Expand
'Vj SU
station, the FT-726R is a real standout to OSCAR 10. The world is waiting,

sunspot cycle. to three-band operation with your

In fact. the FT-726R is the world's choice of optional modules for 10 Yaesu Elecbonics Corporation
most popular link to O SCAR 10, meters, 6 meters, 430-440 MHz 6851'v\tllthalilNay. Paramount CA 90723
And for good reason. This and 44O~450 MHz. (213) 633-4007
2-meter. la-watt ri g gIVes you full Then store your preferred fre- Yaesu Cincinnati Service Center
cross-bend duplex capabi l- quencies and modes into the eleven 90IU Gold Park Drive, Ham ilton. OH 45011
ity Si mply plug in two memories for instant recall ,With (513) 874-3100

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and 70 CM





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(714) 761·3033, (213) 860·2040, (415) 451·5757, (619) 560·4900 ,
Belwee n Disneyla nd & Knoll S Berry Fa rlll. Highway 24 Oownlown. leU 2711> oll.ramp Higl>w ay 163 and Cla i,e lllonl Me s a BI. d
BURLINGAME, CA 94010 PHOENIX, AZ 85015 VAN NUYS, ell. 91401
990 Howa rd Ave., 1702 W Cam elbac k Road, 6265 Sepulveda B lVd .,
(415)342·5757, (602) 242·3515, (8181988·2212
5 lIli les $Oull> on 101 IWIIl San F'an . Ai' po rl. Eas l o f !"I i\lhway 17 San Diego F, eew ay a 1 Vic lo, y Boule.a'd

. . . ".l'~U . "'PM • . .. .. 'Lc)· .... .....

UI ... ·L .. ""'""-'"·~'~,y"' ·~ l .. > ,~~, J w ''''''~ . ~"~TAU~'CS. SiG~Al 0+<, ,StO+<'R"E"PQ"£~ TEC
• ..-..... "CIl • 0"" T£R ....R. . . . ~" .. ~o ,cocu.. e,.. • CURl'S ' CUS"CRO'T, .r~wooo . "'... , .. RS! ~ ,,,"'.. ,, ...£ II ' TR,S lAO. TR ' E'."~ OOROON,.ocoo.o
sPEC'''LlSTS' .RRl ' Os,,,,,,,· &AS><.
8"ot ~ • III ~C ... R • 8'''0· IlUn[O'..ul,
O'twO, OR"E • O. EDGE' E'''oC'

-""<• •. ..,..,""'...,.,. <le.c_. . ,_"""".

G"'1R. HAl • ""S 'eE ~. MY (io,~ • 0:;;01" •
Xl'''''''' to c~_
•"'J' "'CROlDG ••"~, PRQOIJI;'S'
",R'c.E • ~.! • PAl""'.R . A()HN. SHuR! '
'''llRO''<p.'''-';ST ,,0ESu

C-'" _ .....".,. "'''''''~" ~4" . ," , "'." "

VE3QQ comes through again with another of his great
keyer projects. This one describes adding touch
control to the EK·1 keyer.

The "Further Step":

Touch Control For Your
Vibroplex EK-l

A nearlier articl e' covered some im-

provements 10 the Vibroplex EK-1 " Brass
Racer " kever and inclu ded a grounding
modification for its metal base. If you've
made the necessary paddle polarity
changes and installed the two switching
transistors required for direct base
grounding. it's easy to go the rest of the
way to capacitive touch control. Since no
serious thOught was previously given to
adding a touch section, you will , how-
ever, have to ch ange the assoc iated re-
sistors if you intend to incorporate the
conversion uni l desc ribed here. Mo ve the
10K ohm ones to replac e the 47 K values.
and substitute 2.2K resistors in the for-
mer 10K emitter-base positions on each
side. Then just lilt ou t your old-fashioned
mec hanica l paddles and come up to date
with the new.
The ci rcui t board mounts on the sa me The new look in " Brass Racers.:'
four pivot points (hol es W , fig. 1) and the
key-post contacts sc rew forwa rd to meet
a couple of silve r-tipped terminals near
the edges. No other connection is need-
ed , and the magnets align wi th hardwa re
on the board to hel p pull things together.
For permanent installation, center drill
the EK- t brass back-plate in line with the
other holes and insert a 6-32 x 1 'AI • re-
taining screw through hole Z into the pad-
dle mounting stud. Adjust the nylon back-
screws to support the board at the rear.
If you haven't yet done the EK·1 ground-
ing alterations, you'll need to complete
them, with the resistor changes, before
proceeding. And should you dec ide after
a good operating workout that the sensi-
tive pr ecision and effortl ess action 01 No te the back-pla te center retaining screw Here 's the conversion unit by itself.
touc h key ing a re not fo r you , simply dis- between the magnet turre ts at the rear.
engage the unit and reinstall your mak e-
and-break levers as before. At least you 'll have gained the sa fety-fir st adva ntages (less than ha ll a milliampere idling), you' ll
01 a pr oper ly grou nded keyer frame, and need to provide some kind of kever non-
you may be able to interest a fri end in try- operational cut-off if your supply is a bat-
"2 15 Brock Street, Box 994, Stayner, On- ing this ado-on touch accessory. te ry. The re's room on eithe r side of the
tario, Canada L0M 1S0 Though touch un it cu rrent is small ha rdwood base to set in a small ON/OFF

Say You Saw It In CO Ja nuary1986 • CO • 13

Paddle assembly position

C7 and C8 se.. text

x.xt e e se a-m
y . #43
Z, Zl ~ 5i:r;> "
All othe rs e #58


1-- - - - - - - 3'."- - - - - - --1

x, 0 W 0 iii 0 xr
0 0 00000 00 0 0 a a
, o
0 x Xl a a Xl X 0 0 0 ,
o - --- 000 0
0 - ,- - - - - - o
p 0- -
00""" 0 0
, , 0 ,
0-- - 0- - - - - -0- - - 0 - -- 0-
- - - - -0
- - o--/-

o oro 0 0 00 0


fetc h foil away) (etch foil away)

"'6" epoxy, c lad one side


Fig. 1- Circuit board details (shown actual size).

sw itch such as the Radio Shack submini through holes 21 and file even with the alignment, and the side notches are for
275-8024. Or you can check the above nu ts on the foi l side. To avoid fine coil w ire back-sc rew clearance.
referenced article and go the external AC breakage, carefully grip the RF choke
supply route. leads with needle-nosed pliers near their Paddle Section
cores, and bend outside the tool. Keep Construct the paddles and the horizon-
Circuit Board the transistors about ~ inch from the tal braces as shown in fig , 2 and the pho-
The c ircuit board is sixteenth-inch fi- board. away from the Vibroplex key- tos. Cut a round metal mounting stud 'h
berglass epoxy prepared with Radio posts, and use hea tsink clips while sold- inch in diameter by '}'6-I inch long, drill and
Shack's resist pen and etchant. Pin-prick ering. Leave capacitors C7 and C8 until tap a 6-32 hole through its sideways cen-
its outline and hole positions onto a sheet last, and then tack them directly to the ap- ter, and assemble later in holes U. This
of paper placed under the CQ page and propriate L1, L2 prongs on the back. will accept the keyer back-plate screw
same-size drawing fig. 1. Cut the paper as Make the output terminals from two when inserted between the sides.
indicated and check mounting dimen- 2·56 x 'I. " round head screws. File their Make the touch-plates from 1 inch ID
sions for fit in your particular keyer: then heads flat and tip each with a small silver hole plug buttons (Cinch-Jones 4 1-G).
tape it to the foil side of the board mater- slug (cut from surplus relay contacts) Break off all but a single finger on each
ial. Mark the edges, center-punch the soldered in place. Round to shape and in- and solder-tin this as a connecting lug.
holes, saw and fi le to shape. Pilot dri ll stall with a nut at board holes Y. When Use a lill ie acid paste on the nickel ptat-
(#58) all holes after circuit drawing and you 've completed construction, gently ing if necessary, but be sure to remove
etching, and then follow with the larger di- file down protruding wire ends and mount the residue with a solvent such as lac -
ameters where needed . For accuracy, the circuit-protecting end covers with ex- quer thinner. File the remaining stubs al-
clamp the end covers to the circuit board tra nuts on the same screws. Holes X most, but not quite , flush with the button
and drill through holes X and Y. should acceptC5 andC61ugsat positions edges .
Insta ll two steel 6-32 machine screws X on the circuit board to maintain cover Sandpaper roughen the outer paddle

14 • CO • January 1986 Say You Saw It In CO

Yaesu as serious Ii ners
r t e serious Ii net:
'raesu's serious about giving )'OU related operating mode into any of Scan the airwaves with a number
better ways to tune in the world the Cf1 memories. Scan the memories. ofprogrammable scanni ng functions.
around )'CU. Or in between them. O r simply Plus }<lU get keyboard frequency
And whether it's for local action "dial up" any frequency with the entry An LCD display for easy
or worldwide OX. you'll find our frequency entry pad. readout. A SINPO signal graph.
VHF/UHFand HF receivers are the Plus there's more, including Computer interface capability for
superior match for all your listen- a 24-hour clock. multiplexed outp ut. advanced listening functions.Eve
ing needs. fluorescent readout. Signal strength 24 hour clocks. Recording functions.
graph, and an AC power adapter And much more to make your
The FRG-9600. A pll.nium
The FRG-8800 HF communica-
listening station complete.
VHF/UHF scanning communi-
cations receiver. The 9(£fJ is no tions recebee A better way to Listen in. When you want more
typical scanner And it's easy to listen to the world. If you want a from your VHF/ UHFor HF receivers.
see why complete comm unications package, just look to Yaesu. We take your
You won't miss any local action the FRG-8OCQ is just right for you. listening seriously.
with conti nuous coverage from 00 You get continuous worldwide
to 905 MHz. coverage from 1.50 KHz to 30 MHz.
You have more operating modes And local cCNerage from 118 to 174
to listen in on: upper or lower MHz With an optional VHFconverter
sideband. CWO AM w ide or narrow Listen in on any mode: upper Vaesu Elecbonia Corporation
and FM wide or narrow and lower sideband. CW AM wide 6851W3lthall W3y. Paramount. CA som
You can even watch television or I"laIT(M( and FM. (213) 63J-W7
programs by plugging in avideo Store frequencies and operating Vaesu Cincinnati Service Cd Iter
monitor into the optional video modes into any of the twelve chan- 90iU Gold Park Drive. Hamilton. OH 45011
output. nels for instant (513) 874-Jro
Scan in steps of 5. '0. 12V2. 2S recall.
and OJ KHz . Store any frequency and

Dealer inq uiries invited. Price md specifations wbject w c/wlge without notice.
FRG-9600 SSB (()Y'el";lge:. 60 w 460 MHz.

name ot 'he

,;,r.l: r ... ..
~""""""S ........"",,,,,..,"'~~)...,
. ~ .~.:~ .'- '
~". r_w···
~ . • "._.. .
Contact your nearest'Clea/er or Call AUnea for the loeai;"n closest to you.


P.O. Box 20009 • Reno, Nev. 89515 Phone (702) 359-1414 • Telex 4993999 EGELECTR
44 Glen Carran Circle • Sparks, Nev. 89431 Facsimile (702) 359-1424
N. O· Both sides
p . Right side
a - Left side
R· :J, 1' ~ righl side
S· :J,,,~ left side
T · # 43 d rill. both sides
U· '.~ drill, both sides

lIeft and right )

1.~ clearance
Isee tell;tl

ldot) ,....,

Cu' ' ,
1• •• •
,," (etch foi l aw ay )
(2 re<tu;red )

Fig. 2- The paddles (shown actual size).

surfaces at the centers of the round per- Squ are things up and place a drop 01 put signalS atleast 25 kHz apa rt near the
nons and use liberal amounts of (Devcon) epoxy at Ihe 90·degree apex 01each non- high end 01the dial on a nearby broadcast
5-mmute epoxy on opposing areas. alter- zonta! brace. Set the braces in position. recetver . TOUChing the paddle buttons
nately lipping face up and face down, to flat corners toward the buttons, at the stops the oscilla to rs, and tre resulting
cement the buttons in place. Clip the lugs paddle sides . line up while the cement is current gains cont rol the keymg se·
10 about X. inch in height and solder to hardenmg, and then run a bead 01 epoxy quence.
their respective foils. around all oaoore- to-brace-to-board adja- Either a 7 or 9 volt supply can be used.
Cut lour Yl men lengths 01 light bus cent perimeters. but don't lei a dying battery drop much
wire to make oa core-to-cncvn-toard below 6 Yz volts. Though keying may con-
jumpers. and solder these ahead of loil unue normally, Insufficient swrtctunq
punch marks O. P, 0 to enter the cortes- Circu~ and Operation transistor turn-on will cause excessive
pondmg notes 10 the board , Correctly or- Comparing the scnemanc . fig. 3, with currents in the 8044 IC key input fines.
lent the stud in holes U. and join the pad· the oscillator secuons of previous touch M ake certain your eq uipment is well
die secnons With 2-56 x X, · screws in control ci rcuits" will reveal a few ch anges grounded .
holes T. Place two nuts on each and ad- initially generated by the nonavailability
just between sides to keep these pa rallel of earlier transtsrora. and by the necessi-
aga inst a ".... inch reln torcinq spacer ceo ty o f adap ting to the al rea dy m odified Final Check
mentec behind the button centers. Two EK· 1. Som e va lues have stutted. and in te- Cl ip a hig h·res ista nce vol tm eter from
nuts on the outside comple te the assem- gra l grounded foils shield the paddles the o riginal EK· ' dot and dash key con-
bly, which may then be attached to the from eac h o ther to reduce in ter-osctnator nec tion s (switching tran sistor collec tors)
Ci rcuit board. The foil clearances shown coupling and fac ilitate the frequenc y set· in turn to the negative supply. Ke y-open
allow a little jumper fle xibili ty fo r final ting process. W ith C5 and C6 one-quart er read ings w ill closel y approx imate the
oosiuonmq. meshed , ad just the coil slugs to give out- supply vol tage, and key-c losed figu res

Say YOIi Saw It In CO January 1986 • CO • 17

To modified EK-l key-post contacts
hee tex t)
l' l'
C1 C2
.001 .1101
"" ""
Cl C4
Al .1101 .1101 A2
470 K 47 0K
"" ""
lm H I Ql , Q2 I

The finished circuit board, ready for its

I L1--
-- ---,
ca -,

n :
260;lH 1 260l'H I
covers and installation ,
L ____
- ---- "
L - --- _ _ _ ..J1

CS C7 C8 C6
2 -10p F
,. 15pF
2 -10pF

, , Dash
,I ,,
- r • ,-
Fig. 3- Schematic for adding toocn control to the EK-1 «ever.

application . Power input to each oscilla- day . Belter, more efficient m ethods are
to r should run about 1.2 milliwatt at 9 available in the compu ter age, and touch-
volts, and p roportionately less at 7. control keying is one of these . Why not
This view shows the end covers, with C7 Broadcast interference w ill be minimal, modernize you r EK-1 by giv ing it a try?
and C8 near the bottom. and retuning is the cure if it becomes ob- Again, my thanks to VE30HO for the
[ecttonabte. loan of his keyer. and to M r . Ne il Wood for
s hou ld drop to zero (Le., less than .05 the photographs.
volt). If they do not , change transistors,
sinc e gains can vary from one to another Conclusion
of t he same type. Ideally these checks Let's face it: large, silver, clic kin g key Parts List
should be done at a lower than normal con tac ts a re a t radi tional holdover from C1, C2, C3, C4: .001 uF ceramic, sub-
supp ly voltage to give so me operating th e long-gone days of spark. Key s used to miniature (Centra lab CW15C102K)
flexibili ty_ Nevertheless, the transisto rs break amperes of cu rrent in cont rast to C5, C6: 2- 10 pF tr im mer (Philips
specified were no t over ly critical in this the often mic roamp requi re men ts of to- 808-11109)
C7 , C8: 15 p F silver mica (Miconics
DM5-1 50J)
SANTEe l l , L2: 260 u H b.c. oscillator coil, sub-
miniature (Armaco TR0 3 15)
01 , 02: 2 N3906 (Radio Shack 276-
160 4) or 2N5087
' M S'-2OI f'Ia. AU !fle """'!\.<eo 01 ~o Predec;esso<!fle 51-142 R1, R2: 470K ohm I/. wall 5%
There is SO OTln"/-( Tm",,.,.il'/'Y
Pkl. """" odd/Iion<Il O uts/on<ll"ll. FrIe<\<l'< U...' MclillOrl. RFC 1, RFC2: 1 mH RF choke, sub-
0" iiI<' .I1/1rkcl T",fm- that 'WI
. -"".-...-,- . -.... -~• ~''''' '-<tyI-
"""'- . ...... _ _ ''''''00<>0)
DO< . . ."""" "" SlIr/J<i,'s tl1f 1i1JA" FJI·:!·IO ill size, miniature (Ham mond 1530B103)
• ,......"' eox>..., •
_ ~ "" n«><Io '"''''''''
/""tlrr~.I , and "I'in" SOXH' Radio Shack 2 N3006's (276 -1603) or
--...-.. ~ • fulleD """""'" • ~ • '1VtIC e-,
~ •_ _ 1"""""'..." ' ''' .' :;0) 0'>0 ir. Sma.· _ 8O;l Feo!.... 2 N2222A's ca n su bsti tute fo r the 2N 24 84
""",- • ""'_fuI
~ (on<l _
1<_.",,,,_, . C'C" ' 0.-.0" _ 10<>0<.
w "","",...... , """""" . _
) _
MAA$ and

"-'" '"
,..,. , _
m<XM< '"

"0 , _
• 2~ 01 ( ~WOII ' In LOW _ )
• 16 ....."...., e """""I. pi... 0 ... ptlo~ly e""""'" (276-20 10) swi tching t ransis tors of the
Cool • , -, , ' W"'""'" (_~ I'NCOMM "d. ;~ Nol'OnOl r..-'Ioga,...., f<y A<>:!,'""",De.,.. ) p rev io us a rticle, and non-Radio Shack
parts (hole-plug b utto ns included) may be
obtained fro m Elec tro Sonic Inc., 1100
---",.=.::....._......_--_....,.""'-.... BAne RY PAKS

[J SANTEe I (Closeouts) .... "",. _

_"" "'_'200
...... 51-6001
1000 """') "" ,.,.., '"$I -
<1 _
_ ".....-."
$29 .00 Gordon Baker Hd., W illowda le (Toronto),
Ontario, Canada M2 H 3B3.
51·222 ,220 MM)
Your CI'>O""
$249 .00
""'""__"""_ .,,,01",,,....,_
51-"2 (UO ..... )
s.:on. 0'0gI0m, ,,""""""". J-n - . . ' Co
I llY lhe So"tec ST·2QO 0 ' ST-400 "El"
'OOO<IuT. e""" . "'''''. _
Ada 52.00 UPS , 53 !llJ C 0.0 I
"""". ~, '0 "'"""""" 221> "'" ..
""" ."""".,0--. Ami k" -"1>'" Fk !';!': sm
1\ ",Iii O( ,4,-,·"<.,,,,i,.. 'Jackson, A. H" " How To Im p rove The
Vib rople x EK- 1 Brass Rac e r Keyer." CO,

When you bUy your
October 1984, p . 13 ,
For the Best Oeal Ever'
"Jackson. A H ., "Touch Control For
(919) 993-5881 Iro m Williams - The Curtis Chip Kevers." CQ, July 1977,
COLFAX, N.C. 27235 Noo.. to 10 P.M. EST Vou get much more! p - 17 , etc. OOI
18 • CO • January 1986 Say You Saw It In CO

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• T w o meg ahertz to 500 mHz
• 100 watts to 10,000 watts
co m municat io ns, high vacuu m sp utte ring
and etc hi ng, laser exc itatio n, photo
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Let us know what yo u need!
Henry amaleu r .mpllller. are a vaila ble Irom Hen ry Radio a nd s e tect de ale rllhroughoullhe U.S. W e stoc k these p lus many c tbe r fme "ames
and are being expo rted to amaleur. all over the wo rl d . In addition l o ou rbr oad line o f com mercial AEA . A RCO . AARL • ASTRON . S 8. K . S & W . B IRD.
FC C type accepted amplifier. we olfer specia l RF po we r genera lofl lor In duslrlal and Iclenllflc CDE • CO NNEC T-SYSTE MS · CUSHC RAFT • EIMAC •
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1213) 820.1234
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TDll FREE ORDER NUM BER: IBDOI 421-6631 Fo r all states e.cepl Cahtorrua Calli resrceots please ca ll collect on ou r regula, numbers

Say You Saw It In ca January 1986 • CO • 19

It takes a Texan to think big. If you're looking for
the biggest county hunting challenge, then the Texas
DX Society has something tailored just for you.

The Great Armadillo

Run of 1986

I f you love 10 operate and this is your first

sunspot cycle in amateur radio, you've
recently experienced quite a letdown, as
the solar activity has closed down bands
like 10 and 15, which were teaming with
activity just a couple of short years ago. If
you're a veteran of two or three sunspot
cycles. you know that it's time \0 start ad-
justing your operating habits and find in-
novative ways \0 keep the "fun" in oper-
The members of the Texas DX Society
love to operate about as much as any
group of amateurs. In the club's ta-year
history we have won many Field Days
and captured three Club Gavels in the
AAAL Sweepstakes, and we hold the mul-
ti-operator world record in both modes 01
the ARRL DX Contest. We also have a
flair for the unusual and are constantly
looking tor club projects that stimulate
operating activities.
In 1983 the club as a group decided to
participate in the County Hunters' CW
Contest. Only a couple of members had
any experience with county hunting or
wifh mobiling, but it sounded like a good Signing ceremonies for "Armadillo County, Texas" on OCtober 24, 1985 in Austin,
club project. To make it interesting, we Texas. Standing left /0 right are NA5R, KZ5M, N50C, K2TNO, and K5RG. Sealed is
decided to try to put on all 254 counties in Governor Mark White. (Photo by K5RVK)
Texas in one weekend! Now Texans think
big, bul the idea of a club with less than60
members covering 262,000 square miles homes, and even in the back of a pickup counties. QSQ totals of 1000 to 2000
in less than 48 hours seemed a lillie far truck towing a generator. If there was were r-ot uncommon.
fetched. To make it even more of a chal- ever an exercise in logistics and emer- There was very lillie advance publicity
lenge, the club is based in Houston in the gency preparedness, this was it. By early about the Armadillo Run, but it turned into
tar southeast corner of the state. Some of summer we had a map of the state with a real on the air "happening." The Texas
the members would have to go over 700 overlays fo r each "prime" mobile station DX Society promised awards for anyone
miles to get to their first county! and overlapping routes for" roamer" eta- working 100, 150, or 200 counties and a
If you wantto witness the real amateur nons to back up the prime stations in the special award for anyone who "worked
radio "spirit," get your club involved in a event of a breakdown or other disaster. them all." We heard later from folks like
seemingly impossible project. KZ5M When that hot August weekend ar- K1ZZ, N6AA, W2GD, K1TN: " I made the
headed up the ellort and dubbed it "The rived, we had ten prime mobile stations mistake of turning on the radio for a few
Armadillo Run." The armadillo is the and lour roamers hit the road. Back in minutes and got hooked tracking the mo-
state mascot of Texas and seemed 10 Houston we had two fixed stations keep- biles as they criss-crossed the stale and
symbolize the "can do" spirit of our club. ing track of us, and K51Y orbited the cen- spent the entire weekend in the Armadillo
We spent months laboring over routes ter of the state in a private airplane in con- Run," Against all odds, K1ZXf4 actually
and logistics. We learned how to put HF tact with many of the mobiles on 2 rne- worked all 254 counties during the Pun!
radios in the family sedan and in motor ters. It all cameoll without a hitch. We did Just 10 be sure it wasn't a fluke, in 1984
a lot of overlapping and, with the roam- the club went out again for the CW Coun-
ers, covered a lot of the counties twice. ty Hunter's Contest and activated all the
We were mobile only during the daylight counties in Arkansas, Louisiana, and
·Route 1, Box 307, Manvel, TX 77578 hours, and we each covered 30 to 40 Mississippi!

20 • CO • January 1986 Say You Saw It In CO

country, aft er they got over the initial
and will provide many amateurs an op - shock of the idea, just dealing with their
portunity to operate from Armadillo Coun specific region of the country, we found
ty and to try 10 contact Armadillo County. no major logistical problems that couldn 't
Attending the signing ceremonies in Aus- be overcome. As we talked with thecoun-
tin were members of the Texas DX Soci· ty hunters, we found them to be a very
etv including Tom Taormina (Armadillo eager and dynamic group who have over-
Coordinator), Bill Schrader (Pres ident, come many of the problems 01 activating
Texas DX Society), Grady Ferguson , Jim the " rare" counties . Their support and
Lane. Dennis Motschenbacher, and Phil help made the improbable " do-able."
Shedd, all of the Houston area, During Since 1986 is the 150th anniversary at
the var ious historical events of the Ses- the state of Texas (The Texas Sesouicen-
Quicentennial Celebration the Texas DX tennrai). what better way to celebrate
Society will set up ha m stations at the al>" than invite amateurs worldwide to join in
propria te sites along the Independence "The Great Armadillo Run of 1986" and
Trail and operate " Armadillo Count y. " activate all 3076 counties in the country
The public will be invited to observe and in two weekends. The Run w ill beaver the
lea rn more about amateur radio. The County Hunters' Phone and CW Contest
Texas Independence Tra il is a series ot weekends (phone in May and CW in July
slate and US highways that stretc h from 1986). We will activate as many counties
just east of Houston to just ea st of San each weekend as possible, covering
Antonio and down to the Gulf Coast. This them all over the two weekends. The
trail merks the fight for independence Texas DX Society wi ll coordinate the et-
from its beginning through the final battle tort. with the Regional Coordinators pro-
at the San Ja cint o Battleground near viding the interface with the local radio
Houston. Armadillo County is open to a/l c lubs. who will provide the manpower to
amateurs. The Texas DX Soc iety is pla n· cove r the counties. The Run will be con-
On October 24 , 1985 Governor Mark ning an all-band special events station, ducted as a contest w ith specific rule s
White proctaimed that from March 2. K5DXfA, for opening day, Armadillo and many different fixed and mcoue cate-
1986 through the end of 1986 any ama- County has been sa nctioned by the USA- gories to give everyone an opportuOlly to
teur radio operators operating from the CA and will count toward the USA-CA participate and enjoy the event. Awards
Texas Independence Tra il may ooeo. awards. On December 31 , 1986 it will be· will be made for winners of Ihe various
cast that they are in " Armadillo County, come a deleted county. For further intot- catego ries.
Texas." This " new" county will be sene- metion. con/act Tom Ta ormina . K5RC, at What is your club doing for a project in
tioned for the duration of i ts existence 713·489·1152. 1986? Why not join in the Armadillo Run?
Everyone is welcome. The Texas DX So-
ciety can provide you with planning data .
rules and guidelines, and promotional
Some months later a group of us was England could be done with 9 mobiles material, and we can make speakers and
sitting around the campfire trying to fig· (and we really did Texas with 14 mobiles). slide shows available to help your group
ure out what we were going to do fo r ou r But what about the wide open spaces of get the project rolling. We will be starting
next club project . Someone suggested the far west and Alaska and Hawaii? regional on -the-air meetings late in 1986
that we do an Armadillo Run for the whole In order to deal with these problems, to interchange planning information .
country! That brough t a round of lauqh- we decided we would need regional coor- There will be monthly updates on the pro-
ter, but it started us on a tive-month teast- dinato rs who were familiar with the geo- gress of the project in the Awards Col ·
bility study to determine if such an under- graphic and demographic peculiarities of umn in CQ magazine. The Great Ar ·
taking was pos sible, We obviously would each area of the country. Aswe discussed madillo Run of 1986 may just be the cure
need the help of many other radio clubs the project with ama teurs around the to the low-sunspot blues. Y'au join us!
around the country, and it would be one
of the largest logistical efforts ever un-
dertaken in amateu r radio However, the
fu rther we delved into it , the more achiev-
able it appeared.
The first considerat ion wa s how many
people it would really take. If you lake the IRON POWDER and FERRITE PRODUCTS
number of square miles in each state and
divide it by the number of counties in the
state. the average county in the average
state is 35.3 miles wide. II we had 10 cov-
er every single county mobile. at 40 mph
it wou ld take 2717 hours o f driving to cov-
Fast, Rel iable Service Since 1963
er all 3076 cou nnes. Assuming 22 hours
at driving in a weekend per mobile, that Small Orders Welcome Free "Tech- Da ta" F lyer
would be 124 mcoues. For sake at practi-
ca lity, ret's say that we did it over two
Toro ida l Cores . Sh ielding Bead s. Shiel ded Coil Form s
weekends (it now becomes 62 mccnes Ferrite Rod s. Pot Cor es. Ba luns, E tc.
per weekend), allowing lor a 100 % round
tr ip (124 mobiles per weekend) and allow-
ing lor toa! duplication. The whole th ing
cou ld be done w ith less than 250 partici- CIRCLE 9 ON READER SERVICE CARD
pants. That is certainly w ithin the rea lm of
pra cticality. considering all of New

Say You Saw It In CO January1986 • co • 21

D o

The ICOM 735

Deluxe HF Transceiver

U ntil quite recently radio ama teurs ha-

bitually related HF transceiver capabil-
ities and performance to physical size
and front -panel knob counts. The present
evolution of pint-sized and deluxe rigs
continues to challenge tha t viewpoint,
however, and some truly full-featured
units are now available in surprisingly
compact cabinets. The small transceiver
described in this review is a prime exam-
ple of that situation. A large desk of equip-
ment would have been required to equal
the rig's capabilities one or two decades
ago. Isn't modern technology grand!
Due to model number similarities and
general cabinet size, one might initially
visualize ICOM's new 735 as an "updat-
ed 730" Such simply isn 't the case, how-
ever, as this little gem boasts circuits and
features usually found only in larger and
more expensive transceivers. I personal-
ly feel that its combination of 100 watts rne tCOM 735 HF transceiver With general-coverage receiver and numerous special
output. highly flexible receiver, and tai- features. Unit is quite compact and a true dream to operate.
lored audio capabilities are only a tip of
the proverbial iceburg, and it could easily
prove 10 be one of today's prime dollar
bargains in amateur gear.
The ICOM 735 is a deluxe HF trans-
ceiver and general-coverage shortwave
receiver in a package measuring 3 V2 "H
X gV2"W x 10·0. Asa means of quick
visualization, that's the size of an ICOM
730 minus lts protruding rear heat sink. Fig. 1- Example of the tCOM's multifunction display. Each parameter appears as
Its cabinet and Iront panel are smoke commanded by the rig's controls.
gray rather than ICOM's traditional black.
There's a bottom tilt-up bail, top-mounted
internal speaker, full-function LCD read- This Httte rig is chock full of goodies, so lion to a (ham) band switch. A mere twist
out with continuously variable back light, let's begin wi th an overview 01 its various then cycles the unit from 1.8 through 29.0
and a flip-down front window that con- frequency selection me thods. Similar to MHz bands, inc luding ready to operate
ceals its less frequently used controls ICOM's 751, the 735's ma in tuning knob WARC bands. The bottom button is a sep-
This front-panel arrangement is attrac- is used for several microprocessor-con- arately acting scan feature. Its lower and
tive in a couple of ways. If you like a sim- trolled functions. It initially tunes slowly, upper limits are first programmed into
ple and easy to operate unit, you can ini- bu t electronically speeds up when the memories 11 and 12, and then personal-
tially set its windowedfrecessed controls knob is turned laster. There are lour slt- ly-tailored band scanning is a snap. The
for leaving the door shut and using less ver buttons on the knob's right side. The rig wilt continuously scan if its au-mode
than a half dozen panel knobs for opera- top button shifts the tuning rate from 10 squelch isn't used, or stop on a signal if
tions. If you prefer flexing capabilities. Hz steps (although only 100 Hz inc re- squelched. Resume time and scan speeds
you can open or remove the semi-trans- ments show on the display) to 1 kHz steps are internal jumper selectable, and you
parent door and use all 42 front-panel for long frequency shilling. The next but- can also stop scan or manually up/down
controls as desired. ton down shifts the knob to MH z tuning scan via the 735's mike. which is great for
for zipping across the HF' spectrum or mobiling.
quick excursions to random-desired There are two full-function VFOs and
*Eastwood Village No. 1201 So., Rt. 11, shortwave frequencies. The next lower 12 memories in the 735, and stored infor-
Box 499, Birmingham, AL 35210 button ch anges the tuning knob's tunc- mation is continuously retained by a

22 • CO • January 1986 Say You Saw It In CO

5-yea r lithiu m battery . As an examp le of
their use, one VFOmight be set for 30me-
ter CW operation and the other for 20 me- • HEAW DUTY . HIGH QUALITY. RUGGED. RELIABLE •
ter SSB use. A sin qle VFO button then tog-
gles between ba nds and modes. Another
button can recall memorized bands and • FOLD·BACK CURRENT LIMI TING PrOlects Power Sup~y trom
modes as eit he r a tunable me mory o r excessive current & continuous sneneo output
shifted directly to either VFO- punch • CROWBAROVER VOLTAGE on all Models except RS-4A

.. ..
29.600 FM, punch 7.010 CW, punch • THREE CONDUCTOR POWER CORD.
6.1 50AM SWL, punch 10.051 SSB weath· • ONEYEAR WARRANTY, • MADE IN U,S.A.
er. etc. If you don't care for panel cont rol,
the rig can be set for automatic memory
scanning, changing frequenc ies from the
• Separate Volt arid Amp meters, with Voltage adjustable trom ~ 15 Volts
on \IS-roM and VS·35M .
• Built-In Speaker on RS- t 2S and RS-20S ,
..- .
mi ke, or the whole operation can be rea r-
panel interfaced to a home compu ter. PEAFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS
(That serial por t uses 1200 baud rate and • INPUT VOLTAGE: 1 0~125 VAC.
is RS232C compatible . Contacy ICOM or • OUTPUT VOLTAGE: t 3, 8VOC ± 005 volts.
(Internally Adjustable 11 - 15 VOC)
their deal ers fo r more info rma tion on In- • RIPPLE: Less than 5mv peak to peak (tuil load & low line)
terconnections.) • REGULATION :!; 0.5 volls no load to tuil ioad & low lineto high line,
onunuous I rza (in. ) hipping
Mod els Duty (amps) (amps) H x W x D Wl, (Ibs.)
Features and Frills
RS-5QA , RS-50M, VS -50M 37 50 6x1 334 x l1 46
Considering the ma ny att ract ions m-
clu ded as standard desig n in the 735, it' s RS·35A RS-35M, VS -35M 25 35 sx u x u 27
diff icult to pinpoint exactly where "tea- RS-20A RS-20M RS-20S VS·20M 16 20 s xsx to» 18
RS· 12A RS-12M, RS -12S 9 12 4lh x 8 x 9 13
tures'' end and " frills" beg in. Ge neral
RS -lOA 7.5 11 4 x 71h x 10'1. 11
specific ations are included in Tabl e I. Na-
RS -7A , AS- 7B 5 7 3'4 ><6'1> ><9 9
turally, it has a speech pr ocessor , VOX,
4xl '1>x l 0~
SWR bridg e, adjustable CW srdetone.
RI T, passband tuning, and continuously
va riable noise blanker. Let's th us consid- "ICS . Intermittent Communications Service (50% Duty Cycle) CIRCLE 10 ON READER SERVICE CARD
er its additional fea tures, or frills, dep end- 2852Wllnut -Un itE
ing on your po int of view. A rea r-pane!
control is included for audio tailoring the
transmitted signal. It's continuously ad-
justable from bassy to high pitc hed, and it
Tuslin, CA 92680

does a good Job of glamorizing one's

voice. A similar lone control is included
for receive aud io. The full break-in (QSK) SAVE MONEYI
is quite smooth, without excessi ve clatter
Of relay "thunks." Semi break-in is also
front-w indow selectable if desired . The

735's noise blanke r is continuously va ri-
able, a real " boon" for inserting just the
right amount without quite reaching the
point of adding disto rtion. (Of course, full
blanking might be added in elect rically 1·800·237·3063
noisy environments with strong signals
and result in intermod/distortion. The 735 (IN CONTINENTAL us. EXCEPT FU
isn't alone he re; nearly ever y transceiver FOR ALL YOUR
expe rie nces that situation w ith ex cessive
blanker Iever.)
Receiver sensitivity and dynamic
range can be varied in a cou ple of ways.
There's a panel-selec tab le low-noise 10
dB RF pr eamp w hic h boosts weak sig nals
lor a Xing or poor-conditions copy, an d
General communication
Industry' Marine VHF
With a 516F2 Solid State Co nver-
another switch selects a 20 dB attenua- Amateur. scanners sion kit from the Peter Dahl Co,
tor wh en st rong signals ar e dominating a CB Standard & sPeCial your power su p p ly will run cooler
band. The preamp is really good on and have fu ll protection ag ai nst
"",;;,Microprocessor line transients. For o n ly $19.95
"quiet " 12 meters, and the attenuator
can push the receiver's dy nam ic range to
a respecta ble 105 dB , ideal for contest-
• you get solid st at e r eplacem ents
for the 5U4 and 5R4 tubes, a
ing . The 735 's IF notch filter is quite deep si licon di ode to r epla ce the
and, by Jove, a's just wi de enou gh to ac- selen ium bias rectifier, meter pro-
tually be useful on both SSB and CW, The tection and a sel e nium line tran-
combina tion of passban d tuning, IF sien t suppressor,
notch, adjustable noise blanke r, and pre-
FOR INFORMATION, write o r ca ll:
amplified/a llenuated receiver " fron t
end" is a near perfect mi x fo r operating PETER W. DAHL CO., INC.
enjoyme nt that must be experienced to 5869 Waycross Ave. · El Paso ,TX 79924
be appreci ated. (915) 751·2300 Telex No. 763861 PWD CO
Say You Saw It In CO CIRCLE 43 ON READ ER SERVICE CA RD January 1986 • CO • 23
40m Phased Array , .1 GE NERAL

- the Easy Way! Number of .emiconductor. Transisto rs

FETs '"18
-- Diodes
ICsl lnciudesCPUl

Frequency co. erage Ham 8 ands
XMTA 1.8MHI - 2.0MHI

• • • 'it
- 3.4MHz - 4 .1MHI
6 .9MHI - 7.5MHI
9.9MHz _ I O.5MHz
13.9MHI- 14. 5MHI
OPTI- PHASOR"· by BaileyTech 17.9MHI - !8.5MHI
• Change direction instantly 20.9MHI- 21 .5MHI
• High FIB, adjustable phasing 24 .4MHz _ 25 .1 MH z
• l ow SWR over entire 40m band 27. 9 MHI_ 30.0 MHz
• Just 2 dipoles gives 4 db gain General Coverage Iaecewe Onlyl
$119 • 95 dopolft!,""al l _ .. ,t~ maIC!>lld
and l""<I 'toeS
0.lMHz ~ 30. 0M H I

Usable temperature range - 10"C _ +60°C (+14"F _ +140" Fl

Frequency conteul CPU based 10Hz step dig ital PLL synthe. izer.
DX The 180-80-40 Met... Bands'
Independent Transmit / Recei ve I,equen<:y av ailable On the same band.
• Prells s.emb led T'il,,,,,,'Id
• No tfaps (160-80- 010)
• Mou nt a' 25-Ml II. Just 60 It. long Frequency readout 6 digit 100Hz illuminated LCD
• 50 ohm S39.95 ppd ,
• All s' alnle ss har llwa,. Duoband
• Enlly t uned
Frequenc y st abili ty Less than :t200Hz fr om 1 minute after switCh ON to 60 m inutes.
• MlY be o'au"" mountlK! Just .-o!t. lonl!
Le.. than !30 Hz al te r 1 hoor at 25"C
121.1i15 1'Pd, less than :t5OQHz in the range 01 O"C _ +50°C
Chec~, MO. V'SA., "'IC
Call Of W,U.. fo< Complet e Ca lalog . Power supp ly requ irements 13.8V DC 115% \negati.e ground)
TET Antennas, Larsen, Hy·Gal n. Current dri in 20 A ma wimum at 2r:x:JoN input .
Alpha Delta , e tc. AC po we, .u pply i' a.iila ble for AC ope 'ition.

1587 U.S. 88 N Xenia, OH 45385
Current d ri in (it 13.8V DC) Trinsm itting
At 200 Wi tts input
Approw. 20A

(513) 376-2700 At muimum i ud io ootput Appro . 1.5A

Squelched Appro . 1,2A

Antenna impedince 50 o hms unbalanced

Weight 5kg llncludes options F l ·32, IC·EX243 i nd UT·30.l

Dimensions 94( 107)mmlH l w24H244)mmI W) .. 2391 272)mm(D )

( ) Dimensions include projections.


RF power SSB (A3J) : 200 watts PEP input
CW (A I l : 200 watts input
AM lA3) : 40 watts OUtPU T
F M IF31 : 200 watu input
ContInuously adjustable output power from 10 watt, to muimum.
II-dep1b Invenlary . Industrill" RlceMng Tub"
He,,, ar.:I donn tlJ<ampJa.__.
3-400Z $85.00 8122 $110.00
3·500Z 85.00 MR F450 12.95 Three mo re att ractions worthy of rec- and October 1985 CQ " World of Ideas "
5728 55.00 MRf454 18.95 ognifion are the 735 's cooling, rear aud io columns, a simple study of any rig 's block
8l l A 12.00 MRF455 14.95 input fo r AF$ K Rny and sideband selec- diag ram allows one to directly evaluate a
61468 8.75 MRF49 2 19.95 tion. Inside the top cover there 's a large unit independent of others' opinions or
M2057 15.00 6l F6 8.26 final amplifier heat sink, An on-cernanc fancy advertisements. Realizing that
8950 11.50 6J S6C 7.46 squi rre l-cage blowe r moves air across fact, we'll briefly step th rough the 735's
807 5.75 6K06 8.26 the sink and out the cabinet's rear, Du r- block diagr am shown in fig. 2. Before
6550A 7,75 6MJ 6 8.38 ing long transmissions the blowe r shills stripping away its full digital cont rol sec -
4CX250B 60.00 8417 8.38 from slow to high speed to keep eve ry- tion for consider ing " bare bones cir-
60J8 2.75 7360 13.95 thing nice and cool. The rear AFSK input cuits, " notice the microprocessor sec -
68838 8. 25 6C A7 5.55 is a convenien t way of injecting audio tion in the diagram 's right bottom area.
Mljllr MllUflcblfIrI flClary IIWlI .... full III. III tones from a popular computer interface The "sensor " is the ma in tuning knob It' s
SytvIRiI ECG ll.,lIcIM~ 8erIIicoIlIudvra unit wit hout fu mbli ng wi th fron t-pane l connected to an infrared beam-interrupt-
te.. ile Ren S7IIIIIoI mic rophone connectors. Proper side- ing flywheel. As the knob is turned, the
band selection is au tomatic with the 735. light beam decoder (IC1, 2, 3) detects
However, an additional punch of its SSB counts and di rection and directs that in-
button toggles ope ration to the opposite formation to the dial pulse counter (lC7 ).
sideband . That circuit in turn drives the CPU (IC6)
wh ich controls the rigs main function s, in-
Circuitry Overview cluding the complete oscillator and Pll
As we pointed out In our Septem ber bloc k which is fur the r detail-expanded in

24 • CO • January 1986 Say You Saw It In CO

EmISsion modet AlJ UJE ) SSBIUpper and l owe< S<debindl

More than 4 0dB below peal< power output .

Spu,ious outpu t MOfe th¥l SOdB below peak power outpu t.

More than 4 0d B bel()W pea k po.... e r out put

Unl"anted ndeband Mo re than 5 0d B do.... n at l 000H, AF inpu t.

M ~, ophon e 600 ohm electret condem.. r microphone .... ith pu sh-to't alk switc h
a nd scann ing buttonl.

Triple CO'1V~110n supe,heterodyne wIth conhnuOUl bandwidth contrOl.

A3J (J3EI SSBIUppe< and lowe< S,debandl

A3 (AJE.) AM
F3 (F3E.) FM

Intermed.a te l'eQlJencies In: SS8, AM, FM 70. 45 15MHI

CW 70. 4506 MHI
2nd: sse. AM, FM 9.01 15 MHI
CW 9.0 106 MHl I
Jrd : sse. CW, AM, FM 455kHI

Semiti~;t y SSB, CW
IP RE AMP O N On 1.6 - 3OM HI) 0. 1 - 1,6MHI Les l than 1.o,.. V lor IOdB SIN
1.6 - J OM H, Less than O. I~V ' 0 ' IOdB SI N
AM IWhen wlectlng NAR ROW F IL TER .)
0.1 - 1.6MHI Less than ~V lor IOdB SIN
1.6 - 30MHI l~1 man Ill V lor IOdB SiN

1.6 - JOMHI leu than O,s"rV for 12dB SI NAO
NEW 24 Page I
FM O..:wV
Buyer's Guide I
Selec tIVIty SS B, CW 2.3k HIIl--6dB, 4 .OkHI . -6OdB
With Guaranteed I
6.OkHI e - 6d 8 , 18kH I (i - SOdB
15l< Hl e - 6d 8 , 30k H,. - 6Od8
Lowest Prices I
- Explains all about FREE 100 I
SpuriOU1 and image response ,eiectlon : More than BOdS
channel Satellite TV and how I
to shop for an earth station! I
Notc h l ilt'" attenu ation Mo re than JOd B
Aud io ou tput Mo re than J wa m . HI'll> dlsto'tion with 8 ohm lo.K!.
Audio output imJ'l:'dance 8 ohms
I not be undersold. save 30-50070 I
I over local dealer prices! I
Table f- Technical specifications of the ICOM 735. Additional notes are in the text.
I - Tells bow 10 easil)' and quickl)' I
I Install-Your-Own earth station I
I and san $400 or more! I
the diagram's bottom middle area. We've cia! when nearby stations are crunching
the s.meter and YOU're trying to work a
come a long way since the days of plane- I «Shows how to demonstrate and
tary drives coupled to open-air variable weak DX station. Ne xt are the two sec- I I
I sell earth stations from your I
capacitors behind front panels, eh? As- tions at FL1 (separated by 0 16), Notice home and earn exira money!
suming you now understand/accept the the popular up-conversion method is em, I
fact the diagram's bo ttom middle area is cloyed with a 70 MHz first IF. Signals then
unillen Pw II .. I
IDAl-COA . -....
supplying all necessary oscnratorrlruec- con tinue through th e second IF's mixe r, I
~ _1lZlIII ... -
non signals, let's now mentally "strip re t, thro ugh or aroun d the noise blanker, Til< n.... S AT!'of AN Bu y. " s G uid. i, • ntr:,,,I,-,' for ony
away" that section and conside r the rig's D26 through D29 plus its AGe keyed am- 1""'Ptt'i•• Or < "",Iii ,ta,ion 0 .. ...' "'00 " a nI> 10 I
prime RF circuitry(diagram's upper area). plifier 0 t 7, and on through a 9 MHz filter. "' •• hi. mont)' on name brand ""••Ih,. prod""" .1><1 I
al'" nm """" .",a mo...,., Buy dir«t, Do-Il-
Following the receive path from the an- Next is the IF notchtnicet). another mixer YOIlndf. and ..... .. i,1i SA TMAN . T"'I Ir"", ordorin•• I
no".1n to.. (lL onlYI. maio< cr<olit Cllrdl -.plod, liu," I
tenna to the TlR switch, there's the cus- and titt er section (lC4, Fl5/6n, 045, in--"o<~ 'n....''''"" availablo. aDd I... UPS sloipp;n.
tomary row-pass filter and RF attenuator . 047), mode SWitch (IC13), two audio am- ORy• ......, in U.S. (".,,~ .,Ih SAT'!A'" brlor. )'OU I
buy .. M ..... _ ... . . . . . - ! ( ......... ror)'OUf If«
Incoming signals connnue through a dig- plifiers (055. IC14), and the speaker. 2~,..,. SA T\t AS 8 .. ~'. GoIido.
itally-selected bandpass filter to the looking in the block diagram's center I
switch-selectable RF preamp, Ot2 and area, the microphone's input is directed 1-800-4-SATMAN I
1·)09-691·~ llilinoit
13, which uses popular and proven to an amplifier stage (057). This is inter- I
2SK125s_ Next is the Direct Feed Mixer. nat; a preamplified microphone isn't nec- I I
014 and 15, w hic h gives the 735 its wide essary. Ne xt is the speech compressor, I I
dynamic range-105 dB when the p re-
amp is switched off. Thi s is Quite oeneu-
059 (although It' S at the audio rather than
RF level. it does a good job). Following
"" " .."".,> •
dip and <avo
.._... ....
_____ .J

Say You Saw It tn CO January 1986 • CO • 25

8~ ~Iala~ j.;1i! 4;( ! I I \ •s
~; ~ \I a ~ \/ ~\/
: ~ I~I ~ I
• • • !
, •
, Hq
•• •
oj., !' =


• ,i
, i


~ ,
• ."1-9", , • , , •

., •
r--I ',,-i 'I

• •
~I j
c'- •j

Fig. 2- Block diagram of the tCOM 735. Theory of operation is discussed in the text.

26 • CO • January 1986 Say You Saw It In CO

two more amplifiers, Q62 and Q63, sig· oro 10 "fit" my voice. complimen ts on sig- carrie d along on jaunts almost anywhere,
nals en te r the balance modulator , IC6 (a nal quality were commonplace. I likewise All o f ou r modern transc eivers are out-
double sideband, suppressed carrier AF adjusted receive audio to my own prefer- standing perf orm ers. and I seriously
signal is produced). Ne xt is filter Fl3 (an ence, and the resu lts are a rig that's real - doubt hea ring a OX station on one rig
SSB signal is now produc ed). IF amplifier ly enjoyable 10 operate . when it can't be hea rd on another. Select-
023, m ixer IC 1, another filter (clean sig' Du ring usual operations I set one VFO ing a particular unit thus equates to
nat, eht). another amplifier and mixer on SSB, one on CW, and two or three choosing one with the greatest personal
(Q8, 06 , Q7). a bandpass filter, then on to memories on desired OSOs or OX sta- appeal and a good se rvice policy. ICOM
Q5. Finally, the ready-to-transmit RF sig- tions. I can then toggle between pileups, " c om es on strong " in this particular
nal is amplified by the oredrtver. driver etc .. and yes, we've even worked two OX area. They 're striving lor top-quality ser-
and PA (Q1 , 02/3, 05/6) , filtered. and di- stations simultaneously with the mue rig vicing, and thei r turn-around time is sur-
rected to the antenna . Everything looks (remember , you can monitor on one VFO prisingly quick-important points il any-
straightfo rwa rd and c onservatively rated between QSK keying on lhe other VFO). thing happens to one's prized invest -
in this " series path." and I would say the We occasionally get Into heavyoperatmg ment.
rig is capable of a long and robust life with the 735, but it keeps on pumnq and The transceiver is complemented with
while also being understandable in de- running cool. I wi sh the same could be a wide range of mating accessories, in-
sign. You might like to compare our previ- said about my other solid -state transceiv- Cluding the AT150 automatic antenna
ous notes with your own "dream rig " lor er . Incidentally, the 735's rear power tuner . PS55 20 amp AC supply, IC2Kl un-
further cross-analysis/evaluation. connector is directly interchangeable ear amplifier, and SM-8 desk mike. Inter-
with ICOM 's 730 or 751 , or Kenwood 's nauv-accepted accessories include the
TS120 or TS 130. This can mean quiCk Fl32500 Hz or Fl 6 3 250 Hz CW filter s
On the Air and ea sy swaps (both nxed or mobile) for and the EX243 elec tronic keyer. No sin-
The ICOM 735 is a beautifu l rig toooer- many amateurs desinng a new rig . gle transceiver on the market today is
ate fixed. mobile. or portable . Both the everyone's dream rig. but the 735 seems
transceiver and its sizercotor-coordmat- like a good step in that direction. esce-
ed PS55 AC supply are compact enough Conclusion cianv when you 're looking for tunteatu res
to fit into almost any niche or small space, l ooking at the 735 overall, It'S a stout in miniscule space.
and the weig ht distrib ution of two small lillie performer tnat's surely m the Fo r more information on the 735 and
unus versus a larger and heavier "single category of delux e modern transc eive rs. its accessories. contact ICOM Ame ric a,
box" rig is ideal when moving around or lis various tuning and scan methods are tnc .. 2380 11 6 Avenue N E., Bellevue,
negotiating stairways . As an example of att ractive for bath contes te rs and a rm- WA 98004, or check w it h thei r many na-
tha t agility, I usually unplug two rear con- chai r operators ali ke, and the rig c an be tionwide dealers. OOI
necto rs on the 735 and ca rry it along mo-
bile when driving more than 15 or 20 min-
utes time. I also ca rry a b reak -down ro-
tary dipole which m ates With mobile reso-
na tors. plus a length of transm ission line
in a knapsack . The full setup can then be
nand-cameo into a motel room o r vaca-
tion co ttage, and I'm back on the air in
less than 30 minutes.
The solid-state and instant-on des ign
p lus va rious tuning ttextbutttes of the 735
let one spontaneously ju m p into HF activo
tties. zip ac ro ss bands, o r eavesdrop on
all kind s of shortwa ve happenings (under-
world, foreign b ro adc asts, avia tio n,
weather, etc.). Two enticing exam pl es
here are SWUng and ope ra ting CW (corn-
crete with QSK) w hile mobile-an abso- MODEL AC 3.5 • 30
lute blast that's growing in pop ula ri ty . The (jorrnenv MOdel 370-15)
rig 's CW sioetone level can be varied in-
dependently. then tracked wi th the A F _ Fully Assembled _ 52 OHM _ O n ly 90 feet long
volume cont rol. If you pre fer semi-break- _ SM? less than 2:1 from 3,5 thru 30 MHz. Average SM? 14:1
in, a behind-doer b utton makes the _ Will handle 110N po.¥er ( 210N PEp)
change a snap. _ Con be inst alled os flat top, slOPer, or inverted 'V'
I found the noise blanker could be set _ Used the world over in government & commercial communication
to p ra c tic ally eliminate S9 ignition pop. in sta llations
ping withou t excessive intermod . The _ Ideal fOf a ll coerct jcos - omcteur. commerc ial. MARS - a ny frequency
blanker also does a very good job of re- from 3.5 - 30 MHz
ducing AC power-tine noises during home
PRICE $159.50
The lirst lime I tried mating the 735
with my kw amplifier. the transceiver 's
keying relay hung closed, A quick check
with the rig 's manuat revealed my over-
sight the 735's relay is rated at 24 volts
QJoIlfy COmmunlCofIOll Products Since 1932
maximum, and I was applying 120 volts
from my ampnner's relay circuit. An e x-
ternally wired 12 volt relay cleared every·
r:I I At you Dlsfributcn Write Of cca
10 ConoI seeet 8nstol PA 1Q«l7
(215) 7&&-5581

thing smoothly.
After adjusting the 735's transmi t au·

Say You Saw It In CO January1986 _ CO _ 27

By itself or with RF clipping, you will sound louder and
cleaner with this effective speech processing system.

Build The AGe-EQ

Speech Processor

C ommunications engineers agree on

the need for amplitude processing to de -
crease the wide dynamic range of the
human voice prior to transmission . How-
ever, most published SSB com patible
speech processor designs are too corn-
plex for the average basement enginee r.
Presented here is construction informa-
tion tor the AGe·EO .. . a simple speech
compressor/equa lizer that wilt add ap-
proximately 6 dB to your average signal
strength. ' The circuit includes con tin-
uously va riable high - and low-freq uency
shetvinq-type equalizers to improve read-
ability with all votce.rrucrophone com-
binations. and an LED monitor 10 assure
optimum control settings.
The design featu res very low distor-
tion , making it ideal for SSB.2 It may be
used either by itself, Of as a " pre-proces-
sor " for SSB rigs with RF clipping. On FM
the AGC-EO will maintain even deviation Front vie w of the AGC·ED. This battery-powerer version includes an ON/OFF switch
while adding no coloration to your audio. on the GAI N control orotenuometer
The EO controls he lp make your rig sound
like you, and the level control replaces
the microphone gain control whic h is
missing on most FM transceivers. It will
eliminate adjusting your voice to suit your Highpa>s LF equalizer HF eocute e-

Circuit Description
A block diagram of the AGC-EO is Display
shown in fig. 1 and the schematic dia-
gram in fig. 2. l ow-level audio from the
microphone jack Jl is fed to an inverting
operational amplifier stage, Ula. The
gain is set by the ratio of the feedback po- Fig, 1- Block diagram of the ACG-EQ.
tent iometer R1 to the 15k ohm input re-
sistor (gain = R1115k). Capacitors C 1 and cenuv vary frequency responses at the
C2 set the low- and high- frequency cu toff lower and upper ends of the processor's
points of the preampli fier. A 4.7k ohm re- passband. The circui t will provide approx-
sistor from the output of U1a to ground imately 15 dB of boost or cu t at 300 and
prevents crossover distortion in the pre- 3000 Hz with the values shown. A de-
tailed desc rip tion of these equalizer cir-
cui ts may be found in the IC Opamp
3640 Juanita Road, Fort Collins, CO Cookbook by Jung. 3
80524 From the equalizer the audio sign al

28 • CO • January 1986 Say You Saw It In CO

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Fog Typtl PWIlionl- C8l No E8dl
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Sa y You Sa w It In co January 1986 • CO • 29
• >
.... ... !!!
>il •• O--Q-----.,...-.,...-,

, N'O-+--r-
N Fig. 3- Simplified diagram of the NES70
, , . -
AGe circuit (see text).

goes to the automatic gain control and

LED level monitor circuits. The AGe is
; 0-"'/'I ~ 'f-i:
• based on a Signetics NE5S0 compander
Ie. This Ie was deve loped for use in tete-
, , 0 •
phone systems and is ideally suited tor
U •
amateur radio speech processors. The
chip contains two identical gain control
sec tions, al though only one is used here,
Each section consists of an opamp gain
stage, a curren t controlled amplifier, and
a orecrston full-wave rectifier. Fig. 3
, ,<0 •
> shows how these subctrcutts are con -
nected to yie ld an AGC amplifier. The
.,, 'S,\ <
§ -
audio signal is AG coupled to the invert-
ing opamp and the rec tifier input. The
rectifier produces an output current
, / 5\
• •
which is proportional to the average input
vol tage, This current controls the gain of
the Current Controlled Amplifier (CCA).
, 0_
U .
The CCA is placed in the negative feed -
~8 UO
< back loop of the opamp, and thus its gain
M determines the opamp gain. Inc reasing
the input to the AGG increases the recti-
< •' M'
fier control current which In turn m-
:...§~ Uo creases the gain of the CGA and the
• • • • amount of negative feedback. This in-
creased feedback reduces the opamp
• gain, keeping its outpu t constan t.
Capacitor C10 determines the time

constant of the AGC circuit by smoothing
the output from the rectifier . With the .47
s uF capacitor shown the attack time is .?
L.o~ ms and the decay time is 3 ms. This is fast
enough to reduce the amplitude of tran-
sients without generating significant dis-
• , •< 0
tortion. The time constant with other
uo values for C10 may be computed from:
"e §; Attack time = C10 (uF) x 1.5 ms
0 n
E Decay time = C10 (uF) x 6,75 ms
With very short time constants the err-
, ••
'e cuit produces distortion products reo
ug •
E suiting from ripple in the gain control cur-
rent. The amount of distortion is inversely
-8 r" •
-8 • -, <
,o proportional to both frequency and the


time constant of the AGC circuit and may
be calculated from:
THO (percent at 1000 Hz) =.2 f C10 (uF)
8 With the value shown the distortion at
• •
1000 Hz will be approximately.4 percent.
~E Up to 10 percent distortion is tolerab le
00 before problems occur (4), so you can
I ;=:.
, ,
" E
o ,
•o -o •·
feel safe using values as low as .047 uF
for C10.
oz ' - From the AGC the audio signal goes to
an inverting buffer, U3A. The buffer teo-

30 • co • January 1986 Say You Saw It In CO

inc lud e a power switch. You can use a
toggle. or poterurorneter-rnountec SPST.
or you can use a D PDT 10 switch the
power and select processed/unpro-
cessed audio simultaneously. Only the
basic circuit is shown in the schematic
(fig. 2). The incorporation of these or
other options is up to your imagination
and requirem e nts.
The PC assembly may either be
m ounted in its own enc losure, or within
ex isting equipment su c h as transmitters.
phone patc he s, repea te r racks, etc. In
this case you c a n eithe r solde r th e po-
te nt iometers d ir ectly to th e boa rd or you
c an m ount them on a sepa ra te bracket.
Once you have fo und the optimum set-
tings. you can even replace the pots with
11. walt resistors of tile proper value.
Mo st modern rigs have lillie spare
room left inside. requiring a separate en-
closure for the processor. I used a 3· x
4 " x 5 " (76 ,2x 101 .6x 12 7 mm) alum-
inum box . Any metal enclosure of similar
Ctose-uo view of the onntea clfcuir ocera assembly. d imensio ns will work n ic e ly. Layout the
p lac e m ent o f all parts c arefully before
you pu nc h ho les. It is disc ouraging to
ta tes the AGC fr om the load and inc ludes omen a nd label your e nclo su re be fo re
Optimum InlOut Z 600- 100k ohm d iscover ing that on e o f the con trols does
additional highpass a nd row oass filt e ring .
Freq Response ( - 3 dB) 275- 4800 Hz
The ou tput from the bu tter is AC coupled not ha ve su ffici ent clea rance! The input
AGe Control Range 40 dB min
through a .47 u F capacitor to the O UT System Distortion .5% max , an d cu tout jacks. J 1 and J2 , should be
GAl N control. IF Equalize r Range :!: 15 dB(JOO Hz) chosen to ma tch your insta llatio n . I keep
The LED monitors the signal level at HF Equalizer Range :!: 15 dB (3000 Hz) all of my PIT lines separate from audio
the inpu t of the AGG. Opamp U3b tunc- Output Level .25 von RMS max lines to reduce the chance of hum and AF
ucos as a comparator. wun the trip point Output Headr oom 20 dB feedback, so single conductor phone
bemg set by R2 and R3. With th e values LED DIsplay u eec-ccm 15 dB jacks were adequate.
Shown, the LED will lighl approximately Pow-er Recuuemeru 910 18 volt at 30 rnA
15 dB below the circuit's clipping point. Table 1- Performance specifications for Setup , Use , and Modifications
This 15 dB of "headroom" p rovides an the AGe-Eo. Values are the average of You must pay special attention 10 your
adequate margin to prevent d isto rtio n three units. Unless stated. all measure- choice of microphone when using any
during voice ampli tude pea ks. The po int mente taken at 1000 Hz with a 12 volt type of audio or AF processi ng. Corn-
at w hic h Ihe LED fires may be changed power supply. pressing the dynamic range 01 the mic ro-
by scaling R2 o r R3. Inc rea se R2 to ra ise p hone's ou tput a mplif ies hu m. no ise, and
the trip po int , and increase R3 to lower it. di stortio n. A low- to mernu rn- im pedance
pa rt s of known Qua lity . Noi sy resistors o r com m u nications o r broacc ast-o uaut y mi.
Construction leaky c apacitors can seriously d egrade c rophone should be used , Do not use a
A printed circuit board is ava ilable to tile performance of ttus circui t. Small toy m ike. Poor-q ua uty au dio into the pro-
speed construction and red uc e the posst- value capacitors should be myla r or poty- c essor w itt result in even worse audio
billty of errors.' You may use your own PC styrene. Ca pacitors of .47 uF o r more coming out!
board design. or alternate wi ring teen- should be fresh etectrorytrcs. A void sal- The unit should be powered by a clean,
rucoes. Howeve r, care musl be taken vaged parts for this project. noise-tree DC source . Power-supply rip-
when laying out the circuit. The micro- I use sockets with au ICs to p reve nt the p le can cause hum in the output 01 the
phone preamplifier and highpass filter possibility of heal damage du ring solder- AGG-EO. Do not use a " w a ll transform-
stages provide up to 36 dB of ga in. and ing. This also speeds troubreshootmq er " or " ba tt e ry eliminator" type power
the ALC st age has over 40 d B o f availa ble should a p roble m occur; unsoldering 16 supply. A lthOug h they may say DC. they
gam. This m eans Iha t und e r idle o r low pins is a chore' I also like to use turret ter- g enera lly have li llie if a ny filte ring, Use
signal conditions the ove rall system gain mina ls for connections 10 my PC boards. either a qooo-quahtv benc h supply or a 9
can e xc eed 75 dB , Attention m us t be pa id Th is lets me ma ke all exte rn al connec- vott ba tt ery .
to possib le grou nd loops o r feedba ck tions a ft e r the board is sec u red in th e en- Plug your mic rop hone in toJ1 , and con-
pa th s. Make su re that th e printed ci rcuit c losu re and ha stens removal o f the b oard nect J2to yo ur tra nsmitter thro ugh a sun-
board assembl y is grounded to the chas- should it become necessa ry to d o so. able ju m pe r. Apply power to the p ro-
sis at only a single point, and keep all in- I did no t incl ude provisions for switch- c essor, a nd w itho ut keying you r tr a nsm it-
put and outpu t Wi ring separated if possi- ing the processo r out of th e hne simply ter speak normally into the m icrophone.
ble . because the audio Quality is so good that Ad just the IN GAIN control until the LED
The values o f all pa rt s have been care- the re is seldom any need to do so. How - flic kers occasionally d uring normal
fUlly chosen to p rovid e optimum perfor- ever, if you would prefer to be able to speech. This setting will provide enough
mance. and random scesmuuons should SWitch between processed and unpro- headroom fo r voice pea ks, plus a bit
be avoided. In fact, the only noncrtttcat cessed a ud io , you may use a SPST swttcn more fo r an occasional extra-loud shout
I values a re the power su pply utte r c aoacf- to select e ithe r the m icropho ne mout in a p ileup ! Ad /ust the microphone gam
tors. All resistors and capacitors (w ith the (point A on th e schematic) o r the output cont rol on your transmitter to Its normal
e xc eptron of eiectroiyucs) should be 5 from the O UT GAIN control. If you a re us- setting and press your PIT. While tr ans-
perc ent tolerance or better. Use onl y ing ba ttery power , then you shOuld also m itting in to a d ummy load (or on a d ead

Say You Saw It In CO January 1986 • CO • 31

band). adjust the OUT GAIN control on
the processor until proper voice peaks
are observed. An oscilloscope or peak·
reading power meter will make this ad-
justment easier.
Using an external receiver, or with the
aid of a friend. you may now set the
equalizer controls. If the aud io sounds
low pitched or boomey, try increasing the
HF and/or decreasing the IF controls. Do
the opposite if the audio sounds high
pitched. A correction of the IN GAIN con-
trol may be necessary after adjusting the
EQ, Check the LED monitor to tmo out.
If your rig already has RF clipping, the
AGe·EQ will provide an additional in-
crease in signal strength by assuring that
the clipping circuit is maintained at the
optimum drive point. Without cornotes-
sian ahead of a clipping circuit the ctlp-
ping percentage is constantly changing
with changes in average voice ampl itude.
When using the AGC-EO as a "pre-pro-
cessor" in conjunction with RF clipping.
follow the procedure outlined above be-
fore setting the clipping control on your
transmitter (or ou tboard clipper). You
may wish to reduce the amount of com- Interior view of the completed AGC·Eo. I included ferrite beads on the audio input/out
pression, and thus the back round noise, put leads of this unilto reduce RF susceptibility in my kilowatt HF station.
by making the value of R7 smaller. A500k
resistor for R7 will reduce the back-
ground noise by approximately 12 dB.
Experimenters will find the AGC-EO
circuit to be an ideal starting point fo r stage may be used independently by tap- scaling the values of a lew capacitors,
more complex designs. The equalizer ping its output through a .47 uF capacitor the frequency response can be extended
at pin 7 of U 1d. The time constant of the to cover the entire audio spectrum. The
AGC circuit may be made variable by us- result is a wide-range low-distortion com-
ing a rotary switch with capacitors of sev- pressor/equalizer suitable for high-fidel-

sUtfR'oNics eral values to reptace OrO on the circuit-

board assembly. Try values between .01
and 10 uFo Remember that smaller
ity matertal.s
The system gain and output-level also
make the AGC-EO a good choice for the
DX The 160-80-40 Meter Bands!
values will provide faster transient re- audio stage of a homebrew SSB or FM
With The "Original" Multlband
sponse, but at the expense 01 higher dis- transmitter. The output from U3a may be
• Preassembled ~ Triband
tortion. The distortion level with values
greater than .47 uF may be considered
used to directly dr ive a balanced modula-
tor or voltage-controlled oscillator.
• N<.> t.aps (160-80-40)
• Moullt at 25-40 It Just 60 It. long neglig ible. You might also wish to make Remember that the quality of your on-
· 50 <.>hm S3995 ppd. the amount of available compression the-air signal depends on what you feed
• All stainless ha.dwa ,e Ouoband
• Easily tuned (maximum gain of the AGe) continuously into your transmitter. Properly used with
• May be g.ound mounted Just 4(1 It. I<.>ng variable by subslttuting a 5M to 10M po- a good microphone. the AGC·EO will
$27.95 ppd. tentiometer for R7. Or you can leave out make you louder, cleaner, and easier to
Dealer inqUiries invited
R7 complete ly fo r nearly 60 dB of dynam- listen to!
Or With Our Super Performance ic range control.
Bazookas (Co...lal Dipoles) The AGC-EO has uses other than a Footnotes
• H.D. construction 160M (280 H.) microphone line processor. When used 1. Collins, "Ordinary and Processed
• Superio. bandwidth $69.95 PPd. wi th a phone patch, it will feed a constant- Speech in SSB Application," OST, Jan.
• Stainless hardwa'e
• Rugged cen te, insulator 80M \140 Iq ampl itude signal to your transmitter de- 1969, pp . 20-21.
• Totally preassembled $49.95 ppd sp ite variations in phone-line signal. This 2. Schreuer. "Speech Clipping in
• Easily luned
• Flat top, inverted V. etc. 40M (70 It) makes it ideal for unattended phone Single-Sideband Equipment," Ham
• Legal power piuS S39.95 ppd. patches such as simplex or repeater Radio, 1971, p. 22.
autopatches. The unit may also be in- 3. Jung, IC Opamp Cookbook, Indiana-
All Quality, Made In USA
serted in the low-level audio portion of polis: Howard W, Sams & Co., 1974, pp.
New Amerilron AL '80A 160 -15 me ters,
150QW PEP, Use s sing le 3-SOOZ tube, excel-
your receiver (ahead of the audio power 326-328
lent q uali ty, made in USA. amplifier stage). The AGC action will con- 4. Fisk, "Novel Audio Speech Process-
Two Yea r Warranty $649_00 + UPS trol earcrum-rettunq heterodynes and ing Technique Offers Maximum Talk
Chec~, MO, VISA, MIC other headache inducing, htqh- level oar- Power with Negligible Distortion," Ham
Call or Write l or Complete Ca tal<.>g. bage. And the EO controls will allow you Radio, June 1976, p. 32.
ICOM , AMERITRON, LARSEN , MOSLEY , ETC. to remedy frequency response anomalies 5. PC boards, parts, and kits available
in your speaker or headphones. from Analog Technology, POB 8964, Fort

1587 U.S. 68 N Xenia, OH 45385
The AGC-EO is perfect for tape- record.
ing of material with a w ide dynamic range
such as conferences, where microphone
Collins, CO 80525.
6 Ouest ions regarding the circuit
should be di rected to the author. Please
(513) 376-2700 wo rking distances may vary greatly. By enclose an SASE. rm
32 • CQ • January 1986 Say You Saw It In CQ
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Say You Saw It In CO Janua ry 1986 • CO • 33

ThIS' MFJ 24 hour clock. make
your OXing, contesting, loggina
$19 95
and SKEDlng easter. more precise.
Rnd bath UTe Ind local tlme MFJ-1D7
.t .glIACI wltllihe MFJ-lll11, cram $9 95
$19.95, dual clock that displays
24 and 12 hour time simultaneously.
Or choose the MFJ·1D7, $9.95
I "
uncre clock lor 24 hour UTe lime, You can read hour, minute, second, month and They are banery opented so you don't have to
Both are mcuetec in aorushed aluminum eerne. day and operate them in an alternating time-date reset them after a power failure, and banery
feature hug. u.y-tl...... 511 Inch LCD numellr. display mode. You can 31,;0 synchronize them to operation mares them suitable for mobile and
and a sloped lace that makes reading ecrcss-tne- WWV lor spill-second liming. 80th are quartz portable use. Long life battery Included.
shack easy and pleasant controlled for excellent accuracy. MFJ-l08 Is 4111x1x21n. MFJ-l 07 is 21foxh2 In,

COMPUTER INTERFACE $179.95 Now you ClO quickly optimize your $79,95
.ntenna for peak perfOl1Tllnce wlth

-::~, ',,: •.•

thll partible, totally IIlt-conalned ,

c) 0 J antenn. bridge that you can take to
your antenna srte-ee other equip-
" :'
ment ts needed .
You can determine It your antenna II . - n
EverythIng you netd II Included for sending .nd
rtetlvlng Rny / ASCII/CW on I Commodor. 64 too long or too Ihort, mealure Itl -
or VIC-20 end your h.m rig. Vou get MFJ·s most Iftonant frequency Ind antenn. S- f('~ - Meet thl mpect roll er
advanced computer Interface, software on tape
and an cables. Just plug In and operate.
Ttl. MFJ-1229II • g.n.r.1 pUrpoll computer In-
terlace that will never be obsolete. An lntecnar
resistance to 500 ohml. It's the
easiest and most convenient wa~ to
determine antenna pertormance avail- ~ :
able toda'f to anyone. There's nothing
.. Inductor tuner thai rets you run up to 3 KW PEP
and matcn evertlling from 1.810 30 MHz.
Designed 10 match the n.w IlTIIller rigl, the
MFJ-989Is th e best reuer lncuctor tuner pro-
DIP swltcll, TTL and AS-232 ports lets you adapt else II ke It and ooly MFJ lias It. Built-Inresistance duced by MFJ. Our rcner Inductol tuner features
the MFJ-1229 to nearly any home computer and brllge, null meter and l unaDle cscmetcr-etver a3-dlglt turn counter plus a'spmner knob lor ore-
even operate AMTOR with apcrcpnate softwaJ'e. (1.8-30 MH1). Uses 9 V battery. 4 x 2 x 2 Inches else Inductance control Tor manmum SWR reduc-
A croulllir " scope" LED tuning array makes
accnate tuning fast, eesy and precise.
REMOTE ACTIVE ANTENNA tion. Just take a look at an these other great fea-
The luthorltlllve " World Rldlo TV Handbook" tures! Built-In 300 Witt, 5(1 ohm dummy 100d,
You Cln tnnlmlt both n.rrow (170 Hz) .nd widfl nt.. the MFJ-1Q24 as "a first-rate easv-tc-eper- built-In 4:1 belun .nd I bullt"n lighted meter that
(850 Hz) Il'Ilft wtlile the variable sllift tunll'lll iets ale aCtive antenna ... Quiet with excellent dy- rears SWRand forward and rellected power In 2
you copy any shift (100-1000 Hz) and any speed namic range and good gam ... VfJry low noise fat- ranges (200 and 2OOOwatts). Accuracy.± 10% lull
(5-100 wpm, G-300 baud ASCII). tor •.. Broalllrequency cowrage ,.. the MFJ- scale. Meter lI\lht requires 12 VDC. 6 p:lsltlon an-
Autol'Rltlc th.... lIold correctIon and st\arv multi- 1024Is an excellent choice 10 an active antenna" tenna switch. 10:lA x 4111 x 15 Inches.
pole active II1Iers give good copy under severe
aRM , weak signal and selective fading.
54'Inch remote Ictlve Intenne mounts outdoor
ew from electrical noise for maximum signal and
Ttlen 'l.n FM (limiting) mode tor easy troubl e min mum noise pickup. Dilen ou tperforms long-
-free tuning tnat's test tor lIelleral use and an wlr hundreds of feet long, Mount anywhere-aloj:: MFJ-260
AM (non-lImltlngj mode mat gives superl()'" per- ho s, buildings. baccnres. apartments, ships.
lormance under weak signal; aoo heavy DRM. U wlth.ny ndlo to receive strong clear signals $64,95 $26,95
A hlndy NOrtnlll/R.ver'll ~Itcl'l ellmlMtes re- fro all over tile world. 50 KHz to 30 MHz. Hlgn
tunlr.g while cllecklng for In...etec RTTV. dy mlc range eliminates Intermodulation. Inside
An utn Itllrp 800 Hz CW filter reany separates MFJ'I "Dry" dummy 100di Ire .Ir cool.d-no
co ot unit has 20 dB ettenuatcr. ~a ln control. mIIIy 011. Just right for tests eno fast tune up. Non-
tile signals tor excellent copy, SWitch 2 receivers and allxlilary or active
12V2 Xn VI x linch... USllS lloatll'lQ 18 VDC Of Inductive 50 onm resistor in aluminum housing
antenna. "On" LED. 6 x 2 x 5 in. wltll SO-239. Fuilloall to 30 seconds, de;alll'lll
110 VAC with MFJ-1312, $9.95, 50 ft. coax. 12vac or 110 VAC witll CUM to 5minutes. MFJ.260 (300, SWR 1.1 :1
MFJ-l:'l12, $9.95,
to:ll MH1, 1.5:1,30-160 MH1, 2Vzx2
MFJ'I Partible Antenn. lets you operate 40, 30, 262 (1KW), SWR 1.5:11030 MH1, 3x3x13 Inches.
20, 18. 15. 12. 10 meters from apartments. motels, $129,95 MFJ ELECTRONIC KEVER
camp sites, vacation spots, ~ny erectneany cleat
location where space lor luli see atrtenna'ls a" 200 WATT VERSA TUNER
problem . MFHOlB $59.95 MFJ-407
A telescoping whip (exten 54 In.) Is mounted
on sell-standing 5111 x 6:lA. 214 inch Phenolic
$69,95 ,
case, Built-In antenneuner ield streoght meter.
50 feet coax, Complete mui band portable an- MFJ-401 Dlluxe Ellctnlnlc Klylr sends Iambic,
tenna system thaI you can e neen anywhere, automatic, semt-autc or manual. Use squeeze.
300 watts PEP. single lever Of straight key. Plus/minus keying. 8
to 50 WPM, Speed, weigh!, tone, volumecontrols_
MFJ.1621 On/Off, Tune, semr-autc switches. Speaker. RF
$79,95 proof. 7x 2)( 6 Inches. Uses 9 V battery, &-9 VOC
or 110 VAC with AC eoapter. MFJ-l305, $9.95,

• One year uncondlllon.1 euarantee • Maae in USA
• Add $5.00 eaCh shipping/handling· Can or write

800-647-1800 -,

Can 601-323-5869 In Miss. and outside

for free catalog. over 100 products. MFJ ENTERPRISES, INC .
continental USA Telex 53-4590 MFJ STKV
Box 494, Mississippi Stale, MS 39762
$129 95
An Identical TAPR TNe 2 clone with a new cabinet and added features ••• for an incredible 5129.95.
All you nltd II your rig, home computer with a RS-232 serial
terminal program. II you have a CommodOfe 64 .128 or VIC -20 you can use
port and a
MFJ·1270 MFJ 's optional Starter Pack to get on the air immediately. You gel mrertac-
ing cable. terminal software on tape or disk and complete lnstractions ...
everything you need to get on packet radio. Order MFJ-1282 (disk) or MFJ·
1283 (tape), S1 9.95 each .

--- • i 1 -• , Unlikt mathln. specl flc TNea, you ne'l8r nave to worry about your MFJ.1270
being obsolete because you cl\aoge computef1 or because packet rad io stand-
ards change. You can use any campyter with an RS-232 serial port and an ap-
propriate terminal program. II paclle! radio standards thange. software up-
dates will be made available as TAPR releases them. Also speeds in excass of
Join thl •• cltlng PlQIt radIo rlVDlutlon ,nd Inloy wror·frH communlc. 56Kbauds are possible wiTh a suitable external mcoem ! Try that with a mao
tlons _.. lor , n Inu,dlbl' $129.95. chine specilic TNC or one wittlout hardware HOlCas higher speeds come into
MFJ brings togllth... el1iclent manufacturing and TAPR 's (Tucson Amateur wides pre.1d use. You can also use the MFJ-1270as an inexpensive digipeater.
Packet Radioj leading edge tectlnolegy to bring 'f1)u affordable packet radio _ It futures the latest AX .25 Version 2.0 software, hardware HOlC lor lull uu-
You get a nearly idenlical clone 01 The widely acclaimed TAPR TNC 2 with plex. true Data Carrier Oetect lor HF . 16K RAM, simple operation plys more.
identical software and hardwa re_ II'S In a new cabinet and includes a TIL Join the j)lckllt rl dlo r' YDlutlon no. Ind help mi ke history. Ordlll" the
serial pOrt lor Itxtra vltrsatllity. MFJ-127'O todly.
Here are MFJ's latest and hottest products for improving your station's performance.
KEYBOARO SWITCHES S;9'~ MF......C $149.95
MF~. Instantly select l ny
Intl ntll or rig by
5169.95 tu ml ng I knob. Or' $29.95 MF~l7D1
Price slnned 50% 10 Sl69.95! Get a luilleature
Super Keyboard that sends CW/ RTTYIASCII for
Ihe price 01a good memory keyer .
You gilt The con'llnllllCt of . dtdIcabd kevbNrd
ganizes coax cables
and eliminates plug-
ging and unpl uggi ng.
Un used terminals are
. ----- : - '
MFJ's blst 300 Wi lt tunltr Is no. IVIn beltl r'
Tlte MFJ·949C III-I ~o nt DltIullt Versa Tunltr II
-no program to load-no Interface to ccnreet-. grounded to protect gives you a tuner, cross-needle SWRlWanmeter,
your equlpment fer stray RF . s1atic and lightning . dummy load . antenna switch and balun in a ne.. .
just turn it on and it' s ready to use , 2 KW PEP, 1 KW CW, For 50 to 75 onm. Negligible
Tltls!i modlt Super KeybOard lets you send CWo compact cabinet. You get quality cceveruences
aaeoot. ASCII. use it as a memory keyer and lor loss. SWR. and ecsstan gives high ceoemarce and a clutter-tree shack at a super price.
Morse Code practice . You get text buffer,l)(o- SO·2395 . conveueer desk or wan mounti ng An'. crou·nltltdlt SW RlW,ltmeter gives you
MFJ.l7UZ, S19.95. Z posttlons. Cast aluminum SWR, lorward and teuectee power-all at a sin-
grammable and eutcmanc message memories . cavity coostncnon gives excellent petomence
error cereucn. buffer preload . buller hold , up to 5IX! MHz with better thall 60 dB isolatinn at
gle glance. SWR is automatically computed with
no controls to set. Has 30 and 300 wan scale .
TRIPLE OUTPUT LAB POWER 450 MHz . Heavy duty. low loss swit~h has less Run up to 300 wins RF output-and match co-
than 20 mliliohm contact resistance. less tnen 0,2
SUPPLY MFJ-4OOl $149.95 dB loss and SWR below 1:1.2. 2 x 2V: x 1 inches,
ax, balanced li nes or random wires Irom 1.8 thr u
30 MHz. Tune out SWR on dipoles , vees. long
MFJ·1701 , 129.95. 6 positions. IMlile rnarkatne wires, verticals , whips. beams/q uads. lOX3x7 In .
surface lor recording ant. positions . B'll x 1VI X3 in ,
lib qUlllly powlr supply gives you plenty 01
voltage and current lor all your analog and dig-
Ital circcns . 3 completltly IlOlatltd outpuls: 2
PROBE MFJ.2l)6 $79.95
Thl' new bmkthru MFJ Antltnnl
$89.95 -c= _ .--
'.::.. ~--~
variable 1, 5-20 VOC at 0, 5 amp and a lixed 5 CUrl'ltlll Probe lets YQU monllor RF S
VDC at 1 amp . connect in series or para llel antenna currents-no connections Fully aulolNltlc Olgltll WRfW.ltmel,r reads
fo r higher voltage and current. It's snort cir- needed I Determine current distri- SWR 1:1 to 1:9,9directlyaM instantaneously- no
cuit protected . has excellent line (ty p.O, Ol%1 bution, RF radiation patten eno SWR knob to set. Huge 0.6 inch bright orange
V) and load regulatio n (lyp,O.l"1o) . l lghtltd m~ digits mah across-the-room reaoing easy . 12
polarizati')r of antennas, transmls- segment LEO oar graph wattmeter gives lnstan-
Ilrs monitor von.zcur 12x3x6 in . 110 VAC sicn lines, ground 1e.10s, building taneous PEP readings up 10 200 watt RF output.
CRaSS -N EE0 LF SWR/WATT wiring . guy wi res and encosures. Good , bill. mlslNltclt trkolor lEDI Indlcatl
METE R - Indlcal, nnsml"lon line I'Idlltlon due to high !l'i'JR conditions. 5maTi Size (5'11 x4'1. x 1 in.) and
MFJ...,!i 559.95 SWH. poor Shielding or antenna cnbaraece. easv-tc-reac digital display makes it ideal tor mo-
MFJ's cross-nHdll - D,tect "nldlatlon !rom rai n gutt8l"s aM guy bile use For 50 ohm systems. 1.13--30 MHz. 12
SWRlWlttmellr glvII wires that can dis10rt antenna lield patterns . VOC or 110 VAC with MFJ·1312. $995,
you SWR, forwlfd - OIltec1 RF nldlltlon from ground leads, power
Ind rtflllCtld powltr cords or building wiring thaI can cause RFI. MOB IlE ANTE NNA MATC HER
-all It Islngl, • Dlltlrmlne "lIround system is effective
Illlne1! SWR is auto- • Pinpoint RF IUUII' in Shielded enclosures MFJ-910 $19,95
maticallYalmputed -locatl Ute blst plle' IOf you, mobile antenna Lo. ... your SWR Ino
-no controls to adJust . Easy-to-use puSl'l - Un as tuned I,e'o strenght me181" . Gilt more POWIf Into
buttons select three power ranges that give you Montton RF curnnt by sensing magn"IIC field your mobil, whip for
ORPto lull 'egal limit power readings. Reads 2fJ/ uses an e1ectrostnically snrerceo lerrite :life. FET solid signals and more
2OOI2OXlW tor.....ard . 5J50/5IX!Wrellected and 1:1 RF amplifier. co-emp meter Clradt !Of excellent OSOs. Your solid state
to 1:5 SWR on easy-llHead two CIllor scale. Ught- senSitivity. selectivity. 1.8--30 MHz. Has sensi- rig puts out more power and generates less heat.
eo meter _Needs 12 V. ± 10% lull scare accuracy. Iivity. bandswitdl . tune contrOls. teiescoping an- For lo-tl(l meter whips _Easy plug-in installation.
6'11 x 3V. x 4'11 inches . ~t'"
:::,n a for field 51fenght meter . 4 x 2 l2Inchesr=:-.--=-=
:: i ~ str uetjons. Fits anywhere, 2'hx2'hin .

IH 30 DAYS FOR PROMPT REFUN D ,la s shlpplllgJ
- One year uncondilloul guaran tee - Add S5.oo each
shi pping / handling - Call or write lor Iree catalog .
Can 601 ·323-~ ,n M,ss and QUISioe
oyer 100 products. conllnental USA Telex 53-4590 MFJ STKV


Say You Saw It In co January 1986 • CO • 35



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We must make room lor your

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P.O. BOX 1101 . DEPT . N
No. Miami. FL 33161 -~~~l~( I~I~~~ SOUTHGATE, MICH. 4$19 5 " HAL" HAROLD C. NOWLAND
Telephone: (305) 893-3924 PHO NE (313) 285·1782 weZXH


36 • co • January 1986 Say You Saw It In CO

Here's a one-evening project that can find use in your
shack or help out that new Novice.


T his is a one-evemnq proiecttnat costs

less than $5.00 and results in a prac tical
addition to the shack . This simple project Thermocouple
will give you a wattmeter and dummy-
load combination thai is invaluable wh en 20.
tuning or testing small rigs of RF output 01 M
30 wa tts or less. Because you a re loa ding
into a dummy load, no signal is transmit-
ted on the air, and the mete r allows you to Fig. 1- Schematic diagram 01 the slmpte
tune lor maximum RF output All in all it is ORP wattmeter. The basis for the unit is
a very desirable ins trument 10 have. and the aG-442 antenna relay.
lor less than $5.00.
One of the relics 01 the famous corn.
mand Set series 01 Wor ld Wa r II is the by the binding posts. To this plate attach
BC·442 antenna relay unit. At nemrests the ronowmq chart."
these are going for as little as $1 .00. an Meter
absolute bargain by any standard. As is, Reading Walls
the BC·442 has no practical value to the
1 072
amateur. However, with a lew dollars an d 2 162
an hour or so 01 work, it will take on a new 3 2.42
lease on life and se rve a usef ul purpose in 4 3.38
the shack. 5 5.12
The unit consists of a meter, a thermo- 6 684
couple, a relay , a tra nsfo rme r, and varl- 7 925 The front view shows tre new chart.
ous bind ing posts. In this con version we 8 12,50 transmitter jack, and meter.
shall use the mete r and the the rmocouple 9 1741
and discard all else. Begin the con version 10 2812
the meter read ing to RF watts by Ohms
by tracing the wi res from the mete r to the You now have a wattmeter in series
law . whic h read s P = i>R For a read ing
ther mocouple . Remov e all oth er compo- with a 50 oh m dummy load, The meter
of,say, 4, yourealty have(4 ~ 10) x .75
nen ts except the meter . the thermocou- rea ds 1- 10, but at full sc ale it really is a
am p or .3 am ps. Square this and multiply
pie, and the wrres which run be tween .75 amp RF wa ttmeter. We can convert
by 50 ohms and this computes to 4 watts
them. Save the relay, as it can be made to
of RF power, This is a handy thing to know
operate off of 12 or 24 volts.'
The interior view shows how simple and when tuning up any QRP transmitter. The
Place the unit so that it is faCing you
with the meter in the lower righ t·hand cor- straightforward the orotect is, meter. however, is not perfec tly linear .
Accurate powe r measuremen ts using a
ner. Drill a small hole in the lower lett-
wattmete r or verified calibration are reo
hand corner and mount an RCA phone
fleeted in the above tabte.'
jack there . On the thermocouple lind a This completes the conversion. Now
terminal marked line and run a short wire add a lew decals to dress up the device. It
from the orono lack to this terminal. Sold- should prove to be very useful in the
er two 100 ohm 10 wall resistors (Radio
years ahead.
Shack #271-135) In parallel to form a 50
ohm 20 watt resistor . Connect this rests- Footnotes
tor Irom the other line terminal on the
thermocouple to ground. Mount a 2· x 1 Green, severn T., " Co nverting the
31/2 • metal plate on the front panel crrect- BC·442 Antenna Relay," CO. March
ly above the meter to cover the holes left 1960
2. Pafenberg. Roy, " A Deluxe Conver-
sion of the Command set Antenna Relay
• The American College. Bryn Mawr. PA Unit, " 73, June 1963.
19010 3. Ibid.

L' Y You S.W It In CO January 1986 • CO • 39

o o

The Cushcraft 20-3CD Skywalker

20 Meter Beam

T he re are still definite advantages to us-

ing a single-band beam as compared to a
multiband type if the great percentage of
one's operating lime is spent on on ly one
band. The single-band beam has maxi-
mum gain and tront-to-back ratio for the
number of elements involved. Mechan!c-
ally, it has slightly less weight than an
equivalent trfbancer. and by the very na.
ture of its straightforward construction, it
is more likely 10 survive environmental
cond itions over a very extended period of

The rod for the "Reddi Match" used in the 20·3CD looks like that for a conventional
Gamma match. c/o CO Magazine

Fig. 1- The 20-3CD, as assembled, represents a classic mree-etemem monobander design.


.' ••

40 • co • January1986 Say You Saw It In CQ

The Cushcraft 20 ·3CO "Skywalke r" is Table I shows the specifications for
pretty much a classic three-element
monobander beam de sign . The com-
ments ma de about it in this review should
both the Cushcraft 20·3CO and 20·4CO .
Generally speaking. the fo rward gain of
the 20·3CO is 1- 2 dB better than that of a
apply also to the 20·4CO (a tou r-element shortened Ir ibander, and the trent-to-
version), although tha t model was not ac- back ratio is at least 5 dB better. II one PLEASE CALL OR WRITE FOR THE
tually tried . can accommoda te the long boom length LATEST AND GREATEST FROM ICOM
SKYWALKER IC- 1U Hf Xm Jliu . Cit. Rm $lZ9.DD
IC·74 S Hf Icr rJlin . C'I. Rm. 169.00
SPECIFICATIONS IC-PSIS I Z 'DC. 15 A_,. PI.l r $1.,1, 131.12
Ic-pno I Z'DC. 30 A_,. SfS-. I'IIr. s..,lt ZZI .16
20 ·3CO 20 ·4CO IC- rsSS IZ,DC.,.• ., S."I, Fw lC-135 140.ID
IC-SPlD M .~ilt h llln i S'nklr. ZU S
IC-Z1 1H Z·lII lr~ FIII/SSI/CW. I DOW_Xcrf.. . • 149.00
Forward Gain 8.0 dBd 10.0 dBd IC-SIII S Dnk lII i cn , ~"1 31.00
Fro nt to Back Rat io 30+ dB 30 + dB IC-S1116 Dnk lII i cn, ~..t 31.00
Boom Length 20ft. (6.1m) 32 ft.8m.( 10ml IC-S111 1 Dnk Micn , a, Oul CIUn 61.95
Longest Elemen t 35 ft . 11 in. ( 1 0.94 m l36 ft. 1 in. ( 109.9ml IC-Z1A Z- lII tltl. Fill. Z5 Wl tllm zn.oo
IC-Z1H Z-lIItltr. Fill. 45 .,tllm 359.00
Turn ing Rad ius 20ft. (6. 1m) 23 ft. 8 in . (7 .2) IC-31A ZZO- III Hz.. Fill. ZS '111 1m UUO
Beamwidt h ( -3d B) 57° 60° IC-3ZDOA Z·MlrJ7 0-ca Fill.Z5 Wltll", 469.00
30 lb. t 13 .6 kg) 55 lb. (2 4.9 kg) IC-UT Z· IIIIL FIII.HnOel• • /TMC.-Tllt 19UO
Assembled Weight IC·3AY ZlO· MHL FM.HnOtl. Wil.T-T 234.50
Wind Surface Area 5.5 SQ. ft. (.52 SQ. m) 8 .1 Sq. ft . (.87 SQ. ml IC-OZ lY Z · M lr~ Fill. HIIOII. Wih y.y nuo
Recom mended Stack ing D istance 4 0 ft. (12.2m) 44 ft. ( 13.4 m! IC-II'Z 7.Zt Ot. 4ZS aal, I i-Cd IItt ~k. 31.50
BO T H MODE LS IC·IP3 1.4 ,Dt.Z5 0 .,l, lI i-ca.ll tt ~k. ZUO
IC· I P4 IIlIlff CUt IUO
Freqv encv Coverage 14.000 . 14.350 MHz. IC- I P5 10.1 ' DC.425 . ,l, I i-CI. lilt. hck. .. 49.50
Bandwidth See Curves Below IC- I Pi 13.Z' DC.425 .,l, I i-Cd lilt. Pack. .. 61.50
Wind Surv ival 80 MPH IC-l ra ' .4 tO t. 100 . ,l, II i-Cd lilt. ~k. 62.50
I C-3S 0,.,..1. Rt,ilI Cbllll: IC· I I'Z.5.7.1 6lU10
Max imum Mast 0 .0 . 2 in. (5.1 cm ) IC·CPI I t~ ill C'IIli•• C .~ 9.50
Mat erials 6063· T8 32 aluminum IC· OCI DC CII"rter 11.50
T erm inat ion 50 ohm. 50239 IC- HM9 S'uhr/lllicn ' Hu 34.50
LC·S lulhrtllt CUt. IC·ZAT W/IC-IP5 17.9 5
l C-7 lnhmllt CUt. IC-ZAT W/IC·IP3 11.95
20 ·3CD RADIATION PATTERN AT 14.1 MHz lC-11 lnlhnlleCua, IC·OZATWflC-I'3 17.95
lC-14 lnlhrtlltCm, IC-OZATW(lC-IPI 11.95
HS·IO Htd,,1 fir HnOII., IUD
HS·1DSI ,n U. il fir HS·IO IUD
IC-HPI Hed' ~ lI n 34.50
HC-ZOO lOO Will PH Allml C•• , ler $86.14
HC-400l ZO OWill PEP A,lun Cn,ler 164.64
HC·ZOOO Z-KW PEP A,lun Cn,IIL Zl5.60
HL·Zn 220-IHz. FM Am'lilier TU
HL-30¥ l · Mlll r FM Amplilitr 59.50
HL·3S' Z-Mlltr FM Ampllller 69.Dl
HL·IOn 220·MHz. M.lli-Modt Am'lilitr TlA
HL·IIDW Z-Mllir M.lti-Ilhdl Amplilitr Z0l.60
CT·ISA Durnmy hd, SOW Puk. 15. Ar•. . . . S I Z.9S
CT· ISO Oumrny hid.400W Puk. 150.
CHOO Ournrn, hid. I·KW hit. 300WAl"
"'I 4995
Nt. 9913 L•• lusVHF/UHFC'IICI~Ia,RG-I/UTf'l.
Acct,l. Stll~lf~ hphtOl Pl-Z59 AI. Tnt II C....
20- 4CD RADIATI ON PATTERN AT 14.20 MH z 9Y2-AWIi. SlII~. hrt C."II. Clllir C,,~ucler. 14%
Vtl.cily heler. 100% n it'. Cllerall_50 O~III . Stllli-
SlU•. hl,ll~,lna, Cnlu l.nlllitL S.44/Ft
RS-lA IUtDC.7A_, IILSA_,Cllt 146.30
RS-Ill 13.IVDC. IU_, It Lt A_, Cut 6UO
RS -ZOA I U 'DC. ZD A_, ItL 16 A_, C••t IUD
RS-3SA 13.1 VDC.35 A_, l.l ZSA_, C••t I ZUO
RS-IZIII Stlllt AI IS- IZA. Wil ~ Itlu 10.46
RS-ZOM sa_t As IS-ZOol Wih Mtler 91.11
15-35111 Sa_t At 1S-3So\. WiUi MIllI 141.46
n ·ZOM SI.. AsIS-ZOIII.A.~V'IUC trT 11 7.01
n ·3SM SI_tAsIS ·3SM .U ~,.IUC .rr ISI.16
U-SOM 13.ltOC.5DAI.L31At .LUj. ZZU6
UPS/I••• ram Cb'1ts Art l •• ililli l
IC. flSA. C.O.D. O~tn Art Acct,ltL


Table 1- Specifications for bOth the Skywa lker 2O-3CD tntee-etemem beam and PHONE (717)343-2124
2O-4CD tout-etemem beam.

Say You Saw II In CO January 1986 • CO • 41

Fig. 2 shows the feedline matching
system used. Cushcraft refers to it as a
I "Aeddi Match," although at first glance it
s ~
, appears to be just a simple, classic Gam-
ma match. When assembling the beam, it

kG) 112
was noted that the end of the matching
rod which connects to the center con-
ductor of the coaxial cable feedline felt
flexible. Therefore, the matching rod was
taken apart as shown in Ihe photograph.
\~ The inner conductor of a coaxial cable
C ONNE CT OR. had been inserted in the matching rod
11 0

B Il. ... CK Et tubing to form a capacitor with the walls
o f the rod. This capacitor represents the
SET , series capacitor one sees in the text book
presentations for Gamma matches. Of
Fig. 2- The "Reddi Match" used by Cusncren. as shown here from the beam's esse-n- course, in reality it is often difficult to
bly diagrams. turned out to have some interesting features. mount and weatherproof a lumped capa-
citor for a Gamma match, and the system
used by Cusncratt is an ideal alternative. '
zo The matching rod is a 45 inch length of X6
inch diameter tUbing, and the coaxial ca-
"r e ble inner conductor used has a length of
" 40 inches . The far end of the rod is
pinched closed 10 prevent water entry,
and the feed end is protected wi th shrink
" tubing,
"" Exactly what SWA curves one will ex-
perience with a beam depends upon the
14. '0 " 20 ".lO
20 JCO height of the beam and the influence of
surrounding objects. Fig. 3 presents the
Fig. 3- Typical SWRcurves for the 20·3CD vary depending on whether the beam's ele- typical SWR curves given fo r the 20-3CD
men/lengths are set for 14.1, 14,2. or 14.3 MHz. by Cuebcra tt. The leiters A, B, and C refer
to element-length charts used during as-
sembly of the antenna, since one must
choose if the $WA is to be a minimum at
14.1 (A), 14,2 (B), or 14.3 (C). Assembled
fo r a center f requenc y of 14.2 MHz and at
a height of about 35 feet, an SWA result
almost exactly paralleling that shown in
fig, 3 was obtained, except that the SWA
only went up to 1.8 at1 4.1 and 14,3 MHz.
However. at 14.0 MHz it was slightly over
3.0 , The SWA results bring up an impor-
tant point about almost any single band
beam that is optimized for gain-one has
to make a choice as to whether it should
be dimensioned for the CW or phone por-
t ion of a band, Both the gain and trout-to-
back rat io will su ffer the further the beam
When the rod for the "Reddi Match" used in the 20·3CD is disassembled, it is seen that is used away from its center design fre-
the center conductor from a length of coaxial cable has been inserted in the rod to qency.
form a capacitor as explained in the text. Performance of the 20·3CD was excel-
lent. It's a full-size beam and delivers the
type of performance expected from such
an an tenna. Although the facilit ies avail-
of the 20-4CD, the forward gain jumps up scoping aluminum tubinq pieces for the able didn't permit side-by-side compari-
to 10 dB. For about $100 or less in in- beam elements and three pieces for the son, one could sense tha t the 20-3CD has
creased beam cos t. one certainly gains boom, a sharper pattern and certainly better
an inexpensive 2 dB more in the 20·4CD Assembly is straightforward, although tro nt-to-oa c k ratio than a conventional
over the 20-3CD, assuming that total in- one should allow a leisu rely few hou rs to three-e lement Inband beam.
stallation costs are not elevated by in- do the job. The instructions that a re sup- 11 one desires a three-element beam
creased rotator cost. etc. plied are complete with various dia- that will optimize performance in the CW
The 20-3CD arrives In a package mea- grams, charts for etementtenqtbs. and a or phone portion o f a band, an antenna
suring about 6 inches square by 7 feet complete parts list. After one identifies like the 20-3CD has to be considered an
lo ng Inside one finds a to ta l of some 180 the var ious parts, which is easy, assem- excellent choice, The materials used are
odd parts, a lthough that number should bly consists mostly of just joining the o f very good quality, and with just the usu-
not frighten anyone, as the grea t majority telescoping aluminum tube sections and al pe riodic cleanup and checks for tight-
of the parts are various nuts, bolts, and tig hte ning two dozen hose c lamps. The ness, the antenna should last for years of
clamps. There are actually only 27 tete- finished beam looks as shown in fig. 1. service. mI
42 • CO • January1986 Say You Saw It In CO
New rigs and old favorites, plus the best essential accessories for the amateur.
HOUSTON, IX 77004-3913 Wanl a good dIscount? cerevee 01 YOUI trl90ds aeo 831SP-PL259 Sl~rplate "5
CAlL FOR ORDERS c-oer Mad rson s ececer four lot pnces For e xample UG 176 reducer RG8X 30
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1820 00 831J Double Female UHf 200
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REFUNDED 82·98 N elboW 900
EOUIPMENT New 82·202-1006 N- Ma~ fits 9913 500
Kenwood GanlOf ooces 00 all Kenwood 1 4" E H S Guycat>le. AohnUS,
New «enncocs UTU-XT 31900 "'00' 25000
Kenwood T59405. contesters oellghl Ca" 3-16"EHS ceoe 21000
1 4" Guy Cable, 6100 # 7 x 1 strand. Import '5<.,
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1com211 A.27A
usr- IS'll.
3-16" Guy Cable. 3700 # 7 x 7 strand, ,mport
38 x 6 E&J Tumbuc ~~
Icom lC3200 489 95 3- 16" W,re Rope Clips -o
1 4" wife Chps 50
Santee $1201 HCWld' Ta i~ oe Z99 00
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Icom 1C735 14900 f'orceia,n 502 Guy Insulators (1 4) 299
ANTENNAS «aoecocs UTU-XT 31900
ARX2B V2S, 2 MCV·5, ISOf'OlE " 95 F,lS any computer (even yours') Software
A< 29995 AvaIlable "00
,"",0 27995 Morse UflIverSlly (Grear CW program
New cusrcran LAC-3 Loghlrllng lor C--64) 3900
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215WBNew, 15E1.2~Beam 7995
AOP-l . Complete Oscar Anrenna 14995 USED EQU IPMMENT
Bunernut H F6V. 80- to VertIcal 12500 An eqUIpment, used, clean . .... th 90 day war.anty and
HF2V. 60 & 40 VertICal 12500 30 day tnal $I x monlhs l ull trace agalnSI new eqUIp--
HF4B '9900 rrera Sales pnce refunded If not sallsfled
HUSller G7-14 4 11 9 95
Ham4 Rotator. T2X. CD45-2 Call POLICIES
KLM HF World Class Series M ,nim um order $ 10.00. Ma ste rc ha rg e . VISA, or
A.CCESSORIE S Antennas Call Don COD All p nces f O B Houston. ex ce pt as noted
Bt.W Viewst ar Antenna Tuner 69 00 Pnces sooectic change WIthout renee Items sub-
Heil HC3iHC4iHC5 StOCk OTHER ANTENNAS ject to pnor sale Call any time to chec k the status of
Larsen Kuld uck "00 your order Texas residents add sa les tax Dats all.
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CSI Priva te pater- III 46995 Avanti AP15 13G on G lass Anrenna 3300 folks
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Avant' APR450-SG on glass 3000 DON 'S CORNER
m ummete r 12500
Bird 43 wenrrete r Call Philly stran C all F,rst of all The winner of o ur first Prootreadmq Con-
BUd Elements. H/59 00. A·E/48 00: In Stock test is Bob Rei nhart, KIKK Bob will be rec eiving our
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Daiwa CN620B, 20·200, 2000W 109 95 Coll ins parts 75S/32 $JKWM2175A4 iKWS· l scecsv
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VibfQpIeX C arrying Case $20 00 w'o wco ese Sono Slate 866A Repl ac ements 15001Each parts list At the top of his list was a peek-a-Ierret
MFJ Super ke yboa rd # 496 169 00 Screarnm' Demon Radar Detector 29 95 caoecnor we told him we d,dn'l sell sm all aOlmals -
150MFDI400v DC "5 even surplus ones AlSO - we've been haVIng some
TUBE S 1 5Amp/400v full wave bridge rectifier ' 95 p rob lems With the new ad d ress and get mall ad-
Colhns&.O! ake Replacement Tubes stoc k 2 5AiHXXlPIV Epoxy cooe 29c Each or dressed 10 Phantom Avenue lIS f ·A·N-N·I-N
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GE 6JS6C 1195 365pF"cap '95 13 & Good OX
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RadiClPubs Call we may have what you're lookIng lor
Some 01 !he best buys are ne ASGB books

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Flat lee Collons rebuild Inlernall()l'l3l Wire RG214. non-fTW. good 1-713-520-7300 OR 1-713-520-0550


Here's something that will help you work some of the
rare ones and give you a few evenings'
building pleasure.

How To Build A Switched

Capacitor Bandpass CW Filter


The Bandpass CW Filter includes separate bandpass controls.
a frequency control. enasn output volume control. The switch • •
on the right is not used.

The completed filter with cover removed shows how few oene
are required to make this very useful CW filter.

R epresenting a relatively new concept produces results that are almost unbe- CMOS clock oscillator, and a few resis -
in audio filters. the National Semiconduc- lievable : with a - 3 dB bandwidth adjust- tors are required to make a complete fil -
tor MFtQ Universal Monolithic Dual able down to 2 Hz and a Q of up to 150, ter ctrcu!t . Pins S. 15,and 16areconnect-
Switched Capacitor Filter is one of a signals only 50 Hz from fa are down 40 eo to Analog Ground. which is the mid-
series of programmable integrated cir - dB! QRM from SSB, CW, or AM broad- point between V + and V -. If a single
cuits providing lowpass . bandpass, and cast signals is all but eliminated, and supply is used, analog ground is derived
highpass and/or notch outputs from one QRN is reduced considerably, even in the by a resistive divider between V + and
device. Versatility, accuracy, and ease of presence of nearby atmospheric distur- system ground. I chose this method for
use make this Ie very attractive for use as bances. my prototype, assuming most amateurs
a narrow bandwidth CW filter, SSB filter, How does it work? The voltage across wil be taking power from a single 12 volt
or ATIY predemodulation filter . Because an internal capacitor is sampled at the supply. Pin 12 controls the clock ratio.
I use CW exclusively, I chose the first to rate of an incoming clock oscillator. The When connected to analog ground. the
provide an example which the interested result is an integrator with no external ca- clock is divided by 100; when tied high , it
amateur can modify to his own needs and pacitors. Varying the clock frequency is divided by 50 . When this pin is connect-
preferences. varies the time constant of the integrator ed to V - , the filter shuts down in a power
Using only a handful of parts, the and thus the resonant frequency of the fil - conservation mode. Pin 9. the level shift
Switched Capacitor Bandpass CW Filter ter. input, should be connected to V - unless
Each MF10 (fig. 1) contains two inde- a 5V TIL clock is used in conjunction with
pendent z-pore filters in a 20-pin dual-in- a dual 5V power supply, in which case it
line package (fig. 2). A single a to 14 volt should be tied to system ground. VA and
•RD 7, Box 312, Binghamton. NY 13904 or dual4 to 7 volt power supply, a TIL or VD are internally connected and can be

44 • ca • January 1986 Say You Saw It In ca

... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J.. . ...".. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LP out
- -- -- - ,~

, "' .3 BP out

Notch/HP out
v· 51
•• .." - '. t> 0
" • ~" %- , '/

v- r-
I ,

• .. .. UK.
GIlOUf'oO .".
, _..: Clock .nd control

5. . Cloc k
inPU l
shi ft
10." •
Fig, 1- Diagram at the MF10 integrated circuit showing external resistors and pin numbers for both halves.

Jowpass signals appear at the indica ted lor a theoretical gain 01 1BOK/1 OOK. o r 1,B
I ce ccr .. L' OUT II 20 terminals. per section . With R2 va riable to 100K, my
2 Il'OUTA, .,OuTII
Simpl e form u las lor both the se modes o will be 180Kl100K, again 1.8, ap-
•• are shown in Tab le I. When c hoosing p roaching 150 as R2 is decreased 10
,..v " 'PUT A,
...... ..
,..v,.. B 17

........ LOGGMOU .. O
values for Al to A4, keep in mind that cir-
cuit Q m ust be less than ' 50 lor the utter
to operate properly. For in stance, using
1.2K. Too much gain can also cause
problems. II internal inpu ts are over-
driven, distortion may occur. Instead, use
the bandpass/notch/lowpass mode, I an e xternal amp if high gain is required
7 ,• 14 chose A 1 to be 100K and A3 to be 1BOK O ther modes 0 1 operation are described
•a '" ,, 13

Fig. 2- Pin-out diagram for the MF 10, • 6 ' Ring Mount Systems $ 799· $ 999
• 6 ' Motorized Systems $ 1199 -$1 399
. 10' Moto rized Systems $1 599 -$ 1799
When only
Notchl aandpass Il owpass
LP Gain = A2/A 1
BP Gain = A31Al
svsn cs.
SAt.l Pl.E TE "
the best
Notc h Gain
Q = lo'BW =

High passl Bandpass / lowpa ss

GUIDE /I, lJoTEST PR:X-P;t,M 001[){ USTING{)F Wt-l"T'S


will do!
HP Gain = A2/Rl .., 162 Hubbard Way , SUi te F. T~ kin g tbe ~.ding ro~
in CU\.lom ~ nlen ....
BP Ga in = R3/R l * (Dept. 21) Reno, NV B9502 ~gn (o~ e,l~ly 10 Alll.tin. With over 2S

l P Ga in - R41R l or call ye." of engineering.OO cons.uhing e ope -

~ rienc. . how could we offer you leu In.n
o = (.jR27R4>1R3/R2 ) 1415ISTV ·DISH
And ou, high perfOllNnc. ~uliom go
Table f- Formulas for the two modes ats- beyond our popu~r MULTl8AND ,lntennn.
cussed in the lext. AR-200 XL ~e's THE OMNI sidw.nder wilh non-
lont.l .-.d ven ic,l/ pol.uiution. Or the ALL
Select a Heading - AntetV\a 8AND SCANNER wilh high g.iin fhM
bypassed separately or c onnec ted io- Tums and Slops AulomahcaUy, outpe-rforrm the competition. And THE
gether. STICk• • bo-<Nd b.nd ~n for OJlI'"I',llion
Ga in, bandwid th, and 0 are c ontrolled
by the b ias and feedback resisto rs R 1
$9995 f,om AlNteur 10 Mltrine frequencie\. JU\I
,11001mpfins of the choOces """~bIe .
W1'w'eYef YOU' ."ten.... needs, the win........
through R3 (and R4). If a h ig hpass output is AU\tin.
is not req uired. c onnect SAI B (pin 6 ) to c.II 0< ......,.. lor p<oduoa infonn.-o"on.
V + . This sets an in ternal switc h connect· ()o,Me< inquinn iormted.
ing the lowpass output to the sum mer. R4 • F* ..... ...".. 1-f'-SS8 . S ..
• ~_ -.0000)"'"
is no t used m th is mode. Notch output, if
needed, appea rs at pi ns 3 o r depend- ta.
· vu- -.. _ S'<l ' ......_
·• Correas
~ - . Of'ff---<1O....-'
ing on wh ich ha lf you are usmq . If a h igh· • FuBr
10 -..00 _ _ S'<l Q'12 -.oc
, S99 96 CUSTOM
pa ss output is required, c onnect SAIB 10
· ~ _ w,
• UliBd . . _nwPO'
. S ocr ...
V - and add R4, taking the h ighpass sig· P.o . Box 357
nal from pins 3 and/or lB. Bandpass and CMC CCU'BHC &l1OIIS Sandow n, NH 03873
5oII1ll JBIpor1. T~ FL 33!il. (8t31 __3II9ti
/6031 887-"'20
Sa y You Saw It In CO Ja nuary 1986 • CO • 45
'1 0

Parts list
Cl.4 1 mFd ceramic
- "0 •u
C2,'J.5 10 mFd tantalum

• -,
"• 0
e C6 01 mFd ceramc
0 0
0 z
• 0
• •
,. C7 180 mmFd mica
e A1A.l'.1419: lOOK '. walt
s z R2.6.12.16 lOOK potentiometer. linear taper
•u R3.5.13.1S lOOK. 'I. wan
o. u R7.B,ll,lS 2.7K '1. walt
", "
"0 R9: 18K. '/.0 wall
" ,"> , ·

e Rl0,20: SDK cotennometer. linear taper


• " -
0 81, DPDT mmi- togg le swuc n
U1,2' MF 1Q
U3: 401 1 CMOS Quad NAND
MISC. Radio Shack Sloping Panel Box (pN
270·264), nylon stanoous /270·1391). berner
smc (274·653). onruec CirCUlI board stock
knobs snaooeo rooe-oc wire MF 10 available
from Jemeco Electrorncs. 1355 Snoreway
Road. Belmont. CA94002.lor 53 95(mlmmUITl
L , s I- oroer $10)

I, • ~.
Ie > !

, in Na tio na l' s M F 10 data sneer (see end of


--• 0

My versio n 01t he CW fil le r (fig. 3) uses
two MF1 0's driven by a single CMOS
, "0 ,. clock oscillato r. Each of the four z.ocie

bandpass lilters has its own Q, or band-
Ie •
"u pass, adjustment via R2, A6. A12, and
•-. £ ~ :::- A16. Tt us allows more precise control
.' I, "
than ganged pots. Total circuit gain is
, , about 10 A10 allows adjustment of the


e -
resooenttrequency over a range of about
740 to 2700 Hz. An output level is provid-
• eo. and an INfOUT SWitch 10 allow the hi-
• ter to be bypassed for normal receiver
•= operation. An output at lull level is also
provided for input to a computer in ter-
face or code reader. The components
are mounted on an etched printed ci rcui t
board, fig. 4, installed w ith nylon stand-
, • ous in Aadio Shack sloping panel box. If
e I- the controls are wi red as shown in fig. 5.
, 0
the associated parameter will inc rease
•h ,· ,
"0 when the knob is turned clockwise. A bar-
• •0 ner strip is mounted on the back panel for
0 • > ••

0' external connections

4 I,

-• ••
• i~
The IIIter has a low-level high-Impe-
dance input, and is intended lor Insertion
between a low-level eucno stage and high-
Impedance headphones or a speaker
• ,. ,

amonner. " your rig has only low irnpe-

, •
, -c dance outputs, place a load resistor of
• " 1'-1" suitable value and power ra ting across

, " -
the output connections and take the siq-
.' , "'
.' nal for the filler at the w iper of a 10K po-

• -•
tentiometer p lac ed across the load rests-

e , •" to r. If you are willing to modify your r ig , or

if you want to incorporate the filte r in a

•• •- nomeorew outfit, insert the filter at the

wiper of the audio volume control pot pre-
ceding the tma! audio output stage
Other possible Ii Iter configurations m-
crude using one MF10 as a notch filter, or
one as a iowpass and one as a highpass
-•< filler. Either of these options would re-
quire an additional clock oscillator, but
• don't try to use one 4011 lor both oscula-
~ ",-" .
tors; they will int eract, causing spurious
Fig. 3 Schematic and parts tist for the Bandpass CW Filter aessqned by the au thor. oscillations. Ba tte ry power , an internal

46 • CO • January 1986 Say You Saw II Inca

Order Toll Free
Use your Credit Card'
/ld",J-h .. /d r,"nI, ..,vt'''
H f I;o e-.lf "m,.,l,f"" Recu1al S"'lE Delult models lIegulu SAlE
IC·2K L 1GO- 15m ~hd state amp .../ps 179500 1299 IC·02 1 IOf 2m 34900 119'\
b.m,-rN \ 'Hf Porr"M., IItgu tir SALE IC-OU T lor 0140 MHz 319 00 319'"
IC-505 31101'1 6m SSB/CW port"ble 449 00 399' \
lIT I., u,/ m le nr lIecutar SALE BP-IO Intemat "'ICad batter y paC 1 7950 Sli nd.u d models Rtg u ~1 SALE
IC·735 Hf Iran!>te,ver/$W rcvr/mlC 849 00 129' \ Bp·15 ACcharge r 12 !)() IC·2'" lor 2m 239 50 18991
PS·55 h Ternal po.l'r sup pl ~ . 16000 IU ' \ EI-248 FM omt 49 50 IC·2 T w ll ~ TTP 269 SO 19911
,1,1·150 Aulomatlc antenna tuner . 349 00 314'" lC·lO Leather use 34 9S IC·3 T 220 MHz. TT P 299 95 239"
Fl·32 SOO HzCWllter. _ . 59 SO \ HI I HI h.J , ,> m"I' ,. m".I", Regulal SAL E IC· U T 4010 MHz. TTP 299 95 239"
£1 ·24 3 Eectremc kl' ~e r uno! ....•.• 1000 IC·5510 80W 6 meter SSB/CW 699 DO 599"
IC·74 5 9-band . CVI ",/.1·30 MHz rcvr 999 00 769" EX-I06 f Moption 125 00 11 2' \
PS·35 lnll'rnil PO"'l'I suppl y . lGO OO IU ' \ BC·I OA Memory biC!. up........... 8S0 ,",cr ..",,, ,," (Of n.' /u.,' mod '-/I lIecul<i r
£1-24 1 Ma rker Unit . 2000 SM-2 Electret des. micro phone 39 00 BP-7 425mah/ 1l2V Nlcad Pa ~ use BC·35 6150
(x ·H 2 FMun lt . 3900 IC·27IA 251'1 201 f M/SSB/CW 69900 569' \ Bp·8 800mah /8 4V Nlcad Pak · use BC·35... 6250
(X ·24 3 Electromc keyer Unit . 50 00 AC·20 Inter nal preamplifler- .. .. 56 95 BC·35 Drop 10 desk chalger lot ali battenes 6900
Fl-45 SOO Hz CWMer (1st IFl .. 59 SO IC.n I H 100W2m fM/ SSB/CW 899,00 7591 \ BC-60 G,poSi hon gang charger. all bans SAL f 359.95
FL·54 270 Hz CWfilter (lst In . U SO AC-25 Mast mounted preamplifier - 84 ,95 BC-16U Wall charge r tor BP7/BP8 1000
Fl·52A 500 Hz CW hlter (2nd IF) 96 50 89' \ IC ·47IA 25W4 3 0-4 ~ SSB/ CW il Mrcvr 799 00 699" LC·I I \llnyl case 179~
Fl-53A 2S0 Hz CW nlter 12nd IF) 96S0 89" AG-l Mast mocntec prea mplifier - 8900 LC·14 VlnV I case fOt Ilb usmg BP·7/8 17 95
Fl·44A SSB hlter (2nd IfJ . 159,00 144' \ IC·47IH 75W 430-450 SSB/C W/ FM 1099 00 969' \ l C·02AT leather me for 011 models w/BP- 7/8 39 95
HM· IO Scanning mobue microphone 3950 AC·35 Mil st mounted prea mphlrer" 84 95 An ('"or If " for IlO rh mot/I'll Recular
SM-G Des ~ micro phone .. 3900 8p·2 42Smah172V Ncao Pa~ . use BC35 39S0
HM -1 2 E. lra hand microphone
MB-1 2 MobIle mounl..
For a Limited time! BP-3 b lra SId 250 mah / 8_4 VNicad Pak
BP-4 Alka line battery case
With the purcha se of an IC-271A/ Hor 8p·5 425mi h/l 0 8V Nlcad Pa~ - use BC3!) 49 50
IC-47tA/H get the match ing PREAMP' CA·2 JelescoplOg 2m antenna ............. ..... 1000
for onl • $1.00 Extra . CA ·5 5/ 8- 'I a ~e lelescllplng 2mante nna IS 9!)
FA-2 h lra 2m ueoce antenna . .. .. .. . .. .••.•. 10.(1(1
An e-" Ol ;e-, comm,Hl I" 2i1A lI .m d -Ili A, H CP· 1 C,g lIghter plug/ cord 101 BP3 Ot 011 ...• 9 SO
PS·25 Inlemal powe r SlJllPI ~ lor tA)... 99 00 89'" DC·I DC pa;, tOf s1andard models 1750
PS-35 lntemat po"er SUppl, lor {H) 160 00 IU " lC-2...T Lealher use 101 slandard models 34 95
PS·15 hlemil Plt"er supply 149 00 134" RB·I Vrnyl 'Iilerprool l<id,o bag 30 00
IC·751 9 ~nd Jcvrl 1·30 MHz rcvr 1399 00 1089 SM-G Oes ~ mlClophOlll' 39 00 HH·SS Hand held shoulder strap.. .............. 14 95
PS·35 Inlernil PO"'l'I su pply 1GOoo IU" EX·310 VOlCesynthesrltl 39 95 HM -9 Spea ker mlCrophortf! 34 50
Fl·32 SOD Hz CW!tiler Usl tfl..... 59 50
Fl·Gl 250 Hz CWhltl'r Usllf) 48 50 IS·32 CGmrnSpet encode/decoder.... 59 95 HS10 Boom rmcrcobcne/beauset 19 50
UT-15 Encoder/ decode. Inter lace... 1250 HS·IOS'" VOl un 1101 HS·10 & Delu. e only 19 SO
Fl·52A 5OO HzCWhlter(2ndlf} 96 SO 89" UI·15S UT-1 5S . IIS·32 Installed..... 79 95 HS-IOSB PH uM lor HS-IO.. .. .. ........... 19 50
Fl·53A 2SO Hz CW lnter (2nd IF)... 96 SO 89'"
fl ·)) AMhlter 31 SO VHF I 'HI mob ilt' mu/t,-mod ," Regulal SALE ML·I 2m 2Jw InIlO" oul ampMler S LE 7995
fL ·70 28 kHz . rde SSB Iuter 46.!)() IC·29OH 2SW2m SSB/FM. TIP 0111: •.• 549 00 479'\ SS·32M temmsoec J2-lone encoder 29 9!)
HM·12 ht ra hand rmcropnone 3950 IC·49OA l OW O O·UO SSB!F M/CW 649 00 579'\ RP<'pivt'rl Reculu SAL E
SM·6 Desk mIcrophone.... .. .. .. ... 39 00 VHf/ V Hf/12 CHI 1M lIegula r SAlE R·7000 25·2000 MH z. 117V AC.. .. .. . 89900 789"
IIC-IO Eaternal lrl.'l:l uency controller 3S 00 IC·27A Compact 25W2m I MwlTTP nuc 36900 299'1 IIC·12 Inharec remote controller IBA
MB· 18 Mobile mounl...... ......... 19S0 IC·27H Compact 45W2m FM",ITTP rmc 409 00 359' \ 11·71,1, 100 kHz·30 MHz. 11 7\1 AC $799 00 649'\
IC·37A Com pact 25W220 1M. UP rmc 449 00 3291 \ IIC· ll lnfr ared remote controller 5995 49'\
IC·720A 9 band JCY! • (CLOSEO UT). 1349 00 699' \
PS· 15 20,1, eJlernal po wer supply 149 00 134\\ IC-4 7A Compact25 W440 fM. TIP mlC 469 00399" FL·J2 500 Hz CWuter 59,50
PS-45 Compacl 8Apower supply 112 95 99 ' \ FL·63 250 Hz CW filter (1 st IF) 4850
Fl·32 SOO Hl CWhlter... . S950 UT· 16/EX-38g VOice sj mbeseer 2995 Fl·44A sse hlter (2nd IfJ 159 00 144"
FL·34 52 ,Hz AM filter.. 49 50 SP-IO Slim-nne external speaker .. . 29,95 (X·257 fM uni t 38,00
BC·IoA Memorv ba ck.up.... 8 50 IC·3200A 25W2m/440 FM wITTP. ... 54900 4891 \ [X·31 0 VOIce sVn1heSller .... .. .. ... 399 S
SM-5 electret des\< nne 3900 UI-23 VOice syn thesIzer. . .. ..... .. . 29_95 CR·64 High stat nhty OSCillator ltal 56,00
MB-5 Mobile mo unt 1950 AH-32 201/ 440 Dual Band an tenna 32,95 SP·3 Ertemal speaker.... ..... ..... 49 50
uf/,, ·, Ar ( I'''tl f'l'', Regular SALE Larsen PO·K Roo! mount 20,00 CK·70 (U·299) 12V DC option .... . 9 95
PS-15 ;lOAellernal power supply . 14900 134" Larsen PO·HM Tr un k-lip mou nt 20 18 M8·12 MobIle mounl.. ... . ... ... ... 1950
CF· I CoolngbntorPS-15 . 45 00 lalsen PO-MM Magnellc mount 1963
(X ·IU Adaptor tor Cf I, PS·15 . 650 IC·1211A lOW 1,2 CHz SSB/CW Base 99900 889' \
PS-30 Svstems p s w cord. plug 25995 234" "'TV·l100 ATV mtenace uM TBA
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SP·5 Remote spea -er lor mobiles . 2100 UT-15S CICSS encode,/detodel 19 95
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...T· 500 500W 9-bafld auto antenna Iuner 449 00 399' \ Rp·1210 12CHz.I OWf M.99 ch synthll9900 1089 Please use WATS lines for Ordering
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Say You Saw It Inca January 1986 • CO • -47

Ground p1_

R" ..." p- R4 ---Q

O -v

f I
0 ••




>- R9 • •
4>-M ount:...h i _ _ -+
1 : . . - - - - - - - - - - - - -"",,--- - - -- - - - - -
Fig. 4 Printed circuit la yout for the Bandpass C W Filter.

AC power supply, and/or an internal audio niques. or your favorite wiring metnoo. lion, throw the filter IN , adjust the FRE·
power amp are options also worth consid- can be employed 10 make your own cus- QUE NCY pot to peak the output at the in-
ering Gain and bandw"idth can be aojust- tom Switched Capacitor Filler. coming frequency, and adjust the individ·
ed for SSB or RnY signals by changmg re- Operation IS a snap! Tune in a signal ual Q controls for the desired resonance.
sister values. And. finally, wire-wrap tech- with the IN/OUT switch in the OUT post- Note that if any of the Q pots are set too
high. excessive ringing and perhaps os-
, I-------,------=---,------=-~__::_c::::_-----,
To To R20
cillation may occur. The best response
To SIA To R20 occurs when all four con trols are set just
.v !input) (00 1 1) loul 1) below the point of oscillation and the cen-
ter frequency of the filter is exactly the
frequency o f the incoming signal. A t this
setting you m ay tune be tween signals in
the passband of the rec eiver just by turn-
GNO '''' (0) ® ing the FREQUENCY control, without
ever touching the dial of the receiver!
1 had a good lime building and using
the Switched Capacitor Bandpass CW
To Filter, and I trust you will, too. It sure does
G'6 sort out those crowded signals. Next time
you offer a 05, it probably Will be true !

, , -<,
/ " ,
R12 R6
, Notes
1. Measurements given were taken
/ with a Po tom ac Instrumen ts AA5 1 Audio
Analyzer used wi th a PI AG·51 Aud io Gen-

j 'b erator.
fa Ul B b ! U2A UIB To U1A
2. The M F10 is a product o f National
Semiconductor Corpora tion, 2900 Semi-

, /
, conductor D rive, Sant a Clara, CA 9505 1,


1 " M F10 Universal Monolith ic Dual
To Switched Capacitor Filler ," National
OOJtp<lt I
Semiconductor, April 1982.
2. " Introcluc ing the M F10: A Versatile
Monolithic Build ing Block," by Tim Re-
gan, National Semiconductor Application
To To To To To R9, R19 Note Number 307, AuguSI 1982.
outpu t 2 GND C4 ct 3. "A Universal Ac tive Filler ," by For-
Fig, 5 Wifing diagram of the prototype sho wing front-panel controls and teea.through rest M . M im s II I, Modern Electronics,
barrier strip on rea r. March 1985. 001
48 • CO • January 1986 Say You Saw It In CO
Copy Worldwide Short-wave Radio
Signals on Your Computer
Remem ber the fun of tuning in a ll th ose foreign broad- Morse code- and a ll speeds/shifts of radtoteletype. It
cast stations on the short-Nave radio? Remember those comes with a cable to connect to your radio's speaker!
myster ious sounding coded tone sign als that baffl ed earphone jack, d emo cassette, a nd an excellent manual
you? Well, most of those beeps & sq ueals a rc rea lly that contains a wealth of inform ation on how to get the
digital data transmissions using radloteletype or Morse most out of short-wave digi ta l DXing, even if you' re
code. T he signals a re co ming in from weather statio ns, brand new at it .
news services, ships & ham rad io operators all over the
wo rld. Ou r short-wave listener cartridge, the "S\ VL", For a bout the p rice of anothe r "Pac-Zapper" game, you
w ill bring that data from you r radio right to th e video can tie your Commodore 64 , 128 or VIC-20 into the
screen. You' ll see the actual text as irs being excit ing world of d igital communications
sent from those fa r away transmitters . with the Microlog SWL. $64. Postpaid, U.S.
The "SWL" contains the p rogram in ROr..t 18713 Mooney Drive,
as well as radio interface ci rcuit to copy Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879.
Telep hone: 301 258-8400 .

MICROLOG -<:::... ,

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PA-2310 12691129610W Ll NEAR Ar.lP, 275.•
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215WB - 73.00
4218XL · 9 1.00
A-4 267." ""- YOU ' l l BE GlAD
FOR ICOr.l 211 OR 251
YOU 010 1
143." 2r.IIF 610.•
lSI,!·24 12ll9-Z0SCAR MODE l XMITCOf<lV,
R-3 ·25O," 4O-2C0 267." RPCB271 FRONT END FOR 168 .· 'w
RPC8Z25 FRONT END FOR 143.· r.llCROl INE 13 ....W 2,3OHZ XVRTR5YSTl:r.I
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2002AJ2004A L..... R.. lay . 1250./1350. SlNA SOS 6Mnl PREAr.lP 84,. M lCROU ~ E 13 'NI2 .3OHZ XVRTR SYSTl: r.I,

3002/\/3OO4A L..... R..lay • 2100.12100 USED BY MAN Y TOP ' 10' CONTESTERS SlNA-I44S 2r.1TR PREAMP 84 .• 2M .tF 675."
1«·!SAN 2MTRI5EL , 75 00 I(KJWRF SW1TCHEO. N.F.< IdIl .GAIN l~c Sl,A·13 ~300\ 3W AMP 285 ."
AM P SUPPL Y 20 45 " SBlA1 U E 2r.1TR r.lAST MO UN T R .F .
LK·500ZB 1.097,00 N.F. <: ldb l SdbG 169." MV 1« V 250 W R.F.SW ITCH WITH 12V
1296-28 IW TRA NSVERTER 339 00 GLNA 433E 7OCr.I r.lAST r.lOUNT R,F. SWIT. SUPPlY INTERFACE 175, .
MIRAGE-FREE UPS BROW N O N ALL 1269- 1443WUpCONV. 319 ," CHED PRE A r.lP .50W THRU N. F . <ldb r.lV432V 150W R.F SWITCH WITH
MIRAG E 1296 DUAL TUBE Ar.lP CAVITY 439 00 0 _ISdb 172." INTERFACE 1&5.•
Al 015 .235." C.22A . 85," 2PORT !'OWER DIVIDERS (2-220-432) SO." OF8M44E 2MTR MAST MT, Pf'lEAMP.1 KW r.lV-144S-D l l l1W THRU PWR WIT H
B23A.83." C.106 . 169 ." 4PORT POW£R DIVIDERS (2-220-432) 55 . THRU POWER G ·1Sdc N.F. < .8db WITH SEOUENCER 309."
W c.rcra . ,.,... 1296 2f'ORT DIVIDER 57 ,. Ar.lP SEOUENCER 289.· r.lV ·432S-D l 500 W THRU PWR WITH
" ,.' ..... GlNA-432E 70cm r.lAST "'T PREAr.lP. liQOW SEQUENCER 319."
"" ·149.95 D-24N · l n." 12964PORTDIVIDER 62." THRU. G _1Sdb N F <: 1db WITH Ar.lP. MV· 1298S l00WTH RU PWR WITH
81016 .235.00 D- l 0 l 0N . 279." 1269/96 DIS H FEEOS 89." SEOUENCER 299. SEOUENCER 349.
83016 .199." D-3(l10 N. 251 .00 2304 DIS H FEEDS 89." HIGH DR D8r.1 XVRTRS FO R8 :t 2r.lTRS OTHE R HIOH QUALITY PRODUCTS IN
M P. l . 99 .00 Mp.2 . 99," 1296 SLUG TU NERS 65,95 CQI,II NG SOON' STOClI-cAll FOR CATAlOGUE
OTHER G REA T, HIGH PERFORMANCE ANTENNAS 8 Y TONNA (CAlL FOR SPEC . SHEETIl) TEA"",,' , 0.. _ , ,. <"...... ..,.......
_ COC',,,,,,, ,_"•• _., 0"'" '0
5 EL 6 METER YAGI 69." 13 EL 2MTR YAGI 59 ," TONN A ",_, u_,_,.. '...... w."
K ·
21 EL 70<;m YAGI 56." 23 EL 1296/69 YAGI 46 ." 19 EL 70<;m YAGI <.",.. ., ' - ' ,. " ""
...... ,.•.- '" ,""_..,,""
"' ,...." ,*.,*"'...
2 x 19 El ,(38..I,)
88 ," 55E L 1296SUPERYAGI 68." 2 x9El .I18<l1l
9 :t 19 .. 1 OSCAR ANTENNA 2M & 70<;m ON A CO M MONBOOM.(iREAT

16 S. Mountain Blvd.-At. 309 HOURS: Monday thru Friday 9:00 a.m, · 3:30 p.m.
. 75"'
.... - ''''' '0'''
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........ -- -
_".. ........,.-
''' ..1<00 F08 " """
,n,,,",," ...


Mountaintop, PA 18707 Saturdays 10 a.m. ·12 p.m. FOA YOUR CONVENIENCE!"

Say You Saw it In CO January 1986 • CO • 49
a regular feature by
dateline... THEODORE J. COHEN, N4XX

Washington, D.C.

Bills Th reaten Use of Autopatch and Simpatch

users." The Comm ission took this posi- c rovotts pe r meter at a distance of 30 me-
T wo virtually identical bills now pe nd- tio n because most ama teu r operations ters. This level is no g reater than that im-
ing in the Congress (H.R. 3378 in the posed on computers used in res idential
would take place during non-bus iness
House and S. 1667 in the Senate) would areas. Further. operation on TV channels
hours, and because amateu rs have gen-
render unlawful any monitoring 01 te le-
eral ly demonstra ted an abi lity to accom- 2 th rou gh 6 was considered more than
phone conversations. In effect, the bills
modate o the r users in shared bands, su fficient, " ... since this e nsu res tha t in
would extend prohibitions on wiretapping
an y g ive n a rea, there will be at least two
10 other media. Ama teur transmissions,
of and by themselves. would not be af- FCC Proposes vacan t TV channels on which a pe rimeter
protec tion system could be set to op-
fected by the bills. However, because Perimeter Protection Systems erate."
autopatch and simpatch cal ls involve a In the 8and 54-88 MHz Comments in this matter were due 11
connection to wire-line facilities. there is
In response to a peti tio n from Contro l Oc tobe r 1985, wi th Reply Co m me nts due
concern thai the proposed laws, if en- 12 Novem be r 1985. According to The
Data Canada, LId , to allow the operation
acted in their present form, would protect ARRL Letter. the l eague will file in sup-
of its "leaky" cable perimeter protect ion
such amateur transm issio ns from eaves-
system (trade name: GUIDAR) at 50-88 port of the FCC's d ec ision to keep these
dropping. device s out o f the 6 meter ba nd.
M Hz , the Comm ission has re spo nded by
We will continue to monitor these bills
pro posing 54-88 MHz instead. This ac-
as they move through the Cong ress, and
tion, contained in a Notic e of Proposed
will provide reports on ac tions affecting
Ru le Mak ing (NPRM). Ge ne ral Docket
Amateur Service Shows No Growth
the Amateur service as they occur.
85-231, removes a threat to the amateu r Over Last Two Years
Mea nwhile, be assured that the League is
6 meter band (50-54 M Hz). without seri- Statist ics released by the FCC show
working to c la rify how the bills a re in-
ously affecting the opera tion of GUIDAR. that the ama teur popul atio n in the U.S,
tended to affect our operations.
In operation, G UIDAR uses tw o pa ral- has rem a ined virtually unchanged over
lel cables b uried 5 feet apart an d about 1 the last tw o years. However , recent
Commission Allocates foot beneath the ground. Rad io-fre - trends suggest that the number of "drop-
421-430 MHz 8and Segments to quen c y (RF) energy tra nsmi tted through ou ts" may be on the dec line. According
Land Mobile in Three Cities one of the cables lea ks into the other, to John Johnston, Ch ie f, Personal Rad io
whereu pon it is detec ted. The steady- B ra nch, Special Services Division, PRB,
As anticipated. the Cornrmssfon has al-
state RF field established in this w ay is a FCC, the nu m ber o f " d ropouts" during
located po rt io ns of the 421 -430 MH z
func tio n o f the en vironment a roun d the FY 85 (the yea r en d ing 30 September
band to the Land Mob ile se rvice in Buf-
ca bles . W hen a hu man being e nte rs th e 198 5) was 14,709 , down over 25% from
fa lo, Cleveland, and Detroit. The move
region over th e cab les, howeve r, th e RF the numbe r reported in FY 84 , The num-
came in a Report and Order on Genera l
field is di sturbed , thereby tr igg e ring a n ber of newcomers to th e service was
Docket 85-113, which allocates specific
alarm, The system is intended to provide 17,373 during FY 85. an d while this is
subbands within 50 statute miles of each
security surveillance for p risons as w el l down over 7% from the p revio us yea r,
c ity.
as to p rotect high- ris k sites such as nu- the net gain fo r FY 85 w as 2,664 ama-
Amateur operating p rivileges in the
clea r power plants from te rro ris m and teurs.
band 420-430 MHz were a lready with-
other threats , Johnston also de rived a set of statis-
drawn from the a rea within 50 statute
The most favorabl e portio n of the spec- tics lo r amate ur licenses issued d u ring
m iles of Detroit's center because tha t
trum for systems such as GUIDAR is be- April 1985, In all, 9,632 new or upg raded
area lies above Line A. (Line A is an imagi-
tw ee n 30 and 100 M Hz. Below this fre - lic enses were issued, representing 2.3%
nary line that stretches across the U,S.
quency, wa ve len gths are too long, an d of the total licenses outstanding, The
and that is located about 75 miles south
the system c annot "see" objects the si ze average age of 9.632 licensees was 46.1
of the Canadian border. Amateur operat-
of human beings. Above 100 MHz the sys- years, with the breakdown by class as
ing privi leges in the band 420-430 MHz
tem would be too sensitive to small ani- follows:
were withdrawn above this line to protect
mals; this, in turn, would increase the Novice-38.5 years
Canadian land mobile operafions.)
false-alarm rate. Techn ician-45.1 years
Softening the blow to amateur opera-
According to the Commission, ''. . the Amateur Extra-47.3 years
tions in the 420 MHz band around the af-
public benefi ts to be derived from Im- oenerar-csno years
fected cities, however, is the Commis-
proved security at faci lities such as Advanced-51 .8 yea rs
sion's pronouncement that: "- . . amateur
prisons and nuclear plants (makes it ap- Johnston also noted that the Amateur
stations south of Line A may continue to
propr iate) to accommodate such sys- Extra Class category exhibited the tast-
operate in the 421 -430 MHz spectrum as
tems to the extent possible." Thus, the est growth in FY 85 (up 6.2%), with the
long as they do not cause interference to
FCC has proposed a set of standards for data suggesting that younger people, in
land mobile or Government rediorocatron
perimeter p ro tec tio n systems that will al- general, are upgrading the ir licenses to
low their operation at 40,68 MH z, 54-72 this class at an ever increasing rate.
Media- teen», 8603 Conover Place, Alex- MHz, and 76 -88 MH z. In th e band 54 to W hile the availabil ity o f exclusive sub-
andria. VA 22308 88 MHz emissions may no t exceed 10 rni- band s and preferred calrsiqns are su rely

50 • co • January1986 Say You Saw It In CO

motivating l ac tors here , said Johnston, While is is diff icult to mak e cornpa rl- were in to uch, bringing news out of the ci-
many o f those upg rading to Amateur Ex- sons wi th ea rlier Night Ta ngo exer c ises ty and ha ndling much-needed trafhc con-
tra appa rently do so because they want (because of va ria bles such as prooaqa- cerning relief req uirem ents.
to become more Involved in the Volunteer tion and the availabili ty 01 operators, for "Over the next 4 days hundreds of am-
Examination Program . e xample) . the NCS noted tha t opera ting ateur and MAR S (Military Affili ated Rad io
procedures of the volunteer systems System) operators. inc luding many in the
Fee For Amateur Examinations continue to improve. further enhancing United States, stepped in and voluntarily
Rises 3.2% thei r ability to su pport natio nal secu ri ty handled many o f the messages and news
an d eme rgenc y preparedness reccrre- dispatches.
The new fee for amateur exams in ments. " Many people te nd to look upon the
1986 is $4.29. a 3.2 % increase over the For more information on the Night am ateur radio service merely as a hobby.
1985 fee 0 1 $4.16. According to John Tango exerc ises. contact the ARRL. Sup- The events of this w eekend once again
Johnston the increase is a result of a cor- port to the Deputy Manager, NCS, Office clearly have demonstrated the public ser-
responding percentage increase in the of Emergenc y Preparedness. lor Night vices repeatedly performed by the ama-
Consumer Price Index. Johnston noted Tango X was provided by Erectrospace teurs. This is a complete worldwide com-
that the $4 .29 lee is the maximum that Systems, Inc . munications system manned by compe-
can be charged any one examinee for tent operators without governmental ex-
anyone examination , regardless 01 the
number 01 elements involved. However ,
Goldwater Lauds Amateur pense . As a amateur myself. I am proud
to bring these events to the attention of
the fee can be less, he sa id, with some ex- Radio Operators my colleagues."
ammers charging nothing at all. From all over the world came words of
praise for the amateur rad io operators
NCS Reports Results of who provided emergency communica- McKinney To Receive
" Exercise Night Tango X" tions for survivors and their familie s fol - Distinguished Presidential
lowing the ea rthquake that devastated
Exercise Night Tango X was con- Rank Award
parts of Me xico City last September. And
ducted on 27 and 29 June 1985, and like
no one sung ou r service 's praise louder As we go to press, we have learned
simi lar tests before it, it was designed by
than Sen. Barry Goldwater . K7UGA. The that James Mc Kinney, Chief. Mass Med ia
the National Communications Systems
following stat ement is just a portion 0 1 the Bureau. FCC, is to receive the Disting·
(NCS) to evaluate the capability of vari-
comments tha t Sen. Gotdwater rea d into uisbed Presidential Rank Award. The
ous amateur. Military Affilia te Radio Sys-
the Congressional Reco rd on 24 Septem- awa rd is the highest level of recog nition
tems (MARS). and Civil Air Patrol (CAP)
be r 1985 : given to career senior Exec utive Service
operators to function as alternate com-
" Thursday mo rni ng all communica- (SES) employees , and is given lo r sus-
munications resources durmg periods of
tions w ere seve red with Me xico City : yet, tained se rvice of the highest caliber. By
national c rises .
within m inutes amateu r rad io operato rs the time th is is read . McKinney, who pre-
During the exercises four NCS reore-
sentatives. simulating senior Veteran Ad·
ministration (VA) officials, used volunteer
rad io ope rato rs and thei r high-frequency
(HF, 3-30 MH z) rad io systems to pass
simul ated time-sensitive or c ri tical VA
messages. Messages were transmitted
at each exerc ise location, whenever pos-
sible, throug h all live oarticipattnq volun-
teer systems (amateur: Air For ce, Ar my,
NavytM ar ine Co rps MAR S: and CAP). Of
concern 10 the NCS we re evaluation tac -
tors such as message timeliness, mes-
sage accuracy, effec tiveness of the NCSt
volunteer interface. and systems reliab il-
Add a ron- llImen$lOl\ 1(1 rour VIC-20 ..,In 1'"' VIC·TAL KERUr ·
ity. n• . PlOVlC'''ll VOICe syn _ tnlllllg~ tile TV Unlimited
In all , 24 messages were sent among 'O'Ot.ltlul¥y ... ~n advanced Engllsn lhl PlOllUllCliloon l Ulls ana
_ - e ~ tJ<t:I!PIlO"l <lIthl:Nfy WIlI . ... IlIl ........ s. lib-
the fou r NCS rep resen tatives . A total of lIreYIiloons ..0 pullCl.- lOO PrOfWllCeS Ie>-I OUlld ffO'I
108 transmissions were made, with 97 of BASIC PRINT ~1......,l!; . ""' '''erou 5end 10 llIe p"MI\tr U..
b</III-Ifl .. lIecToon l ules or I:orl\f<ll PIl<h Md ~n pnpIt
these received at the oestmanon for an
alIIIIWlds InIm llASlC . U,oes Mloo InIm ItlI VlC-20 I:!lIP
overall transmission success rate of ""'" VIC-TAL KER'. syntIIesInd -:e CO" . ~ t " . .

CM1ndgI! aoesn ·t sMiII _ rnem:rr 110m llASlC EE PAll"''''

90 % . The average receipt time for the 97
user~~ _ _wy _ jlOWa' "GIl - III eo
transmissions received was 1 hour, 9 1:eIIl.... .,.,. ~ in _ _ . . - II ""... '" ~'
mmutes. The best performance m terms er.- _ ~ __ tIlIas ~

Inlm _ ICI ~ k. ..... !lie poMtI1uI S'Jilll' I CfIIp

of reception rate wa s turned in by Navyl
Marine Corps MARS, With 100 % of their , -
messages received Amateurs received
83 % of their messages (Iourlh by rank).
but this was stilt better than the 72 %
'6 - '#

Rush me my copy at the Dick smith

-- --..I

score achieved by Army MARS. As for I Catalog, I enclose $1 10 co O'er lh~pIng

message timeliness. Navy/M arine Corps
MARS again turned in the best sho w ing I ""~ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · I
(their average time was 36 minutes). I Add'en. .. " "
,., J
However. amateurs came in a strong
third (1 hour, 4 minutes average), on ly 1
t. talktromcs,me I e. ......................... I
minute behind the CAP, and over a half-
hour ahead 01 both Air Force and Arm y
27341 Easlndge Drive
(714) 768-4220
* EI Toro. CA 926JO
9am-Xlm PST I ljP~.~ ~ ~. .. . . . I
I P.O. Bo. 224', RMlwl l ~ CIty, CA IM063 I
Say You Saw It In CO Ja nuary 1986 • CO • 51
HOTROD vioustv se rved as the Cruet 01 th e Priv ate
Radio Bu rea u (PRB), will have rec eived
his award at a White House ceremony.
t 985, while investig ating in te rf er e nc e
complaints, Commission person ne l men-
ncrec and recording Rtley causing willful
ANTENNA No Fees For Amateur licenses
and malicious interference 10 the com-
mu nications 01 other amateur operators
by transmittmg directly over ongoing
Ach Ieve 1 Of 2 db gilm over ANY w....e Contrary to what you may have read communications . The se violations were
' ....0 telescOPIC anlanna Tn. AEA elsewhere, Congress is not contemplat-
mOdel HR-1 Hoi Rod'" I nten r'llll WIS observed on 3898 kHz (2 May and 5 July)
ing license fees lor operators in the Ama- and 3895 kHz(13 July). Also alleged were
(let gned by Dr 0 K Reynold'S (0 Ig ner 01
the Iso P ol e) 10 del iver m •• rrnum teur service . It is true, says Robert S. Violations 01 those ru les governing sta-
perlor....nee for IIny hand-he d lta.-.cetver Foosaner. Chief, Private Radio Bureau tion identification.
w tll;ll BNC rnlOg (PRB), FCC, that bills now before the
The lactOl')'-tuned HR·' II 2a. 'Sharle.
House and Sena te would impose fees on
li ghter and places far less str8S1 0f1 your
hand-held connector eoo case II w,1I au,ly users In a variety of telecommunications ARRl Calls For Digital
handle over 25 watts 01 power. mak,ng "an services administered by the Commis- Communications Papers
exceuent emergency base or mob, re sion. The collection 01 these fees would.
antenna In lhe collapsed PQs,t,on . the Hot Ac co rd ing to QEX, the ARRL Experi-
Rod antenna will perform Ioke iI neucer according to some estimates, reduce the menter's Exchange, th e Fift h ARRL Ama -
quarter wave federa l defic it by over $4 0 m illio n in th e teu r Radio Computer Ne two rk ing Con-
The Ho t Rod antennas can be expected to firs t ye ar . However , sa ys Foosaner . he fe ren c e will be he ld 7- 9 Marc h 1986 , in
make th e same imp ro veme nt to hand-held
has no knowledge of an y intent to rein - O rla ndo, FL. Held as part o f the Flo rida
communIcations that the tscpore br and
antennas have made to base "ation state fees for ama te ur licenses. Sta te Convent ion, the con ference w ill be
operatIons Why pay more when I I'te best hosted by th e Flor ida Am ateur Digital
coste less? Communications Assoc iatio n (FADCA).
Prices and Specifications SUbject to u.s.Court 01 Appeals Upholds Tec hn ic al papers are Invited on virtual-
change wnnou t notice or obligation, Commission 's Position on ly all aspects o f amateur digital commun-
ications, including, but not limited to,
AM Power-Reduction Ruling packet radio, terrestrial networking, tete-
ADVANCED ELECTRONIC In October , 985 the United States ports and satellites. and meteor scatter .
APPLICATIONS, INC. Court of Appea ls in the District of Colum- camera-ready papers must be submit-
P.O. Box C·2160. bia upheld the FCC's AM power-reduc-
Lynnwood. WA 98036 ted by t February 1986. Fo r more rotor-
tion ruling scheduled to take effec t in Jan- manoo. and to obtain an author 's kit. con-
(206) 775-7373
uary 1990 (Docket 82-624)_ The appea l tact Paul Hmatdo. W4RI , 225 Main Street.
Telex: 152571 AE A INTl
had been filed by Glenn A _ Ba xte r , New ing ton , CT 06 111 .
K1 MAN, who claimed. among other

AEA Br i ngs you the

things, tha t the Commission did not ta ke
his position into consideration when it or-
de red the AM powe r red uc tio n . Baxter al-
Metroplex Network Seeks
so claimed tha t th e o rder w ould place AM More Affiliate Stations
ope ra tors at a significant d isadvantage to The Metroprex Amateu r Co m munica-
The SSB operators, and as such, that AM op- t ions News Network is a non-commer-
cial, week ly. amateu r ne twork prog ram
Mean Little Kit erators shou ld be allow ed to transmit at
h ighe r power leve ls th a n did those using se rvice for use o n amateur repe ater s , re-
SSB mote ba ses , and high-frequency sta tions ,
Acc ording to Jeffrey Young , Enforce- Th e program se rv ic e is a co- produc tion
ment D ivis ion , Field Op eration s Burea u o f W esthnk and Metroprex . an d ts p roouc-
(FOB), FCC, the Commission countered ed in Los Angeles and New York. Corn-
Baxter 's arguments by demo nst rating m ereta! equipment and p rofess ional
tha t it ha d indeed reviewed and consid- talent are used to produce the p rograms.
er ed all material filed in the matter of The Netw o rk c arries three types of
Docket 82-624 Further. the FCC noted programs directed to the amateur radio
that the power increase requested by community:
New compact zs.crece kit ot electromc tools Baxter (to 3 ,000 watts total output power) 1. News-Fifty-two weekly news
' or engoneers. scrent.sts. technic,ans , would not yield a significant mcrease rn shows per year , each 20 to 30 minutes
students. es ecutrves. Incluoes 1 sizes communications capabmtv. tong.
screwdr ivers. ~lustable ""rencl'!. 2 pair
pliers. wore stnppee. knife , alignment tool . 2. NTRN-Four No rth American Tele-
st,lInln! rule. hex·key set. sco~, 2 flex- conference Radio Ne t shows per year,
Ible hIes, bum ishef. rmmature soldenng
,ron. solder ero. coi l 01 solder .rId 08s0Idef- FCC Begins Revocation each mvolvmq an information program 2
Ing braId Highest quality padded Zipper hours long.
case. 6 )( 9 )( 1 ~ ,. mssoe Satisfaction Proceeding Against
guaranteed. Send check, company purchase 3 . Swap-Fifty-two call-In " sw ap and
order or charge Visa or Masl ercharge, We J. Fred Riley , WABAJN shop" programs per year , each 20 to 30
poly the ShiPPing charges An O rder to Show Cause was issued to mmutes long,
J TK·6 Tool Kit S88 ,00 Ext ra class amateur ope rator J _ Fred For more information on how you may
. .....~
Riley, WABAJN , o f Ke nova , WV to show obtain programs for Met rop lex Netw or k,
f ree Cata lo g ! ' • t '- • •- cause w hy his a ma teur station lic ense contact Metroplex Netwo rk , Attn: Alex-
PaQ" a'le' page o! ha'~ '- 0- should not be revoked A Suspens ion and e r Mag ocsi. WB2MGB, P.O , Box 237,
10 li nd D't!'Cls ,on tOOlS
Al SO ton l a l" S c o m p le te ... : Or der w as al so issued , suspending Leon ia , NJ 0 7605 (201 -592-7614 ).
I,ne 0 ' 1001 klh a nd 1001
cues Send lor yOUf In',, Riley 's amateu r ope ra to r license until Your Washington Editor thanks
COQy 1Oday' proc e ed ings in the m atter of alleged rule Messrs. David Siddall, K3ZJ, and Steve
vio lat ions by Riley a re re so lved. Thompson, N4TX, for their contributions
JENSEN Tools INC. Ac c o romq to Ca rol Fox Fcelak. Priva te to this month's cotumn. And (0 all our

JA ".. , S Soum 461"1 5 1 P!><>en"

p~""" {{12· 96ll·62"
q 8~U
TW' 910 9'>1' 115
Rad io Bu reau (PRB), FCC , the Orde r a l-
leges that o n 2 May, S July, and 14 Ju ly
readers everywhere, bes t wishes for a
Happ y, Healthy New Year.


Say-You Sawn InCa

AlJNC:O ""'0<.Mel$ THI PlWfeT ......rc.. few
_ltlt ~ ""'I"'"

It.: ~AlllIllLll

~~ •
o logN_\O/eogN""""'-
° Vl41.t# -. ...
o Oocot ,. s.-no
"'". rs- reo
• ...........,-....
FooI...-....., 3 ·1Q1 fOd
6 .". . '»00 "'00

_ ...... a
° Guo __ • 'o\h:IloadIS5~ II __ l'fuIlbeai ....

° "" ..... maIllJom t~·IOT in Ob ' e ls


• " " _ - <II _
• AI _ " ' - bI_1QI
° A • • • ad ~ w:uoe t;:oA1'l ..... C*t:ub <;nj (71
..... ~ "*"'o_.-uca. ro..slI'd tIl8CI <*......., tndlw ~ 1'1olO tcl:lle5
~"""" _ ~ b

, I ...
lS-W-N--E-S cn:l <r 10 360'") makeS Ie>" oa:uate
0"'10 di....... *...
cn:l <:101\I
o ~ ._

- - ......
• _....,.,.." ° f.. ' ....ea mala cncl 0. COIl ~ redJce noose
_ _ _ bleD O'ld~Q..,...~

o Coo,,, I ? ....oer-t:AXA1liI pc, a

· ~.....,.._ccr-..:-.
b ...... _ ... 'ancl~
tIS .......... f t - . . p

£15-210 ° !he ,IiKXl<lllo<:l 0. COIl <*.rTtIun houIing.

$'0100 ieIo Olld a 01 . . . fJC*"tIS. po ,... tUSling orocl
~ m', mm m •• ~. 180 iglI_ , h"'.,e
_""_\_1 < < < <
,. ° 110,,*,," ............... t¥lI.IloIOIogolOo lCle 24 VA.C

.. ••
'" to I'd Q"l fICO/ \01, iCOI eeeeccee CQ"I 00 U!IOd

-- -.-•,. -- -- --• '" "

" •
° feill"" boaa eatlIe co .....;......
0'lQI!#f ~ o!COeWO'IWiIt'
CQ"I 00 dena

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Conlact your nearest dealttf or Call A/meo lor the location closes t to you .
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••--------------------..._---------------- ....••
40180 Meter Antenna Kit ••
Order Your Antenna
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For "Perfect Dipole" •••
Only $65.00
Quick Installation - Nothing Else to Buy •• Tax & UPS Shipping Included
.1111 111 " 111111 1. -
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Free fu ll line
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To ORDER or reque st f ree cab lov c.1I
Get " perfect dipole" (low SWR) operation on both bands , plus "second 1-800-523-0027
resonance" operation on 10 . 15 and 20 meters . Complete instructions
result in quick, accurate ins tallation and prun - 24 HOURS-7 DAYS A WEEKI
N YfH lIAKJC AN r esi d ents plene u " cou pon
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Every component in the 4 0 /8 0 meter kit is
an old fine. reliable UNADIUA product, time- 1 week delivery lor credit card & C .O .D .,
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tested w ith hams for at least 15 years!
FREE catalog describes a complete line of
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"One Rive' "
traps in the 10-6 0 meter bend .


Say Yo u Saw It In CO J a n u ary 1988 • CO • 53

A precision instrument I
built to last. -

The HD-73 combines Dual-Speed rotation

and a single 5-position switch with the clear
-- - -
visibility of a backlit O'Arsonval meter. So
you get precise control for fast and fine tuning.
And the advanced technology of HD-73 YoCom RF Power Amplifiers
is backed by quality construction . Heavy YoCom ProduclsCorporation has introduced its latest line of
duty aluminum casings and hardened steel reck-mount ed AF power amplifiers for continuous-duty app!i-
drive gears. Lifetime factory lubrication that c ations such as repeater or paging systems. included In the
withstands -20°F. to new line are models which are powered directly from 11 0/220
120°F. temperatures. VAC mains. These models can save the cost of a c ompl ete reg-
The superior design ulated power supply dedicated to the AF amplifier .
of the HD-73 mast Available output powers are SO. 100, and 200 watts for both
support bracket, with VHF and UH F frequencie s, AC·powered models maybe config·
optional no-slip positive ured for battery back-up or automatic bypass in the event of
drive. assures perfect power-nne fai lure. For further information , contact vccom
in-tower centering with Products Corporation. 65 East Palatine Aoad, Prospect
no special tools. Heights. Il60070, or circle number 105 on the reader servic e
Automatic braking card.
minimizes inertia
Easy to install, a
pleasure to use.
your wavelength.
Write for perform-
ance details

.t -

Larsen Quick Hook-Ups
larsen Etectromcs ' new sioe-moum battery bolt and fuse
lap terminal kit have been designed to accommodate some

I wanllo lune in on H 0-73. co
changes in the newer automobiles . The sloe-mount baueryboll
was devised to offer a Quick way to hook up mobile c ommuni·
cations equipment to newer sloe-mount battery terminals. Be-
I 0 send complete deUills I placement of the existing bolt with the all-brass stoe-mount bolt
provides a longer terminal to carry several power leads . The
I 0 Gi...e me the name 01 my nearest dealer, I bott accepts %inch ring terminals.
The fuse tape termmat kit was designed 10 quic kly tap into
I NAME I blade- type fuse b lock s now available on most new American
I I and many import vehicles. To install, one end of the fuse post
I ADDRESS I te rminal is slipped over one leg or the fuse, The fuse is then reo
I CITY STATE ZIP I inserted and connected with the provided insula ted female ter-
minal. The kit includes the male and fe male parts to iii 14· to
II ~ The Alliance Manuhtcturing Company. Inc.. I. 16·gauge wire. For more information, con tact La rsen Electron-
ics, P.O. Box 1799, Vancouver . WA 98668, or circle number
~ AII"nce, Ohio 44601
~ __ ~ J 101 on the reader service card .

54 • CO • January 1986 Say Yo u Saw It In CO

Ever wonder why
dl>l ...MPRUSS
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Novice Licensing Data-Conclusion
( The May through July 1983 Novice columns
T his article covers all 01 the material one cover dipole antennas in de/ail, They are
must know 10 pass an FCC Novice wruten e x-
"must" reading to anyone planning to erect a
amination (FCC element two), All parts shou ld
be studied prior to attempting to pass the lest.
21-1 .2. What is the appmdmata total length in teet
The first six parts 01 this article provide an 01 a hall-wave dipole antenna cut lor 7125 kHz?
overall intro duc tion to this instruction maten-
ar. plus in-depth coverage of electrica l prin- I:; 468 :; 468 :; 65 ,68 feet,
ciples. c ircuit components, pract ical ci rc uits. f(MHz) 7. 125 or 65 feet 8 inches
signals and emissions, operating procedures.
amateur reuro practices. plus rules and regu- 21 -1 .3. What is the approximate lotatlengfh in leet
lations. This concluding part covers the re- of a halt-wave dipole antenna cut for 21,125 kHz ?
maining two categor ies, which are radio-wave I :; 468 = 468 22.15 feel.
propagation, plus antennas and teeotoes. f(MHz) 21.125 or 22 feet 2 inches
Previous issues of CQ are usually available at
$2.25 each; requests can be sent to Co.
76 21-1.4. What is the appreximata total length in feet
North Broadway. Hicksville, NY 11801. If you of a half-wave dipole antenna cut lor 28,150 kHz ?
know someone who is inte rested in becoming
I:; 468 :; 468 :; 16,63 feet.
an amateur radio operator. you should bring
this artic le 10 his/he r attention, f(M Hz) 28.15 or 16 fee t 8 inc hes
This is Hiram Waif, Jr.. KB6FKE, of Newark, 21 -1.5. How is the appmrimate tolallength In leet
Radio-Wave Propagation California. He is a 42·year·old maintenance of a hall-wave dipole antenna calculated?
mechanic in a g las s company. Hiram obtained
21: -1 .1 Wh at type of propag ation use s radio sig- I :; 468 468 ,000 468 ,000 ,000
his Novice license during May 1984 He has
nals relracfed back to earth by the ionosphere?
Ionospheric propagation, which is also known
worked 17 sta tes, including Ha waii. His an- f(MHz) or f (kHz) or f{Hertz)
tenna is a 25 foot ground·mounted vertical.
as sky-wave propagation and skip propaqa- 21-2.1. What is the apprarlmate total length in feet
Hiram is anxious to upgrade and use the tete-
uon. (The March and April 1980 Novice coi. of a quarter-wave vertical antenna adjusted to
/ype system shown in the photograph.
umns explain ionospheric propagation and resonate at 3725 kHz?
radio,wave propagation predic/ions.)
2C-l,2, What is the meaning 01 the term skip 1= 234 = 234 = 62.82 feet.
propag ation , but they do not gene rally appl y to
propagation? It IS another term fo r f(MHz) 3,725 or 62 feet 10 inc hes
the hig h·f req uency (3 to 30 MHz) bands us ed
ionospheric propagation or sky-wave pro- by Novic es, 21 -2.2. What Is the appro~imafe total length in feet
pagation. 2C-2.1 . What type of propagation involves radio 01 a quarter-wave vertical antenna adju sted to
2C-1.3. What is the area of weak signals between signals thatlravel alonlilhe ground? Ground-wave resenate at 7125 kHz ?
the ran ges of gro und waves and the first-hop called? p ropagation. wh ich follows the con to ur of the
The skip zone. The ground wave rad iates out- earth's surface. 1= 234 = 234 = 32.84 feet,
ward. away from the antenna, It gradually f(MHz) 7.125 or 32 fee t 10 inches
21:-2 .2. Whaf is Ihe meaning otlhe term ground'
fades with distance traveled and eventually wave propaga tion ? It is a t ransmitted signal
becomes too weak to be useful The sky wave The answe r is the same whether an antenna is
tha t travels over the earth's su rface, It vertical, horizonta l, or anywhere between
travels up to an ionosphere layer tha t re frac ts weakens as it moves away from the transmit-
(bends) it back to earth at a poin t wh ich is fair ly these two positions.
ting an tenna , and it eve ntually becomes too
distant from the transmitting antenna. The weak to be useful fo r rec eption. Ver tically oo- 21 -2.3. What Is the approximate total length in leet
area between the point where the ground la rized ground waves bend fo rward as they 01 a quarter-wave vertical antenna adjusted to
wave is no longer strong enough to be heard, move away from the transmit ting antenna, resonate at 21 ,125 kHz?
and the poin t where the first-ho p sky wave reo
When they reac h the extremity of their use ful I:; 234 :; 234 :; 11 .Oa teet.
turns to ear th, is catted the skip zone,
rece pt ion range. the originally vertical wave s f(MHz) 21.125 or11 feet 1 inch
21:-1.4. What is the meanin g of the term skip
are close to being horizontally polar ized
zone? It is the zone where the transmitted 21:-2.3. Daytime communication between Iwo sta- 21 -2.4, What is the approximate total length in leel
signal is not heard well, It is the area between tions on 3.725 MHz is probably via what kind of of a quarter-wave vertical antenna adjusted to
the end o f the useful qround-wave signa l and re sonate at 28,150 kHz ?
propagation, when lhey ate located a few miles apart
the point where the first-hop sky wave returns but separated by a low hill blocking their line-of-slght
to earth. There are also skip zones between all I:; 234 :; 234 :; 8 321eet,
path? Ground-wave propagation. which would
subsequent points on the earth's surface follows the earth's contour (sha pe) between f{MHz) 28,15 or 8 feet 4 inches
where second, third, and fourth (etc} hop sky· two such stations. The une.ot-suru (antenna - "Adjusted' is a poor word to use in this series
wave signals return 10 earth. to-ant enna] pat h would be blocke d by the in· of quest ions , When assembling a d ipo le, one
2C-1 .5. What does the term skip mean ? It re fe rs
te rv ening hill in this case. cuts the wire to produce resona nt lengths.
to the areas on the earth's surface which are 21:-2,4, When compared to skip propagation . whaf This sho uld be the only "adjustment."
skipped (missed) as a sky wave travels away
is the usual effective range 01 ground-wave propa- 21-2,5. When a vertical anfenna Is lengthened.
from the transmitting antenna The sky wave is gation? Ionospheric propagation p rov ides what happens to its resonantlrequency ? The reso-
alternately refracted (bent) back to earth by an communicat ion range capability that far ex- nant frequency of any (horizontal or vertical)
ionosphere layer and reflected back towards ceeds communication ranges provided by antenna varies inversely with its physical
the ionosphere by earth's surface,
crouoo.wave propaga tion. tength, Therefore, in this case the lengtl1ened
21:-1.6. What type ot radio-wave propagation
vertical antenna resonates at a lower treouen-
ma ke s it possible for radio stations to communicat e
long distances? Ionospheric propagation is the
Antennas and Feedlines oy
21 -1 .1, What is appro~imate total length in leet of 21 -3.1 . What Is a coa~Ial cable ? It is a trans-
most reliable type of iorc-castence propaqa-
a halt-wave dipole antenna cut for 3725 kHz ? mission line (feedline) that is commonly used
lion, There are other types of icnc-cetarce
in amateur radio sta tio n installations 10 inter-
I = 468 = 468 = 125.64 feel, connect the station equ ipment (usually a
2814 Empire Ave, Burbank. CA 91504 f(MHz) 3.725 or 125 feet 8 inches transceiver) to the antenna, The center (go)

58 • CO • January 1986 Say You Saw It In CO

, 275 N . Gro... Slr_t. ...n . hel...., C'" 8280e (7 14) &30-4541 CHANGE WITHOUT NOTIC£ OR OElUGATION

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Exh ibit Booth In/ormation: Evelyn D. Gauzens, W4WYR, Chairman Telephone:

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Say You Saw II In CO J anuary 1986 • CO • 59

The t(l performance of the J(l·51,A iffid K I ;
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BATIERIES cs....-:;:r ALL Ail E 1,56 SPACING. m""'" """,at"'" "" 50 M" , '44 Mo'
and 43< Mo,
MA SIZE ! ?5V SOO",AH$ 1.8 5 22/U fOGE CO....ECTOII
... ---•.... ...-.-
AA SIZE I ?5V 'jOf" " AH $1.8S PC 52 .00 ••ch E'p"nd HF " , nse. ",. " cop"""
)000 '
AA ~, ," ,"• • I.~ $ Z,OO
C SIZE I ,V I?OQ<nAH $3,50 22 /UfUGf CO~ "ECTOII
" ,'" "'"
lh " "
0""' ot • VHf

D SIZE I 2V l2(IOmAH $3.50 _ 1<>0 " yle 52,50.'Ch
2 8 / ~ e UGf CO....eCTOII A" """"IS 1<1"' ''0 t• .
COMPUTER PC $2 .~ •• ch • ;>, W. . . A F ""tp"'
• l"'" Nco'" GaAsl'ET '''''' .""
• T.. nom" Ale O"U" •
CAPACITORS SWITCHES RF........" \oOX lR '''''''"'''9 -~ - .

2.000 mrd . 200 VDC

S.PD.T. ~ S.PD.T.
• A"""""'operaloon_ SS B. CW FM AM
• Easy I>ook·up Ie 1'00' p""",'" HF
""" M"'T ... 12" 11 0 ....FET
... Mh, T'. n.--lo,
(on-o n) (on -ofl-on ) ,,,,,,"'.'''''' l'" p,,,,.532500
''' · OIA .5 ..'GH $2 .00
Sol"'" '''9 SolO'" lug
3.600 mId. 40 VDC ,,,,"'ono" ''''m....I' ,001"" M"""', A,.".Ol<!1
'''' 0'''' , 3'< "'G H S1.00
5' .00 . .<" I S1.00 ••ch
6,400 mId. 60 VOC JOMh .
, ... P IA • • '~ HIO" 12, 50 '0",. $9 .00 '0010,$50.00
9.700 m Id. SO VOC D .PS.T. LIGHTED
,... li lA , " . , ' " '0" 13 .00 ULTRA-MINIATURE ROCKER SW ITCH n •• Mh .
31,000 mId. l S VOC
p.' li lA . 4 H'G" $ 2.50
Fu",su . 1/ 115 ,.C "9"''''' ' oc'er ~.
72 .000 mId . 15 VDC FBIl211..ED005M 20 _ "'" "• 1<
-. ,_. ~
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2' DIA " " "'G" 13 ,50
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O.. """",n.

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••• - '00.
185,000 mId. 6 VDC
2'" D>A • • ' ~ HIG" CONTACTS
Moun.. ,""",
.. ,. P'" ,0"" "0,00
DIP socl<et 1::-::::::-:::::,,:::::::::::-
• ou..",,'s '''''''0
TOLL FREE ORDERS • ,"'.''" U'" ORO' ...... S PS T mo m.nla.y ~
.1 ·800·826·5432 • uS' .."" 'H'•• 'N~ "",,,,a"lopen moDULES LTC
.0000' ,~ OuOM'9
(IN CA: 1-8OQ_2S8_' ~
''''0' ( ~ 13 13 80_ 8000
TWX - 5101010163 AL L ELECTRONIC
• 'O."~ N 0. 0...
'.c,uo, Sumc" .,
35< • • cn
'0 '0,$3 .00
• CRL" . . . ROO ' , ....


60 Say You Saw It In CO
21-4.1. Wllat is parallel conductor f"dUne ? Co m- c har acteris tic imped ance direc tly ma tc hes
man TV tw inline is a type of pa ral lel conductor
several types 0'
ante nnas tha t have high input
Impedances. Ladder line ISmore etucren t than
coaxta! ca ble.
21 -4.4 . Wllal are same disadwantages in using a
parallel conductor feedline ? It requires separa tion
from structure. TV tw inline loss increases as
outer surface IS contamina ted l adder line is
dillicult to ins tall and It requires occasionat
cleaning Parallel conductor teenmes are
usually unshielded. leaVing them subject to
unwanted pickup of elect romagnetic energy
21 -4.5. Wllal kind of anlenna feedline is con-
Ladde r line is another type 0'
parallel ccocuc-
lo r Ieeonne It is no longer popular With ama-
structed 01 twa conductors maintained a uniform
dislance apart by insulated sprea ders? Parallel
teurs, de spite its e xcellent iow-auenuanon conductor teeonoe. such as ladder hne
(loss) characteristic, It is dll1icult to ins tall. It
must be Insulated Irom structures, and II re- Summary
Quires occasiOnal cleaning. ThiS month's column completes the NOVIC e
Ten·year·OId Greta Hanson. KA9SM Y, liveS;;ln
licenSIng oara arucie. The April 1985 NOVICe
Tanglewood, a country SUbdlVISIQ(I of Bloom·
cOlumn exptams the NOVICe ex armnau c n pro-
ington. Illinois. She shares a station with her
gram. If your cooe receiving speed IS aneast s
father, AC9S 11 includes a Dral<e TR-1A trans-
wpm. It IS advisable to locate a SUitable vocn-
ceiver. Wilson System One beam, AEA CK-2
teer exammer and to make arrangemenl S to
eecucoc «ever. Bencher paddle, and View· take your NOVIce tes t This a rtic le contains
star VS- lSOOA antenna tuner Greta has coo -
references to 17 crevoos Novic e column ar-
tectea amateurs in 40 states, plus Canada Insulillon teres. which you are advised to read Assum-
She made 162 contacts during the 1985 ARRL (~il Ing that you WIll soon be licensed. It IS eo-
Novice Roundup. Her other Interests Inctude
playing the piano. softoat/. and gymnastics
vrsetne that you also read the lol lowing NOVICe
column articles:
Her scnoot sceoce-re« prOJect was d!PoIes 21-~ .2 .Can an amateur rad io stalion use TV an- QSL cards-January through Ma rc h 1979
Greta IS studymg to upgrade to General lenna " twin lead " as a '"dUn,? Yes , Common Phillip's code-s- November and December
300 Ohm TV tw inline ma tches the 300 ohm In- 1979
conduc tor IS surrounded (in sequence} by m- pu t impedance o f a Iolded d ipOle an tenna Worldwide sources ot code crecnce-coc-
sutanon. shielding (usually copper braid). and Polye thylene msuranon is common to most tcoer and November 1980 .
a protective outer Jacket ( The August 1983 rwmnne. It does not have outs tanding reo Operating pr i.... neces-c-octoce- 1984
NOVICe column provides useful data about co- on.
srsra nc e to hea t o r Its resist ance to flame , VEe p rog ram (I ecnmcian th rough EKt ra)-
axial cables) gaso line. ke rosene, benzo l, toluol, and de' May 1985.
21·3 .2. Whilt kind 01 ilnt,nnil f"dlin' is can - g rea ser solven ts is poor to fa ir. reuon-m- Please let me know i' you use Ihis ar ticle to
structtd of a ctnt'r conductor ,ncn,d in insulation , sutatec twi nline has ex c ellent 10 ou tst andi ng prepare your sel1 to pass th e NOVice wnuen
which Is thin cow,r,d by an out'r conducting shi,ld proper ties with regard to an of tnes e cbat ac- exarrunatron. I wou ld also like to know th e can.
and wtath,rprool jaCk,l? Coa xia l ca ble, wh ic h is tensncs. signs SUCh Novice colum n reade r s rece ive.
commonly c a lled coa x. 21-4 .3. What are same advantages In using a a nd hope to c ontact the m on the air.
parallel conductor feedline? It s 200 to 600 o hm 73 , Bill, W6D DB
Cen ter (go line) conducto r

I nsul~tion

Co ndu l:1in'.l shield (wire b ra idl r - --:::-- ------- - - - -,

Outsi de prolel:lI ye i~cket
~~~ '
'"" -
TH E ne wsle tt er you are going to LOVE! Ar· I
trcres. Features. Contes t Calendar. OX I
21-3 .3. What art sam, advantages In using coax -
Report s and the best Classi fied ads around I
ial cabt' n an antenna f"dlin, ? It is easy to Install
(and the ads cos t only 15¢ per word). I
and it c an be us ed ma ny yea rs WIthout requtr-
ing mainten ance It is Priced reasonab ly SUBSCRIBE TODAY
Good coa x has low attenuation (loss). It has 12 months (24 issuesl only $9.00
good power·handhng ca pabuuy The shield 6 months (12 Issues) only $5.00
p ro tec ts the Intended (Inner) signal trom being SEND TO WOODrs AMAT EUR TRADER
clegracled by any nearby electromagne tic P.O. BOX 202
energy The signals tra vel along the outer I LYNDEN. WA 98254
edge of the Inner conductor and the Inner I UN t l\e ~ ndy COUPOf\ to s utlS(;" tle "'Io ' _ ,.e you•
edge of me outer braid, minimizing the possr- .....,ple 'ss.... send SI .00 * '11> I:oupon - DO ITTOO'" y .
bill ty ot the amateur radiO SIgnal Interlerlng I
With home entenaioment devices The Na- I NAM E
rona! Electnc Code (N EG) does not recune I CALL
coa x teecnnes to be held clear 01 buildings by I STREET
usmq standofl Insulators. as IS recuuec of
some other types of reecnoes.
21 -3 .~ . What commonly uailabllantenna l"dline ~ 1 Year . 6 Months Sample
can be buried direetly in thl ground lor some dis- L -I
tinct without adw,ru elleets? cceoer cable. CIRCLE 36 ON READER SERVICE CAR D
21-3 .5. When an Int,nna f"dlin, must beloc:lled
nelf grounded melll objecls. which commonly uail-
Iblt l&edtine should be used? coa oat ca ble

Say Yo u Saw It In CO January 1986 • CO • 61

a monthly I••'ur. Dr



One Year Later

T hIS ISSue marks the lirst anmversary 01 our because the Toona 23 cm amermas ceresuc
new VHF column We began In January 1985 eiernems requue no mounting hardware They
with a tour-month tutcua! drscussmq VHF are pushed through their Insulators, which are
propagation, equipment. antennas. transme- then "snapped" onto the toom 101 QUIck,
ston lines, and accessories. I'd recommend easy, and permanent installation
that new readers. especially those recenuv The driven element is rather uruque. as well,
licensed or newcomers \0 VHF/UHF work, gel It appears to be a tcioeo dipole made 01 one
the January through April 1985 issues of CO 10 continuous loop 01 enameled copper WHe,
read and understand the contents 01 those molded to Its insulator and havlOg a weather-
VHF columns. as much of our current and sealed teeooom t. preassembled by the fac-
future discussions are predica ted on our read- to ry to a coa xia l "pigtail" reeonne of RG2 13/U.
ers' familiarity w ith this in forma tion. I'd love to Wh ateve r the dipole is ca lled, it appears very
rehash the basic nature of VHF/UHF trom much like a 50 ohm resistive load to any length
time to time. but column space is limited and 01 compatible transmission line, and all the
we cont want \0 bore monthly readers to F9FT 23 cm antennas I've seen exhibit amaz-
oeem Anyone having a quesbon regarding Ing match to their reeonnes A measured
VHF work or any material presented in this col- VSWR 01 < 1,2,1, even WIth very snort trans-
umn IS most welcome to wnte to me I'll oc my mISSIOn hne length, is common lor these an-
best to reply to every tetter receweo. and shall tennas The driven element mounts With two
print the most inlerestlflg correspondence screws that hold its insulator Ilrmly against the
here boom
Anyway, the past year has been Interesling Alilhe Yagi ererrenrs. driven and carasrnc.
to say the least I Time goes last when you're mount 1 Y: inches above (or below) the teen.
havmg ten. and wfiling aooct one 01 my tav- lather than directly against It The forma as-
ante actwmes is surely enjoyable sembly osucctcos don't go «ito great detail
00 ttus point, but they co state, "For best el·
Product Review: The F9FT " Tonna" tcencv. It IS necessary to keep the elements
One end of me "antenna range, " showing me at some distance trom the antenna coon.'
55-Element 23 em Yagi "nensmit" antenna on lIS 10 loot rnasr The Presumably, tms soacmq ou ire boom allows
As promised in the December column, we tree Ihat tooxs ctose by Isn't. I/'S about 30 feel the antenna cesqn to be optimized as II It
ccretoeo an evaluation procuct Irorn The VHF to fhe side were a tree-space array, and the ettects 01
Shop (Mountaintop, PA) and put rt through its boom dimensions and proximity can be 19-
paces over the past several weeks. The new Anyone acquainted with the 23 -element rored. The elemen t insulators are made 01
antenna is called "Antenne 55 Elements Long F9FT 1296 MHz Yagis- w hic h are very popu- hiqh-impact plastic, and their dimensions are
Yagi" by its manufacturer. Antennas tonne lar in a -bay conllguratlons-will be happy to quite precise to assure excellent alignment o f
SA, 132 Boulevard Daupninot. 51 100 Re ims, know the 55· element ionq.boom p roduct uses all elements in a sin gle plane, Each driven ere-
France. It is the longest -boom Yagl antenna (in identical assembly p rocedures and d riven ere- ment assembl y is lactory-connected to a short
terms 01 wavelengths) I've ever worked with, ment design, This is sig nif icant I thin k, length 01 RG2 13/U, as mentioned earlier, and
featuring 55 elements on a 15'3" (20 wa ve-
length) tong boom, optimized lor 1296 M Hz ,
An equivalent 20 meter beam would be over a The 23 em 10 walt Iransmilting ecuuxoeot usea for anlenna gam testing at WB2WIK
quaner.mne long!
The monster 23 cm antenna IS very light·
welQht and UPS shippable, thanks to a mree-
secucn ecorn Assembly is snatqnttorwarc,
10llOWlng mree pages ot ounrec mstructons
and a two-page assembly diagram supplied
With each antenna I was very happy that my
tneoo Pete, KT2B, also received an oeoncet
eveicetoo antenna. ThIS allowed us to make
an importanl perlormance measurement
whICh would not have been possible With Just a
SIngle unu Pete assembled tus antenna hrsl.
taking about two rcers to co so, and then
assembled mine while I was busy building a
new 23 cm cavity arnpuuer in the same room
(misery loves company) Tile second antenna
didn't take as long to put toqether. Assembly
reonres only Ihe Simplest hand tools, in-
eluding a 10 mm "spanner" (British for open-
end wrench), A small hammer is required to in,
steutbe elements through their insulators, and
a ruler wi th x.."graduations is handy fo r posi -
tioning (centering) these elements proper ly.

24 louis 01., Budd l ak e , NJ 07828

62 • CO • January 1986 Say You Saw It In CO

the "polarity" at each driven e lement is m-
dic a ted by a " bu mp" in the pla stic d ipo le In-
sulator, This pola rity ind ic ation is not «roor-
tent for anyone con tem platin g a single Vag i in-
stallation, but it is handy for those considering
a st acked a rr ay. As the F9FT instruction shee t
wa rn s, "Durmq mounting process on the
st acking frame, make sure antennas are proo-
erly phased The bump on the plast ic shell of
the d rive n e leme nt marks the out er conductor
o t the teecnoe. All the bumps muSI lace Ihe
same side (all ren or all right. in horizontal
ccieruetonj.': I guess th is says it all .
The mstructons ouer stac king mtc rmauon
and the pa rt numbers fo r commercially even-
able (Ionna-manctacturedr two-port and tour-

port 23 em spli tt ers The ma nufactu rer also In·
cicoes a discussion on antenna mounting.
pointing our tnat most ante nna masts are of a
diameter which approaches one-ouarter
waveleng th at 23 cm (40 to 54 mm) ThIs
means you eannet a llow the a nte nna mast to
pass th rough the plane o t the elements' 'ton-
na recommends their 2 3 c m an tennas be
mounted at the ve ry top ot their mounting
masts lo r ma ximum ellicienc y. This is easily
The Boonton mlCrowatlmeler hangIng belo w me boom of the "receive: 55-element Yagl ns RF
accomplished in lour·bay stac ked systems us-
aetector IS up b y Ihe boom. inches from me doven element, Ing an '· H" fra me.
The Ss-eiement za ern Yag l. like other 'ron-
na p roduc ts. is su pplied w ith a high ·Qua lity
lype·N connec tor lor asse mbly to the coa xial
" pigtail,'· a nd a spa re re fle ctor element wh ic h
can serve as a replac ement for any passive
element in the syste m
A lright aueaov ! How does It work? In a
word, I'd sa y " GREATr" Before even ins talling
the connec tor on my 55 -element Vagi, It wa s
loaned out to Dave Co llins. K2lME, who was
going to use the antenna for the ARRL
September VHF GSa Party a t muui-op station
K2DEL The group at " DEL'" installed the
an tenna atop their mast at a ra ther average
loca tion in no rtheas te rn New Jersey, where
they ran a whopping 3 walls to it lor the con .
test weeken d , Results? They ma de 15 con-
Detail of me " receive " antenna feedpornl with the Boonton microwatl RF detector head coupled tacts o n 23 ern. includin g o ne with W 1TKZ/ 1 in
10 Ihe snort RG·2 13/U piglail We assumed me pigtail to be tosstess, VT, 200 miles away. This is nea rly 70 miles pe r
watt , not bad for 1296 MHz under "nat" band
conditions, I think they could have done even
better. but their o perators were to tally un -
tamnra r w ith 1296 MHz opera tion and were
pretty much flying by the seats of their pant s.
Dave returned the antenna to me the touow-
ing week . and Pete and I cot together on sec-
ternoer 22 to b uild a n " ante nna range " wh ich
we hoped wou ld allow us to measure the gain
o r these p roducts by an ind irec t but proven
procedure The detai ls o f our test plan wer e
con tai ned in the December 1985 c o lumn, but
I'll Include a summa ry here as we ll. There IS a
way in w hich antenn a ga in can be c alculated
a lter a measurement of reco vered SIgnal over
a knoWfl pat h from a known source is made
ThIS tect mq ue is not exactly new. having been
described by e.G Mon tgomery In his a rt-ere
"Iechmque of Mic rowave Mea su rements' ·
pu blished in 1948 as part o f the M.l T Baore-
tron l abora to ry series, A ntennas are oriented
directly toward each other at an appropriate
distance In the ter-neo reglOIl. and measure-
ments of transmit power. received power, and
antenna secereton are made. Assumrng ao-
seoce of reflections and obstructions. the
data collected can be applied to lhe formula
shown In Ilg 1 to eetermoe totar an tenna gain
(for both antennas).
Th iS hgure doesn't do you much good, un-
B,rd Thrulrne wallmeler hangIng belOw the boom ot tre "trensmit" 55·element Yagl Its RF less you know the ga in of one of the antenna s
coupler IS up by me boom, lust ecees from the doven element WI th some degree of ac c ura c y. Howeve r. you
needn't know eve n this much. It you use two

Say You Saw II In CO January 1986 • CO • 63

mw) positio n. I then m oved the ladder away, osca teo for our simple antenna range Tonna
Gain calculation based on measurements 0 1 and gentl y twisted and tilted the receive an- does provide a pola r plot 01 their antenna ,
recove red Signal 01 known power'
tenna mast lo r a pea k detected meter reading taken In both the E (vertic al) and H (horizon tal)
G = 'h R ft!i Alter some fumbling around, I was able 10 planes, and the H·plane plOI IS reprocluced In
~ I pi achieve a srabe + 13 .5 dBm (22, 4 mw) reeo. this article (see tig 2). They state the 3 dB
ing while Pe te recon hrmed the transmit power beamwid th to be "2 x 5 41 deg rees ," or 10.82
G = total gain of two moenucat antennas to be 5 w atts. This was all somewha t anucu- degrees This is in line with the claimed (al'ld
under tes t metre. in that our actual measurements took measured) ant enna gain. and shows the an-
R"" seoa ranco 01 antennas under test. In all 01 about two minutes, while the setup con- tenna tobe Vf~ry sharp-e-possibly too sharp lor
uMS 01 ~ sumed a couple 01 hours. the average mstauaron . I'm oct a bIg Ian 01
~ "" wavelength I couldn't wa it to p lug the numbers m the an- really sharp antennas lor routine VHF wolk, as
PI "" nansrruner power to one antenna (mea- ter ma gain lormula to see If our readings were they are too cnucet to steer and make even
sured at the leedpoint) " in ire ballpark ," Let's see R =: 2300 em. scheduled contac ts too easy to roes How·
Pr "" received power measured at the reeo PI = Sw. Pr = .22 4 w The Icrmuta Yields an ever. rrost za cm operators are becomIng ax-
poInt 01 the second antenna answe r lor totat ant enna gain. expressed peneoced enough wllh sharp antennas, In·
In the case of the F9FT ss-eeroem 1296 MHz mathematically, not In dB The answer, cludlng large par abolic dtsh systems. that
Yagl . our test setup oerweo the lollowing 265.98. The gaIn lor ooe antenna. then, should these obst acles can be overcome with pa-
be 265,9812. or 132.99 The gain In dB should hence Besides, the 55-element F9FT antenna
R = 75 feet = 100~ =2300cm be 10 log 13299, or 21.24 dB appears to have a dozen soecces (not uous.
~ = 23 em How close is this to the gain ceereo by me uat lor very Ioog·boom aHays) whICh would
PI = 500 wens manufacturer? Very close. Tonna clams me serve to assist in making contacts with
Pr =224mw gain of their 55-element 23 em Yagl to be "socers" not peaked by tne torwaro lobe Ac·
G = 1256 64 ..['04 = 265 98 (both antennas) 21.25 dBI I (jon't think we could have corre- cording to the rcone-soccuec plots, the rust
Gain for one antenna = 265,98 +2 = 132.99 lated bett e r man this. SIX mmor lobes on each side of the main are
Gain tn dB = 10 log 10 132 99 = 2124 dB We did nol attempt to measure the antenna WIthin 20 dB 01 the main lobe's IfltenSlly.
pattern. as Ihis would have been a ou corn- In all. I'm very sausueo that the Tonna
Ftg 1- GaIn cateula/lon formula
Fig. 2- H·p/aoe polar pial , 55-elemen' F9FT 23 cm Yagl

oentcar antennas The galO 0 1 esther an tenna

should be exactly hall the totalgalo measured,
or 3 d B less, Pete and I set up our "antenna
range " usmq two 10 1001 masts supported by 3 DIII:lGRAnl1E O£ IIAfONNE;l'lE"'T CALCll.E : I:lNTE....£ 5 5 £L£MENT 5 LONG 'AGl
loot trcocs. spaced so tnat ire most forward
directors of the two enreooee we re 100 wave- FIl£QU(JolCE : 1296. 9 "II'l1 PLA"' : H
lengths (about 751ee1) apart. This was a " fa r-
lield" dis tance, I rea soned, and the field was GAl '" CALC!A.E 21 ,25<1B 100 IlA"'POfilT AiJJ o:ll( fil.: H.n ~9

certainly uncostroctec and quite tree 01 reo

uecnnq objects, To assure the antennas A"'l'>l.E O'OUUERTUI"£ III - ] <1 9 2 ~ 5 . 41 "H ,
would be in ue same horizontal plan e, w e
used a very level secnon of pavem ent (auto
road) aside my house as the "range." We did
ge t some unusual looks ' ro m the occasional
passerby, but p roc eeded in the foots teps of
Mont gom ery (not to m ention M ax im , Tilton, er
at) to make o ur measurements,
We mo unt ed a Bird Mod el 43 Thrulme coup-
ler wit hin a lew inches 0 1 the teeooomt or the -~
"transmit" antenna, and ins talled a 1. 2-1 8
GHz ele ment lor m easurem ent Pt , tra nsmit
power. We mounted a mrcrowanmeter RF de- , ' '" \
tector (Boonto n Elect ronic s type 4 1-40 power
de tec tor good to 12 GHz) wi thin a lew inc hes
of the teecoom t 01 the "receive" antenna lor
m easurement 01 Pr. recovered power. Rathe r
- 2'
" "'"\ -\
man assemble long DC cables fo r the meter s \
themselves, we used the standard-length \
cables and supported the Bird power meter \
and Boonton rrucrowattmerer from the amen- \
na booms using stretch cor ds , The meters \,
hung su lflClenlly below the antenna booms to
be out 01 the plane of raoaton. Despite their
hanging nearly 10 teet above ground. the
meter scales were easy 10read, Since they are
large and we had plenty of eveuatse light.
\- r
USing an SSB Electronics LT235 1296 MHz
transverter driven by a Kenwood TR9000 mul- •
hmode 2 meter fig , we generated enough
power to oocete exactly 5.0 wens at the
Ifansrmt antenna 's teeccoot. It should be
noted mat mere was no measurable reflected
power ThIS "exact" 5 walt measurement ,
should be ~ 5 % , as preVIOUsly confirmed in a
taboratory. USIng precrsoo eQuipment (micro-
wave bolometer and 0 1 dB accuracy power
attenuators) The Boonton rocrowanrreter.
set 10 the + 10 dBm range . went right 011
scare! Eureka! The doggone syslem works.
etlrTbng a small step ladder. I changed the
microwattmeter range to the + 20 dBm (100

64 • CO • January 1986 Say You Saw It In CO

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letters. numerals. symbols. ,reverse characters 2 Charldert: upper and lower case tellers . numerals ments from standard paragraphs. do perscnahzed
cursor control keys. 41unclron keys, programma- and symbols All PH gfilptllC characters leiters. see and change a document before urs pnnt-
ble 10 8 MUSIC synthesizer WI!h 3 mceoenoent G r~p"ics: 7 vertical cots _ maximum 480columns eo mstrucncn manual has extensive training sec-
VOICes, each Wi th 9 octave range Inpul /output ports Oot aceress.abre. lIOn tnat s.monties use _ _even for someone who
accommodate _ user, serial, RO M cartridge. lOY' Chiric1er codQ; CBM ASCII code has never used a computer or word processor tlerore'
sucks. external monitor, pncne modem Prinl speed: 60 cneracters per second HTlle Mi nagerH A sophisticated database manager
B~ i!t. i n dil k drive' Intelligent high speed uM Muimum ClIlumns: 80 columns, tor busmess or home use Busmess uses: accounts
5 I, flopp y dis k recorder, 170K torrna ttee data stor- Char cl spieing: 10 characters per Inch pava bleI receivable, inventory. appoinlmenls. task
age. 35 trac ks. 16K RO M Uses Single Sided, Single . i er _ ' , _ manager, Home uses, mailing usts. hornemvernorv,
densily disk Serial interface second serial por t tc une reed spiemg: 61mes per inch m cnaracr« mode recipes. collection organizer. i nvestmenll racking.
chain second drive or printer ,
. . ,
BUIIl·ln color. monitor 1Displays 40 columns xzsnnes
ot text on 5 screen, High resolution . 320 x 200 piX-
els. 16 background, character colors,
or 8 nnes per Inch serectabre. 9 lines per Inch In
qraptucs mode.
Une leed speed: 5 lines pe r second In characte r mode,
75 lines per second in qraphics mode
Paper lee d: Pncnon reeu.
ere index, gradebook
Mtr 50

R t 'I
g, e an:
'73 98

checkbook balancing SChool uses, research arn-

Built-In ROM carlridge porI! Insert RO M program car- Pi per width: 45" 10 85" wrctn Liqui diti on Pr ice , . , ,. , • .•••••
I rl dge MUII' t , 1 I h. mH -918-6cOl1 -03 S"ip.". ndlm\l: t3 ,OO
I Ude 0 su 0iec s ave. Ia0 e In sores Mutliplecopies: Origmal plus maximum ottwo copies
across the nau on' Dimensions: 13"W x 8"0 x 3';,"H WI: 6'7 ms. Pow er: BUY INOIVIOUAL UNITS OR
IU t P . 120V AC. 60 "'
Uq:::t'~ nee ..••. S3
' 0ri~",u"""" " 2oo.$ol 19 SYSTEM AT ONE LOW
:~~=:y ,." ,.. ,.".
It.... H-91 863631 ·00 S"'p, "'»dIing 120 00
~rk~:~ ,,,, ,,
I. .... H-918-6383 1 ·oo Ship, -~"9 H OO
TOTAL Personal Computer System
a.ailable at FAR BELOW dealer cost!
Compatible with tlboye Computer System ( Not included in packa ge price.) Ori"", use P"," . • . . . Sl ,2 9 3 .0 0
64K MODEM U" "'''' _ .,/rm ...."',
JOYSTICKS (Set of 2) F""" W_.....
$4 •I I•
:~i~~.$;:;~ .~ ~~ . $19,," :~:.s~~~~"
11. ... H-918 -6J622 .01 S / H ' . 00 II' ......
H-918 -63M6 ·00 S fH '.00
PRICE .......
Item H-918-6C011-{l2 Ship, ........: u . 00


s-....- co" IiI.. ~ U.s. _ """ie<=!1o _ _
c.. ~ ., .. _ ca.l ... _ ... ~ ,
e.- _ .._ . L ....- to,- ~.
24 """"" . ~ , 7 _ _ Item No _
• P..... SiH

v_ ctoecIo. ,I •• ••1 (
"0""'" """- you _ tot' _ 1

--- "'
ss-eierrent 23 cm Yagi is an e xcel lent. we ll- HFIDX contesting, Our ba nd s ar e eve n less con trol. etc.) w ithin easy reach, POSit ion a
buill produc t which likely meets 01 exceeds Its predic table than the most fickle HF band, wi th z a.nour cloc k so that it faces you when you're
soecuec fo rw ard gaIn and IS capable 0 1 pro- crooaaanoo ranging from ionospheric F·layer tuning the re c eive r, and se t your contes t log
vldlllQ even minimal stations wIth many enjOy' skip to pure line-of·sighl The very-high and ur- on the bench, desk, or reore d ireclly In tren t Of
able contacts The once is In the $69 (U S. tra·high rrecoeoces are greatly influenced by yOU. The ooerauna desk sunace snccc be
lunds) class. This and other Tonna UHF prod- solar ecwnv and local weather condi tions, about 30 Inches above the floor, and srcoio
ucts are avail able from The VHF ShOP, 16 S Our antennas don' t wor k well w he n they're have ple nty of spac e fo r log and cccesreet.
Mounta in Blvd Mou ntaintop, PA 18707 ic e-covered Our nansmesion losses In- plus a key roaone. keyboa rd , or whateve r) it
crease by unbelievable amounts when oor cc- the contest involves CW wor k II trus leaves no
VHF Contesting axial connectors ta ke In a htue moisture room lor a microphone, then use a boom mne
I'm etten asked (well. once or tWICe anyway) We're deahng With Signals that , ange In on a ueccre neck; this can be hung l rom lust
advice about VHF contesting While I've won strength hom 0 1 uV to 10 rnv. a rate of one ' about anywhere that isn't In the way
lots 01 contests. I don' l claim to be an expert in million to one, and trying 10 cope with these Avoid VOX coerauoo. A lew big,gun con-
trus complicated held However, I do have vastly different levels from moment to m0- testers use VOx. but most have found foot-
some opinions tha t might be helpful. II you ar- ment. We ' re wor king at frequencies where SWItch operation much more etncrent Wire up
ways win every VH F contest you enter w hy static and atmospheric noise are so minimal the rootswncn in pa ra lle l Wi th youl pusn-tc-tae
not turn the page and look at some nice ads? tha t tne norse generated In our receiver troot line, and position the SWitch on I he lloor JUs!
Ahem . I' d like to begin by st ating tnat all of ends IS likely to be a limiting fact o r. We can't ahead of where your feet would naturally tau
the ' ollowing is my opinion, so don't bother just splic e onto our teeonn es Without paying a when operating. If you have several rigs set up
gelling a ll upse t if you happe n to disagree. severe price in ove rall pe rfo rmanc e Every- tor the contest st ation, have a tcctswncn lo r
To Win a VHF contest for a geoglaphic area thing has to be ca re tuuv ca lc ulated, tested , each
with any real competition, you mu st be a con- com pared A 1 dB d ifference In signal stre ngth If you have transmilling ecummen t which
tester. Su re, it's fine to be an expert moo n- ca n make o r brea k the c o nt act. requires occ asi onal retuning , have a handy
bouncer, satelli te enthusiast, or wo rkbench Heavy stutt, huh? Well , ttus co lumn often "tune " SWitc h set up w ith in easy reach. There
tin kerer as so many 01 us VH Fers are, but 10 deals wi th station optimi zat ion, so I won 't go isn't the time to go tumbling around behind the
score above vigorous competi tion requires into this here. Hopetully, you've alrea dy rig, reaching lo r a key plug or something, duro
something more, You must be a contester As assembled a station tha t is ca pa ble 01 com- Ing a cont es t. If yo u use "spill" transmmer
such, you must be willing to operate for 30 or petitive contest wor k Now you Just need to and rece ive r frequency controls, nave a
40 hours with lillie o r no sleep, you must plan know how to use it to you r best advantage "spcttmq" SWitch which does not key the
some part of your 1I1e around contesting, you A rra nge your stance fo r ma ximum flex iblll· transrmuer final arnpuuer and which mutes
must refine certain practices (logging, duping, tv. A guest operator shouldn't recune hours of the rmcrcohone during Irequency scomnq
spottmq, talking, sending all at once) untlt instruction to get the station going The The re's nothIng more annOyIng than IIsiening
they become second nature, you must have " KISS" system ("keep it simple, stupid' ) IS to the "SWish" of VFO's zerOing 10 10' the kill
understanding hfe associates (WIfe, children, the name 01 tne game. Of course, wiring the Have your rotator control handy II you have
parents, or whoever Will be auectedj: you statco up tor easest operallng can be a several rotators. be sure the correct contrOl
must have the oesne and genUIne need towin. tough, complicated 100. But all trus srouo be box IS Within easy reacnottne appropriate sta-
werccunese things you may have a bit of fun done terore the contest starts, so tile actual tion rne sounds awfully fundamental. but you
In a contest. but you won't win coos.stenuv ooeretoo IS smooth and pleasurabl e. Keep wouldn't believe some of the shacks I've seen,
VHF contesunq is only a little different from the most.usee controls (receiver dial. rotator With rotor controls on the other Side 01 the
room from the redo eqccment
If at all cossoe. have the 220, 432, and
START COPYING CW THE EASY WAYl 1296 MHz antennas on the same rotator (101
· ·$lal1 copying .0Id1 Inltlld ollelte,..!·' soate-co stations). tms makes tor easy
" M' ller tn. I tand. rd exchange "barm-jumeinq" wi thou t flQuflng beam head-
In JUlt . t_ e..nlngl !'· Ings Smqle-op stations can get away with a
"Galn on,th. , lr conl ldence quickly! " Single tower/rotator lor all bands, but it IS a
THE aSO·TRAINERTM Code Course · For the very nice lu xu ry to have more tha n one lower .
ham who al'E1ady know s the code, If you reve even fo r Single-operator work I use two
been II ham for a while, tried Ihe "teectttc net'' (sometimes three) towers/rotato rs, Wit h at
random-tetter approach to code practice, and least two 144 MHz antennas on two separate
stili do n't have the on-tbe-an confidence rotators. t keep the two beams headed in dil-
you'd tl ke- thls course may be exactly what terem d irect ions, generally towards popura-
you need,
non centers, for quick changes With a coax-er
Easy·to-Iearn lessons on lw0 60-minute audio SWi tch Murphy 's law dictates that when you
call CO With your beam aimed northeast, you
Send $14 ,95 + $2,00 shipping and handl ing Will be answered only by stauons 10 the
(I N reSident s add $0.851 to: southwest Having two beams on two rotors
AVC INNOVATIONS, INC, helps defeat Murphy
Dept. C, P.O. Box 200t91 Multl·operator steuons must have at least
Ind18n8polls, IN 46220-0491 ttnee lowers/rotators (more are preferable)
CIRCLE 1"6 ON REAOERSERVICE CARD 50 MHz shOuld be on ItS own rotor. Since thiS
band Will of ten reqoue a beam heading that
STATE OF would be unusual lor the higher bands, 144
THE ART MHz shOuld be on ItS own rotor. Since this is
our most popular VHF band and acnvrw can
The ARRL 1986 Hand bOOk For come Irom any orrecton anct 220, 432, 1296
The Rad io Amateur c a rries o n th e MHz can be 00 one rotor. as explained above
tradition o f t h e pre v io u s editions Arrange your station for Instant band-
by presen ti n g 1 192 p ag es o f c o m- Automatic SWitching, or better sun. set up several m-
p rehe nsi ve in fo r mation f or the MOBILE ANTENNA dependent stations If you have the space and
r ad io am ateur, eng i n e e r , tech - p ~ c.,..",..,c... <:lMolI" • $ _ "'-uIo.
the funds to 00 so, Don't be "stuck" on one
_ ............. . "-,,,",.. no .........,I. .. >ICh· band lust because you're there If you wOlk so'
n ici an a nd st u d e nt. Paper edi ti on : i"O Of '_'lOr <""" go"O r.oo .... 110 PEP meone on 2 meters who asks ' or a sseo on
$18 in the U .S., $19 i n Canada, a nd po-.... , . U"ll . Lat~ Cit"_ lOIId,"lI COOl
"""011'_ •
• CortotoOfl _ _ Sptoc..1 432, jump right ove r to 432 and make the con-
e lsew h e r e, C lothbou nd $27 in the model•••• IW>I. '", CO"'........I or .... ,~ .... tact The "lH see you over there later " ap-
!t~_ .
U,S., $29 in C anada and e lse w h e re, 124." "",Iud. . oNp.....g p roach wor ks about 25% of the time, but the
GENE HANSEN CO. Insta nt banoswncn skeo is far more suc-
1000 HI " " " ROi d cess ful Obviously. the use 01 common sense
eo.-....., NM 87Qq·o-19 IS Imperative here. It may not pay to leave a
225 MAIN ST, (50SI I 1Nl·32S1
NEWINGTON, CT 06111 good freQuency on 2 meters lust to make one

66 • CO • January 1986 Say Yo u Sa w It InCa

con tact on 70 ern. unless that on e contac t is ever ybod y else , Howeve r, the ba nd(sl c an Mex ic o , Based on these fac to rs. I don 't thin k It
wit h a "rare" rnutuptrar who may not be on open du ring this per iod, and you won't wantto would be la ir to include the ba nd for awar ds
later miss It when il does , So ei ther tak e yo ur fest and contests at th is tim e. Slitl, I hope expen-
Follow the "activity hour" system. II wor ks. close to your station rec erverts). or arrange to meruers everywher e are bu sy designing . build ·
Fo r neophy tes, the activit y hours are 220 have a good friend call you on the telephone 10 lng, an d modil yin g equipmen t for 33 cm use,
MH z , 8-9 o'clock local urne. 432 M Hz , 9- 10 wa ke up if the band opens. A nd II you do tms. and l"d love to run some of this in our column.
o'clock local time: and 1296 M Hz , 10 - 11 oon't ten anyone I toio you to. t nere a re all I recevec an mteresunq tetter I rom Andrew
o'clock local lime. These times apply lor both kind s 01 hnnicky peop le out there w ho will Reynolds, WD91 YT, 0 1 Roche lle . n, who says
AM and PM Operating the "higher" bands spend years discussing the fine hne between .. the last few yea rs tha t I've had 6 meter
during the actrvrty hours uses your time most s.ocre-cc and mum-co sta tions If you're a SSB gear have been exciting In wor k that has
etticren tly No use being 00 a band when rnum-oo, no worry aboul who helps been less than ste ady, (I've wor ked) most of
you're the only one tre-e Gall CO some times. but spend other l imes me east coast. Florida. Gull coast states. and
Slick With 6 meters when Irs open. Tt us luning the bands in search of new stations and a coupl e 01 Plains st at es. NOI very ImpreSSive,
band oilers the 100ges1-fange propagation multipliers. I wouldn' t reco m mend even the but not 100 ba d when the rig IS an IC·502 bare-
and can help you capture the greatest number "big guns" spend al/lhen urre calltng CO But loot into a socer at abou t 30 leel " Wowl For
01 multipliers However, the band may only
open lor 5 minutes, and If you're elsewhere
then the big guns should already be w inning
contes ts and rot reading this One l iP lor the
tne wumua tec. an IC 502 is a 3 walt PEP solid-
Slate. oanerv-ccereteo transceiver, a "sec-
when It does, you lose out The re are exceo- "ume pistols"; Don't waste your lime argUing er" IS a sloping occie a nte nna . where one end
tons to the 6 meter rule , however During the with bIg guns about whose trecoeocv II IS. or IS higher above ground man the other. Tfns IS a
September 1984 VHF 050 Party some amaz. anything else, Simply gelling out 0 1 Iheir way real minimal station wl lh a ze ro-ga in antenna.
Ing t-ccoscoenc co-cucos allowed all kinds p robably uses your lime most elflclently and WD9IYT has reason to be proud 01 what
01 OX wor k 00 144 MHz and above, while 6 Is that enough aevce lor one column? It's re's accomplished And 'ew goes on to say,
meters was dead I guess you can never be p robab ly more than enough for many lolkS, but "Guess the point I was I rying 10 make IS ooo't
totally sure. so II cavs 10 keep an ear on as I've been asked 10 do tms. sooont blame me knock the Simple rig and antenna lhey
many bands as oosscte certainly mOrlltorlng If even one operator wor ks up a bigger VHF work" Righ i on! Still, I woooer what A nd rew
6 and 2 meters for the whole ccntestent im- contest scor e as the result of my advice. 1"11 would have wor ked Wi th a small beam anten-
possible I have my reaocceners Wifed up teet good about it. If anyone woukl like even na'
with resenve sonnets SO that I can work 6 more advice on VHF contesting, there's tots M any of us have had eXCiting e xperiences
meters while IIsterling 10 2 meters. and vice more tha t can be wruten. Jusl let me know on VHF One of my more memorable 0S0s
versa Itus IS not complicated etectncanv. bu l was wllh a Sou th Ca rolina station on 14-4 MHz
can become conluslIlQ alter 24 hours wlthou l Can There Be More? CW when I wa s using an ICO M 1G-202 (3 wall
sleep ba ttery-operated portabl e) and its buill-In wtup
Sure there can. As I'm sure you know,
Look for 50 MHz meteor scali e r at sunrise Amencan ama teurs were au thorized used of antenna trom my hotel room at the Sky l ine
rc recommend dotng thiS no mailer what's the 902-928 MHz (33 em) band as a secon- Inn on M l. EQUinox. VT ThIS was an 800 mile
happening on the other bands In the ARRl dary (shar ed-us e) auccanco euecnve secrem- con tact that esta blished my personal OX
VHF con tests you've only one good ccooncr» ber 28, 1985. By the time thi s reaches onnt. recor d of 267 miles per wa ll. Not bad lor 144
ty for meteor-scatter work, and mat's Sunday we'll ha ve had the band fo r th ree months Can MHz under nat band coocmons. I've wo rked
morning a t about sun up, so you really shoul d anyo ne r eport about successful contacts lots ta r tne r. but not With 3 wa tt s ERP (eflec lt ve
tak e adva ntage of it II you're unskill ed at mad e on 33 cm ye t? The urst consteucnon aru- radiated power), Do you have a pe rsonal anec-
meteor-scatter wor k, co-nests a re not the ere rve seen l o r the new band wa s p ub lished dole? l e t us know ! I'll be p leased to p rint It,
pla c e to p rac tic e' Try wor king some scatter in the Octobe r 198 5 OS T and w as w r itt en by NOI to bea t a su bj ec t to death. but mon thly
each Sunday morntng lo r a few week s before Don Hil la rd , WfJPW, but I e xpect we'u see lots rea ders k now how pleased I' ve been to reocn
the contes t so you'll know what Jl'S all about. more A die-ha rd tmkerer. Tu be building some on the success o f our urst CO W orld·W ide
Not au 6 meter st ations touow 15 second se- 902 MHz gea r and hope to write a const rue. VHF WPX Cont est. held July 20 - 2 1, 1985, The
Quenc ing for rn.s. wo rk . Si nce 50 MHz sc atter tion art ic le o n th is oero re the yea r's out. number 01 logs rec e ived ha s ex ceeded our
is often com bine d w ith good trcoo or briet- wen be happy to in clude lnro rmauon about wild est expec tatio ns (400 logs repre senting
du ration E·s k ip, this is the easies t ba nd on the 902 M Hz band in this co lumn. I' m happy North Ame ri ca, Europe, As ia . and Afri ca ), The
whi ch to wo rk the mode, l've made sca tt e r wi nne rs a re known, and we ' ll publish a full
we U.S, amateur s rec eived the al loca tio n, but
con tac ts in less than 10 secon ds , co m ple te. I I don ' t think tne 33 c m ba nd should be m- con test report In a coup le 01 months , Our fi rs t
Wish they we re all that ea sy . Som e sc att er eluded for awa rds programs and VHF /UHF VHF co ntest bro ught in about as man y logs as
c on tac ts c an take se ve ral rn.nat es to co m- a Septembe r VHF 050 Pa rty, and we expect
conte st credit. The use of the 902-928 M H z
plete Try to dete rm ine the po tential m ult iplier tne 1986 VHF WPX Co ntest to show sign ifl·
band is oromoneo in oornons o f Colorado,
befo re wa stmq all this time, The re 's no reason cantlv increas ed ac tivi ty. W e 're o H IO a g reat
Wyo ming . Te xas , and New MeXICO, and IS reo
to spend 15 minutes wo rk ing a multiplier yo u start. than ks to you.
st ncteo to < 50 wat ts PEP operation with in
alrea dy have.
W he n all else fal ls, try 146 (o r 223) MHz FM
150 miles of wnue Sands MIssil e Range , N ew 73 , Steve . WB2WlK
The ARR l contes ts p rohibit use o f 146 .52 an d
aU repeater treouencie s. even "ou tputs" not
in local use The CO W W VH F WPX contest at- CW WILL NEVER BE THE SAME! Modal KC·1
ows all FM frequencies but prohibits repeater The " Kansas City Keyer" Model KC-1 Is a microprocessor
use. Fo llow the rules, but by all means, oo give based keyer with 1500 c harac ters 0 1 memory, ana log and
FM a try. II there's nolhlng happening etse- d igi tal speed controls, flexible serial no. generatOl, tu ne tuoc-
where, wha l have you got to lose? I hnd 223.50 l ion, aut o space, WPM functi on, paddle reversal, ORZ loops,
beacon s, variable wei ghting, ed iting, ptus much mOle.
M Hz Simple x a very valuable asset to my VHF
con test opera tions Not only do I make oomts ANYONE CAN USE IT!
here, but I also use !hIS treouency lo r making The KC-1 's EPROM conl ains user·f riendly IIOl1ware Ihat
skeos for the higher bands As such, 1have my enables you to uUli ze all of the system's fealure s with ease.
223 MHz FM beams on the same rotator as my Qur manual shows you how to automate mosl of youl CW
1296 MH z ameooa system contest operating.
When do you sleep? Not at all. II yOU can
make II Wi thout crashing your head onto the SEND FOR BROCHURE!
Send us you r name and address lor I: detailed descript ion 0 1
log But II you need 10 sleep. try between 2 am
the Kansas City Keyer KC-1 anet Its accessori es.
and 6 am. N ot much happens dUllng ttus pen-
oct. anyway Sure. there's some 6 meter scat -
ter going on rn the wee hours, but Irs easier to
work at sunrise, and me same stetcos WIll be
there You might also be able to lest between
about 2 pm and 6pm on Sunday Tr ad itio na lly .
this is a time when VHF contest activity slows
P.O. BOX 7363
Down and everytMJdy has already wor ked

Say You Saw It In CO January 1986 • CO • 67

II monthly 'ealure by



Amateur Radio Is Constantly Changing
W 'e have been getti ng many letters pu t is no w 1500 watts ins tead 01 t kw in- c ode is the o ld es t tradit io n in amateur ra-
from reader s 01 this col umn asking all pu t to the fi nal a mp lifie r. Am at eurs a nd dio, So me fee l it is " t he tie that b ind s,"
sorts of questions ! We enjoy getting no t the FCC administer amateur ex ami- the common denominat or among all arn-
them, particularly because it gives us an nations. Nothing is carved in stone any- ateurs. It is older th an radio Itse lf . like
idea of what you want to know about more. m ost inventio ns, the telegraph code has
what confuses you, your interests, and Eve n the ove ra ll flavor of rule makin g a disputed ancestry. The Un ited States,
where you stand Many are from nonarn- has changed. Pres id ent Ro na ld Reaga n Russ ia , Germany, and England all claim
ateurs. I didn't expect that. and FCC Chai rman M ark Fowle r, while 10 have originated it.
Being a ham lor some three decades, I not amateurs, have foreve r left their influ- In this country we like to think that
frequently lose sight 01 the fact that many ence on our pastime with their "requra- Samuel F. B. Morse. a mildly talented
of you aren't familiar with the fast-chang- non by marketplace" and "get govern- Ame rica n portrait artist invented the
In9 hobby that is amateur radio. An indi- ment out of private citizens' lives" a p- code in t836 when he devised a system
vidual who has been away fro m amateur proach. The regul atory direction seems whereby electric currents woutd deflect
radio for just a single year is amazed and to be you can market it, operate iI, or doil a pen o r pencil on a moving strip of paper.
bewildered when he comes back! Prac- if no problems are c aused. The FCC is H is middle initia ls do n 't stand lor " fine
tically nothing is the same. It's like being creating the atmosphe re for new things business," b ut for Finley Breeze. Mo rse
in a different world. to ha ppen. No t everybody li kes it. Some p roposed to have a d ic tio na ry with each
CW and Rny have given w ay to AM · go runnin g to the ir el ected hobby an d wo rd having a numer ical reference , This
TOR, which has now been made p rim itive gove rnment officials to pu t p ressure on mean t only ten (1 th rough 0) individual
by pac ket rad io networking. HF sideband them for the st at us q uo . characters would be necessary.
is g reat. but the exciting tone-distance I get the imp ression Iro m some of my If soon became apparent tha t a very
action is now accomplished with amateur mail that maybe the te leco m m unic a tio ns long list of words would be necessary and
OSCAR satellites-space operation by world is moving too fast lor some. M aybe that the time necessary to compose and
amateurs In orbillng vehicles is gelling to it is time lor us to refocus our attention translate a message would be excessive.
be commonplace-and flying amateur from' 'now it was" to "how It is" and look Two years later he devised the first com-
radio satellite electronic mail boxes With to the future and "howrt might or will be." plete oot'oash alphabetical/numerical
worldwide capability are just around the It is a fact 01 human nature that our think- code. The fii: t receiver that Morse built
corner! ing changes slower than the times. The consisted of a maqnet-operateo pen
Ham gear gets more complex, and status quo does not and canno t exist in w ritlOg Jiggles on a movmq tape.
practically no amateur has the mlcropro- our hobby. W e build on prior accomplish- He soon d isc overed that the human
cessor expertise to repa ir his equipment ments. Progr ess, like evolution, continues. ea r could inte rpret the long and short
anymore, much less bu ild it. Technotogy As a general rul e I c a n tell you how long buzzes direc tly w it ho ut the necessity of a
changes fast! This yea r's new ga dget is a reade r has been an amate u r by the wntten message , Thus the Morse sound-
next yea r's antique. It is hard to be lieve q uestio n he ask s o r the letter he w rites. e r came into ge ne ral use. By means o f
tha t home compu ting is only ten yea rs The newc o mer- the nte b lood of our hob- the dot·dash code, a single key could
old, yet micros rea lly have only been by-is interested in com puters, sa tel - send any tetter Of combination of letters.
around since 1975. lites. networking. bulletin boa rds, micro- In 184 4 M o rse sent his lam ous first tele-
When I started in amateur radio, it was processor-oriented gadgets. It is little g raph message, "What hath God
basically a CW high-frequency hobby. To- wonder. His environment is totally filled wrought?" on an experimental line te-
day it is VHF voice oriented. I still have with it. Everything with which he comes tween Baltimore and Washington.
the chirpy CW 616 rig that I made as a In contact screams microprocessors, The International Telegraph Union
youngster Irom junkbox parts sitting on a space, or some fantastic new tecnnor- (ITUj was formed in t865 In Europe by 20
shelf in the garage. I thought I was an en- ogy. The age 01 Buck Rogers is here. Al- member countries 10 regulate telegraph
gineer when I built it. I intend to keep it as though I hold DXCC CW only and lind t he 1 communication across international tor-
a reminder that I, like most amateurs, code fun (Its only value now). when was oe rs. Handing a telegraph message to
haven't been able to keep up with the t he last time you saw something in the another operator at a national boundrv
fast -moving world 01 communications media about it? Tim e marches on. l o ng - was the way it was done prior to the tor-
hardware technology. W hile w e do have time amateu rs belly-ache abou t the m atio n 01 th e ITU. It wasn't ve ry efficient!
many e ng ine e ri ng-typ e qualified am ateu r younger generat ion an d the directio n am- Although rad io ex perimentation corn-
rad io ex pe rimen ters, for the majori ty of ateu r rad io seems to be ta king . I doubt menced in the late 1800s with studies by
us amateur radio means operating com- that it will ever change. James Clerk Maxwell, Sir Oliver Heavi-
merctauv-maoe equipment for social rea-
side, and German physicist He inric h Ru-
sons and participating In public service. But Some Things Stay The Same dolph Hertz, it was Guglielmo Marconi
The rules have changed! Thanks to who actually was the first to utilize reoiat-
This month ret's go to the mailbag and
WARC, we have several new bands, Am· ed electromagnetic waves lor signaling
cover perhaps the most common ques-
ateur licenses are now issued lor a ten- by using a battery-ooerated induction coil
lion 01 the newcomer entering amateur
year term. Maximum amateur power in- connected to a spark gap.
radio today.
Why is it necessary to learn Morse code to get It is generally considered that amateur
an amateur license? This is a very complex radio communication began 10 1901
and perhaps the most controverstat issue when Marconi received the first radio
P.D. Box 10T01, Dallas, TX 75207 in amateur redro today. First o f all, Mo rse signals sent across the Atlantic Ocean.

68 • co • January 1986 Say You Saw It In CO

--------------~--- --~ - - - -

The M orse code letter "5" was sent rrom time amateur or any member of a group the concept of a no-code lic ense .. , peri-
England to Newfoundland. In 1906 that they aren' t an integral part. od !" Ray Kowalski, Chief of their Special
"SOS"-three dots, three dashes, and CW, as the code is called, has very 1iI. Services Division, which oversees the
three dots-was adopted as the interna- tle communications use today. I w as Amateur Radio Service. told me that we
tional radiotelegraph distress call. amazed to lind out during a cruise this would never again see another no-code
In 1912 the ill-fated Titanic resorted to past summer, however, that all maritime amateur radio rulemaking during our life-
the code. It was also in 19 12 1hal regula- ships tha t have messages or redrotele - time.
tion came to amateur radio. Lawmakers phone calls waiting are first called by the " Never say never" seems to apply.
prohibited amateurs from operating on marine operator in CW before they go to Discussion on the issue within the ama-
frequencies lower than 1500 kHz. The the voice mode to pass their traffic. They teur community has recently resurfaced.
amateur was the first to discover the do this because the shipboard radio oper- Barry Goldwater is now on record as re-
value of the "useless" short waves. Dur- ator is "tuned" to his ship's CW callsign thinking his p revious position on no-code.
ing World War I governments used the ra- and responds when he hears it. II was the He carries a lot of weight in ama teur and
diotelegraph extensively. first actual use of CW 1 had heard in government regulatory circles. There
The amateur was silenced during years! may be a way that it can be done without
World War I and ca m e very close tobemq There is another rea son for the code. changing the Amateur Rad io Service's
permanent ly silenced for atl time. The Few people like quick radic al change. basic characte r too quickly. We 'll have to
government, having had complet e con- Thi s is particula rly true in a hObby as irn- see what develops.
trol of communications for the period portent to many as amateur radio. Ama - One th ing se ems a c ert ainty, however.
1917 10 191 a, had inc linat ions to m aintain teur rad io is al most like a religion to Ent ry-le vel amateurs w ill be ob tai ning HF
this control, The pleadings of the amateur som e! Few of you were licensed before and VHF voice-mode privileges even
expe rimente r fina lly won out, and the am- 1955 and the advent o f ce. The 11 meter thoug h they w ill be required to have 5
ateur re turn ed to the CW airwaves in amateur band , which essentially wasn 't word-per-minu te code proficienc y. There
1919. used by the amateur, was reallocated lo r are those who say we have a no-code
The ITU member nations agreed tha t business/personal use, It became fash- class now, since to obtain a Novic e class
knowledge of the Interna tional Mo rse ionable fo r delivery and service vehicles license only requires one General class
code should be a prerequisite for radio to be "radio controuedv-c-sort of a vofuteer examiner. Testing is usually
operation-any radio operation, amateur space-age status symbOl back then, done in private. This is the reason why the
or commercial. The name of the ITU was somewhat like having a cellular tele- ARRL has recently petitioned the FCC to
changed to the International tetecomma- phone today. or tomorrow's brain-wave require two volunteer examiners lor
nications Union in 1932 to recognize transducer. future Novice licensees. It seems to me
modes other than telegraph. The FCC never intended lor 27 MHz to that the only sure thing you can say about
Although the ITU code requirement become a hobby service. II lust hap- amateur radio is that it will change . See
was later revised by the member nations pened, aided by the trucker looking for you next month . De W5YI.
to require code proficiency only when oo- "smokies'' and qasonne. CB exploded in
erating in the lower HF bands, our FCC the late 60s and 70s to millions of partici-
requires it as a prerequisite for any ama- pants, each getting in the other 's way. It
teur radio operation. This position is rear-
Iy not one of the FCC, but of the public
got completely out of hand, Ellorts to en-
forc e the ru les were trurness. Eventually It's Time
which opposed Commission plans to
abolish or modtty the M orse code reo
qui rement.
the FCC just built a fence around the
ba nd and re t everyone go at it without
callsiqns. Th is scares the hec k out o f to-
For the Best.
Thus, retaining the code requir ement day's ama teur who views it as a potential
has it s roots in the democ ra tic proc ess- future possibil ity fo r ama teur radio. A.
government by the pe opl e. The ITU coun- The FCC ha s trie d unsuccessfull y on
tries wanted to ret ain it, at least in some numerous occasions to eliminate or mod -
form, and the strongest lobbying fo rc e in ify the Morse code amateur entry require-
amateu r radio, the Am erican Radio Relay ment. But ou r government is "of the peo-
l eague, wanted to reta in it. The majority ple, by the people," The democratic p ro -
o f the amateurs who commented on the cess prevails. aided by a healthy dose of
rulemaking wanted it. Even the highest lobbying and political assistance. When
ranking politician/amateu r, Barry Gold- you consider that federal agencies get
water, K7UGA. wanted to retain it. So we their budgets approved by Congress, it is
have it. It is that simple. little wonder that no-code has never been
In my opinion, the argument that the I1 vr guarani_I
Why Require The Code? code is valuable In nmes of emergency,
Beaurdully designed.. _preciSiOn built
The code is looked upon today as more that it is a small price to pay to r entrance
WIth quartz accuracy.
of a tradition than a viable means of com- into the service, or the "I did it so you A.. North ..........lOOn CORk mop. can be likened toa tormot should, too" syndrome are not valid rea- ShrOy cce rrcee 19-.25", U.S COli
amateur radio "hazing" not 100 unlike the sons lor retaining the code. And there is o-90lIMoxlO:1n &. co-ecce pr.... . $4 989
1"8$ 24 e 12 hr. docks
foolishness tha t goes on a t colleges-un- really no rela tionship between an ind i- • . I'ef'SQnohlfl(l coa sign. RiCh pine $ 3 ~'
derclassmen wea ring beanies, tratermty vidual having code proficiency and being Sweep sec , hand 24 hr, dd "7 •
initiation s tunts, and so forth . Even the a credit 10 th e service, 12 hr . dial doy &. dole • ••••• ••••$4 315
mi litary has its tradit ions and fo rms o f C. tcco lome In 57 wOfl(llOOo!ions
Fineoo k case 8" high, OnIofI $59 9 5
hazing- Ihe unnecessary requ irem en ts s,.; tCh S~ 58C. hand. Oaylighl/
thai admit one as a bonafide member of a Nigl1tlme hrs Lumlr>ascef'1 harlds
group. Histor ic conventions ha nded What About The Future? O. eeooeoreeo coil s;gn. Warm $2615
OOk 3V," . 11", 12 ~. dial/sweep
down thr ough the ages are ve ry irnpor- On Decembe r 14, 19 83 the FCC re o SOl'C . hand " ... Iu' color photo. "poll _ l
ta nt to any group, be it ci vic, religious, fra - fused to adopt a c odeless form of arna- sana price + $3.00 I'&H 10: Since
ternal, corpor ate, or hobby. Tradit ions teur radio license for a final time they • LITTLE WOLF TI ME CO, 1Q7~
~ flI. 1. 80. 278A. ~g . 1M 54962
might defy reason, b ut try to te ll a long- sai d. The FCC slated they "were burying L=.J Give e . p. aote /7 151 467-2748
Say You Saw It In CO January 1986 • CO • 69
a monthly ' eature by



T he Story 01the Month is: USA·CA Special Honor Roll

The CW Group of Joseph A. Vanat , Jr.. WA1KPJ
All Counties 1499 , 9·9·85
Rio de Janeiro (CWRJ)
Established on December 16, 1980 by Edward A. Sanders, WA6VJP
a small group of very active CW opera- All Counties '500, 9 -11 -85
the CWRJ is a noncommercial group of
operators bonded together lor the pro- USA·CA Honor Roll
motion of interest in CW cornrnunfca- ~
"" '"

nons. WA 1KPJ WA,KPJ n, aose

AI first the group sponsored the CWAJ
W7 1EU m "''''
WA,KPJ zos
Dulce, PY1 BUL, Carl, PY1CC, and Co- '''' " 00
wm u sos
Award and a Brazilian annual contest.
later seven more awards were estab- otatnetot 10' CWRJ, PY1BVY, display
W11W '"59J KG8 1
"" VK2£SI zoeo
lished. all of them interesting and chal- their CW awards.
"" ",
KA50RL ""
lenging. The CWRJ soon became known
around the world as well as in Brasil. The
operators are very active on all bands
and OSL 100% . The awards are tor - USACA 3000 1531, and All Count ies
warded within a week after receiving the *499, Mixed. All awards are dated 9·9-85.
application. Becau se of this II is not Edward A. Sanders, WA6VJP, worked
unusual to hear on the bands, " Ple ase and confi rmed the tast 76 c ounties and
QSL lo r CW RJ Award s." qualif ied for All Counties '500, endorsed
Nueroi. the former capital o f Rio de all CW. dated 9-11-85.
Janeiro State. is located 14 kilometers Robert L. Klepper , W7IEU , sent tor
from the new c api tol, the City of Rio de USACA 500 12059, USA-GA 1000 '896,
Janeiro. To reach the capita l. you need to USA-GA 1500 *727 , USA-GA 2QlX) 1650 ,
c ross the Presioente Costa e Silva and USA-GA 2500 '593 , all CW, all dated
Bridge, or gto-Ntteror Bridge as it is 9-13-85 .
som etimes known . Its geographic coc-o. Bob Matthews, KH81 , quahfied lor
nates are 22 54 ' 00 ' Sand 43' 00' 00' W, USA-CA 1000 '893, 9-6-85 , Mixed.
and it is located about 3 meters above Edward B. Springer, KA50RL, won
sea level. Its area is 130 square meters. It USA-CA 500 '2058 and USA-CA 1000
ha s a population of about 400,140 inhab- * 89 5. Mixed, 9-9-85.
itants, The main economic activities are USA-CA 500 certificates were sent to :
fishing and the construction of naval ves- Robert F. Imhof, AG2K, n056, 9-7-85,
sels. Ntterot has 31 ,452 companies, 207 Gunnar, SM7QY. Associate M em ber of Mi xed ,
schools, 8 universities, 10 hospitals, CWRJ. Joseph A. Vanat, Jr., WA 1KPJ. n057.
2,335 doctors, 65,000 motor vehicles, 10 9-9-85, Mixed.
cinema houses. 5 theaters , 1 broadcast- Edward B. Springer , KA50RL, *2058 ,
ing sta tion. 8 newspapers, 8 hotels, and Mixed. 9-9-85.
an English supplement. This is to keep Robert L. Klepper, W7 IEU , 12059 , All
72,000 telephones!
everyone informed about CWRJ activi- CW,9-13-85.
Nrteroi. located across the Guanabara
ties at international sc ope, since their Jim Cunnmgham, VK2ESI , 12060.
Bay from Rio de Janeiro, has some
regular bulletin is of local and national in- 9-t8-85, MiXed ,
beautiful beaches, and because of th is
terest only. If you see an item you believe
location is always crowded w ith tourist s.
The CWRJ Board 01 Directors is com-
wi ll be of interest to others in your coun- The CWRJ Awards
try, please share it with your c lub or ne-
posed o f the following: Co-ordinator The CWRJ Award _Work 20 different PY1
Ronaldo Mega lhaes Costa Leite . nonat orqamzenon. sta tions. inc luding 5 members o f the
PY1 BVY ; Secretary Rona ldo Curi Since September 29 , 1984 the CWRJ CWRJ operator team (0.0.). Valid OSOS
Gismondi. PY1EWN : Treasurer Mauro has had Its own sta tion call , PY1GCW, after December 16, 1980, Log WIth call
Fernando de tavora Freire de Andrade, From lime to nme CWRJ will sponsor and date of osos
and a declaration thai
PY1DGP; Deliberative Council PY1AFG , DXpeditions to Trindade Island. Fernan- all OSOs were in CWoNo OSL; only GCA.
BOO. BVY, BXT. DPG, DWM , EWN , QH , do de Noronha Island, and Sao Pedro e Fee 10 IRCs . Endorsements: at each 5
VMV ; BICWRJ Editors PY1BVY , DPG , Sao Pau lo Rocks. At all times the new PY1 s ta tions, including one newO.O.
DWM , EWN : and BIDXCWRJ Editors operators will be looking especially for member lor each new series (total 6).
PY1APS , BVY, EWN CWRJ members and friends. CWRJ operator team members
To stim ula te interest among non-Port- (O.O.)-PYt : AFG, ALS , APS, ASI, AYE ,
uguese speaking Association members Awards Issued BMF, BOA, BOO, BU L, BVY , eXT, CBW ,
and friends, CWRJ will publish biannually Joseph A. vanat, WA1KPJ, worked GG, CCX, CCY, GOA, DGG, DEA, DFF,
them all from hi s home QTH in Vermonl DGB, OJY , DMX, ON, DPG, DUB, OWM ,
and qualified for USA-CA 500 '2057 , EBK. ECL, ELB. ENW, EWN , FF, GO, HQ,
333 South Lincoln Ave , M unde lem. IL USA-CA 1000 *894 , USA-CA 1500 1726 , IN , KX. MKA. PL, QN , QQ, RJ, TG, UET,
60060 USA-CA 2000 *649 . USA-GA 2500 *592, URQ. UX, VB, VKA . VMV , WO , WX: and

70 • CO • January 198& say You Saw It InCa

Snow Tellin' What We'li elli
[J SANTEe L CW~ 6I!SO 1....._

CRI2O(I "TlY cw-

C~I 100 ~TTV let.· nterl;oce

!AG 9600 ~'J9 ~ 1t01A! 2mHl 'OU_...

IC(l.I~T u.O HTIT_ _
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liO "'II, 90S "' H, A,/I """'"
IC ?~T 2m HT TlJUC/l1OtIt
,C JAT 12'0 II.. , HT 1 1 _ "'"
SllC lUl...- CISII toI ST 1~1
SoU 3 Spe,o. .. U"' to! ST '~1
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M'" Gefter..

,:U; HI Ir.. n~ SuPfM
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_cw._ At""", cw_

"'~ ~. "-- fl1'S7Hf ~ CVR ....llI_ 699!Y.> ICl90H ~- ..I 111-_ 2m XCVI!./9 9S
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Af~ Cl" C-6-I .. ,fl> """'" m!lS
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;\ Poorot" S-. & ~0fC" , "!'II'!RGNOOS'M.~ ~IOOO ~ .. S-tor Oscar 10 Kan l ronies Ham ted
\Ill! Co'_IbS ~ """"""'" owallitIle CORSAIR II "'_!061 1 1~9 'IS voc-iO C6-I -"""" CAll

"""'. e-.,,--,
~ 9'S Ka ntronics H am soltlA ml or
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H 109RH 2m HI 199 !IS IC 271~ SpecIIl S99 9S Kantronics Ham soll

fRH FTS 6 I_E....- .. rn fT 209I'H AJ _ _ 2mI,~ \'lC2'O " ' - AUrl lRS·SIC n 9'1 CAll
!12'032mHI"'fnTTP CAll
SCANNERS Microl og A ir Disk
HF TRANSCEIVERS V>c-2'O _ t-6-I ()S.
H IOJ 12'0 l,I,,,
HI .. '0 UP CAU
c.o""l19< ""
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ComPOler "' 9!1~ .~
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.3 3-~lt<T>onT IO·I~·20m 20S 00 Black/cn ,ome 36 9~148 9'> VH f & UHI amps C~lI10'OUO'"'
A44-~lemenT 10-'5·ZOm 264 %

" Hl30V2mAmp2 Io.30otJl Call '3646 Jolt.,,"n Dalll$ Hlg~ ..a,

RJ 10-IS-2llm vertlUl ,56 % ASTRON POWER SUPPLY H182V?m Amp &. Pream~ '0-80 c.a
2148 SS8121SWB f '" 2m Boomet. 73 00
"AX-2112m Ringo 1lil"0<!" ~ 95
Unarco-Rohn ~SI~
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WOOdbriGg. V"9,n,a 2?19'
1M",,,,,t,,,,, & s.'YlCl! 11031 643-1063
"3219 2m l\<lOmeI 88 00 ~S20A 89 9~ VS20U '1~ 95 l~ 2113~R 2m """, .. ,. Pl...."'" I~ 9S Sf"~lIours MT! lOAm 6p,"
'C . S.II-I u p potli nv fOw, ,, - RSJSA '33 9~ VSJ,>'" res 9~ WF 10am 8pm
HB'~O _O·!fIoot ..,I' ~ 109 !IS RS50A 189 9~ ~S5O'" 109 9'> MIRAGE SAl lOam ~om
' 1J.lA 4 -elemenl 10- 'S 2Qm 33-1 9~

HBU8 _8 'eel .. ,I" BaSf 2199!l B2JA i'm AmplllI8I 1 3D 8~ 'IS
HHU6_ll0·,5rom Ora",l1""rs M-! 9 ~ m -1 p m
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HlI~'ili :.l;-'''l!T ",I~ 8fst 3~9 9'5
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830 162," Am(lI,t,. 3D '60
2~2 95
199 !IS'Oa, '0 a m -4 p m

2m·16IS< 16-._1 1m 91 95 HDB'_O H'!lfw lO.l(I .. I' Base 2'J9!1S
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S!"" J 21" $1"""'$ "" a' '"'
MOSLE Y Oflle< e x Hex "!J6l m s.ta<' 82'~2mA"'lI 2,n '500..1 24~9S
CL-33 J-~_t 8Nm
IAn J - _ I ll)-lS-1llm
'''iii'''' Guyed lold_ l ow...:
Pr"","" ~5O PaOOIIO PIlOntS
Procom 3!lO l/fl'MlgO!'"
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3~ ~~
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AI01SfwnAmp'0 n lSOo.., 14295
Du1lIf 1"C1" '<eJ 'n"f<I<l

Pro 317'_1 lO-I$-?Om

f<2~!>8!>8\ttl 1SG ...000 AMERITRON HF AMPS
IU~ !>l·!eel 4'16 '296 00 SWl.-6101ogl>1_QIIO<Ie 81~ A( 8Q,l. '200 ... n 6'J9 ~
HU STLER Of"" sfln " ~ Ul""'ll' OI'oetS on .fO< ' CIII Al" H! ~mp 160 I~ 3B9!1S Qu. as.ocufe " ..e
6-61Y 10·1Om Yenu ....fO J(lIIl I16 ~ f _ S S"'Wed lrefliM /»1'11 SUP ER SPECIALS TH IS MON TH ~l'200' 5 ' WAmp .mgs 0lwIs \ Jar>"'" ~OIG "0 Boo- 1'13
~BfV lD-lIOoI'lVer1QI lOll ~ 101 "'9'"" ....., QI,tIf Aor>..... lAComoo LOU<SI¥Ii 1(l.I~~
M<lB!lf RESO"AIOIlS S\III<IIIG S - KE NWOO D 1l9n2'W csu '~tormal"," & Se<-Y.... 50<11l1li2 S3'>S
S It';9 111 Sft li onl: B& W
10_'5....,.. 11 ~ 17~ 20G SlriOgl'll StcIlOI'I 37!Y.> AMP SUPPLY
2'01I'IEll!fS 1~!lO 11 ~ 31S .. IlOSItoO" Co.. S..'lCII N SO
1'16 Sl'.l SedOQ/l (II 9'S
~~l ,Wl .... PH~f'I" 18!lO l~ HXIO'" '60 15m ~ 3lI9 '15
)1""" "lI _ . fl ~ ~ ~
~~Sl'''S«bon 10900 Al 1200A '200P!~l_ 169 !IS
~-. 19~ J6~
Compl'" , _ P tch~ . C...... l DAIWAI M CMIJ.W . M ILLER I ' !IOOZ81 S . w n,.. 1131'15
'.nns: ~, petstlfllll ,10«' $ _
39'S 1++70_ 7-""O-I~?Om CAll
COI-S2(l C'I-!oIO "' ele<s 'J9 95 69 ~
OJ-{j2'Oll Clj630 "' .... ,06 001'26 00
2 _S on XI .~IlSllllf 2nt ""'P 69 'IS
I'hc:es '*' !!Q/
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M ORE AN TENNA S ROTATORS >«I ov a ,~ .. f<'S!'Of . "9 _ _ "'&'
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72 • co • January 1986 Say You Saw It In CO
PU 1: VEC, WOS, YOC. Awar ds Manager: Regiao Cenrro-Oeste. PP2 (Golas GO);
Ronalda Curi Gismondi, PY1EWN , P.O. PT2 (Distrito Federal OF - CO); PT9 (Mato
Box 621 , CEP 24000, Nitero i, RJ. Brasil. Grosso do Sui MS); PY9 (Mato-Grosso
Bra zilian Stations Award . Work 75 Brazu- M T).
ian stations, including 10 UF 's (states, General rules lor CWRJ Awards:
territories) and 2 CWRJ 0.0. members. 1. One CWAJ 0.0. member may be
Endorsements: First-SO more Brazuian used lor more than one award. but only II
stat ions; second-25 more Brazilian sta- worked on different dates or different
tion s. log (GCR) with calls, dates, and a bands.
declaration that all OSOS were in CW o 2. All awards must De worked in CW
Fee: 6 IRCs. list of Bra zilian prefixes. (two-way or SWl).
UFs and regions appears later in this col- 3. Contacts on all bands are valid .
umn. OSOs must be after January 1, 4 . All awards may be endorsed lor
1982 . Awards Manager; Ronaldo Curi Worked CWRJ Members Awards. QRP.
Gismondi . PY1 EWN , P.O. Box 621 , CEP CWRJ Associate Membership. II you have
24000. Nrteroi. RJ, Brasil. three awa rds from Brazilian CW groups
Rio de Janeiro State Cities Award . Work 10 and l ive othe r CW awards. you may be an
cities of the Rio de Janeiro State. RJ (PY1 Assoc iate Member of the CW Group of
stat ions), inc luding 2 membe rs of the DIPLOMA -BRASI L GEOGRAFICO
Rio de Jan eir o. Send log wit h the
0, 0 , of the CWRJ. l og (GCR) only wifh nu mbe rs of th e awards and a fee of 5
calls, da tes, and cures and a dec laration Eo,. d'ploma " ."....~""• • -"-~c~--­ IRCs to CWRJ. P.O. Box n. 62 1. CEP
IlO' ha.., ' ......'MOSO _ "'.~Oo .... cod. lI_gio.
that all OSOs w ere in CWo Fee 6 IRCs. ~'09" ." ca da I,aoll. 24000. Nttero! R,J. You w ill receive a
Valid OSOs after January 1, 1982 . number as a CW AJ Associate Member ,
,..,....-.:... ...
Awards Manager: Roberto Quito de
Sant'anna . PY10WM. P.O. Box 24039.
CEP 20522. Rio de Janeiro. Brasil.
... _ OZ' _.",.- .............
Contacts with you will then be valid fo r the
WAMAW Award . You will receive their
publication and mtorrnation about their
activities. (The lee is annual .)
Diploma Bra sil Geografico. Work three sta-
tions in each geographica l region 01 Diploma Brasil Geografic o.
Brasil (see list later in this column). Total Congratulations , Emily!
of 15 QSOs. One of the osos in the south- Emily Maytan, AC2V. 01Yonkers. New
east reg ion must beaQ O. member 01 the York. ha s become the lirst American Yl
CWRJ . Send long (GCR) with calls. dates, to wm the "1 OO·SM ,. award lor confirmed
and a declaration that an QSOs were in contacts with 100 Swedish amateurs.
CWoFee: 6 IRCs. Valid osos after Jan- Only 659 other amateurs worldwide have
uary 1. 1982. Award Manager: Claudio won the award. AC2V 's was endorsed lor
Roberto Soares Pinto, PY1 OFF, P.O. Box making all 100 contacts on 2 1 M Hz CW o
621 , CEP 24000. Ntteroi. RJ, Brasil. Prima rily a CW ope rato r, Emily was

...-, .
Worked CWRJ Associate Members Award . lirst licensed as a Novice in 1976 .
Work 10 CWRJ Assoc iate Member s (not .....0..-. 0 _
Originally WB2oXP, she rose quickly
PY1 stations) and/or CWRJ 0 .0 . through the lic ense classes, earning her · ·"'·_
members (PY1). Two endorsements: Extra class ticket, an d one-by-two can-
First-5 more; second-5 more . l og sign. in 1978 . AC2V has won some 40
(GCR) w ith calls, dates, an d decl aration CWRJ YL Flowers Award,
other operat ing awa rds and is a member
that all QSOs were in CWo Fee: 6 IRCs . of the "Diploma Interest Group " (#3 189).
Valid OSOs alter January 1. 1982. a certifica te-hunting g roup which re-
Awards Manager : Ronalda Curi Gis- Sant'anna. PY1oWM . P,O. Box 24039, quires a minimum 0125 operati ng awards
monoi. PY1 EWN, P,O. Box 621 , CEP CEP 20522. Rio de Janeiro, AJ. Brasil. before issuing a number.
24000, Nueroi. RJ, Brasil. Worked CWRJ Awards. If you have th e Emily sha res her shack with husband
Brasil 's Frontiers Award . Wo rk 5 coun- CWAJ Aw ard (basic) and five other Paul, AC2T. and soon fa be married
tries that have frontiers with Brasil (FY. awards from the CWRJ Awards Program, daughter Karen , W02AHI. She is a mem-
8R. YV. HK. OA, CPo ZP. lU. CX). log send log with the numbers 01 the awards ber 01 the ARRl , YlRl an d 10-X rntema-
(GCR) With calls, dates , and a declaration and 6 lACs to: Awards Manager, Clau dio nonat. and serves on the board 01 drrec-
that all OSOs were in CWo Valid QSOs R. S. Pinto. PYlDFF. P.O. Box 1045. CEP tors of the Westchester Emergenc y Com-
after January 1, 1982. Fee: 6 IRCs. 24000. Niteroi, AJ, Brasil. munications Association , a Westchester
Awards Manager : Claudia Roberto Brazilian UFs, Prefixes, and Geographical County. New York. public service club
Soares Pinto. PYlDFF, P.O. Box 621 , Regions . The follow ing apply for all the and ARRl Special Service Club.
CEP 24000, Niterot. RJ, Brasil. CWRT awards.
CWRJ Yl Flowers Award . With the first Regiao Nordeste: PP6 (Serqipe SE);
letter of the sullix 01the callsigns of sta- PP7 (Alagoas LA); PR7 (Pa-Nli-taiba PB);
Silent Key
tions worked on 28 MH z, w rite the names PA8 (Maranhao MA): PS7 (Aio Grande do We regre t to tell you that Ga ry Med-
of 5 flower s (all names must be in English Norte AN); PS8 (Piauf PI); PT7 (Cea raCE); ford. N2CW (ex: K3SWU, W2EOK).
or Portuguese). Among the stations PY6 (Bahia BA); PY7 (Perna mbuco PE). became a Silent Key on August 2 1, 1985.
wor ked. the re must be 5 Yl sta tions, Regiao Norte: PP8 (Am azonas AM); Along w ifh many other amateur radio ac-
which may be substituted for letters in the PT8 (Ac re AC); PUB (Amapa-No AP); PV8 complishments, Gary he ld USA-CA All
name of the flo wers , Yl OSOs on an y (Roraima RR); PWB (Rondonia RO); PYB Counties #70 , 12-10-7 t .
band may cou nt for thi s award, l og (GCR) (Para PAl.
w ith the calls listed in order to form the Regiao Suaeste: PP1 (Esplrtto Santo Notes
names 01 the flower s and indicate w hich ES); PY1 (Aio de Janeiro SE . RJ); PY2 Anot he r New Year is just abo ut he re . I
are the Yl sta tions. date, and dec larat ion (Sao Paulo SP); PY4 (Minas Gerais MG). hope this year brings you happiness. a
ma t all QSOs we re in CWo Fee: 6 IRCs. Regiao Sui: PP5 (Santa Cata rina SC); sense 01 accomplishment, and peace.
Valid QSOs after January 1. 1982. PY3 (Rio Grande do Sui SU - RS); PY5 See you ne xt month .
Awards Manager: Roberto Ouito de (Parana PA). 73. Dorothy. WB9RCY

Say You Saw It In CO January 1986 • CO • 73

II month ly feature by

Contest Calendar FRAN K ANZALONE, W1WY


O ur 160 Meter CW Con test was fi rst

ARRL Midnight Special
Calendar of Events
organized some 25 years ago when the 0400Z to 0600z Sun., Jan. 5
band had little activit y and was loaded • Jan 1 AGCW Happy New Year Ply (11 p.m. to 1 a.m. EST Sat., Jan. 4)
• In .1- Oe,31 U,S.A. SWL Competition
with Loran GRM and man y AM signals. Jan 5 ARRL Midnight Special
and we were limi ted to low power, de- This is a new 80 meter shorty. The first
Jan 11,12 ARRL VHF Sweepsta kes
pending on where we were located. (We Jan. 11-12 Mich. ORP Club CW Contest hour w ill be on CW (3540-3570 kHz ) and
might cause QRM to the rrwrti-Kw's Lor- Jan 18 AGCW-OL ORP Contest the second hour wi ll be on phone (3855-
an signal, you know.) We recognized Jan 18-19 R Nest & C Stick SPrint 3895 kHz).
Stew Perry, W1BB's "DX window" band Jan 18-19 Hungarian OX Contest The exchange is also short, a 3-digit
plan lor working the few weak OX stations Jan 18-19 White Rose SWL Contest OSO numbe r sta rting with 00 1 and your
that were on the air at that lime. and it Jan 18-20 North Dakota OSO Party name.
JiiJn . 24·26 CD WW 160 M CW Contest Each station may be worked once on
was incorporated into our rules.
Jan 25-26 French CW Contest each mode.
In recent years more and more coun- Feb t·3 New Hampshire OSO Party
tries have opened the top band 10 ama- Final score, tote r number of contacts.
Feb 8·9 QCWA CW 080 Party
teur operation, but unfortunately some Feb 8'9 YL-OM Phone Contest No multiplier. Scores will be listed in OST
countries have placed restrictions as to Feb 8·9 YL·ISSB Phone Contest Send your entry to the ARRl, New ing-
what portions they can use, making the Feb 8·9 Dutch "PACC" Contest ton, CT by Februar y Srd.
"window" unavai lable to some stations. Feb 15·16 AR RLDXCWContesl
How ever , the majority of Europeans can Feb . 21-23 CD WW 160 M SSB Contest ARRL VHF Sweepstakes
still take advantage of split.t requency op- Feb 22·23 French Phone Contest 1900Z Sat. to 0400 Z Mon. , Jan. 11 - 13
eration out of the "window," and we are Feb 22·23 YL-OM CW Contes t
Mar 1·2 ARRL OX Phone Contest
going to retain this band plan feature in Mar 8·9 QCWA Phone 080 Party This is the 39th ARRl January VHF
our rules. Mal 8-9 RSGB Commonwealth Sweepstakes. ARRL Headqua rters rec-
The success 01 workmg split out 01 the Mar 15·16 YL-ISSB CW Party ommends that you use the official log
"window" cannot be realized without the Mar 15-16 Bermuda Contest forms. It will make your log keeping and
coooeranon of the overseas OX stations. Mar. 29-30 CD WW WPX SSB Contesl the SCOring much easier. A large SASE 10
In last year's contest a few of the more • Covered tast month Newington will get you the necessary
oowerfut OX stations continued (0 solicit forms.
on frequency contacts m the "wmcow -, Complete rules will be found in the De-
The resurtmq ORM not only cut down cember issue of OST. They are a bit com-
their own contact total, but made It im- plicated, so look them over carefully.
possible to hear the many weak OX sta-
the recent WW Phone Con test therefore Michigan ORP Club CW Contest
tions trying to make split-frequency con-
was not a legal operation.
tacts ou t of the "window" 1500Z Sat. to 1500 Z Sun.. Jan. 11-12
Because of a feeling of guilt o r perhaps
a fear of bemg disqualified. these otteno- It is always a difficult chore to repor t a This is the si xth annual QRP contest
ers did net submn a log. No c redit was Silent Key, especially when it is for a per- sponsored by the Mic higan ORPClub. lt's
given to those who worked them. sonal friend. Tom Peruzzi, W4BVV, died a CW only on all six bands, 10-160 me-
By the same token. we take a dim view on October 5th after a 1O-month bout wi th ters.
of WrK's and VE's wnooo not observe the acute leukemia. Tom was a long -lime Each station will be competing with
recommended plan of operation on 160 member of (he PVRC, and his mutn-mum own slate, province, or DXcountry in one
during a comest and also continue to so- station contributed many big scores 10 of the fOllOWing cateqcnes:
licit OX contacts In the "window" They the PVRC's Championship years. t. One (1) watt or less output.
are certainly nOI settmq a very ecce ex- He had recently moved to a new toea- 2. Five (5) watts or less output
ample. lion and was In the process of putunq upa 3. Over live (5) walls output.
I am a bit apprehensive 01 whal to ex- 100 foot tower. In spite or tus failing Exchange: RST and OTH Sstate or prov-
pect In ttus year's coming contest. espe- health he completed the job JUSl three inc e for WNE's, country for OX, and pow-
Cially now that the FCC has added to the days be fore the diagnosis of his health er output.
confusion by permitting additional modes prob lem. Scoring: Each contact is worth one (1)
of operation without assig ning a band Tom was also a lonq-ttrne sponso r of OSO poin t. Mu ltiply tot al OSO po ints by
plan of operation. the World-Wide European Trophy. His number of sta les, provinces. and OX
I hope we do not experience too many wife, Sherry, wishes 10 continue this countries worked on each band,
problems. award as a W4BW Memorial. Her wishes There is a bonus multiplier of 1.5 for
I have been advised by Eden, ZF1EJ, are being honored. Final arrangements stations using emergency power (natural
who is knowledgeable about local mat- are being worked out and will be qtven in or battery).
ters, that the ZF2 calls assigned to non- uus column when completed Awards : Certificates to the top-SCOring
resident license holders in the Cayman Rest In peace, good friend Your big station In each state, province. and OX
Islands are to be used only when ooerat- signal Will be missed come contest lime, country
109 10 the Caymans and not as a portable Use a separate log sheet for each
tromotner locations The ZF/4X4 heard in band, and include a summary sheet
Deadnne lor tbe Aorurssue IS January showing the scoring per band, equipment
15th, and February 'l Slh tor the May used, and power output. Also include the
issue. usual Signed declaration and your name
14 Sherwood Road, Stamford, CT 06905 73 for this time, Frank, W1W Y and add ress In bloc k letters.

74 • CO • January 1986 Say You Saw lt In CO

more club members. (Clue members
must indicate their rnemberstup.)
Include a summary sheet with your en-
try showing the scoring, plus description
of antenna and equipment used. Indicate
your contacts with IARC members.
Submit your log no later than February
tst to: Issaquah ARC, cia Steve Pack,
WB7VAS, 4609 158th Ave. SE, Bellevue,
WA 98006.
Hungarian CW Contest
2200Z Sat. to 2200Z Sun., Jan. 18-19

Here's Ron Moorefield, W8ILC; Tony En- , This is an annual affair organized by
gland, W00RE, second radio amateur to the Hungarian Radioamaleur Society to So you ha ve three grand sit ting there in
operate in space during the Shuttle Chal- promote better relations between HA's the s hack, but ha m ra dio j ust isn't much
lenger flight las! July; and Bernie Welch, and amateu rs in other countries. fun a ny more? And you r fam ily would ki ll
W8IMZ , CO's Contest Advisor at the Classes : Single operator, both single yo u if they knew how much tha t gear
ARRL National Convention in Louisville, and all band, and multi-operator all band really cos t'! And you love ha m radio, but
KY last October. Do you suppose Bernie (club stations), somehow th e o ld fire just isn't the re
and Ron are trying to convince Tony that Exchange : RST and OSO con tact num- a nymo re? Is that what's troubli ng yo u,
he should suggest that NASA schedule ber starting with 001 . HA stations will also OM'!
his next space flight during a CO World· add two leiters to identify their county. Re me m be r how much fun it used to be?
Wide Contest? Wonder how we would There are 20 counties: BA, BE, BP, BN, T he thrill of those first QSO's? A nd later,
classify his CountrylZone status. BO, CS, FE, GY, HA, HE, KO, NO, PE, SA, the excitement of you r first DX? But now
SO, S2, TO, VA, VE, ZA you have it all; the new rig, good
Points: Contacts with HA stations count a n te nn as, t he u pg raded li cen se ,
6 points. With other stations outside own everythi ng - everythi ng except the old
Logs must be received no later than six continent, 3 points. Same station may be t hrills. You ho ped t hat a new rig wo uld
weeks after the end of the contest by worked on each band for QSO points. relight the fires, a nd it d id, to o. For a
Chris Hetbom, KM8X, 6818 Meese Drive, week.
Multiplier: Each different HA county But remember those early QSO's? The
lansing , MI 48910 . Include an SASE (or 2 worked on each band.
IRC's) if results are desired. ones that sent shivers up and down your
Score : Total QSO points from all bands sp ine'! They we re on C W, right? Sure,
times the sum of the multipliers from you we ren't very p roficient a t first. But
Rat's Nest and Crooked Stick Sprint each band. you got by, a nd yo u got better, too. But
2300Z Sal. to 0400Z Sun., Jan. 18-19 Frequencies: 3500-3590, 7000-7035, C W always seemed like a lot of wor k, and
14000-1 4090, 21000-21090, 28000- yo u co u ldn't wa it to get tha t upgraded
The Issaquah Amateur Radio Club of 28090 kHz. ticke t and go o n phone. Bes ides, the old
Bellevue, Washington is sponsoring this Awards: Certificates to the top scorers J-38 key gave yo u a sore a rm, But
unusual contest with a funny name. A re- in each class in each country. Additional , so mehow, after you made the big move, it
view of the rules will verify how it got its awards if returns justify. was never t he same again .
name. Use a separate log sheet for each M aybe this is the time to go back to your
Requirements are that you use a band and inc lude a summary sheet show- roots, baek to the fu n t hat yo u used to
hornebrew wire antenna in any conucura- ing the scoring, etc. The usual signed ha ve, On C W, T imes have changed, you
tron as long as it includes the use of a declaration is also requested, know. J·38's and o ld bugs a ren 't state 0
the art on the C W scene anymore.
crooked stick for a support. (Wonder if a Mail your entry within six weeks from
Ad van ced key ers a nd so phistica ted silky-
crooked tree Qualifies?-ed.) the end of the contest to Hungarian Ha- s moot h Ben ch er padd les a re where it's at,
Exchange : Name, OTH, and type of an- dioamateur Society, Contest Bureau, ma king C W the modern communica tio n
tenna. Club members will indicate their P.O. Box 86, H-158 1 Budapest, Hungary. mode tha t it is today.
membership. A ne w keyc r, a CW filter fo r the rig and a
Scoring : CW contacts 5 points, SSB 2 AGCW-DL QRP CW Contest Bencher paddle are t he tools that you
points. The multiplier is determined by 15002 Sat. to 15002 Sun., Jan. 18-19 need fo r mod ern C W, You will be
the number of states, provinces, and delig hted and a mazed how easi ly and
countries worked, x 2 (?). This is the winter edition of this QRP smoot hly the lette rs flow from yo ur
aenus : To encourage "Elmering" and contest organized by the AGCW-DL. It's a fingers. Prac tice fo r a few eve nings, get
participation by new ind ividuals and old- CW only on all 6 bands, 10-t60 meters. the feel of it, then sli p into the novice
timers alike, the following bonus has The same station can b e worked on each bands for a few Q SO's. They w ill be gled
been established: contacts made with band for OSO and multiplier credit. to wo rk yo u, a nd the practice will help
apprentice's assistance + 2 points; con- sharpen yo ur s kills. You will rediscover
There are five classes as follows:
the th rills a nd satisfactio ns tha t made
tacts made by apprentice + 5 points, Mi- A. Single Op. -3.5 watts or less.
nor coaching allowed.
(I'm a bit confused, so the above rules
B. Sing le Op.-1 watts or less.
C. Multi·Op.-10 walls or less,
ham radio such a n importa nt pa rt ofyour
life. T ry it. You'll be glad t hat you d id.
are Quoted verbatim.-ed.) O. ORO stations, over 10 watts . This message is broug ht to you by
Frequencies : CW-7050-7150 MH z. E. SWL's. Ben ch e r, Inc. makers of the finest
888-7225-7300 MHz. Maximum of 250 Multi-operator stations may operate s moothest paddles avai la ble, o ffered in
walls input. the full 24 hours. All other classes must both ia m bic and sing le lever models. As k
Awards: Issu ed in six different cate- take a 9-hou r break. your Ben cher dealer for a demonst ration
gories-(A) Best using a rat's nest anten- Exchange: RST, QSO no. , and pow er in- of j ust how easy mode rn C W ca n be. C W
na; (B) Best NovicelTech.: (C) Best Elmer; put Add x if transmitter is c rystal con- is the la nguage of amate ur rad io. Use it
(0) Best CW; (E) Best SSB; (F)' 'Rat Catch- trolled (559001/5 x . ORO stations a nd be a part of it. Bencher. Inc. 333 West
ers" certificate if you contact three or 579002IQAO). Lake S treet, Ch icago, Illinois 60606 .
Say You Saw It In CO January 1986 • CO • 77
Points: OSO with own country, 1 point. O nly the three LF bands- l .8 , 3.5, and 7 North Dakota OSO Party
Other countries own continent, 2 points. MHz- m ay be used.
DX outside own continent, 3 points. crvs- Po ints may be claimed only for stations 0IX)()-Q800Z & 1600-24OOZ Sal.. Ja n. 18
ta l-controlled stations are limited to 3 heard m contact with another station. 0800-1600Z Sun.. Jan. 19
crystals for each band, and take double Both stations may be logged. but the
above points , practice ot logging a series of OSO's Sponsored by th e Red Rive r Rad io Am-
Multiplier : One for each country and made by one station is not allowed. Logs ateurs of Fargo. No rt h Dakota, this one
one for each OX contact. For SCOring pur- must not include the same call in the will make one ot the rarer states avauabte
poses calf areas In JA. PY , VE, VK , W/K , " s ta tion worked" column more th an 10 for WAS and County Hunters.
and ZS are counted as multipliers , times on each band. A station appea ring The same sta tion may be worked once
Final Score: To tal GSa points tim es the in the " w o rked" column can only be on each band and each mode.
multiplier on that band, Add the sum of claimed once for scoring. Exchange : Rs(D a nd GTH . County for
scores from each band, Score 1 po int lor each station heard on NO stations: st ate, provinc e, o r coun try
Award s: Cer tific at es to the first th ree ea c h band fr om one's own continent, and for othe rs.
places in each class on each band. Use a 5 po ints il station is in anothe r c o ntine nt. Scoring : Co unt 10 oomts for ph one
separate log for each band. Mu lt iply totat points by the nu mber of on- OSO 's. 20 points for CW, and 50 points
All entries must be received no later terent countries hea rd on each ba nd . Add lo r Rn y . N D stations add 250 bonus
than six weeks after the end 01 the con- the total of the uuee ba nd s for final score. points for working 5 Novic es,
test. Include 1 IRC for copy of results . The ARRl country list is the standard. Final Score: N D stations multiply total
Entries go to Siegfried Han, DK9FN . In addition, each call area in the U.S .. OSO points from all bands by sum of
Spessartstrasse 80. D·6453 Se ligen- Canada , Australia, and New Zealand will states. provinces. and countries worked
stadt. Fed. Republic of Germany. be considered a separate multiplier . per band and mode. Others multiply by to-
Show date and times in GMT. band, tal number of ND counties worked (max,
White Rose SWL LF Contest station heard, station being worked, and unurn of 53).
1200Z Sal. to 1200Z Sun .. Jan. 18-19 signal report. Points may only be c laimed Frequencies: CW-1810. 3540. and 35
for sta tions actually heard. If points a re kHz up Irom edges on other bands. Phone
Very few DX contests have an SWL claimed for both stations. both calls must -18 10, 3905. 7280, 14295, 2 1380,
cateqorv. He re is one for SW L's only a ppea r in the "station heard" column. 28500. Novic e- 25 kH z up from edges of
sponsored by the Wh ite Rose Radio Soci- Certi ficates of Meri t w ill be awarded at Novic e bands.
ety o f Eng land , the d iscretio n 01the So cie ty, Award s: No ne m entioned , b ut include a
You can use up to 18 hou rs out of the Entries must be rec e ived no la te r than la rge SASE wi th your ent ry for a copy of
24·hour contes t period, bu t be sure to m- February 24th an d go to Con test Ma nag· the result s to se e if you won anything.
dicate limes off in your log. er. Jo hn Ha rt , G3 ZGA. White Rose ARS. Ma il logs by Februa ry 28th to M ike
There are two separate sections, 146 Street lane, l eeds LSB 2AD , En- Beat o n, KD0 A, 2267 Flickertail Drive.
phone and CW, no mixed mode entries . gland. Fargo. N D 58103 .

CO WW OX 160 Meter Contest

How would you like operating
CW: Jan, 24-26 SSB: Feb. 21-23
a complete radio station in 2200Z Friday to 1600Z Sunday
your vehicle? This mobile- ~ CALENDAR Since ttus year's announcement was
mount system prem atu rely pu blished in the October is-
will make it a Conte.t Date',Form',Map. sue, a brief summa ry of the ru les might
reality now! photo each month be heiotuf.
8 .5 " x11" ,sp1ral bound to hang Essentiall y, th e rules a re ne same as
flat , Photos of coer etcr s .s t at ion s those used in previous years. How ever ,
Police the penalties listed la st year for making
ar'". 7 x t O . Room for- nctes , skeus ,
Fire on-frequency contac ts In the "DX win-
CB Gr •• t for hom. or .s Qift dow" were not included. We are stili very
s.nt with ljour 9r ee tings! cnncat of those abusing this long-stand-
Military Send $7. 9D (DX=$9 .00) ing and recognized " gentlem en's agree-
ICD t T Radio Specialties ment. "
Business Classes: Both single and rnurn-ooera -
Sirens Model 1.41.41001 3 8 -1015 Amh.rst NH 03031
tor .
Exchange: RS(T) and OTH . State lor
Mount all types of communicat ion eqUIP-
m ent in any desired view i ng posi tion w ith
positive locking ad just ment s that swivel, till.
and tel escope out. The moun t is construc ted HANDCRAFTED KEY TAG
• US. , p rovince or call area lor Canada .
No t necessary fo r DX to spell out their
count ry. but it is rec om m end ed th at only
ot heavy gauge steel f in is hed i n aann bl aCk st an da rd p ref ixe s be used in their call,
and will mou nt <I o r m o re radi os With ease.
Model MM1001 3 will acc ommoda te equip- Scoring : Contacts w ith stations with-
m ent up to 13 " In width whi ch i ncludes m o bi l in own count ry 2 po ints, wit h other c oun-
HF, VHF, and UHF ra dios. All ty pe s o f com-
$4.95 (First Key Tag) tries but same continent 5 points, wi lh
mercial and business equi pm en t wi ll also fi t .
other continents 10 points,
Thi s model w i ll ht l u ll size vans, m ini vans,
Addillonal Key Tags Onty $3.95 each. Multiplier: Each U .S. state (48), each
motor homes and vehicles With flat tree-e.
1.41.4 1001 3 comes With all necessary hardw are Postpaid U.S .A. Canadian area (13), and each OX coun-
and pl'epaid UPS shi ppi ng. $239.50 O ther vehi- "n~, WOI"ll, call, model no.• ~c .•• per1lycarv. try.
cl e applica tions and mounting variations will ell ,''' e 1'>" toQu.r. solid oel< stOC k (8 leI·
t"'I<1.....mbe<"• •11oowed per tag, _ , h....1 lei· Award s: Certtncates to top-scoring sta-
fOllOW soon . Request 1.41.4100 info seeet for
more details and dimensions. Free Y·3 gen-
1<l<'IIn.. mberl 50' NoCh). Oark st..... end cleat lac- tion in each sta te. VE area, and DX coun-
q.- fi...ish . 2 weel<s deli..,. . Sel,.feclion
erartower accessory ca talog available f rom guarenfM<l, s.rid ctlockor money orde•• itll .... i~ try in both classes. The trophy awa rds list
ing _r.,.. 10:
has not been comple ted. but will be an -
nounced in this column when it is com-
~P .0. Box 9 Oaklawn. Il 60454 1625 Whlttl..- lene (317) 529-2149
New C..lle,IN 47362 ple ted .
.' (312) 423-0605
Say You Sawlt In CQ
The disqualification cla use for exces- KB0YK 8, HI0A 7744 , HP1XKR 2160, by number of NH counties worked (maxi-
sive duplicate con tacts and ot her viol a- Tl4BGA 2262 . Phone: W3ARK 1152, mum of 10).
tions is still very much in effect. VE1NG 17640, VE2AFC 324.) NH counties: BP, Cl, CE, CS, GN , HO,
Inc lude a summary sheet wit h you r en- MK. AM . SD. SN
try show ing the scoring and other inter- There is an additiona l bonus of 20
mation, and a signed declaration that all New Hampshire OSO Party points for all sta tions working cl ub memo
rules and regu lations have been ob- 190QZ Sat. to 0 700Z Sun .. Feb. 1-2 ber stations WB1CAG, W1 OC, WB1FFZ,
served, 140QZ Sun. to 0200Z Mon.• Feb. 2-3 K1RD . W1WOM, N1BYO, KB 1HJ, and
Mailing deadline for CW entries is Feb- K0 UNJ (a ma ximum of 160 bonus points).
ruary 28th . and March 3 1s1 for the SSB The New Hampshire ARA is again Frequencies : CW-1 8 10, 3559, 7055.
section. Logs can be sent directly to the sponsoring this yea r's party. 14055, 2 1055, 28055. Phone-1 875,
160 Contest Director , Don McClenon, The same station may be worked on 3935.7235. 14280. 2 1380,28580,50115,
N4IN , 3075 Flo rida Avenue. Melbourne, eac h band and eac h mode lo r OSO 144205. Novice- 3730 , 71 30. 2 1130,
Fl 32904 . They. of course, can always be points, but the multiplier is counted onc e 28 130.
sent to CO 160 Meter Contest. 76 North only. NH·to·NH contacts are permitted Award s: Certi ficat es to the top scorers
Broadway, Hick svi lle. NY 11801 . (Please for OSO c redit. in each NH county, each ARAL sec tion,
indicate CW or SSB on the envetcoe.i Exchange : RS(T) and OTH . Coun ty lor and eac h OX country (mi nimum 5 OSOs).
NH stations; ARRl sec tion or OX country The Concord Brasspounders are award.
for others. ing a plaque to the top scorer in New
French OX Contest Scoring : One point per OSO for NH sta- Hampshire. Al so, W1JB is awarding the
CVV: Jan.25-26 SSB: Feb. 22- 23 tions. Multiply total by sum of ARRl sec- All NH Award to all participants working
0600Z Saturday to 1800Z Sunday tion s + NH counties + OX countries all 10 NH counties.
worked. (Exc luding NH section. US and Mailing deadline for logs is March 25th
This year 's announc ement from the Canada not countries. KH6 and Kl7 to Mount Moriah Repeater Assn., ao Bud
RE F showed no change from las t year' s count as countri es.) Others count 5 Va lcou rt, N1BYO. 19 Teague Dr ive, Sal-
forma t It's still the world working the pomt s lor each NH contact . Mult iply total em , NH 03079.
French Europea ns as we ll as the other
Frenc h depa rtments and territor ies all ....' ..1I111... CO"IIULTl'"
over the world . The French areas can
usually be identified by the letter " F" in 'REMOTE A PAD'"
the prefix. MODELRAP-1
Classes: Single operator and rrwrn-oo- 2 f OUII DIGiT Of l,l f
era tor. Multi stations must remain on the OECOOERS. PlUS 18 DIGIT
same band at leas t 15 minu tes .
Elchal'lge : RS(T) plus a a-ucu re 000
number starting wi th 001 . Frenc h eta- ': I:: ~p::".:=.&t<osUod
._-_ - _
TU"I TNI _ L a f _

_-- -
YOUIl " .....DHILO"'""'U"" 11...010

nons will also include two figures o r let-

l li l ::.
f. · l E O .~ e .... ",,,oe.wr
• Open collec\OO'" o utput
.__ ...----_._-- - -
_ _, ,__... 01 ._. . _- .. ....
ters identifying their department.
Points: One point per contact be tween
station s in the same continen t, 3 points it
wit h ot her continents.

• WI;II;J &
_ M ODEL nll;J _
- • Convol
0 • Cont.roi

• on H! VOC
m"te a"doo
on ioN
1'I 'TI ~- - • Custom IC "'.u..... hogh
...,loab,lot, & . ma ll " "10 '
F I~ ln.'d ' m<l6e~IOS run"

... - .. _-_
·'-. 1--.-------
cooo """" ...... . _
...... """" co..' _ __. ___

_ _ .. , ..0.-
. "0_ _ '
"""" IC-1Ol .. ""'"" e-.. "

. . ' :::·-0::=:._..: -...... ---

. _.......__.
_ "'"'" '...._


.. . _

" .-

$59 • 95 '3~m .J
_ - ·- ,-1·--·_. '_......,-... -.._-..
Multiplier: Each French European de- • Qy., ,5OO d,tf.,..,nt C""'....' Mode l RA.P ·! • ;;;::;..
partment (95) and each overseas depart- • Mak P " . cell"nt p,"y.t. call on bU"1 ...,p".t"I'5' $149.95 . = &~"""=., I~I U I ~''' _
• Use It w tUI"fl on .ud"' .... aound.n a l. 'm
... - :.'i:".:::.....-,-....-- " _-...
men t and territory worked, Al so DA 1 and
DA2 French Army, 2A and 2B Corsica ,
and the Club station F6REF.
• Momen~"Y and lae ch,ng out pue.
MOIee..c.n:l .nd V_ .co. pta d. or ..nd o hec ki M 0
eel .dd.... . "dd 6", !l'" ic. ,nolo"" • • h,pp,ng USA. 5e-r>" to
R.mote contf'Ol

.nd DTM F
,neerl. e. bOIl'" •
. ......... __""'_
- __
,,,.... - '''1
oe _
.-'''' _ ._ ....
Final Score: Total OSO points fr om all
five bands (3.5- 28 MHz) limes the sum of
the multiplie rs from each band.
Awards: Certificates to the top score rs
in each coun try. Europe an single opera-
tor must make at least 100 OSOs: mutn-
operators 250 OSOs. All other areas 50
Ooos for singl e operator, 100 OSOs for
mcm-ooeratot .
Stat ions making over 250 contacts
must inctude a dupe check lis t with the ir
log. The usua l disqua lification rules for P!'oce . >d , . , -. . .
" .
excessive duplicate contacts and other , ,
violat ions will be stric tly enfo rc ed.
All entries must be pos tmarked no
later than Marc h 15th for CW and April
• Uaa
• ~ .. ' 8 d'll'ta . . ,
.. _ O TM' _
""". .nbett'a...m'tted
5 83 CANDLE WOOD ST., BREA, CA 92621
(714) 671-2009
15th for sse. This year they go to The • EMdy P"OlI..... yOUI' com"" >II BASIC 1tI_"",lIJ·
d'!lot -. lring. -. d-.ple, dog ' IOUnd ........ _
....... ~ _ con ~"'" .. Ie" ... moee baM
REF Cont est Com mittee, All : lucien • So mpl. to ...., I"'" """"da +' 2 VOC ..." e ud... hook
Aubry, F8TM. 53 Rue Marceau. 911 20 t_ ........ CO u.. RS-232 _C , ,npu, on ,' o." co m Pu·
tar, .nee, . ",mpl. BASIC P"OlI m.nd b8gln to d""ocl.
Patatseau. Fra nce . • samp'. BASIC p"'ll, . m end InlVuol,,,,,. ,neluded
(Of the 286 CW and 121 phone • I..E.O.ln">cetD!"
M o d a I D AP - 1
liD BCDd B-A - P • d"
oversea s logs received in the 1985 con- Wired end Tested $S9.95
test , the follOWing were the only North Inolu1. eh,pp,ng USA eel."" ....... edU 6 'llo FOA Al l AMAlEUR WIRE & CABLE
VISA end M IlS~ ..cen:l «u p"'d 0__n1 c ~ ec ' ,' M 0 to Belden & Equiva len l
American en tries. CVV: W1 BVVS 37548 (803) 895· 4195 (SC & Ragchew)
points, KA1DWX 12432, W3ARK 5550. " . 3 C A N D L E W D DD . T • • • • A . CA . . . . . ~
7~" ''''7~ ·.OO.
K5ZP 686, WA3JXW 240, W lOPJ 126, PITTMAN ROA D. RO UTE. 2. LA NDRU M. SC 29356

Say You Saw It In CO J8nuary 1988 • CO • 19

Talk to the World With Your Computer!
Newsome Electronics NEW RTIV/CW Interface and Program Cartridge for
the VIC·20. Commodore·54 and C·128!
As reviewed b y Lew McCoy, WIICP fo r CQ Magazine ! (No v. 85,
Check these EXCLUSIVE features nollound in any other T/U !
- Automa tic Rn y scanning: Baudot 6O-66-7!). 1()l).132
AS CII l1D-300 plus Invert & repeal !
- Tape a ll incoming or outgoing data " o n the IIV" W HI LE
- t ece e- load at 16K/min rate ! (A lm os t as l as t as a disk.)
Tape st arts/st ops automatically.
- r ece s ea rc h ! (Monitor di splays only what you are
searc hing f or on ta pe.)
- s eu Test! (No test equipment re quired f or f lU check
o u t.)
- c o mpreterv crystal cont ro lled on transmtt e Complete KVBD con trol. no swncnes e Screen display of operating modes and
m emory stze e Automati c CW tracking 5·127 wpm e M SO (RB SS) prog ram · l o g g i ng program · KYBD seletable H I/ low tone
pairs to ta ke advan tage 01 utters 10 your receiver s Wi ll oper ate CWo MCW, Break CW . CW speed lock . en-screen tuning in·
dicator • Split screen » On- screen ctocs s Log g ing sc ra tc h pad e Al l Y svnc s Edit mode . 26 instant call-up message bu ffe rs
plus memory liling system · In M SO (ABBS). user may assign rea d . wr i te. l is t & delete codes . Exira memory may b e added lor
larg er M SO . etc. • M em ory can be scrolled. edit ed. re.tra namit ted . taped . etc . • W ill also tr a n s m it number 0 1 bytes rema ining in
memory and time that is displayed on tne screen .
Desig ned b y amateurs tor amateurs Rout ines in ttn s prog ra m were orlgmally developed in 1974 by Charles " M e rlin" Myer
IWBVCFI a nd recenuv updated to state 01 the art There are over 100 runcuons 10 ttu s pr ogram (1 0 0 many to list here), A cr cte s-
s.onat glass epox y crrcuu to aru. orates thr ough holes. and gold tabs. one-veer warranty . II you dont think th is IS Ihe un est
ATY CWIT U tr netace and pr ogram o n the market . ret urn II wutun 30days lor lull retund ness s tu p pm q j. no ques tion s ask ed ! TIU
pruqs « uo user pori. p rogram c ar t rId ge plugs IOta expan si on ron No hidden ext ra s to buv . Th e onl y thm g you need 10 supply IS a
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ORDER: CM·20 (tor ic·20) 1 4. --I
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19675 All en Rd . • Trenton. Mich igan 48183 (add S3.SO for shlpplng a handl ing
In t'" Continental U.S. $1.00 lor o-na. )
(313) 479·2100 Mich. residents add 4% . a '. ' tax

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80 • co • January 1986 Say You Saw It In CO
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9M2 before independence and overnight
The wind passeth over it, wen t toa deleted status for contacts upto
And it is gone , a certain date and to a new country for
And DXers thereof shall know it no more. contacts aller a certain date. Others
Deleled! such as Trieste and Saar, disputed after
WW II, were absorbed into another coun-
try. Then again , a restudy of cr iteria
showed that an area once credited might
¥# hiIe most DXers suspect there is al- not really qualify for country status.
ways a basic logic 10 the ways of DXing Things like that. " If the Loca l was not yet
and the simple rules guiding the great en- understanding, it was obvious tha t he
deavors, there are times when some ask, wa s thinking. " And why not delete them
" Why?" It was not long ago that one of completely? " he said, prodding us to fur-
th e l ocals came up the hill one afternoon ther explanations. We had to try.
through a year-end storm to aqaln ask the " Years back," we had to admit, " we
question. This one came to lea rn. were asking the same question ou r-
" Tell me about these deleted coun- selves. Delete a country and it should be
tr ies," he said, and the field of his inquiry wiped clean. But there would be a terrific
was marked. " How come they take them bookkeeping problem, and it actually is
away from me once I have earned them? only pertinent to the Honor Roll. Else-
And why, when I check the June Honor where all it means is another sticker for
Roll listing, do I see those numbers still your certificate, and once you have coun-
behind DXers on the Honor Roll? There Those who have get, and Billy Williams, tries you keep them. The Honor Roll start-
are some there as high as 367 . With only N4UF, shows the award given to hIm by ed out by counting everything, current
315 countries on the current DXCC Coun- the North Florida Amateur Radio Society. and deleted countries, but along the way
try list. is there a plan to reduce the num- N4UF has handled the CO OX Awards and after a number of years it was real-
ber of DXCC countries? Is there some- Program for a good number at years. At ized that including deleted countries was
thing that I don't know about? " conventions and gatherings you will rec- affecting the qualification fo r the Honor
Something he d id not know about? ognize him easily behind that CO logo. If Roll, So in Ap ril 1962 when there were on-
Everyone knows that DXers know every- you want more information on the CO OX ly 46 callsigns on the mixed Honor Roll
thing. and some more so. The feeling was Program just check elsewhere in this col- and 15 on the phone roster, the rules
that this one knew about all of this but umn. N4UF is there every month. were changed so that deleted countries
perhaps did not understand. Wisdom no longer counted for the Honor Roll,
usually comes with age-that and a list- though the total current and deleted
ing on the Honor Ro ll. And it is the old OX- or Roll and cling to the lower edge by a countries continued to be noted for those
ers with those big numbers after their mere country or so. The joy of attaining on the Honor Roll. Back then, because of
calls on the Honor Roll listing. But that is the exalted realm is dulled by the appre- the small numbers two were removed
the way it has always been. hension that comes in the long hours of from the m ixed Honor Roll roster and
"No, " we replied, " there is no plan to the night when a DXer must worry if he three new ones were added. In the phone
reduce the number of DXCC countries. will be bumped from the Honor Roll by a listings it resulte d in one new callsign be-
And no, they don't take countr ies away deletion . With a number of the current ing added. In April 1962 PY2CK was atop
from you once you have worked them. countries not available and hardly ex- the Honor Roll with 306 countries; 23
The glory is yours fo reve r. They are delet- pected to be in the fo rese eab le future, a years later he still is in the top of the cur-
ed from the country list. They may not lo w standing on the Honor Roll can be rent countries with 315 of the curren t and
count fo r the Honor Roll, but they will be more worrisome than a receding hairline 364 combined. In the last Honor Rolf
in your DXCC total always. " When the Lo- to a maturing DXer. One needs a cushion listing W1GKK has the biggest combined
cal started nodding his head at all of this, and there are none available. But the lo- total of current and deleted countries ;
we fe lt that he was understanding. As it cal was ready with a question sometimes bac k in 1962 he was stuck at 304 with 9
sometimes happens , we were a bit ahead asked: "Why delete at all? And, if you other cal ls between him and the top. Now
of ourselves . have to delete. why not just wipe things George lea ds the pack . Th ink of that! "
" Well , that sounds good," the Loc al clean? Delete a deletion from every- The local was thinkin g. More than
said. "I was thinking that if I have those thing! ., once it has been he ard said that longevity
deleted countries taken off my total, I We had to ta ke things one at a time. is a factor in DXing, that the top DXers are
would have problems with the Honor Roll. "Countries are deleted more often than the ol d Dxers. Some qualify this by saying
But if I keep them always, there should be not because there has been a change in tha t the ol d DXers have the biggest total
no problem. I'll just work them and keep the sovereignty of an area. Some of those of countries only because they have
them . And that's the way things should al- deleted were colonial areas. They are de- DXed so long. Bu t one must face the in-
ways be in DXing , right? " leted under one designa tion or callsign evitab le truth in that the country total is al-
Not quite. We had to again note that and show immediately under another. ways a significant factor in DXing. The
deleted countries do not count for the Some we re disputed territory, this show- more countries you work, some say, the
Honor Roll listing, but that the biggest ing frequently after WW II. But when the better DXer you are. Some, natu rally,
worry comes when you do make the Hon- dispute was settled, sowas the fate of the have some reservations about this, not-
DXCC country. Count ries disappearing to ing that no true-blue Dxer. no matter
show under another DXCC credit include what his to ta l, is ever heard calling " CO
77 Coleman Dr., San Rafael, CA 94901 Malaysia, which is now 9M2, bu t was also DX." But the Honor Roll is alwa ys the uttt-

Say You Saw It In CO January 1986 • CO • 81

There were other things that this one
The WPX Program

.... was thinking about, mostly about Ox. Fi-
nally he said, "I used to think that the
OXCC list was something that never
, ieo N7A IH 1183 VE?f DA
changed, but I am learning differently. "
1 1 a1 JA4 EPE 1164 SV1PL We had to agree with him, for the original
1182 Kt!YF
criteria afterWW II took a year or so tooe-
S.S .B . velop. and there have been changes over
tjea VU2JP N 1765 W9GMV the years, " The big problem with the
N401T "" YB 28 0T
OXCC to some, " we had to note , " is that
they want to judge the list and the criteria
in the context of the present and fail to re-
2335 W3G)(1( 2331 SMfC(;E
asa JJ1EMA member that it has almost 40 years of de -
Bobby Martin, VP2MO, al his operating velopment and change worked into it.
Endorsements position on the Island of Monserrat, Brit· What you have now is what you are going
450 N 7AIH, K0IYF . SV1PL 500 W 3K:HO , SV1PL ish West Indies. (Photo by KG6IP) to have to work with. It changes, but stow.
550 AA4LB, W3KHQ, SV1PL 600 W3I< HO,
$ V1PL 6 50 W 141\. W 3l\ HQ. SV1P L 700 W141<, ty." We were thinking that having come to
$V1Pl 750 W14 1\ . S\llPL. BOO W141<, KX 1A,
SV1PL 650 W I41( \050 W60UL 1100 YU2CO, this point, the Local was aboul through
W6 0UL. 1150 K20lG, YU2GO. W6D U L 1200 "Okay," he said after listening to all of with his questions. He still had one more.
W60UL 1250W60Ul 2200 W 4BQ Y
SSB 350 CP8IH, W6YLJ 400 CP8IH. ZS6BCR 450 our explanations, "so George De Gren- "If all of this is true and one is a young
NE8Q. CP6I H, KS3F 500 AC3T 550 AC3T 650
W 14 1<, 700 Wl4 1( 750 W141\, 1< 31;>:0 800 WI41(
ier, W1GKK, has the big totals But how OXer or wants to be one ," the Local con-
850WI4 1(ll!ISGF 9IlO 1I:lSGF 105 0 11HA G 1 100 does a OXer like myself ever hope to work tinued, " what can you do 10 make sure
AC2J 1300 W A1JMP 1550 W48QY
ow 350 SMl'CC E. 400 SM0CCE 450 VE2PT. them all? That's what bothers me!" that you get to the top of the OXCC list?
SMOCCE 600 SMoc:GE , ZS68CR 650 VE4AEX
Frankly, one does not. Times change, Certainly there must be a way."
SMOCCE 700 W9PWM SMOCCE 750 YU2CO, the criteria change, and what was yester- Maybe there is and maybe there are a
SMoc;(;E, 900 W9 NO, SMOC:CE 950 SM0CCE day's OX is gone forever. Probably noone 101 who would find that way. Maybe even
1000 WIDM D , SMilC(;E 1050 $MOCCE, will work Ihem all. "The present OXCC we could help him on the way.
IS0f PH 1200 SMOCCE 1250 SMI!CCE 1300 started afresh after WW II," we said, " Check the last listing of the Honor
SM0CCE 1350 SMi'CCE, 1400 SMi'CCE 1450
SM0CCE 1500 SM0CC E 1800 W4BOY "and the first deleted country came in Roll," we advised, " and you will find a
1949 and Newfoundland-labrador was K6JG listed at 3151341. Abit further dow n
10 m"ters PY2DBU. SMoc;CE, ZS6BCA deleted Thus, one would have to have you will find a WA60ET listed aI315/340.
15 meters PV2DB U SM0CCE, ZS6BCR
20 meters SM0CCE. PY2DB U been a journeyman DXer prior to that first Check the Callbook and you will find them
40 mel ers SM0CCE deletion to have any hope of working at the same QTH-Pete and Jessie Bil-
80 melers SM0:XE
them all, deletions and everything else. Ion. What do you think of that?"
But maybe that wou'dn't have been
Alr>ca W6 0 U L , SMi'CCE , ZS6BCR The local was bugged-eyed at the
No Am"r>C3
So Amerrca
"HA lT. I/ E4AEX. SM0CCE. ZS6BCA enough." We knew that it would be hard thought. "You mean? .' he said,
Europe IV3PVD, VE4AH. SMOCCE to have worked every possible OXCC "That's right! " we replied. When it
Ocean", SM0CCE
country because we had to remember comes to OXing those OMIYL teams are
Award 01 E,cenenet IBVAI<
Wrangel Island. The Local was waiting unbeatable. Sometimes we wonder why
for our explanation to continue. this IS never mentioned at Novice classes
Award 01 E,cenerlCt Molde,,: W4CAW K5 UA , K6XP, K2 \1\1,
VE3XN, Dl l M D, DJ7CX, DL3 RK, W B4SIJ, D U M. ON 4QX , "Back in September 1960," we con- and such places. Bul then again, there
tinued, "there was a notice that Wrangel are some things about OXing which must
CT 1FL. WBRSW , WMOMO. W8Il C. VE7DP, K9BG, W 1BWS, was being deleted from the OXCC Ooun- be learned. Alert OXers do before the
G4B UE. N3£O . L U3VZIW4 NN40. KA3A. VElWJ . VEl IG,
N2AC, W9NU F , N4NX, SMOOJZ , DI:5A D, W D 91IC. W 3ARK , try list. The notice said that since Wrangel
LAlJO , VK4 SS. K6JG, N4MM, IBVRK Island met none of the OXCC country cri-
A.. "d 01 E.cellllnCll Holders .. ~h 160 meler endOtumenl: N4MM, teria, it was being dropped However, the The WAZ Program
1< 5UA OI< 1M P, W8CN l , WI JA , W5UA, W6 ASW, WBllC,
W1BWS, G4B UE, LU3Vl!W4. VE7WJ . W9N U F, N4NX, not ice also mentioned that since no one
SMOOJZ, D K5AD. W3ARK . LA7JO , W 41/0, K6JG , W 4CRW had ever worked Wrangel Island, no
Complel e rule s an d appllcaMn for ms ma y be obla,ned by one's OXCC totals would be affected. 10 Meter Phone
send>ng a buslne ss·size, sell ·eddlessed , Slampe<j en vek>pe
What do you think of that?"
(toreign ,1aloO<1s sen d e,lra POSlage II air·mail deSired) 10 CO
WPX Award s, P,o. 80, 135 1, TO f1ance, CA90505·035 1 U S A The Local was shaking his head. "So """
20 Meter CW
that's why some say no one will ever be
able to say they worked them all. But do
you think that that will ever happen
'" ' ;QQ
80 Meter CW
again?" SM5 AKT
male achievement 10 most DXers. Reach Possib ly not. But always there will be
that goal and your call will be forever something to draw a Dxer's attennon .
and we just had to drop one on the Local.
All Band WAZ
engraved in granite, or so some believe.
But we can remember some old Dxers "Maybe not. But how about deleting a S.S.B.
saying that that is just the way things whole band from OXCC?" We had him EABAFS 2986 AD8W
should be. "Old DXers are at the top DL3 ML 2981 JA4AFK
nailed for sure. 584 M F 2988 W6C ZY
because they worked to get there" is the "Never, " he stoutly retorted. " While I
explanation often given. When it is noted haven't read all the rules for some years,
C.W. and Phone
that younger DXers have a number of en- I do recall that a contact in an authorized 59 10 JH3CBN 5912 Dl5GGA
59 11 et ew 5913 DJ9RA
trenched hurdles to clear, the adv ice is amateur band is all that is required." But
heard: " Let 'em earn it like we did!" We hardly had he said this when he paused , AppI 'CaIIOnS and repunt, o f I ~e lale.l rules may be obtaIned
by sendrng a se lt addressed .tamped envelope (31 canIS) s",e
are still grappling with that argument. the question clear on his face. 4 'I, " 9 '17 to tbe W AZ Mana ger. Leo HaltSman , W~KA, 1044
S E 43 St r<ffll, CnpeCoral, Florida 3391)4 Appll canlS lorwa rd·
Sometimes it is suspected that the closer "You mean? . ." he said. "Get a new rngOSL cardS " ,Iher d " ec l lo Ihe WAZ mana ger or loa ehee'
you are to the 315 current country mark, DXCC list," we advised, and that was the po,nl sl!ou!d Include ,u ll lc,enl POSlage for sale !elurn of Ihe"
QSL cards The pr ocessirtg fe e for all C,O awe rds III $~,OO l or
the easier it is to understand it. But right way it went. Sometimes the re are things sotecnoers an d $10 for non,subscribe rs, In orde r 10 qual1fy
then we were still trying to understand the to be learned on the 10 MHz band. We 10 ' Ihe subscriber ra te , ple ase en close your late ;1 CO marl.rtg
label With yOU! appl,ca tron
questions of the Local. were sure that he would.

82 • CO • January 1986 Say You Saw II In CO

01 sema ntics. Anyhow. the pertinent portio n ot
5 Band WAZ the ARRL an nouncement in this mailer went:
"In rev iewing Rule 2(a) of the Coun tries list
Standings as of October 1,1985 Criteria, the Awards Committee concluded
that the fi rst sen tence was operative in mak-
All 200 zones worked: ing measurements: ' Island s situated ott-snore
from their governing area must be geograph-
1. ON4UN 37 OK1AWZ 73 VK9NS ic a lly separated by a minimum o f 225 miles 01
2. K4MOG 38 IV3PRK 74. N4KG open wate r.' Since the A leutian Is lands are in-
3 SM4CAN 39 DJ6RX 75. YU7DX deed a part of the 'governing area' o f Alaska,
4. M6M 40. OH3Yl76. DL8MAG and since the Pnbilots are less than 225 miles
5 W8AH 41. 14RYC 77. OK3DG from the Aleutians. the Committee failed to
6 W6KUl 42. ZL 1BIL 78. ZL1S00 see how they would Qualify fo r separate
7 EA8AK 43 14EAT 79 EAglE sta tus. The Commi ttee further determined ,
8 LA7JD 44. ZL1BOD 80. DL7HZ throug h examination of preceden t and evcru-
9 EA3SF 45. TG9NX 81 DJ9RQ lion of the word ing of the criteria over some 40
10 . OH1XX 46. XElJ 82 EA55P years of the D XCC. that the 'mainland' refer-
11 . EABOZ 47 . F5VU 83. EA21A Richard Oanine, TRBOR, on the left, ence in 2(a) only pertains to wha t situa tions
12. W@SD 48 W3AP 84. SP3BOD points with pride toa OSL valued by many the rule applies."
13 K@ZZ 49. Y03AC 85 LZ1 NG OXers-a true-blue TNBEE OSL detiv- The contention o f the A laska D X Group
14. ON60S 50. K3TW 86. N4JF ered by the call holder himself. TRBOR is seek ing country status for the Pribilofs was
15. OK3TCA 51 XE1QX 87. CT2AK on the le ft, TNBEE is in the cen ter, and on that the distance should be measured from
16 K6SSS 52. VE71G 88. HB9CIP
the right TA8JLO is there to certify that the mainland, and not an ott-shore island. In
17 ZL3GQ 53. OK1ADM 89 OK1MG the above. the dista nce apparently was mea-
18. OK3CGP 54 . CTlFl 90. CT4BD the card is true-btue. This wa s taken in
su red from Unalaska in the A leutians. In the
19 SM@AJU 55 WA 1AEA 91, VK6HD front of the TABO R countr y estate in
July meeting o f the ARRL Board of Di rectors
20 OZ3PZ 56. N4RR 92. EA6ET downtown Libre vitle at the Central Africa the mailer was taken directly to the board by
21 . 13MAU 57 . UW@MF 93. VK30t Ham fest last August. (TRBOR photo) the OX Advisory Committee, thus by-passinq
22 . 12ZGC 58 W4DR 94. LZ2DF the Awards Committee. The boar d tabled the
23 . 4Z4DX 59 QK 1MP 95 DN4QX motion to accept the affi rmative recommen-
24 N4 KE 60 W1 NW 96. SMrilDJC calls and no WPX can be ga ined from them, da tion o f the D XAC, and in view of the action of
25 K5UR 61. OE1ZJ 97, CT3BM WPX has a lways been an HF operation the Aw a rd s Committee, the outlook for ac tion
26 K9AJ 62. H89AHL 98 K2TQC In these days of declining sunspots and the a t the January meeting later this month must
27. SM3EVR 63 HB9AMD 99 EA8XS long wai t for the bottom of the cycle, WPX can be considered as not hope ful. It may be in·
28 LA5YJ 64 lA60T 100. HA9RE provide a lot of action. Considering that there teresting to note the future activity of the
29 DL3RK 65. UR20D 101. SM4CTT is a vast horde 01 prefixes o ut the re. and more A laskan group. they having devoted a couple
30 N4WJ 66 UK2RDX 102. A7 1AD all the time, you wi ll never run out of WPX p re- of years to a wen-o rcennec. articulate, and
31 G3MCS 67 . ZS5lB 103, LZ2CC fixes to work That's for sure. heavily researched program to gain country
32 . 68. F6DZU 104. SM5CLE sta tus for the Pribitots.
33 WfbMLY 69 . DL4YAH 105. Lll HA Albania
34 f(~RIZ 70 LAlZO 106, SM5AKT
While ZA stations are being heard, often VE OX Report
35. ON5NT 71. W9ZR 107 CT4NH
drawing a lot of attent ion and things like that, Mo st newly m inted D Xers sense it. Old·
36 OH6JW 72. W1 NG 108 lL4BO
the re are many who are skept ical about Just timer Dx ers are su re of it. Dxers are always
The lop 12 contenders lor 5 Band WAZ are: about everyone who shows. lA l AS was on a part 01 the whole and to lose any pa rt is a re -
couple o f months back. an EA3 taking a list to gret. In A ug ust Alan Leith, VE3 FRA, the long-
1. DK5AD .199 7 LA9GV.198 work him. time publisher of the "D X Report," announced
2 JA1BWA,199 8 W6GO, 198 Fro m downtown Moln dal SM6FLL a nd tha t Job respons ibilities necessitated his eno.
3 JA3EMU, 199 9 W4CEB,198 SM5DXL write to pass o n what they have ing the publication 01 that OX bulletin,
4 . N4WW.199 10 W2YY , 198 learned from their own cultural con tacts with Mod eled after the long- established "DX
that needed country. Stefan and Unrnar write, New s Sheet " founded by Geoff Walls and now
5 K6YRA, 199 11 . G3G IQ,198
" W e cons ider o xoeoruons to A lbania unreal- published by RSGB, the "D X Report" gave a
6 W8UVZ.199 12. K7UR. 198
istic, bot h d ue to the genera! policy and out - brief , conc ise. but comprehensive review 01
343 Stalions have attaine d lhe 150 lone level look of the Albanian government and d ue to DX activi ty, The August 27 th issue was the
the specific co nd itions in the area at present. 120th and last edi tion of the bulletin. VE3FRA
" A lba nia takes pride in her independence in the last issue announced that " QRZ DX"
and fore ign attempts to 'enforce' ham rad io published by Bob Winn, W 5KNE. would fill out
magic hour is gone-a long with the de- may on ly lead to suspicion. National amateur any remaini ng subscriptions to the "OX
leted coun tries. rad io exists in Albania b ut not in the regu lar Report, ..
ama teur bands. Recently a big nationa l corn- M any DXers believe that the DX b ulletins
The WPX Program petition was held and the results announced in are a basic part of DXing. Fresh, relevant. and
the daily press. comple te DX inlormat ion is always needed.
Norm Koch , K6ZDL , who handles the WPX
" Mo st likely, at least alter a release in the and tho ugh many may never actually sub-
program, notes that the WPX Honor Roll files
tension ex isting In the Balkan area , lA can. scribe to a b ulletin, the information ors-
are all in the great computer and the coverage
signs wi ll be heard in the in te rna tio nal ham semina ted s hows up in many p laces and from
is down to those with 1000 prefi xes to their
bands. Until otuctar no tic e is g iven, there is many re lays, They are part 01 the whole pte-
credit, In the future, once a WPX activist
good reason to con side r all 'lA' callsigns NO ture of OXing. No D xer nor any OX bulle tin
reaches the threshold of a thousand prefixes.
GOOD. ever disappears from the scene without the
into the computer the file goes.
"Our point of v iew is based o n o ur cu ltural feeling of loss. The "DX Report" was highly
The computer listings are a big step for -
co ntacts w ith Atbante.c-Steta n. SM6FLL, and consid e red by ma ny a nd it will be missed ,
ward Previously the files we re in each aeon.
Ullmar, SM5DXL
ca nt's own, distinctive, and sometimes almos t
undecipherable handwriting, Now it is neat FCC Preemptive Strike
and clean, and duplicates have been identif ied The Pribilofs For a number of months last ye ar the FCC
and weeded out. Duplicates? Mor e than o ne When the matter o f country status fo r the had the A RRL petition tor dec la ra to ry relief for
insta nc e of ove r a hundred d upes w as un c ov- Pnbilcts got to the ARRL Awar ds Committee , it ama teurs from loca l a ntenna ordinanc es. In
ered in the computer printo uts was flat ly tur ned down-s-and una nimously late fa ll the FCC madea ru ling w hich . whi le not
Norm notes an influ x of claims lor European The vote was seven to ze ro against co untry going all out lor the across -the-board p reemp-
VHF cal ls. These Include DA4. DB , DC, 00, status. The decis ion was based on an inter- tion that had been asked, did d eclare that local
DG, and EB p re fi xes. The o ARC and the EA·li· preta tion o f Rule 2(a) 01 the DXCC Cou ntry regulations wh ich preclude amateur radio
cense au thorities indicate tha t these are VHF criteria, and possibly even on some questions comm unications a re in d irect con flict w ith teo-

Say You Saw It In CO January1986 • CO • 83

CO DX Honor Roll
The CO OX Honor Roll recognizes those DXers who have submitted orcor of confirmation I"
with 275 or more ACTIVE ccuntnes for the mode indicated The ARRL DXCC Countries Lrsns , I
used as the country standard Honor Roll listing is automatic when submilting application 01
eroorsernent tor 275 or more countries, Deleted coumnes do not count and ale dropped
from ItSllng as they occur Total countries are now 315. To remain on lt1eGa OX Honor Roll,
annual updates are requued Honor Roll updates may be made at any lime. In any number
Updates 1nc!lcahng "no change" will be accepted to meet the annual requrrernent All up-
dates must be accompanied by an SASE tor cootnmauon The fee lor endorsements involv-
ing the Issuance of a sticker IS $1 00

294 eec
Sr.w>C$T ""
"" On holiday in England. Keith Hollow,
318 W'BOV 310 Wfn
"'" 291 W2LZX
soa "0""
"- A92P, met with another DXer from rus
YU2TW ~,

"I .......

home town in California. From the left
are: Keith Hollow, A92P, his XYL Andra
eoe _
w"'"' 314 Kl"'U,1 ", '>LoG 284 OlIOT on Hollow, Jack Reeder. W6NGl, and his



XYL Pamela. From Bahrain A92P has
made over 9000 A92 contacts with the
Deserving, Keith is also ex-lD7KH,
9L1KH, MP4BJS, A9XP, and G8SLT. He
S.S.8. also holds the current call of G4S0K. The

KC&EU '"
group met on the Cornish coast in En·
gland at Penzance and toured southwest
312 HP1JC
312 KM6Il 3Q4 ti881<.F
W,W, 316 K4UQG W08MGO 304 England together. At home W6NGl runs
Vl'3 ...R 316 N~"''''
312 V£1HP 304 1<4(:ll.Y
Vl'30lR '"
'" stacked Yagis on 20, a wet/-known tena
0',,," 316 12110 312 )(ElKS 303 YU7KV
",.. ese """ '" mark on the edge of Silicon Valley.

296 W83HAZ
303 WZ41 '"
K08V'" 316 N2SS 312 KU91 303 W"""" '296
303 """
w"'." '295
0' '"
'''' 316 K6EC 311 Wl'iNlG 303 AE58
'" prevailing tetsses-nous (alfe corcmon Some


1(' MEl.l
might. In such instances. urge cauuon In not
rocking the boat. In ttus instance It ooes seem
302 "'"
11PQR '"
that the ARRL look the acuon and qct a deer-
soo benetitmq to Dxers.

ZL 1800 ,,,
,,, Council 01 Europe
w'""o 315 IV3YRN 310 VE3FJE 301 K4SE 293 G4fAl,l AI Sttasbourq in France. the Councilor Eu-
315 AN;AA
310 WB4NDX 301 ,="
293 MilT ", rope has authorized a headquarters slat ion,
315 VE3GCO
EA3KW '"
ars this signing the call TP21. The council is an m-
309 W81LC/ORpp
301 WA4l0F
292 EA60E
'" ternalional organization represen ting 21 01
OJ9za 315 K1UO
309 301 292 W90Kl
the democratic coun tries In western Europe,
and It coordinates member country acnvnv In
301 W8lKG
K4BYK '"'" po litical. cultural. and judicial nerds. It a lso
K3lUE '"''"" hand les problems dealing Wi th human nqnts.
Patrick Bigg ige r, F6EYS, passes along all

WA2fKF '"'"z n this Informa tion, F6EYS is also the OSL route
308 K85FU 300 W4JFE 291 KII80 lor CW contacts with TP21. ttus station is ur-
Ol~EV 314 N4KG 308 KB9!\0 300 KlYHS 291 WlJ,0lJfl zn
W2SUA 314 VE4SK 301 K3UA 300 W6l,lFC 291 W~PTT zn der Director Francis Kremer, F6FOK, who is
on the OSL Manager lo r SSB activity With TP21
ONSKl 313 WtIGR 301 IllKC1 300 I<P4EOf 291 K2Jf on Other headquarters operators Include F8RU,
0£3WWB 313 W7FP
WA4QPW '"'"
ts Ted Roomson F6EOG, Paruck Eqlctf: and
F6HIX. Jean-Ctaude Derewmskr
KC21lS '"'" TP21 was due to be heard starting In tate De-
cember and should be on the air about the
JH ivsc
299 OKIAWl
'" lime you get this issue 01 CQ In lIS iocauon at

V£7BS'" '"
'" Strasoocrq. the neecccerterscr the Councuot
W.... WTG
caxrr '"arem
Europe enrovs exrraremtonat status. and
there was hope rOI new country status on the
K8VFV 298 VE3CYJI 285 GlUEO DXCC country list. However, the accouon 01
Rule 5to the DXCC country Criteria at the last
ARRL Board meeting probably Will dull thaI ao-
erer corecnves and are. therefore. preempted must be me minimum regulalJOO needed over ncioauon. That TP pretrx was deleted from the
The FCC slated roat ocet regulatIOnS which in- amateur antenna msiauatcns French mtemauooat callsign series and or-
volve placement. screemeo. Of heIQht of an- All things considered. II does appear lhat IIC18l1y attributed to the ccoocu of Europe by
tennas based upon neenn. safety. 01 aesthetic exe-s made a SIgnificant gain uooer the FCC the ITU The address for TP21 IS. 8 Rue du
coneoerancos must reasonably accommo- fullng, though some may think II may rot nave General eeoevat 67000 suasooora. France
date amateur cowroocatcos and must also gooe far enough There have been, and orco- The cccocn of Europe is located In the Patars
represent the absolute minimum crecucatne ably always will be, gray areas where a oec- de L'Eurooe In SlrasoolHg
rules necessary to accomplish the goal 01 the son might go either way These are not only 10
local authority FCC rules, but 10 such as the ran-aarnev law One-Sixty
In us conclUdIng remarks to PRS-l, the FCC and SImIlar public policy leglslatlOO sore- DUring the last year trere have been some
staled thaI" had no mtentson 01 Irylng to legls- limes neither side wants to take a chance VOICes reeeo In an eucn to bmlQ some order
tate any minimum hel9htlimll 101 amateur an- challenging such situations, considering that 10 the operations 00 160 In some Instances
tennas. stipulating that any local requrabons an adverse cececo mlQht be cisastrous to a there are calls for "gentlemen'S" agreements

84 • CO • January 1986 Say You Saw It In CO


~C,R P O,A~~ ®

.0 ' -0
, , . ;, . " ',,".
" " ,
~ ;; ~
. -O -- -OJ ' -
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"'--...,r-' -- . -•

$299. $299.
SIZE: 3 .2S"W a .O"L 1.5"H SIZE: 3.2S"W 9.75"L 1.5"H


MAXCOM, INC. 1309 SW 5th. Court, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312

Say Yo u Saw It In co January 1986 • CO • 85

•• . ..
CO OX Award s Program CW and sse ThIS eieoo IS east 01 the Palmer

50th Anniversary Award 1431
S.S .B.
Pemnsuta In Amaruca GACW IS also the OSL
route tor lY7X. lU3lY. lU3ZI. lU1ZA and
lUllE. an to t854 Longchamps Buenos
AIres JIm Hadlock. K7WA. in the "Totem
To co mmemorate th e 50th ann iver-
".. O17ABZ Tabloid" notes FT8XB should have a three-
e lement Vag i up by this time and the SIgnal
sary of th e WAZ A ward, CO is otter- C.w. should Improve Also. he notes that VKIJ CC
in g a spec ial WAZ c erti f ic ate for M' N4JF was a tecnmcan workrng with a scienttnc
tho se working the 40 zones be- group on Heard Island. but that stanon prob-
tween January 1 and December 31,
S.S.B. Endorsements ably has long gone by now P29JS irccates he
sec may be In the states ne~t year and mIght show
1986. cat.s s hou ld be submitted d i- "" 1(6WH!3T6
YVlIQ131S soc
wa.tU8013DO at the International OX Cooverncn at vrsaua's
rectly to our WAZ Award Manager,
"'" EA2 A!31S
No(;AW1313 ,,,
ICl6GF I29'l Holiday Inn Apol 18-20th P29JS plans for
,,, another Heard euon apparently are not mov-
Mr. Leo Haijsman, W4KA , 1044 S.E.
43 St reet, Cape Coral, Florida 33904.
N41(G/308 ace
Ing well
sec WD9I1X1307 Mobile WB4UBO The Corvms departed In early fall tor Africa.
aoo Kl8Yf305 28 MHz Jll BYZ
showing up a co up le of months back from ZS·
land They should be heard from a number of
C.W. Endorsements other SlOPS, these includIng planned three-
soc week slays at ZS3. A2. 7P. 306.58. lE. 70. 9J.
N4JFI316 N41(GI3O!>
N6CW1313 soo EA2I.vJ01
and poSSIbly cmers. You can usually catch the
KTl,IE"'I3C~ '"
'" Jl-ll VRO/281 late word on tnerr plans at 14002 kHz on Sun-
day at 1800Z or Mondays at O2OOZ A team
TOIa nurrt>e< 01 acl...... alUflt'_ 315 The DhoC _a'd ree Irom the Uruguay OX Groupoperated from the
lor SUbSC;,ibe's lOCO IS $4 Fornon-SUbSC:'ibe'S ,II$SI0 In Isla de Flores at the mouth of Ihe River Plate In
orde< 10 quaM~ lor lhe 'educeod sutlSC'lbe' ,ale, please en.
ck>se ~o," lalllSt CO ma "'Q laDeI w,Tn YOU' app!o::auon En early October usmq the spectat caus.qn CV0U.
dorsemenT stocke,s a'e St 00 UPdales nol ,nvotv'nQ tn" lSSu OSL to Bo x 20063. Montevideo
ance ot a shc~e' a'e ~",de hee when an S., s e ,s enclosed
10' con''''''',T",n of lotal RuleS and appl,cal lon ' o' ms tor Ihe The ARM , Assoc iation des Radio-Ama teurs
CO OX Awards P'OlI'am ma~ be obta,ned by ~ Ing a buS/- de Monaco . 's passing out the word tha t
"""" SIlO' NO 10 envelope aell·add,essed and slamped, to
CO OX Awa'ds l,Ianage' B I~ W, ",ms. N~Uf 80. 9613
Jacio."""v' lot Fl 322'Oll USA OX slaloorlS muSI 1I1(:!ude e"<8
3A2TO is coos.o Slim 3A2TO says hIS home
POStage tor u rna 'eoIY Please make u CI'o8c;'s pa~_10 call is EA5FDO. but there is no reccrocer
TI>e _a"Js _nalJ"" agreemen t between Mo nac o and Spam ARM
says the acnvnv was in Spain. OSLs sent to the
alleged manager in sevee Quickly produced
tor CW or SSB to snce to certain poruons 01
an 3A2TO OSl In return AR M has passed
that band Others teet tnat while all tow-

e- ... lob ... ••

banoers are "gentlemen:' some are less so.
and some mo re rigid regulatio ns mUSI be con-
Generally the intent is 10 have CW in the
along nus Infor matio n to the ARRL and the
Spanish n aco Society As o f last summer the
Monaco lic e nses we re down to the "L" set-
li xes-3A2lF. A 3A 1 prehx Indicates a VHF/
UHF license. 3A2 are general licenses. and
1800-1840 kHz area. wrth 1840-2000 kHz for
toreiqn amateurs SIgn Ihelr own call 3A The
sse and otner modes There IS a oesne \0
3AII for VISitors has not been ISSUed smce Jan'
save tne tradillOrlal OX wIndow In the 1825-
uary 1978 Some special calls such as
1830 kHz area. the 1907-t913 kHz JA Win-
3A3VVPX, 3A3EE. 3A3lF. 3A4E.3A4F. 3A5E.
dow. and possibly an sse wIndOw at 1850---
3A5F. and 3A8EE have been issued Anythmg
1860 kHz section
else tnar coes not lit ire above srccio be
Some urgency IS expressed by those seek.
suspect. Seems as though that 3A3WPX was
Ing unoerstandmq on 160 . The oouom of the Issued for a WPX Tes t
cycle generally brings good coromons o n the
The Southern California OX Club Included
lower bands. and 160 can be interesting in the
the log sheet lor the CO WW OX Tests WIth the
next couple 01 years Previously we have men-
club bultenn test fall, Wllh the WPX cormnq up.
renee the euorts ot K1MEM in tnrs area. A n-
II IS a qood way to Jack up club actIVIty The
other eucn IS beIng pushed by N4SU. Dave
lest sheets? Just ask 101 tnem by name In a
Kennedy. Rt 3. Box 100. King. North Carolina
note directed to downtown HIckSVIlle And
speaking ot the Southern canto-me Club.
Overall. born Jim Dionne. K1MEM. and
Dave Bell. W6AO. picked up an Emmy Award
Dave Kennedy. N4SU. are looking to attam the
fo r a DramatComedy scecier stamnq Joanne
same objective. There is a feeling that the Woodwa rd
G8As·FET Pre·amp coming meeting of the A RRL Board of Duec- N7 DF/TT8 ran into some silen t pe riods last
MM g14"v .. .$54, 9!l tors later this January could be conce: tt you
summer, Seems thai each 01 the 20 or so relief
Receive Comret1_ are interested in 160. and a 101 or DXers are
organizations oeeranrq out ot N'Dramena on
MM c 144·28. With the sunspot cycle wiltiny. you mIght want drought reset set up thel. own reco networks
MM c 435-28451. .9495 10 jearn more 01 what K 1MEM and N4SU are
Tf. nsver1 ers WIth nme attention given to obtalnlny
workIng IOf You might want to stnke a blow tor
MM t 1U·28. 189 ,95 autronzaroo Of ooeratmq ncenses ThIS trom
low-band DXlng
MM t 435-28(51. .299.95 the Kansas CIty OX Club bulletin. whIch also
L1....., Up-C onverte' reports V85HG acuve at 3799 kHz Irom
MM~ 1268-144 , .259,95 A Lol 01OX Warmed -Overs around 11 30Z . and that Zl9AA on Auckland
Antenn8S Mo s! everyone has heard aoout the gaur' Island etten shows after OBOOZ at 3787 kHz.
10 XY·2 1.4 . . .69 95 mel cooking expert w ho crocraun eo that he Da ny Ptevcstat. J28EI. was scheduled to
70/M BM88. . . . . , •. . .. . .. 94,95 would ra ther be invited to dine at your home
1268-lY . . . . . . 4995 return home in December He made some-
PowetAmps when you were haVing reuove-s than at any ttunq over 11K OSOs trorn Djibouti HiS home
MMl 432·50. 199 95 other lime Some have long suspected that call is F6CZB. and if you thlrsl for aJ28EI OSlo
MMl 432-100 , .37995 that one was a retoqee from OX Convention the CSA IS your guide. Jorge caocee. EA4lHI
MMl 1266-20. .ask ooners Others say that the OX gleamngs al- CE3. and Pedro Barroso. CE3BFZ. were due
5enoJ 4"" 12 sTamps) lor deta'led spec,locahOf'l$ ways are the most Interesting 01 all So tnars on Irom Juan Fernandez In the CO WVV Phone
on aW VHF/UHF ptOducl$.

what you' re getting tettovets-cor Interesting Test They planned to sIgn XQ(JlFZ and
gleanlngs l EMLHIXW0Z and OSLs go to P,OB 13,312.

Sl SPft: I. um Internal ion a l. Inc. Grupo A rge ntino de CW says that LU6UO/Z Santiago 21. Chile.
PoS! Olliee Box 108-40 from Mara mb io Island made ove r 2 K OS05 on With the new ye ar at hand and your own
Co ncord. MA 0 1U 2 USA


long-range pla nn ing commi tt ee looking to the
future, keep in mind that the Internatio nal
Travel Host Exch ang e Program may have
something to fit your needs Naoki Akiyam a,
JH1VROIN 1CIX, administers the pt oq ram. It
nothing else, if you tra vel ab road it m ight be in-
teresting to know it any ac tiv e ama te urs are
on your itinerary if you are headed for places •

such as Kenya. Lesotho, Ireland, Germany ,
Sweden, Syria , or o ther exotic spots. Gel the
full detai ls from Naok i at the A RRL in up town
Newing ton, He even reus you wha t languages
they speak. Just ask for the ITHE List. You
might even want to put your name on it.
EH91A was the callsign used by the Malaga
Radio Club when they opera ted from Albora n
Island in the M editerra nean , Mostly ba rren. a
Spanish Ai r Force unit mainta ins navigational
gear on the isla nd. a nd it is a refuge for
fis hermen. It is 55 miles south o f Spa in a nd 37
mi les north of Moroc c o , Operators were
and EA7BUD, Some 5K OSOs were made With
Mike Filippov, U W0M F, firs t in the Soviet
over 1(}() countries. OSLing IS ha nd led by Union to ga in 5B WAZ, first to earn
EA7BW, Box 262, 29080 Ma laga, Espan a . Ma l· 5BO XCC, and first to gain 5BWAS. The
aga was the site to r the Oc tober 1984 meeting awards on the wali attest to his OX skills ,
01 the ITU, E071TU be ing p ut on the air by the He is also a member at the OXCC Honor
Ma laga club at that time, Roll an d holds a large nu mber of the mao
Ron Pipes, WB6NBR. is the new p residen t ja r a'mateur a wa rds, All the gear, eruen.
01 the Redwood Empire OX Club, Doug Be n- nas, and accessories are homebrew.
der, W AIllJRB. is vice-president. and Cbod You may alrea dy ha ve on e of his OSLs.
Harris, VP2ML, the secretary/ tre asu rer OX
Incorporated note s TK5EL ope rates from Bac.
ua on Corsica and is found etten at 14195 k Hz a nd 20 meters, and inve rted Vees on 40 an d
after 14OOZ. Also JX3EN operates intermit- 80 Al l the a ntennas are about 45 feet high All
tently from Jan Mayen at 14225 kHz between the gea r is norneb rew . and this includes a 200
2100- 2300Z . And FP5HL has a new beam up watt amplifier .
on SI. Pierre & Miquelon . Mike fo und 80 meters the most onuccn to
WORLDRADIQNews has gone toa new tor- fil l out. beca use of the necessi ty of wor kin g
mat, now coming in the sa me size as most am- spli t in to 75 me ters,
ateur magazines, and it is bo und. The Ma r i- No other m embe rs of the fa mily are a ma-
time Mob ile section by WB6 NOA is especial ly teu rs, though young son Denis has been show'
good Ing in terest. Mike is a member of the vreorvos-
The sunspot numbers continue to leel lor tok Rad io Club, which has about 150 mem-
the bottom The average for las t July was 30.8. bers A lw ays interested in contests, Mike tries
Someone mentioned that the sola r Ilux got to cover a ll of them . He co mpe tes in the USSR
down to an SF-67 d uring the fa ll. This may no t Championships and is a "Sport Master of the
look too bad un til someone notes tha t the bot- USSR" In downtow n Vlad ivostok he is th e
tom is su pposed to be about SF·65, But w hat custodi an of the loc a l awa rd, the "Pnmcne "
goes dow n does come back up, some sa y w ist - award Mike usually works on his own p ick ing
fu lly. But the n again, the sunspot numbers al- up the count ers b ut does at times chec k into
ways have, 73 . cess. WA6A UO some OX nets,
A top Dx er. Mike Fili ppov is mo re p roo f that
5BWAZ #57 58 WAZ is only ear ned by the top operators.
Mike Fil ippov, UWIll M F, was the first Sovie t The reco rd shows tha t Mike is one of the
station to receive the 5B WAZ plaq ue , II you wo rld' s best.
take a look at Mike at his operating position,
you can see that he has the major OX awar ds OX Ten Years Back
on the wall, In January 1976 lloyd an d Iris Colvin were
He was firs t lic e nsed in 1969. was an SWl in the Pac ific fo r the indepen dence cere-
before that. and has been Interested in ama- monies which changed the Ellice Islands to
teu r ra d io for over 20 year s. He holds the Ext ra Tuvalu and Imm ediat e ly put VR8 B o n the air as
class lic en se . w hic h a llows 200 watts input on a new country Later th at m o nlh they were
a ll bands and a ll modes Mike is 38 years o ld hea ded for anot her operation at Nau ru ,
and is a sh ip's ra dar repair e ng ineer The 3B8DA was hea ded tor 3 B7·S1 Brand ons and
XYL 's name is Ludmila, a nd the re are two chilo a M ar c h o peration. W6U A PIY I wa s heard but
oren. Elen w ho IS 17 years old and a son, Den- was Ba ghdad Slim. UK 1PAA was on from
is , who is 11 . Mike g rad ua ted I rom a Radio- Franz Josef, an d FR7 Z LlG was hea rd from
tec hnica l Co llege in 1968. Glorio so PY7PO and PY7BXC wer e hea ded
UWIllMF has been the first in the Soviet fo r a for Fer nan do de N , a nd l U l l A was on from
numbe r 01 awards, Besides being lirst w ith the South Ork neys VP8MS w as expected on
5BWAl. he was also the lirst for 5BO XCC lrom South Georgia w ithin w eek s. In a most-
(pla que 1 1092) and 5B WAS (pla que 12 04 1). wanted po ll YI led wi th 88 7% ot amateurs
He also has 5BWAC , WAA, WAE-I, W AP, WA - need ing that o ne It was followed by South
VK·CA, DUF-EX, and is on the D XCC Hono r Sa ndwich, Clipperton , Bouvet Saudi -Iraq
Ro ll He need s j ust fou r of the current ly list ed Neu tral Zone, China, Ka rna ra n, Burma. South
co untries: l A A lban ia , x z Burma, 3Y Bouvet, Yeme n, and Malpe lo to roun d o ut the top 10
and 70 Yemen. needed. Only 7,7 % of the respo nde nts need -
Mike w o rks sse p rim a rily, b ut also does ed YA ·A fghanista n, 2 .9% needed Laos, and
I sorne Cw c oer ann q. He has quad s on 10, 15, 3.2 % needed Vietna m . CIRCLE 18 ON READERSERVICECARD
Say You Saw It In CO January 1986 • CO • 87

/-..-, ,..;
- .,


The 30th Annual CQ

World Wide WPX Contest
5.S.B.: March 29-30, 1986
C.W.: May 24-25, 1986
Starts: 0000 GMT Saturday
Ends: 2400 GMT Sunday
I. Contest Period: Only 30 hours of the 48 censee's address, which ever is greater. own connnern count 1 point on 28. 21, 14
hour contest period permitted for Single The antennas must be p hys ica lly con- MHz , and 2 points on 7, 3.5, 1.8 MHz.
Operator stations. The 18 hours of non- nected by wires 10 the transmitter. C) Contacts within own country count
operating time may be taken in up to 5 opoints but are permitted for prefix multi·
periods anynme during the contest. and V. Elchange : RS(T) report plus a progres- oner credit.
must be clearly indicated on the log. Mul- sive three-digit contact number starting
ti-operator stations may operate the tull with 001 lor the first contact. (Continue to VII. Multiplier: The multiplier is determin-
48 hours. four digits II past 1000.) MultHransmllter ed by the number of different prefixes
stations use separate numbers for each worked A " PREFIX" is counted once dur-
II. Objective: Object of the contest is lor band ing the entire contest regardless of how
amateurs around the world to contact as many times the same prefix is worked.
many amateurs in other parts at the world VI. Points : Contacts between stations: A ., PREFIX " is considered to be the
as possible during the contest period 1. North America Only three leiter/number combination which
III. Sand s: The 1.8,3.5,7, 14, 2 1, and 28 A) Contacts outside 01 No rt h America forms the first part of an amateur radio
MHz bands may be used . coun t 3 po ints on 28, 2 1, 14 MH z, an d 6 call (N l, W2, WB3 , K4 , M 6, W D8 , 4 X4,
points on 7, 3.5,1.8 MHz . DL7, G3, IT9, KH2, AL7, NP2 , W P4, 9 M2,
B) Contacts with other Nortb Amencan CT9,4J9, PY7,VK4,JE3,VE3, Y32, Y33,
IV, Type ot Competition: 1. Single Operator countries count 2 points on 28, 21, 14 Y45, AN8, AB8, H44, KT4, etc.). Astation in
(a) All Band, (b) Single Band. 2. MUlti-oper- MHz, and 4 POints on 7,3.5, 1.8 MHz. a call area different than that indicated by its
ator' All Band only. (a) Single Transmitler C) Contacts within own country count call sign is required to sign portable. The port-
(only one transmitter and one band per- o points but are permitted for cretlx multi- able prefix would be the multiplier. Exam-
mitted during the same lime period, de- plier credit. ple: W81M1I4 would count for prefix W4
tined as 10 minutes, no exception). (b) 2. Europe , Asia , Africa, Oceania , S. America only and W81MlILX would count for pre-
Multi-Transmitter (one signal per band A) Contacts outside of own continent fix LX0 only.
permitted). NOTE: Antransrmttersmust be count 3 points on 28, 21, 14 MHz. and 6 Special event. commemorative. and
located within a 500 meter diameter or points on 7, 3.5. 1.8 MHz.

other unique prefix stations are also en-
WIthin the property limits of the station Ii- B) Contacts with other countries on couraged to oarncmate.

88 • co • January 1986 Say You Saw It In CO

VIII. Scoring : 1. Single Opera tor (a) All Single Operator, Single Band aw arded eac h yea r to the club or group
Band score, total OSO points from all WOR LD - John N. Reic hert. N4RV that has the highest aggregate score
ban ds multiplied by th e number of diffe r- U.S.A. - 7 MHz · William Diggins, WA8LXJ from logs subm itted by me mbers. The
ent Prefi xes worked . (b) Single Band *CANADA - Gen e Krehbiel, VE7KB club must b e a local g roup and not a na-
score, OSO points on the band multiplied EUROPE - Myron E. Crofoot, WB4VQO tional organization. Participation is limit-
by the numbe r of different Prefixes wor k- JA PAN· Ken Rudd ock , K6HNZ ed to mem be rs operating within a loca l
ed. See VII *JAPA N - 28 M Hz -Joe Arcure. W3HNK & geographical area, (Exception: eXpeditions
2. Multi-Operated stations. Scoring in Tostu Kusano. JA 1ELY (Te rr y Apple- especially organized lor operation in the contest
both these catego ries is the same as the ton, W4GSM Memorial Awa rd) and manned by members.) Indicate you r
All Band scoring for Singl e Operator. * WORLD - 21 MHz - Lee Wical, KH6BZF club affiliation. To be listed, a minimum of
3. A station may be worked once on WORLD · 7 MHz · William Digg ins, WASLXJ three logs must be received from a club.
each band for aso point credit. How- WORLD · 1.8 MHz -Arch Dotv.Jr., KBCFU/4
ever, prefix credit can be taken only once U.S.A · 14 MHz · Doug Zwiebel, KR2Q XIIt. log Instructions : 1. All times must be
rega rd less of the number of differ ent in GM T. The 18 hour non-ope rating peri-
bands on w hich the same sta tion an d/or MUlti-Operator , Single Xmtr. ods must be clearly shown .
prefi x has been worked du ring the en tire WORLD · Mike Badolato, W5MYA 2. Prefix multipliers should be ente red
con tes t. onl y the FIRST TIM E they ar e contacted.
Multi-Operator, Mulli-Xmtr . 3. Logs must be chec ked for duplicate
IX , ORPp Section : (Single Opera tor Only), WORLD - Henry Thel, VE7WJ contacts and p refix mul tipliers. Recopied
Power must not exceed 5 w atts output to U.S.A. - Bert Curwen, KL71RT logs must be in thei r original form , with
qualify for QRPp section competition. You corrections clearly indicated. Computer
must denote ORPp on the summary sheet and Contest Expedition log s must be checked fo r typing accu r-
state the actual maximum power output used WOR LD · Kansas Ci ty OX Club acy.
for all claimed contacts, Results w ill be listed ••• 4 . An alphab etical/numerical check
In a sepa rate ORPp section and certifi- list of clai med PREFI X mutttoriers must be
ca tes will be awarded to each top scoring C.W. sen t along w ith your contest log. (A pre fix
ORPp station in the order indicated in Sin gle Operator, All Band is counted one time omv.)
Section X. These certi ficates will be *WORLD . Canadian OX Assn. 5. Each entry must be accompanied
marked ORPp and will show you r powe r U.S.A. . Steve Bolla. N8BJQ by a Summary Sheet listing all scoring in-
ou tput. ORPp stations w ill be competing *CANADA · Can adian A.R.F. formation, the catego ry of competition,
onl y with othe r ORPp stat ions for awards. *JAPAN - Palm Ga rdens Contest Clu b an d the con testant's name and mailing
All other info rmation con tained in these OCEAN IA - Tom Morton, KT6V address in BLOCK LEITERS.
rules is applica ble to this sect ion. WOR LD · ORP/p - ORP A.R.C.!. Also submit a signed dec laration that
all contest ru les and regulations fo r ama-
X. Awards: Ce rtificates will be awarded to Single Operator, Single Band teu r rad io in the coun try of the contestant
the highest scoring station in each care- WORLD - Pedro Piza . Jr. NP4A have been observed ,
go ry lis ted und er Sec tion IV. (Pedro Piza. Sr., KP4ES Memor ial) 6. Official log and sa mple summary
1, In eve ry participating country , U,S.A. . Kansas City OX Clu b sheets a re available from CO. A large
2. In each call area o f the United U.S.A. . 7 MHz · Dennis Youn ker, NE61 sert-aooressec envelope with sufficient
States , Canada. Aust ralia, and Asiatic ASIA - Bruce Frahm, K~BJ postage or IRCs must accompany you r
USSR WORLD · 3.5 MHz - Lance Johnson Eng, request.
AI! scores will be published. Howe ve r, U,S.A. - 14 MHz - Gene Walsh, N2AA If official forms are not ava ilabl e, you
to be eligible for an awa rd, a Single Oper- can make your own with 40 contacts to
ator station must show a minimu m of 12 Multi-Operator, Single Xmtr. the page.
hours of operation. Multi-operato r sta- WORLD - Ron Blake, N4KE
tions must show a minimum of 24 hours. U.S.A. - Austin Regal, N4WW XIV . Disqualification : Viol ation of amateur
A single band log is eligible for a single *CAN ADA - Teb rabed rat Contest Circl e rad io requratrons in the country of the
award only. If a log contains more than contestant, or the rules of the con test, un-
one band, it wi ll be judged as an all band Multi-Operator, Multi-Xmtr. sportsmanlike conduct, taking credit for
entry, unless specified of herwise, How- NORTH AM ERICA - Dick Weber, K5 1U exc essive duplicate con tacts, unverifi-
ever , a 12 hou r minimum is required on abl e OSO's or mul tipliers will be deem ed
the sin gle band. Contest Expedition sufficient cause for disqualification. Ac·
In countries Of sections where the reo WOR LD · Ed Rolle r, K41A nons and decisions of the CO WPX Contest
turns justify, 2nd and 3rd place awards Committee are official and final.
will be made. Club (S .S.B. & C.W.) XV . Deadline : All entries must be post-
·WORLD - Canadian OX Assn. ma rked no later than May 10, 1986 for the
XI. Trophie s, Plaques and Donors: (Bud Abraham, VE1VR Memorial) S.S,B, section and July 10, 1986 for the
U.S.A. - Northern Ohio AR S. C.W section. Indicate S.S.B. or C.W. on the
envelope. From isolated areas the dead·
*Donor is responsible for this troph y. lines can be made more flex ible.
S.S.B. All logs go to : CO Magazine, WPX Con-
Single Operator , All Band test, 76 N. Broadwa y, Hicksville, NY
WORLD · North Flor ida OX Assn. Trop hy and Plaque winners may win 11801 U.S A.
U.S.A. - Bob Epstein, K81A the sam e awa rd only once w ithin a TWO Ouestions pertaining to the WPX Con -
CANADA - Ed Sle ight, K4SB yea r period . This does not apply to any test can be sent to: WPX Contest tnrec -
CARIB.lC.A. . Arturo Gigan te, Jr.. HI8G B QRPp, Cl ub, Expedition or CO Special tor, Steve Bolia, NBBJO, via CO Maga-
EUROPE - Bernie Welch, W81MZ Awa rds. A sta tion w inning a Wo rld Trophy zine, 76 North Broadwa y, Hicksville, NY
*JAPAN - Palm Garden Radio Clu b will not b e considered for a sub-a rea 1180 1 U.S.A
SO. AMERI CA - Ron Moorefield, W81LC award . That Trophy wi ll b e awarded to the
OCEANIA · Down Unde r Dx'ers runn er -up fo r that area
AFRICA · Sout heastern OX Clu b Please remember to send in early lor the WPX
WORLD ORPp - Dayton A.R.A. XII. Club Competition: A trophy wi lt be Contest logs and Summary Sheets .

Say You Saw It In CO January1986 • co • 89

Antennas & Accessories a monthly ' eatur" by


Spotlight on Software-Part /I
Is your radIO shack ready for the " sol /ware
revoluIKJ('( '? This month columnist W8FX coo-
tinues hIS examinariOn of new and useful com-
puter software for Ihehamshack. begun in fast
month 's cOlumn. -K2EEK

L ast lime we took advantage or CO Eonor

Alan Dorhotrer. K2EEK's charge fOI use 10
broaden the column's scope to include a
Wider range 01 top ics, to include "a look atthe
shack trorn both ends of the coax." To that
end we examined a wide range 01 software lor
the well-equipped namsnac«. We discussed
several new software ol!erlngs lor the IBM- Main Menu 01 the comooteaeea OX EDGEll.! Shown above is one of the Computerized OX
PC, Atari, Radio Shack, Commodore 64, Ap- is shown here. Several ·'grayline '" and sun- EDGEll.! options used to solve a sunrise/sun-
ple. and Time)(/Sinclair machines. We opened rise/sunset calculation coucoe are provided, set "problem. .. This option gives you sunrise
the reader mailbag again, and finished up with (W8FX photo) or sunsel limes for any Iocalion you choose.
a comprehensive update 01 the Amateur tor the date of the curve currently displayed
RadIO Sol1ware Sources L.stlOg whiCh we tlOOS are likely to occur You can also ue- (WBFX photo)
have published. termme me onecton in which 10 look for unes-
This month we'll connoue our locus on ham- ual OX; find procaqauon paths met Will see the
shack software First. we'll cescree and crs- most sunlight or darkness. as you choose; as-
cuss the xantek Computerized DX EDGP'" certain when and where 10 look for rare OX
scnware lor the Commodore 64 We'll Ihen multipliers, and ceterrmne when Iong·path
htghhghl severer sources 01 souwa re lor a openings are most likely to occur ,
variety 01 personal and home computers, and
The DX EDGE performs a useful function in
W1O! 'II make note 01 several " good reading"
lelling you graphically see the actual shape ot
deas. We 'll also otscuss two new products,
the " grayllne,·· which separates the areas ot
and again open the reader mailbag
the world which are In darkness Irom those
ters begin With a look at the Computerized which are In daylight, The shape 01 trus oe-
marcauon changes throughout the year. and
its position changes during the day. An acces-
Computerizing the " EDGE" sory set 01 slides is available to fit on the DX
Currently popular propagation prediction EDGE suoe-rure device to allow you to de-
tecnrucues involve the calculation and 101- termme creet.cncre beam headings to any 10· A typical "grayline" curve is shown on 'he
lowing or so-ceueo "grayline" and sonnser cat ion in the world, and also to determine Compulerized OX EDGE7M display screen
sunset phenomena. Suc h techniques are be- headings to use to point an antenna along Ihe The presentarion isn', complica/ed. bul il
coming increasing ly usetur and very much in "grayline," ttsen a great circle. holds a good deal of information and ,akes
vogue, especially as the t t -vear sunspot cy· The Computerized OX EDGE is a high· tech some getting used /0. The map is a Miller Cyfin·
ere bottoms out, and propagation shills tcuow-uc to the original paper and plastic ver- dncaf prOlection which displays Ihe world
markedly to the lower bands, where taking ad· sian , one which utilizes the compu tational from 90 degrees north 10 90 degrees south
vantage 01 all-darkness paths and anomalous cower ottnecomrrcooreea Ihe menu-dnven lalilude , (WBFX phD/OJ
propagation bordering on sunrise and sunset program lets you see the shape and position Of
periods c an be particularly advantageous. the qraytme on keystroke command, ms- be c hanged to place any area ot the world in
We first discussed the ongina t snce-rure- played on a mtesowron world map. Al the tne center of ire screen to SUit Incltvidual
like OX EDGE in the May 1984 column , With same time. you can also see the areas 01 the preferences
trus oevce. which we touro to be a very useful world thai are In dayltghl and those whICh are The Computerized OX EDGE IS usetor on all
operallllQ ad lor the DXer and contester , you In darkness. When day and date are input , the HF eeocs Irom 160 through 10 meters, though
can rather quickly oetermee trose areas of grayline is shOwn in the correct posuoo: new lor dillefing purposes. On the htgher tre-
the world which are in darkness, and those curves are buill mtc the program lor 15·day m- quencv bands. paths fu lly in daylight are allen
whICh are In daylight , at any time 01 the day c-ements. ceseec. while on the lower bands-40, 75180.
and In any month cure year It IS also possible Us ing the corrccrers Internal clock and the and 160 meters-darkness paths are used, To
to determine sunrise and sunset times program's automatic update teatcre. the post- be su re, IindillQ darkness paths on the lowe'
throughOut the world, the cc et co and shape ton 01 the grayhne may be smrteo automat- bands wilt be increasingly rewarding during
cure " grayllne" (an Important propagation m- ically every 15 minutes In rea l-time This at- the c urrent years of low sunspot activ.ty and
ocetcn. and local times around the world lows you to Simulate the motion Of the earth. In declining ooccrtcomes lor daylight DX on the
The DX EDGE, which consist s of a carrier order to keep track of daylight and darkness higher bands
and a set of slides, is eas.canv a oevice lor areas, Thus, the most Interesting ami "pro- The program is easy to use , and recotres a
tracking the Sun's path across tne Earth's sur- ductrve" propagation paths are ins tantly vrsi- minimum at setup, which basic-ally lust re-
lace , It allows you to "solve" a number o f ore. and you can move the grayline by corn- quires the inputling of date and l ime. and your
problems rela ting to unusual long·range prop- rnand. too As wi th its slide-rule predecessor, location, which serves as a re ferenc e point.
agation pat hs. You can, lor example, l ind local the prog ram is also used to see the times for The correc t grayline is placed on the world
sunrise and sunset times for ope rating at sunrise and sunset at any location in the map, and areas of daylight and darkness are
those times when transient or "treak" conor- worl d QTHs are keyed to the DXCC and zone immediately visible As indicated previously,
lists, so that you can enter a country pratrx or both the grayline and tne world map may be
one of the 40 zones 10 pinpoint the QTH de- changed to any desired position.
317 Poplar Drive, Millbrook, AL 36054 sired In addition, the position ot the map may Documentation consists at a tz-cace book-

90 • CO • January 1986 Say You Saw It In CO

A 1015-6 Merer Amplifier BIOI6-2 Mrler Dual C2 1l - H4 MefuAmplifirr D IOI0---430.4SO MHI: Dual
10 W•• n In _ I SO W .... OU. Purpoae Amplifi« z W.... ln_IIOW.... OU. Purpoae AtnplifiH
AU Modt Op. ...tioo wi<!l h "'•• mp 10 W.'Uln_ I60 W.~,.·0u
~, H,,,, Pown HIT I"mplln.. 10 W •• n l n_ I OCI W-. Ou.
R.mot. Keyl"ll Z W. ... In-«l W_ Out All Mod. Oprr.d"" ...... a. rr<omp Z W . . .. ln--4-~ W .... o.u
All Modt Opo:t ..ion with R. "'eamp All Modt Opo:t .. ion FM .SSII.CW.ATV
Opriorud " N" TyprConr>trto..
B2 3A-2 Me."" H IT A mpl ifi.... C IOIl_ 1'A Melr, Du.1
Z w. ... In·l O W .... Ou.
B3016_ 2 Mr •.,.. A m plifier Purr<- Am plifier D3010-4»450 MI-h ~ml' lifi"r
l O W at•• !n-I60W_Ou. nu,
All Modr Oprronon ""'" It.. Preamp 10 W.... In _ LW W 30 In_ lOCI W.... nu.
compao:< SUo (ll',' X 2" X 71 Opn-.... wi.h 2 to ~O Inpu, Z W.".ln--40 W 0U1 _ All Modr Oprr.tion FM,ssB,CW.ATV
All Modt Oprro,;n.o, ...,h b p",...,p
All Mod. Opn•• oon with R. "'""mp 2 '0 3~ W.... Input
8106-2 M.,t... Dual C 22 A - I tA H /I' Amplifi.... 8ACKED 8Y TIlE INDvsrRY'S O N LY
Pur~ Ampl ifie, Z W.... In _ IS W. ... Ou. C3012- 1 tA Me«-r A mplifirr ~ YEAR WARRANTY

10 w Stor .hr complt<r lin< of Mi"'gr RF Amplili.....

In -80 W .... Ou, Compacr SUo (3W x. 2 " >< 7 ") ].() W l n _ 1Z0 W . ... Ou.
In _ ].() W_ o..t p~ R<a<!ing W ...ISWR M.."",.nJ
ZW Oprra,,,,,,,,
All M,,,J,o wI,h R. rr'.mp ZW In -4(l Wvt. Ou.
~ ~ . . y<>Ur local <lral.. or ron'''''''
All Modr Oprra,..".. w"h R. Preamp All Modr Opn.hon wuh R. Prnmp
C I06- I 'A M",,.... Dual
821 5_ 2 Mel.,r H iT Am plf;.,r Purpoae Amplifier D 24-4 3o.450 MHI: A mplifier
Z W.... W
ln_ I ~ O OU. 10 W •• ta l n--60 W .,.. Ou, z W. ... ln--4-0 W.... Ou. ao. BoJl 1000
Dts;gnrd for HIT .... Z W . ... ln_21 Watt.Out All Modr Oprr.,1o<t FM,SS8,CW.ATV Morpn H ill. CA 950 37
All Modr Opn-otion ~ Ra Pr.. mp All Modr Opn-.'ion with b Preamp Opnonal "N" Typr eon.......... ( 408}779-7363


Starting Noon Friday
0 ~ 0"
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* ALTERNATIVE ACTIVITIES April 25. 26. 27. 1986
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Meet your amateur radio f riends from all over the world at the internationally
* SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENTAWARDS seating will be limited for Grand Ba nquet and Entertainment on Saturday
even ing so please make reservations early.
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(Valid for all 3 days)
" If you have registered within the last 3 years you will receive a brochure in
January. If not, write Box 44. Dayton. OH 45401.
Nominati ons are requested for Radio Amateur of the Year and Special Achieve-
BANQUET ment Awards. Nominati on forms are available from Awards Chairman. Box 44,
$14 in advance. $16 at door. Dayton. OH 45401.
$20 in advance. For motel rates and reservations write to Hamvention Housing. 1980 Kettering
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Checks for advance registration to NO RESERVATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED BY TELEPHONE.
Dayton HAMVENTION All ot her inquirieswriteBox 44. Dayton. OH 45401 or phone (513) 433-7720.
Box 2205. Dayton. OH 45401
ALL Flea Market spaces will be sold in advance ONLY. NO spaces sold at gate.
Registration processing
starts Jan. 1, 1986. Ent rance for set-up available starting Wednesday. Special Flea Mar ket telephone
(eormsson tickets must be ordered (513) 223-0923.
with Flea Mar ket sceces.j Bring your family and enjoy a great weekend in Dayton.
"" Sponsored by the Dayton Amateur Radio Association, Inc.

Say You Saw It In CO January 1986 • CO • 91

Lowest Usab le Frequency (LUF). Neve rth e-
:.0':'1· -"l ·4 :ih
less, th e two tools c an be very effec tive if used
( C >I. :-J H -1 XO""I.. K , I "I;
in conjunction wi th cu rren t in form ation re-
ga rd ing atmos pheric p ropagation. This tntoc-
matron ma y be based on publish ed magazine
data, or o n co mputer-assis ted MUF/L UF de -
te rmina tion compu ter prog rams, Several such
1 R [- T U ~ N 'r o
TH E OI S P I _ ~ Y prog ram s have bee n de sc ribed in pr evious
2 ~O I A l i -TlfE F ~~ r .f colum ns.
3 HARK I l fJM E 1.. ll e AI If lN A lso , the Comput e rized OX EDGE does not
.1 S E L Er: I {jRA Y I I NI C U R Ul: sp ec ific a lly prov ide beam.headmq informa-
5 S II[Fr (: IIRUE Ptl S I " ,(l H
6 MARK I) X I (l e A T I ( I M tion, which mus t be determ ined se para te ly or
7 S O I_ UE S'JHR I S[: / Sl . -I 'r I N E "eyeballed" from the screen display, Hopeful·
~ s e r C L OC t< Iy , someone like N2 UN, or perhaps the
B 'St. l C OLO R
X t x r r DX L.DG E MUFPl OT gang at Base 2 Systems, w ill Inve nt
the "ultimate" DX co mput er prog ram Wh ic h
SELLe , AN lI PI I O N l. HUH HER l ? w ill incorpora te grayline , sunr ise/sunset.
MUF/LUF, a nd beam hea dings wra pped in o ne
<PR t..55 ... '- OR MA I H ME NU > tidy pac kage that will al l fit inside the limited
memory of m ost home computers In the
mea ntime , the Computerized DX EDGE is a
Fig. 1- Video screen dump of the computerized OX EDGE mam menu. The main menu of the good bel if you want some DXassistance from
Computerized OX EDGE is shown in this screen dump to the eu trc r 's Star Micromcs Gemini lOX yo ur compute r.
prinler, The first seven choices represent main program functions, while the last three are uillityl For more de ta ils contact Tony Jepha.
setup choices N2 UN , at Xa ntek, lnc., P.O. Bo x 834. Mad ison
Square Station, New Yor k , N Y 10159. Fig. 1 is
a "screen dump" I made trom the main menu
let, which provides basic inst ructions for the two months later. For example , a co mplete
screen of the Computerized DX EDGE .
program, an explana tion of the display screen shill o f the g rayline curve (one at the ma in
and main menu options, operating pro- menu options) now takes bu t one minute when
cedures, miscellaneous ru les, and severa l using the new ve rsion, compa red to the rout
More Software lor the Hamshack
probtem-sojvmq orien ted examples. The dis k· minutes it took with the orig inal. Owners of the Science Sotlware Update . W e' ve mentioned
based Commodore 64 program is priced at original d isk can receive the new vers ion on David Eag le's Scie nce Sof tware several times
$34.95 excheoqe fo r a $1 handling charge-not a bad in previous co lumns. Dave writes and markets
Ear ly versions o f the program, which were deal. a wide ra nge of astronomical and other
released last April, were quite slow, and this Both DX EDGES (slide rule and computer tec hnic al programs to r the Commodore 64,
fact limited the usefulness o f the program, program) rep resen t exce llent station DX coer many of w hic h ere ot interest to hams who, for
Tony Jaoha. N2UN, and his crew, wo rked hard ah ng aids One should be aware, however, one purpose or another, have reason to point
to improve the program's operating speed. that neither pred icts ionospheric conditions their antennas skyward,
and Issued a much speeded-up disk less than such as Max imum Usable Frequency{ MUF)or Dave now has two de mo d isks available,
One is the Science Softwa re Demo Disk, and

, the other is a specialized Sc ie nc e Software

Satel lites Disk, The fo rmer is $3 postpaid, and
the tatter is $ 19 95 ppd . Actu al ly , bot h are
more than just "demos."

,? The Demo Disk contains severa l prog rams

cesuneo to in trodu ce you to so me of the uni·
que featu res an d ed ucationa l ca pabilit ies of
Dave's line o f com put ationa l software, Thi s
d isk co ntains six pub lic-dom ain programs
w hic h may be modified or shared treety Put
togethe r with the amateur astronomer at
heart. examples ot the program s of fered are
titles such as Gali lean, Keple r, Sidereal,
tnooe. Syncsat, Gl ider, Planet, Lunar, Comet.
and Eclipse. Severa l of the p rograms support
graphics and output to printer, Fig 2 shows a
typical printout from the Eclipse program in-
eluded on the dtsk.
The Satell ites Disk. Includes several pro-
grams or interest and assistance to the those
involved in various sateune.trackmq activities.
The programs offered support not only ama -
teur radio satellites, but also TVRO (TV Re·
ceive Only) and DBS (Direct Broadcast Sater-
lite) reception, and even v isual observations of
la rge Earth satel lites by amateur astrono-
me rs. This disk con ta ins p rograms labeled
var iously as ASTROS, OSCAr, TSAT, and
•Down at GISMO, 01' Sparky is always • VSAT, as well as several of the pubnc-dornam
celestia l programs contained on the demo
looking for good used gear. If you're planning disk previously desc ribed,
to upgrade your station, give Sparky a call. Both of these disks inc lude documentation,
Your present equipment may be worth plenty. Ne':t-Orl either wit hin the p rogr am s themselves, or in
the case of more com ple x prog ram s, in a
separate use r's manual. While most of the
programs are wrtue n p rimari ly wi th the ama-
teur as tronomer in mind , many ot the pro-
grams can be used in OSCAR work Too, a nice
_ . L. ' Charlotte. NC 28209 " freebie" wh ich Dave throws in is a marked-
up sample o f the NASA Prediction Bu lletin, a

92 • CO • January 1986 Say You Saw It In CO

you in random order by line or just as entered.
To1:al Eclipse Sco ring is kep t by the computer. A number of
nice options ar e included. suc h as one to
Date Kilrch ~3 1.968
H.-xilllUM e-clipsil!' t i ... 8 h 27 . simula te a "stra ight key,"
The Commodo re 64 ve rsion , on disk, is p nc .
eo at $1 9 95: a sca led-down ve rsion is
available lor the Vic·20 for $9 .95. Ed also ad-
Hagnitudil!' i..54 vises that an enhanced " Super-IMCT" is on

Entil!'r pil!'nuMbr411 5 h 34
.... the horizon. It wi ll feature more use r-oennaote
fea tures, such as adjustable spac ing between
letters and characte rs For deta ils contact Ed-
Exit peonuMbra H
Enter UMbr ...
EXit: ulllbra ~8

h 38
.. w ard oros. AC3l Sottware. PO. Box 7, New
Der ry , PA 15671 ,
Timex /Sin clair Support. Gary Smith at Hawg
Wi ld Software p rovide s c onside rable support

for serious users of the various Timex /Sinclair
Enter to1:al phase 7 4~ computers A number of ham sof twar e prod-

ucts by authors such as Ken Carpen ter,
EXit: "to'tal ph.u•• 9 h ~G KC4 UG, Earl Cu nningham, K6SE, and others

"arch U 1.968
" 5 h 34 . are available th rough t us firm. Several pro-
grams for beam heading and otstance carcura.
ton. sunr ise/sunset and HF propagation ,
Mor se code instruc tion, and ot he r hamshack
purposes. are ot tereo for the ZX/TS·lOOO and
TIS-2068 computers
Hawg Wild also oilers a wide range or
"qoodies" for the Time x/Sincla ir line, in-
clud ing utility, game, and persona l produc!i vi·
ty sottware. as wel l as hardware accessor ies,
E ---_f.-_~---_If__I-" "---w Seve ral othe r computers, including the Jupiter
Ecliptic Ace, TI. Commodore, TRS·80, App le, Atan.
and othe rs are supported. For informa tio n
contact Gary Sm it h at Hawg W ild Software,
P,O. Box 7680, Litt le Rock, AR 72217 .
UMbr.a Good Reading
Dual! Reference Book. Not long ago ' came
PenuMbra across an interesting antenna book by Peter L.
Demmer. KH6CTQ, This is The Hove-to Quad
S Ma nua l, p ublished by the AMPRUSS Com-
pa ny. Of particular inte rest to the serious
March 1.3 1968 G h 38 ..
" Quad builder. KH6CTQ's manual is an
ao-oace . 8'/2 • x 11 • publication which con-
tains many o f the " nitt y-gritt y" mechanical
details of quad cons truction that only come
trom experience.
The manual is divided into 11 chapter s,
Which address mechanical fac tors, spreade r
layout and banding, wire elements, elemen t in·
steuauon. and feeding and matching consrc.
E - - -+ - + =-:c:-::-.,..,-,,.-
f.-- --W eranons. Numerous photos and drawings , as
well as detailed "how to do it " Instructions,
are p rovided, to help build and feed the Quad.
The information repre sen ts the author 's 16
year s "labor o f love " experience in cubical
UMilra Qua d design and const ruc tion.
Special emphasis is on sol ving one o f the
ma in prob lems Quad use rs experienc e- tha t
PenuMbra o f w ire element const ric tion, abr asion, and
ultimate element failure To this end, the
S author develop ed the Quad Cl ip w, a paten ted,
one-piec e t exan dev ice used to provide the
Fig. 2- Eagle Software Ec lipse program printout. means to properly anchor the wi re elements to
the sp read ers, to elimina te wi re abrasion and
the need for spreader dr illing . Ac cording to
government subscri ption p ub lic atio n w hic h deta iled prog ram to aid in the teaching 0 1 the author, use of the cl ips vastly simplifies
satellite trac kers use to input orbita l data 10 Mor se, and It takes ne wcomers to the code Quad const ruc tion and inc reases overall long-
th eir p redict ion progra m s. The NA SA bullet ins step-by-step through the learning process term re liability u nder adverse envrronmenret
are fai rly difficult to use, even w ith the NASA· Several tesnnq methods are provided. One con ditions.
supplied ins tructions, but Dave's marked-up tests basic sound recog nit ion, wh ile another Peter' s manual also con tains useful, hands-
sample goes a long way toward simplifying sends random letters to you for a per iod o f on informat ion on various Quad leedin g svs-
their use. time which you selec t (1 to 5 minutes), and at tems -ano ther problem area for Quad bui ld-
Fo r mo re inform ation con tact David Eag le the speed w hich you c hoose. Anot he r sim ilar ers. A good port ion of the manual is devoted to
at Science Soft ware, 79 52 W . Qua rto Dr.. Lit- e xerc ise sends lett er s as we ll as specia l an evolut ionary discussion of feed systems,
tieton. CO 80123 , c haracters . Still anot her sends single code with a d escription 0 1 the author's own
AC 3l Morse Code Software. Also for th e Com- so unds and asks yo u to hit the key (letter or "hybrid" Gemini Match" ma tch ing system,
modore 64, Ed Oros. AC3L. has ava ilable an number) which matches the sou nd just heard, Somewhat similar to the Gam ma and Omega
inexpensive but comprehensi ve code train ing A final testing methOd is user defined: you can Matches, and drawin g from them, the Gemini
package, known as the Interna tional Morse design yo ur own tests (10 lines 0 1 40 MatCh also ma kes use of oremeesurec sets of
Code Trainer, or IMCT. Ed's product is a very characte rs each), w hich may be sen t back to coa xial cable as the Om ega and Gamma ca -

Say You Saw It In CO January 1986 • CO • 93

computer.rerated subjects a re covered as
well, escec.env In toe a rea o f the newest corn-
rnurucanons modes. such as packet raoo and
AMTQR Also. Kantrorucs president. Phil
Anderson WGXI, IS a frequent contributor nrs
pieces add measurably to the maqazme's
stature scoscncuons are $6 per year. and
more ntormatee can be cotamec by wntmg to
Computers and Amaleur RadIO 1202 East
23rd Street Lawrence. KS 66044
QU . A relative y I tile-known ARRL pub rca-
tlQfl rs OEX The ARRL Expeflmenter s Ex
change rfus pubhcatlQfl whICh loOks some-
ttunq Itke a cross between OST and a tecnocer
newsletter has three main purposes. (1) pro- Too large lor rne hamshack? PoSSIbly the
Viding a medium lor the exchange 01 ideas and granddaddy 01 them all. thiS 1956 Burroughs
mtormauon between amateur race experi- AI/as Guidance Computer. MOd I, may m a
menters: (2) documentmg advanced technical sense be the ancestor of the present·day
wo rk In amateur taco: and (3) su pporting et- solid state personal computer tnts unit, on
Ampruss Gemmi leed system and Quad Clip 1M torts to advance the st ate 0 1the amateur radio dIsplay uune Smithsonian tnsmution; is said 10
shown mstalled m rhe photo above, (Photo art. be Ihe lirst operational unil to use nsnustots
counesv Ampruss Company) New sy but tec nr uc at. QEX is au thored by remer man vacuum lubes (W8F X photo)
Pau l Rinaldo , W4RI , and Maureen Thompson,
KA 1DYZ. Recent a rt ic les have included a r-
ti cl es on antenna desig n, packet meteor sca t- than e xtra hig h stre ngt h steel. It IS Jacke ted
te r co mmunica tions, computer p rograms , Wit h an ex truded o lef in copoly mer selected lo r
AMTOR. cellular radio technolog y. and other Its abrasion and weather-resis tant qualities.
topics wh ic h mIght be too speciali zed or The mam advantag es to uSing such a non-
tec hnic ally cooteoverstat lor publication in conductive. noncorrosive matenat derive
QST o r other malar monthly amateur mace. from the euecuve isolation of Ihe tower guy
zmes system from the antenna Ireld. as well as re-
A yearly sub to OEX IS $6 for ARRL mem- duced ostomon 01 SlQnal coverage caused by
bers. and $ 12 lo r non-members. comactee radl8tlQfl from the guy wires or absorption by
ARRL, 225 M aIn Street. Newmgton. CT 06111 them As a result. there IS no need 10 use Ifl-
lor more InformatlQfl surators to break up guy wire resonances In a
residential settmq. the product's use assures
Products 01 Note a neat tower appearance withOut steel guys to
Philtystranllli Tower Guys. Tiled of messing corrode or cerarmc insulators to act up
With metallic guy wir es. With all of their atten- These advantages muSI be baJanced by the
dant disadvantages? A p roduc t Introduced In high cost 01 the rnatenat (a minimum 01 26
The Quad Cllp'M is a ore-oeceaevce that you 1973 10 the broadcas t Industry is beg inning to cents per toot. depending on diameter). and
slip on your Quad spreaders al each vare ele- eaten on With ama teurs 1000mg lo r nonmetal- the requirement for rope ends 10 be scectenv
ment anchor oom. The clips are said 10 el,mln· uc. msurator.tree guying systems, rms c rco - prepared and "socke ted" in special end tit-
ate dill/mg. wire la l/gue. and failure due 10 uct is the Phillystra n HPTG towe r gUYing unqs A polling compound. sold by the turn, IS
construClion and abrasion, The" use is de - material required to se al the cabl e ends The addi tion al
scaceo in KH6CTO 's The How -to Quad Man- Ac c ordmq to the m anu facture r. urnteo expense an d mstauanon comp le xity involved
ua l (PhO'O courtes y Amp russ Compan y) Ropewo rk s (U S A·I, Philly stran ha s been us ed in us ing Phillys tran may o r ma y not be war ·
socce sstunv by o ve r 800 broadcast stations ranted in yo ur pa rt ic ula r Situation,
s ince us int rod uc tio n in 19 73 , In these appli- Ptutlyst ran HPTG is ava ila ble rro m many of
cations, it wa s c hosen ove r wire strand rna- the lar ge r amateur raoro distributo rs , For
oecnors. to r mechanical co nsiderations, De- tenets beca use 01 its light weig ht. high mo re info rmat ion on this unusual pr oduct.
tailed Instructions tor cons truc tion of these st rength, e lec trica l trans pa renc y. suitable d i- contac t United Ropeworks (U S A), Inc.. 20
assemblies is p rov ided m his manuals, an d eiect nc prope rt ies. and ea se of ins tallation. In- Commerce Drive, Box 306, MontgomerYVille ,
oecvt and assembled Gemini M atc hes are terestingly. diameter lo r d iamete r, Ptuuys tran PA 18936
available trom the author is stronger than e stra.sneoqtn qaivanized 8&W Continuous Coverage Antenna, Ha ms are
Pe ter -s manual is available lor $1495 plus st eel, and is also three to tour times IlQhter always looking lor a "no problem, all-band
$250 packIng and shipping via air AlSO. the
book IS tree With the purchase a t 24 O f more
Quad Clips For more mtormanoo. contact
Peter L Demmer. KHOCTQ, at The AM PRUSS
corceov. P O. Box 55 1, Area. HI 9670 1
rocoeotens. OUI of curosnv. we asked
Peter what the significance 01 trus company's
name. AM PRUSS, was Is II an acronym. or So_'
whal? HIS busmess card answers the cues- "", <,~ Co.a~ to
non .. Ame ric an Made Products RadiO Users IfaOStnm er
Specialty Systems _.
Computers and Amateur Radio. An Interesting ,
newspaper-style publication for the namsnack G'OIJ nd rod
computenst IS o ffer ed by the Kantror nc s oeo-
pie , The br-montnry public at io n is "dedicated Fig 3- B& W MOdel AC- 1 8-30 svocesinSlalia/lon (mverted· Vconfigurarion). The basic con llgura·
to the future ot amateur ra d io and use 01 per - tlon for the B& W antenna is as a ground· mounted »weneo V; it may also be Installed on a roof or
sonal com pu te rs to enric h the hobby": a goa l as a Sloper, as sho wn in lig, 4 The antenna ends ma y run anecnv to slakes in the g round or /0
is to "bil lboa rd" infor mation mat recog nizes poles 8-1 0 fee' high. Good ground rods are suggested at each end. If the loca ,ion has good,
the link o f computers and ham radlo -eod moist s oil c ondilions. me c ounterpoise may nOI be teouueo. If needed, 'h e coun terpo ise wire
we ' re all lo r tnat! should be ccorec tea 10 me ground side of me RF n onstotmer The anlen na m ay. in fac t, work
The publica tion is. as might be expected. oeeswilh Ihe ccooene end 0 1 ' he counterpoise nOI connected 10 the ground SIde 01 the balanc ing
very heavily oriented towar d Ka ntron ic s nel work Try umenruoetea and temvoe tea conllgura',ons /0 determine the best results for your
eccnpmem. and thus is something at a "Kan- part icula r msteseuon. Bear in mind Iha, me counterpoise is essent ial In poor ground. dry'SOII
trorucs users maga zine n Howeve r. general sl/uatlons. and II does not have 10 run dlre<:/Iy under me antenna Wire

94 • ca • Janua ry 1986 Say You Saw It In CO


Kantronics UTU-XT
NOW - for ANY computer,
the intelligent terminal unit
that can change its spots.
Ca n you imagine a terminal unit (T U)
th at has user programmable
paramete rs? Would you like to be able
to vary th e MARK and SPACE tones y ou UTU-XT is als o compatibl e to any
use by co mp ute r contro l, save th ese computer with an RS232 or TTL (C-64)
parame te rs for next time, and be able to serial port - the circuit is built in . Thi s
c hange th e center frequency and allows you the flexibility to c hange
bandw idth of the CW detector? All thi s com puters at any time.
can be done w ith the Universal Terminal UTU-XT operates CW from 6-99
Unit-XT by Kantronics. WPM , RTTY from 45 to 300 baud . ASCII
Imagine a CW/RTTY/ASCII/AMTOR from 110 to 300 baud, and AMTOR
machine th at ope rates w ith a TNC-like modes A, B, and L. Selective RTTY and
com mand structure, includ ing 54 SELFEC are included.
commands. The UTU-XT d oes just th at Suggested retail $359.95
with a 6303 microco m pute r, 2K of RAM . IItl kantronlcs
NOVRA M, and 128K o f EPROM -eoae.zsro Street (913f842 -7745
embedded inside. Lawrence, Kansas 66046

netic waves which al ternate according to These pa rameters will become important wh ile using their directivity (and end) et-
their part icular fre quency. If extremely to amat eur radio during the next decade. tects to advantage, plus using the lowest
fast alternating waves (three billion times when main activities move upward in power possible fo r comm unicating effec-
a second, or 3 GHz, for example) are in- spectrum allocations. tively. Actually, all of us would enjoy
duced directly into nonmetallic sub- As studies move toward low er trequen- simpler operation and lower investment
stances, the resultan t "back and forth" cy radi ations, the effects of immediate cost with reduced power limits.
internal molecular agitation will create non metallic heating become less appar-
extensive heat. This is the concept em- ent. Effec ts of long-term exposures or
ployed in microwave ovens. An internal non heating, however, haven't been provo The Radio Amateur's Position
high-power magnetron generates RF en- en damaging or nondamaging, and addi- The ma in quest ions at this point obvi-
ergy which is output to radiating plates in tion al speculations must be app roached ously center around amateur transmit-
the oven's compartment, and a mode with caution . Wedo know that 27 MHz en- ting gear and their RF related effects on
stirring fan disperses that energy within ergy ca n be inducted into bones with society. Since each of us pursues life 's
the compartment. Food in the oven is "warming effects. " Also, a large reso- pleasures with these hypothenca! radia-
cooked via a timed exposure 10 inte rnal nant cavity/load connected to a 100 to tion sources wi thin our own environment,
molecular agitation. 200 watt 2 meter transmitter can cook a we're log ically subjected to their effects.
Commercial and military radar operate hamburger patty within roughly 30 min- Naturally we don't endo rse placing our-
in the mid to upper microwave range of utes. We do not know, however, if mere selves or our neighbors in st ressful sttua-
roughly 3 to 12 GHz, and these units are (long term) exposure to (wea ker) radiated tions.
also capable of inducing haza rdous ener- waves within this general frequency Since medium- to high-power micro-
gy within the immediate field of their dish range could aff ect body tissues of maxi- waves are proven ar eas of hazardous ra-
antennas. This energy decreases quite mum sensitivity. If "old time r" amateur s diation, amateurs pioneering EME and
rapidly with each centimeter distance might be considered examples, a clean mode L satenne communications should
from the dish and each degree variation bill of health is indicated. Interestingly, avoid d irect exposures to thei r RF fields.
from its major lobe's beamwidth. Exact aged amateur s (our major population) Dish anten nas a re definitely suggested
facts regarding how many years expo- were "open air" exposed to both vas t because of their sharp beamwidth and
sure at a distance of, say, 400 feet from a amou nts of RF energy and possible high rea r attenu atio n. Study the dish's ra-
dish radiating 1000wattsof energy would "soft" x-rays from larg e vac uum tubes. diation pattern, and then posi tio n it so the
be hazardous is unknown at this time . Looking negatively at the pr evious con- paraboli c reflector protects both you and
Since few people care to experience ir- sideration, it's always possible some yet your neighbors. If side-lobe radiations are
revers ibly dangerous exposu res, the ob- undiscovered parameter may be a by' questionable, add a line mesh fenc e
vious solution is ensuring high field inten- product of or evolve trorn RF exposures. around its part of the yard for additional
sities aren't "sprayed" where human ex- Recoursive actions here involve stan- protec tion (the unattenuated main lobe
posure may be possible (aiming dishes da rd amateu r practices: mounfing anten- ca n travel above the fence). Occasional-
upwa rd, using side lobe protection, etc .). nas as high and in the clea r as possible ly, dish installations can advantageously

Say You Saw It In CO January1986 • co • 103

use "natural" protection such as hills or Likewise, try to use minimum radiation viously above rear-window areas. Visual-
ravines. Likewise , metal bUildings such end effects advantageously. That is, lo- ize RF radiation as light illumination and
as mobile homes can prove ideal ca te operating positions (including house you can 't go wrong.
"shacks" for microwave setups. Trans- rooms used by othe rs) in line with beam Our final considerations involve the
mission lines and connectors should also element ends . Again , pay special atten- classic HF range of 1.8 to 30 MHz, the
include double sh ielding as an additional tion to coax and connectors for ultimate area in whic h most of us "cut our teeth"
margin of safety. If high-power RF ampli- protection . and affectionately call "home ." Molecu-
fie rs are used, stay alert to possible body One possibly overlooked area of po- lar agitation at these frequencies is ex-
currents circulating around their cabi- tential radiation exposure in the UHF and tremely low, and immediate field heating
nets. Why such extensive precautions? VHF range involves handheld tal kies us- effects are practically nonexistent (as-
Simply because the long-term exposure ing rubber-ducky antennas. Gene ral de- suming normal am ateur radio levels). The
to low power levels of microwave energy sign and use of these units places their long-term effec ts of exposure (two or
are unknown, and overprotection is more antenna's major radiation directly in line more lifetimes) to HF ene rgy , however,
logical than relaxed attitudes. w ith one's eyes. In effect, the eyes are can't be con fi rmed or denied. Our gusto
Moving lower in frequency allocations, electromagnetic receivers wit h sharp ancestors wer e exposed to every radia-
our next areas of considera tion are the tuning and na rrow bandwidth. Their reso- tion imaginable (and continued living to
popular 70 em and 2 meter amateur nance cu rve peak s at green with vio- ripe old ages), true, but each generation
bands . Whi le direct induction fie ld molec- let and red near each edge of the curve, of society becomes slightly weaker and
ular agi tations in these ranges are sub- but might "outside" signals "bulldoze inferior. Although quite doubtful, it's pos-
stantially less than microwaves and heat- through?" Ou r sugg estions here involve sible that long-term exposure to absolute
ing effects are over 100 times longer, one using less than 1 watt of power at 2 me- legal-limit low-band RF sprayed at ran-
or two life time-type long -term effects still ters and Y2 watt of powe r at 70 em when dom might affect its closest recipients
ca n't be accurately defined. Once again utilizing stu bby antennas, and canting (1500 walls directed to a ground-mount-
we advo ca te the "ounce of prevention " tal kies to avoid eye exposure. Long an- ed vertical less than one wavelength from
or "overkill" approach. Whe n using pow- tennas such as ;{- or %-wave whips are normal living areas). Our "ounce of pre-
er leve ls above 50 watts, strive for beam suggested for higher power talkie use, vention " suggestions th us again employ
ant ennas positioned at least three wave- and external antennas are prime mobile mere common reasoning. Whe n using
lengt hs from any po tential RF recipient suggestions. Their best locations are ob- power levels above 200 watts, place an-
tennas where their induction fields do not
THE BEST P~ACE 10 BU Y, SELL 0' include daily living ar eas (one or two
NUTS & VOLTS MAGAZINE wavelengths away, for example), and use
BOX 1111·0 0 PLACENTIA. CA 9267(} <~":. minimum radiation end effects advantag-
(7141632-7721 ""';;:;':''':-'':'na eously. Try to avoid use of ground -mount-
I<>'" ~ of Read<... N . "",,_ " "...c.oO"AO'
[,.., - ...=~ .. ed verticals when using high power lev-
ONE YEAR U.S. SUBSCRIPTIONS cc:...~~ .. els, or position them in wide-open fields.
S1 0.00 · 3rd CI... • , 1.t CI.. .

.S35.00 _ WIllms· 3rd CI'''Z~-- -

..- ...""""
.o:::=~:::;: Remember that horizonta l radiators emit
energy around their fu ll circumference ,
BALUNS including above and below elements . A
Get POWE R to your antenna! Our Bah,ln S are CIRCLE 13 ON READER SERVICE CARD
already wound and ready for instenetron Inyour directiona l array directly above the radio
Iransmalch or you ma y enclose Ihem In a room , for example, can radiate RF through
wealherproof box and connecl the m dlfeclly al A RARE COMBtNATION
wood and back towards fami ly members.
Ihe antenna. They are das lgnad 101 3-30 MHz op- QUALITY AND ECONOMY
eral lon. (See ARRL Handbook pages 19-9 or Finally, there's the traditional considera -
6-20 l Or construcuon det ail s.) tion of using low powe r levels (1 00 watts
l00W.fl (4:1 ,L1 , t:1, or1 :1Impsd,lnc. ...I..,I_) S tH.o
UnI n ..n..... lch 1 KWI4:llm~.ncs) 13.M
QSLS by W4MPY or less) when possible. This measure wi ll
sure ly extend adverse effec ts of RF to
Unl ,T.. n.m.I""2KWI4:llm~.ncs) 16.00 705 AUDUBON CIRCLE
UnI_••, T.." lcIl1 KW le:I, l:l Of1:1-Hl..,lons) 15.00 severa l lifetimes, and its also a grand way
Unl.....1T.." lcIl2 KWle:I,1:1 Of 1:1·..1.." _ ) 17.SO to add new enjoyment and freedom of op -
CIRCLE 55 ON READER SERVICE CARD erations in our daily activities.

Wheaton Community Radio Amateurs Conclusion

The question of RF energy hazards
can 't be answered in a single sentence. It
must consider frequency, power levels,
and field strengths. This consideration
must also be separated from other influ-
ODEUM EXPOSITION CENTER ences affecting operators rather than
neighbors. The short waveleng ths of mi-
Villa Park, Illinois crowaves can be radiated into nonmetal-
lic substances , but long wavelength s of
Sunday, February 2, 1986 HF pass right through those materials.
Related molecular action is extremely
(Doors open 8:00 A.M.) slow-similar to mere motion rather than
• 300 Free Flea Markel Tables 0 85 Commercial Booths · A/I-in-one Bui/ding friction-but it does exist. Through care-
• Acres of Parking · Reserved Flea Market Tables ful planning, however, any amateur radio
• Spec,al Computer secnon - Tech Programs . Easy Access for Sellers (No Stairs) setup could easily prove the least RF pol-
luting part of our existing environment.
TICKETS: $3.00 in advance . $4.00 at door
Considering the advantages our service
Send S,A.S,E. to: Wheaton Com. Radio Amereors provides to society versus our strictly hy-
Po. Box OSL, Wheaton, IL 60189
pothetical disadvantages, we truly offer
General Info: (312) 629-8006, Talk in on 146.01/61 Mhz, encouraging returns to all mankind.
73, Dave, K4TWJ

104 • CO • January 1986 Say You Saw It In CO

Uncle Ben says...
"I give you
much more than
just the lowest price...
When you get that excit ing new piece of
equipmen t from me, you know you are !
going to be co mp le te ly happ y...
I see to it , pe rsona lly! I also g ive
"Un c le Ben " Snyder, W2S0H
yo u ea rl iest delivery, g rea tes t trad e- in
a llowa nces, m y friend ly assista nce the head man of
i n every po ssibl e w ay .
Just as k any o f th e man y th o usands o f "H AM HEADQUARTERS,
ham s allover th e wor ld wh o have been USA;,,)" ... Since 1925 .'
enjoyi ng m y fri endly good serv ice
for ove r a half a cen t u ry. 73, Un cte Ben, W2S 0H

• CALL ME. .. • WRITE ME... • SEE ME. ..

(516) 293-7995 For m y prom pt , A t o ne of th e world 's largest
person al ep ly.
Ham Sup p ly Ce n ters'
Kenw ood TH 21AT, 3 1AT, 41AT

Kenwood TR·795017930 Kenwood T5·9405

Kenw ood TS-711A (2m)

Kenwood T5·4305 TS-811A (70 em)
Kenwood TR-2600, TR-3600
M FJ 122Blntertace 144 .90 Send SAS E lor more Rny
erose-cots and special.
Ham Shop
Send SASE . Call letters . name & phon e . fo' Ne...
VHF Lis!. Advertising Rates : No n-commercial ad s are 20 cents per word includ ing abbrevia-
R088 DISTIIlIBUTINO COM PAN Y tions and addresses . Commercial and organization ads are 60 cen ts per word. Mini·
78 Sou th Stata Str"t. Pres ton, Idaho 83263
Telephone (203) 8S2·llB30 W. Closa .t 2:00 on Mon&Se'
mum c harge $2.00. No ad (non-subsc riber) will be printed unless accompanied by f ull
rem itt ance. Non -commercial ads free 10 CO subsc ribers , as space perm its, maximum
31 ines each . All ads must be typewritten double spaced. Recent CO mailing label must
accompany ad.
Closi ng Date: The 10th day in the third month preceding dale 01 publication . Because
WRIGH TAPES : ISince 19761Uncond,tio naliy guar- the advertisers and equipment co ntained in Ham Shop have not been investigated, the
anteed Mo' se Code Pract ic e on 60 m", . c asselle
lapes. Be ginner. 2-l ape sel 5 W PM $7,90. 11.150 3. 4. Publisher of CO cannol vou ch for t he merchandise listed therein. Direct all correspo n-
5.6-a , 10, 9·11 . 12-1 4,1 4, 1&20.22.24-28 WPM _ denc e and ad copy to: CO Ham Shop, 76 N. Broadway , Hicksvill e, NY 11801 ,
SpltCi f~ Plain LanjU alle Of CodeGrou pS_ AI50 pia '"
lang. only 30-35 , 5-40, 45.{;(1 FCC l y pe leSIS:,
11-12.1 1-17.13·14, 20-24_ Call si gns: 12·15. 20-24
Nc s.: 5-22. 13-18. 18·24 Chec k , MIC. V is a 13_95 ea CASA MARCON I, INC P,e-{)wned c ommumcaUOn equ'P· OSLs & RUBBER STAM PS- TOIl Qual'ly' Car<l $amples artd
PPD lSI c lass US A, Me. _, Can _(Els ew he,e add $2 men!. We buy and se ll 7 189 SW 8 St , M,am" FL 33 144, Stamp Inlo, mal ,on SOe Ebbe n Graph'cs 0-2 . Box 70. WeSler-
per lape)_ Inst ant Se'~ ic e_ phone 305-264-8443 VIlle. OH 4308 1

PH : 517·48-4·979-1 WAIGHT APES HAM TRADER YELLOW SHEETS. in OU' 24th yea,. BUY, IMRA lnlerna,,,,,,,,1 MISS"'" Radoo Assn helps m'SSlOflers-
235 E. Jackson 0- 3. Lansing , MI 48906_ SWAP, SELL Ham Rad'" gear . PutJ4 ishe<l tw,ce a monlh A<l s equrpmenl klan ed, w""~day net. 14 280 MI-Il _2'00-3.00 PM
quoc klV cuculale -no long wa ll l or ,esulls . SASE fa, sample Easlern 1 P,ye , Mano' Rd, La,chmont, NY 10538
COPV. $10.00 lo r One yea, 124 issues). P O. Box 205 7, Glen
Please send all reade, ",qu lrle s d"ecl ly Ellyn, IL 60138-2057 KNOW FIRST' Ham rad,o lanat lcs-you n""d THE WSYI RE ·
PORT, a Iw ice·mon lhl y awar<l-w,nn,ng Hal Insode, Newsi..,-
HAVE AM CAPABILITY? Join SPAM ISoc,eIY 1m Promot ion Ie' AcclaImed t>esl' Con liden\lal facts, '<leas. ,ns,ghts. na
AM). Membersh,p os Iree Fo, lree ,nlo send SASE 10 . SPAM. Ilonw l<l.. OOWS, lechnology , p'e<l'Ctlons. alerts QuOled coast
ao F Dunlap, WA5TWF. 14113 S'oneshue. HOUSlon, lX 10,coasl' We punl what you <len' t ge' elsewhere' $2 1 OD an·
CABLE TV r-ceo nually wlmonev,oac k gua,anlee FREE SAM PL E lor S.A S E
Convertera/De.crambler. C64 SOFTWARE Send SASE lo r list 1'.0 Bo. 387, Chili,·
\'WO slamps) W5YI. Bo, 10 10 1·C, Dalla s, Te, as 15201
GUARANTEED LO WEST PRICES IN U 5 fOR SALE COIHam RadOO/OSTI73 magaz,n es @ 35¢ l'hru
cothe, OH 4 ~1 ~--- ~
Jerrold, Hamlin, Zenith-Many Ot hers! 1975) aM 50<1: p976·up) each, ,nc lud l~g sh,ppong W6LS.
TRI USERS: NB ·7 nO lseblanke'. new $65 ppd SL·300ISL ·500 28 14 Emo"e. Bu rbanl<. , CA 9 1504
Lowes t Dealer Prices! f ,lle rs@ SSO ea, ppd AlSO I\a~e H$-75 padOed headsel new
Orders shipped w'thln 24 hours! @ $15 ea, ppd MN -7 5 an tenn~ tuner new @ $125 ea, ppd
Complete Illustrated catalog, $2.00. Kenwood 51'-520 sp~, . new @ $35 . BS5 p ~ n ~d~Ple r fa,
SM-22D@ $49 new Yaesu SP- 90 1P spk rlphone patch , $59 ,
paci fic Cable Co., Inc. m,nl Dra ke. MS4 spea~e' new @ $35 Kenwood TS-1 2OS
7325 '1> Resed a Blvd ., ff908 ,co r <'iJ 1400 + poSlage. Call1w il le . Tony Muse' o, K3UKW, CLAND EST INE CONFIDE NTIAL NEWSl En ER L~IeSI .010
Reseda, CA 9 1335 (818) 716·5914 t 609 So Isermnger SI.. Ptula . PA 19 14B \21 5-2]1 -8898) on s..c,et t noa dcastera Sox rSsues $10 US, $13 To' e,gn. US
Coshie, s c hec k or~M:',
O,- _ Tunds. RR4 Bo. 110, Lake Geneva, WI 53147
MUST SELL: Alpha 76PA, Alpha ?l DX (ptek·u·1. s.toe. lR7N DRAKE MN4 C Malc hlng Nelwo,k , m ", t COnd ', wilh B·1ooo
R7A W 1NWI2_ PO . Bo, 444 . Fayenev ille, NY 13066 ba lun and Insl! UCIKlns $ 125_00 or beSl oll er. W 1BH, RfD 3.
\3 15-637-8742) Box GA, Conco rd_ NI-I 0330 t

WANTED. Old governmen t Call Boo k W,lI bUy Or nace g' '<l fOR SALE WeSlOn 3' ' ound DC me le,s 0- 10 V "ndO-5 amp
le ~ k dflo p.l n Bob Shull, W7FIM , 12349-36th N.E.. Sealil e. Th, ee lal eh Iype ,e lays , 1 to VAC, comacts retec aco V, 10
WA 98125 amo. G u ar d ' a~ SPOT 110 AC anl enna ,elay. ce ram ic ,nsula-
1,on. All ,tems $8 each ,nc ludes sh'W,ng BOb Bradley, 1002

,- -
CO , QST, Ham Radoo artd 73 maga Zines, 1940s to presenl Fo' esl Road. La G, ange Palk, IL 60525 \ 312-354-6031)


1 0/ 15121l1~


b -,..••
Also o'her rad iOt>ook s, publications. Send large SASE lor I,st
Nal e Williams. W9GXR, 6915 Pra" "" Olive, M ,dd lel on, WI
HELP: I need se'v lce manual oM sc hemalic tor a NallOnal
WANTED Automollolelmoto,cyc l.. amateu' rad'Oe" lIl,een.e
ola'e s lor c ~ lec, io n I w,1I p ~ y POS lage I also have a lew
plat es to trade W.C. Soenn, KOSAK, Bo' 3308 1 &<n Anlon IO,
t x 76265
,ecerve r Two Se""nly. I wil l bUy mon ual Or pay 10' COpy
4 SALE Kenwood 520 $315 , Healhki l SB-6 1O scope $35, C64
TRAP VERTICALS , " SLOPEA$":' K80AT. 441 E MUlbe"V St.. Lebanon, O_"C'C;O=" ,-~_ _
\'5-31 10/1Si20
\'5--11 1011512014G
\'5-$2 1011512014011O
\'S-$3 10/151201401!1C
' c..IMr _ _ '_
·_ .. PorI..... lIM
". WAN TED : Insl,uc llon ma nual and schematic s tor a S'mpson
Hand,scape Mode l 466 . Dave Belden, 109 W Th"d Sl , He, -
sey. M149639 161 6-832-5400)
$110, MFJ ,me rlace $75. TemPOS· 1 S95, 5-elemen t 2m beam
$25, Hy-G;l ,n 10-BOm vert $50 You pay sl1 IPr>'''Il MuSI sell as
I am ou, of work Tony E BY' um. KA0VFN, Ba> 87 1. Ollumwa
Ill. 52S01

' Food ~ .., IMr ~ _ OIl

ALL ANTENNAS Raadv 10 _ . FaciOI)' ISMmbjad - Com-
""'CI.I OuaJ<ty • Hand'- full _ • Com" cornplau....Ih
Delu.a T,IPS, Delux. cenl... connllClOf. 1. g. St"nd&(l Cop-
ptrrWeld . nl. wire .,.., End InluIIlO/•. "ulom.' ie 81nd SWlt·
Ching , TUM! usu.ll)t nlYe' r"'luorad • For all "an""mer. ,
~ivera & lr.noce..... rs . For ell cia" eme"U's -<lne _lone
work. ell baM. · Inat'uc''''''' i""luded· 10 d.V [f,all MAN AGER/AOVANC EO
COAX CABLE : 1ll1(lUdtS PL ·259 connec1o, on _h end) A General Purpose logging Program HI·VO LTAGE RECTIFIERS
T... lIOfIII _ __ __ sa""","", 14,000 VO LTS - 1 AMP ERE
1lG - ~ SIl' $& 00 51116
1lG- ~ !Ill 1l.00 16 !lS Designed tor the IBM'" PC I!>. xt e . en-
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for 5 ~ O!poll Ant
8/)140/2(1115110 OMEGA CONCEPTS
$38_001pr Plolenional sollware 101 the Radio Amateur FOLDS INTO CASE CA. ADD

OROER DIRECT fROM fACTORY:'" """". shIW«! "S Po',JpM! / SPECIFY BAND $73.95 6%TAX
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V'$AMC · COld " hp. da'• . 5<'1""''''" T.L. Jones IKB80A}
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H.nderson~IIIe. NC 28793 " IBM II . ' . gi't..... t,.d,m.rk of Im.....l lon.1 BUlin.n SAN D IEGO C A 92 111
DeilJflr /r!QWIfI5 1n.,!OO M,c~l", tOlP,

AMATEUR RADIO EQUIPMENT . rmee gen",al ions 01 rad ios NEW COD E SYSTEM' CURL VCODE. by W4BUP, leis 0"9''' - TENNATEST: Antenna norse bridge QUlperle,ms Clners, ac-
tha I mu st be so la All e jlher new, like new 0' m,nl . °''9 '''8 1Car, ne,s " !>Ow e "",,, w.l hOut "study: " helps YO U booSI yOlJ ' curate. cosls less, satIsfactIOn g ua ra nte ed 1-1 ~ MHz . Send
Ions. manua ls, aCCessorieS. ele. Signa l One T,a',"ce lve' speN' Syslem shows how soond pa ll""'. m<l ke unlo,ge l· stamp lo r dela,ls W8URR, 10 2 5 W ,ldwood Ad . QuInc y, l,l l
MOde l ex ! . new $700: CX1B, Spea~er, new IUs, pans mm t, lable shapes ,n your m 'nd' s eye . E;9111 CU RLYCOD E shapes , ~,

$750 CoII,n s Ionea, 305 1. $ 1,495, 3011 Ionea, . $34 9 , 625 1. shOw ""'"I le ite rs . Average of 1W<l d ille re"l endings for each
$.4 50 . D ,a~e ClIne "Clo'~ , ,,,,let! carions, never used $849, 5h~pe show al16 1 characlers. BooI< lel $6.50 . Comp lele set ROSS U$$ NEW SPECIALS (Janua'y only): II you don't see
SB22O, $400. Tempo 2 ml' 2002 two k,lowan desk top, $500 Bookle t. wal l cnan. poc ket ca,d, Sj)ll<:'a l Char!, all 10' $11.50 whal voo want , sere Cal l lett ers, name &. phone f fo' pe,sonal
KW M2A, $675 _KWM2, $57 5. Collons KWM360. new $2.500 D,scounI20 0/0 to' 10 0 ' mo'e cceciete sets. MindsEyePubh· p'lCe quole ove r 6500 ham-related 'terns ;n stock ROBOT
Col lins 75S2_$250 . 7~A4 _ $300 Collin s 5f6-F2, $ 100 312B4 cation s, Dept C3.80, 1310 , Mc Lean, VA 22101 l 200C $11 9500 B IRD 430 4 WATT METER $23990 ICOM
$150. Send lor list. the' e IS muCh mo te . I w,lI anSwe! eve'y In _ IC-735 $729 .90. IC-04AT $27 990, tC·7 45 $76890, IC·49OA
QU"y Als(I Will Sh'P ~n yWhe 'e ,n tI'e free wo'id M '~e, P 0. 80, WANTED : Olde' model bogs , "nusual bugs. af'ld mlnialu'e $50990, 1C-751 $1099.90_ KENWOOD TS-940SIWAT
0280 , Baldw,n, New Yo, k U.S A 11510 hand keys. Sta Te p'lCe. cond,t lon Da ve lrog'am . K4TWJ, AI
I I, Bo» 499 f 120 t seem. Bi,m ,ngham, A L 35210
$168990, TH21AT $19490, TA-2600 A
$28790, TR2550 $37990. TS 430S S6899O. TM-211A •

FIND OUT whal else you can hea , on genera l-cove,age tran s- $30990 , TR 8400 $349. 90. TW-4000 A $494 90. TS660
celve's/'ecelve ' s Jo ,n a ,ao ,o liSl en,n9 c lub. Com ple le inlo, · QUAD S' QU ADS' 2. 3 &. 4 Element K" s. Also componenls. $529.90 YAESU FT-209AH $29 490 , FT-757G X $898 50,
matoon on ma ,or NOfl h Ame"ca n Clubs and sample News- F lbe ' glass Sp'eade, s, Spiders. Wil es. etc 131 $ 20 Slamps 10 ' FAG-nOO $369 90, FV,90 1DM $309 90. FC·l02 $259 90, H ·
lel l e' $1 00 A NAAC, 1500 Bunbu'yD"ve, Wh lllOe, ,CA90601 , complele brochcre. ce .. ENTERPRISES_Bo' 24, Pine Valley , 203A $169.90. All mala ' I,nes stoc ked. LTO MENTION AD
N Y 148 72, p h on e 60 7 - 13 9 - 8 ~ 80 P,ices case. FO B Pres ton , We close at 2:00 on satu' da ys &
SCHEMATICS RadiO ,ece,ve, s 1920·sl 60' s. Send B'a nd Mond ays . ROSS DISTRIBUTI NG COMPAN Y. 78 SoUlh Si ale ,
name, Model, Numbe ' , SASE Sca rame lla, P.O. Box 1, Woon- DIGITA L AUTO MA TIC D ISPLAYS for sr-rot-e. TS-520 's. Col,
P,eSlon. Idaho 83263 1208 -852-(830)
SOCket RI 02895·000 1 " ns. D'a ke, Swan. Healh. and al l othe,s. 5" y, ' d'9'1S in a S "
w<de by 1 ',; " high melal C~b,ne(. send $1.00 fo' infotmahon
CAB LE TV CD NVEATEAS & EOUIP M ENT: Plans and pa riS, and receive a $25.00 d,scount. Please be spe c ll ,c . GRA ND WANTED: Inst ,uct ion manual and SChema tiCs lor a Simp son
BUild or buy. fREE InlormatlOn C& D ELECTRONICS. 626 SYSTEMS , oec'r 0, P.O, Box 3377, Sla,ne, Washington Hand,sc ope Model 466 . Dave Belden . 109 W Thi' d SI. , He, -
Flow e,dale , OePI CO, Fe, ndale. 1.1148220 98230_ sey, M I 496 39 1616·8325400)

FT·IIO . $1 65900 Call
FT-DIIE . ... ..... Call


••••••• ~~ -
• -• ~ ,-
a _ _ a ..

, .- .-
• •
FH26R _. .. .s 899,00 Call II:
o ... U
FT-209RH Call
FT-709RH Call °ecll:
Call _LWW
FT-l03R Call gZ>
FT-703 R Call a:WO

Say You Saw It In co CIRCLE 79 O N READER SERVICE CA AD January 1986 • CO • 107"

~jgn_a l pne Milspee 1030, CX llA, JIL 5)(400 SCanne, new. ITEMS IN STOCK) KE NWOOD TS,52O $35990, TS,520S Hug.e Inventory! Aiso '''''''sl,,,, 1fypes, send la, Fl ee Ca faiOl;l
'r":l~FRG9600 New FT9&!. FT902DM. Kenwood 5379,90, T5-t80SDFC $389,90, TS-93O$WAT 597990. TS- Today Of call T 0-11 F'ee (800} 221-5802, 80. ce, T,ansietelon-

•JI_. :Ir;,,.-(XC.
;;;.~ l< e r Mlcmp"""". ele. Collins15MKSW ImIni a20SJDGl 5439 90, TS·711A S60990 , '(AESU FT-l 0 1ZD ics. Inc " 1365 391h St. 6100klyn, NY 112 18, See Our D'SPlay
rJGZ:W<) lJI!I~_. I;eettlfy; caI_0,,,kli> C Un"
geill8<I $459_90. '(1)901 $379.90. FT-fil5RD $425,90 ICOM IC·490A AO Th's Issu e
R4C. ACl . M54 FS'l S gr>al eX'! CX7A, B.e!'; Feclo,y $39990, IC-251A $369 ,90, 1C-701 $29 5,90, 11 111is ITIOI1tl1 's
&ealed ca,tonCollins KWM3l!O. n.... l'faf'lln~1 NCXl000 !fans· LIVE RENT-FREE ' Save Mooey Legal & Easy wI'len you ~now
Sj)e<:",11S not wflat yoo a'''lOOk,ng to,. senoSASE, Calilettets,
ee"'''' Il<w SSB. HRO!>OO LF· ' 0 P'" S&lecI<>l . Henry 41\ Ull ra 1'Iow_ S5 to Robi nsOIl. POB 167990, Vancoov"r. Cana(\a
name Ij, phone f fo' usoo liS!. Also 7,500 NEW ham-relaled
Linea, & muc n mue " more . 1wil l " er>d U a losl. bPOlt ,nqu",es
w&l(;omed Pis ",role Mark, P 0 Box0280. Baldw,n, NY USA
'fems tn stoc k, MENTION AD Puces casl1, FOB Preston. We
clo""i.t 2'OOon SatUfdayS & Mond a ~s ROSS DISTRIBUTING V5RSS=-' ======-=-===-C=
HAPPY NEW YEAR t,om the C,ew at Junior Higl1 Scllool 22 00
~ 76' Saultl Slale P'eslon IdaM 83263 (206- Manhalfan'S Lowe, East Side Be a WIN NER in 86' Send uS QSL_ WB2JKJ and we m'lltlt send youou, QSL OF THE

THAN K YOU ,,,,"V"""'" 10< alilhe a m' ll",",' ,adID IlQUIP'fIWIl

that you guys Doughl I alSO have a tew Ollie' ,Iems ,n m y
tather'!:. e31ate, I,k" a 196 7 Co'vell e coupe compielely ,e·

t,CW'ICS. P O 61.» 95. Dept C. Be""",;, Il 60402

'NO\lICE RADIO OUTlET " New and usedequtpment cleal",1

Spec,al attento on OOgmners' • Ja nu ar y Spec"", .
TELEGRAptj KEYS WANTED: Collector """",,,!! pr... l ~O
bugs , Vlb",ple. , Maol ,n, TM mas , Lippencott , A bernal l1~. etc
1 d

P, 1,2 " $ rt er
everytl1 ,nll.

i ·wino;lQwCor

IC . at! power, blue '00 1f\l, prICe 20K (twenty lhousand) Otl1er
ca,s ava ilable , Note can ~ s""" b'f """"""t,"",,'- C _
175 Iwin.eng,ne plane 198 1 yl, oor.ogM new, low I\oo's, Can de-
Ba nd T,ap D,pole $62.95. (NEW) AZOEN PeS-5000 2M Mobile Also need spa rk keys and p,e·1910 teleg,apl1l keys, soon,joe,s,
pocket sets, etc _I, Visitors welcome K5RW, Neal Mc Ewen, I've' anywhe re ,n Ihe COUnl'y, P1s ,nqu, re al>out olhe' amateu,
$305.00. t' ee shippIng U.S.A. Call 9 19-286-7927 1604 Dela- fad", nems ava ilable, CoII,ns , Signal One. D,ake. Yaesu, etC
wa re Ave, Durha m. NC 27705 1128 Midway , Ricl1a'dson . TX 75081 Tel (214)2341653
P,O_60' 0280, Baldw in, NY 11510 _Ma,k 0' Mike

CB-TG-l0 M CO NVERSIONS: FM kiIS. frequency mo!l llicahon

l1anlwa,e. bOCll<s, planS, l1igh'oe,lo,mance CB accesscne s
F ree catalog_ CSCI , Bo. 315OCCO , Phoem• . AZ 850046

Introducing the BUTTERFLyTM KT56ANTEN NA 160M _10M no Tnlps' 559 95 , Weall1e' 6001
Kol $8 95 , Open 'w"e, ROlle, ·induClo" Anfenna AccessOf,es,

Beam from Butternut! and Muctl More' Kilo-Tee , PO 80. 100 1, Oa~ V'ew , CA
93022 Tel 805-&16-9645

WANTED- 1A 01orola HT2'20's aM Hl100' S, VHF 0' UHF, PO

80. 4344 , Ctlatswortl1 . CA 91313
FOR SALE: Regency SR·1000 Satell,te TV R""e iver witl1 block
down convene" Never used, $230,00, Da"ell HOOensee . 2 I 7
N Hamilton, P,an, KS 671 24

C'64 OWNERS: IIACT-Ttle p'oless,ona lly designed C<xle

traine, $19,95, BANDIAYDE-Tl1e Ham Sl1ack !>e!pef
wlsc'een notepad, 12/24'1\001 clock. 10 I,me' . bui lt-,n woro-
p,ocesso, $ 14 95, Order Dolh Jo, 524 95 PA reslden l S add
6% (Dis kette only )AC3 L SOFTWARE . 80. 7, New De'ry , PA
1567 1


sySlem componenlS . leSI equ,pmenl, nigM vosion , ,nl'usion
del. BEST PRICES, buy and sell, Complele calalog. send
$2.00, sl1ipp;ng and l1andling MIL-eoM EXCHANGE, PO Bo.
982, (}fange Pa,k . FL 32067-0982 ,

Ti99/4A OUAD & GAM MNM , Plus 3 MOle FREEl Ma ,1 diSk

-+ $510 Robinson POB 767990. Vancouver, Canada V5RSS7
FCC COM MEACIAL Gene,al RadKltelephooe license Co"es-
pondence ecorse. 60 ,nd,vidua l lessons 10' $89,50 Payment
pla,,_Results gua'anleed' Dela,ls f'ee, AIAERICAN TECHNI ·
CAL INSTITUTE , Bo. 201 , ceda ' MOOf\l ai n, NC 28718

DOCKINGBooSTERS,ll1emosltanlasl,c HT aCCeSSOfV. only

The HF4B Compact, 2-element $129 ,95 ' Dig,tal dosplay SWR meter arid Barg'apl1 power 001 -
p'-'1 irl(j,cato, s, only $84 95' HI ·MOUND key,ng m&cl1an,sms,
Beam for 20-15-12-10 meters most e.fen",ve "ne oj SI ' ai9ht keys , paddles and mob, le keys '
Wrole tor f ree calalogue of SP"C,allzed communlcalions prod-
Bla ine, WA 98230

1986CALLBOOKS: Enl1e" $19: boll1. $33, Any 4 0' mo,e. 516

Compact Size Performance Postpaid U,S, CA, 6 % l a. , Cen'ury Pront 6059 Essex . Ri_e,-
side , CA 92504-1599 (714 687·5910)
The HF48's 12'h-loot elements and s-teer The HF48 BUTTERFLY ' Mhas nor
boom are ideal for home-station use and sacrificed performance for compactness. HELLO RAD IO AMATEURS Thank you SO ffilJcl1 10' all or you'
for weekend retreats, condos, apart - Its unique design with fanned elements inquoroe s, pu,cl1ases lhal have been made on sell l"9 fh,et'
ments and other places where oversized and L-C circuits avoids use of power- generat ions 01 amate", , adio equ,pmenl The re is Slll1 more
Brand new Amerotron L,nears AL-BO 3·5OQZ $577 00. AL84
beams are prohibited, Its light weight robbing traps yet provided high-efficiency 4X6JM6 $37 0.00, All 200 3CX 1200A 51,300 00, ReM Coo.
(17 pounds) means it can be turned with operating on all bands. The BUTTERFLY " SwilCh $ 100 00 , ATABB 300 watt Antenna Tune' $80,00.
outperforms anything in its class . ArR-1O l kw Tune, $230,00 , ATR-15 1 5kw Antenna Tune,
a tv rotator, yet it is robustly con- 5268,00, Drake MN 75 575,OO Anl enna Tuner 200 watt, Henry
structed in the best tradition of our Console Lonear Mo<lel 2K Class", $ 100000, Ail FOB NY
world-famous Butternut verticals. The HF4B offers an SWR of 1.5:1 Of less at U.s A I Wi ll e.PO" anywhe re In the Il et' WO'1d to the fO''''9 n
resonance. Us 2:1 bandwidth is 200 kHz on IIams, All inqu,toes answered Please Write , Mark, P,O_80.
0280.Baldw,n,NY USA 11510
See your authorized 20 meters. 450 kHz on 15, 1.7 MHz on 10,
and across the entire 12 meter band, And it NEED CASH? Junk p,lo,,!! up ,n the shack? Le i me know whal ,t
Butternut dealer will handle the legal power limits both CW & 'Sandwhal yoowanl, I pay sl1,pp'ng' KA9CAO. P,O, 80. 6349.
Evans_i1 le , IN 47712 ,
SSB, Gain is at least 3 dB on 20. 4_5 dB on
15 and 5 dB on 10 & 12 meters. Front-to- ARMY F iElD RADIOS' CPRC,26 Inlanl'V Mamoack RaO Kl.
compact. I'ansm lts'r""e",es 46-504 IA HZ FM, 6 ChannelS,
back is up to 18 dB on 10, 12 and 20m, and willi ballery bo., anlenna . c,ysta l, l1andsel $2 2,50 apiece,
up tcts ca cn tsm. 542 501p<oo r, good c comco PRC-9 Bac kpaCk Radio . l aCIO' y
mml. I' ansm lls -re<;e 28-39 MHt FM cont,nu(WJs tuning
$5250 aP<ece. $77,50 w,tl1 good condit"'" balle,y bo•. an-

BUTTERNUT ELECTRONICS CO. tenn a, nan<!set PRC-510 BackpaCk Rad,o(ca nad ,an ver slOfl
01 Ame''''an PRe' 10)_I' ansm,ts" ece"es 38-55 M Hz FM con·
f,nuoos tun l"9, w ilh balle'y bo., anlenna, hand sef $39,50
ap,ece, $77 ,SOJpa i' . good CondU'OIl_ R-390A Commu nicallOns
405 East Market Street Rec""e' , 5-32 MHz AM -eW-SSB, sl10rtwa ve, amaleu' , m ll,-
Lockhart, Texas 78644 tary frequenc oes : $175 good Cond,toon R,l 08 1A "lt ary
Veh;cleIF ,eld Rece've" 20-28 MHz f M, $27,50 m,nl, 45 Day
Rep lac emenl Gua'ant"'" Add 59 50 sl1 lppong-ha nd1in9 Bay·
tfonlC S, Dept. ca, 80, 59 1. Sandusky, OH 44870

108 • CO • January 1986 Say You Saw It In CO

ESTATE SALE De<1lron amat...., filclll) l!I'll>lP"""'t Ifom the
__ ~1'on RadooCo ealled CoolcoCorp II\a"'lone eacnol
Itle lo1low"'ll ORO U>eaf U;512Bs 21< ... S660 00. GlA l000c
.X6LQ6 1UCe<'I 1.... $375 00. GlTl000c Ani"""" Tune' 1 ...
$1(9 00. ""lT2500 21<... T _ 1'" tleSl S330 oo. Ani ...,
DoutIle1 $29 00. Do9 Dummy load .... tn ~ $25 00 , CRY-I
'f.. C . .... $208 00 FaclOfy s-led ea'lons Of come ... '111
Of~ea flon I ~ l)u, nl ll'l Ollly All FOB IIIV USA W"e.
POll ""ar~ PO 8o,0280.e._IIIV I1 510

11.11 UDIO .E~"'I.' ttl'ougI'I.-:l slate RoDen Ha MEIK-

lfonoc:•. 80. 8363_san FfatIClSCO, CA 901 I 28 1((18-729-82001
4RV F-our C h _ n nel Re plt_ter Vo t e l
SAlE STILL GOING a lii CoII'tIS 3051 , $1.29500. 3011
$37500.62$1 $(50_00. 3128( $15000. 516-F2 $100.00. e Sign.110 " 01. . Type
KW"" 2 $600 00. KW""2A $700 00. 7552 $25000. lSA( • hpandable 10 3.2 Cllannel by Jusl "'-"<lIng c.fdl
$25000 I l1XC $15.00. 2SOC $11500. 210B Cygnet • Dr:!signed lo r COmmelcl al a nd Am. le u' Sa",lce
$250 .00, 1200 ...a 11 Cygnet L,ooa' $215 .00. 350 tra ns ce've r • COnlin UOUI Inl lant Voling
$200 00, TY2B $ 15000, SOB VFO $ I30 00 , HAL ST6 $11500, FOR SALE Swan 2108 ...,ttl VX·2 B"sI01te' h c e llem cond'
• Dua l Of Single 12 Vol1 Supply
RVO 1002 $175.00 , HAL 1550 $ 17500, RKB- l Keyt>oa ' d ItOn Wil ls h,p UPS K3AOR , 904681hAv" Wes t, 8 rad.. nton, FL
33501 • LED Indicators of COR and Vot"d Slgn.11
$100 00, OKB 2{)10 KUBD $13 5 00, He alh S8220 $400.00, • F ro nll,l oo nted Lavel POls
58620 $12500. He- 13 SCOPE! sroooo. HO-tO $ 100.00,
Seneca $15 00, Tempo 2002 2 mtr linea' $150.00, Gonsel2 FOR SALE: Healh HW-16 "r>d HG·108 VFO. 51000r olle' 'or • BUill In c.llbr. lor
t>oll'l .. s hlPP'ng Doug K...... hrIQ_T4 14 (;ojs""a 0 ' . "'c Lean. • R"mote Voted Indlcalors Pinned OUI
mtr L,nea' $175.00, Dentron 160XV $ 100 00. Supef Tune,
V'" 22102 (103-821-1)509> • • ..,. 0 x So Double Sided Gold PI. led« PIn C"ord
$15000. I,l" ..... T'ansmatch $11500. E!&W 33(.1. $15 .00.
Watefs 3J( $1500. Cltow 22 'ef S50oo. Va""" FRG-l • UnsquelClMtd Al>d1O Input
TE N·fEC DELTA HF Uante"""". POWe' SUPPIY _k.. ye' , moe • On ao.rd Al>d1O S lling and MI. ing
$1SOOO. Ioi00ech 100 t,1I'nCJOeI $100.00. malctwlg TU Qood condit"",. 5600 E,-" , ,.I CFO, 802-115-3666
$175 00, KLI,l I,luh, 2000 $20000. l(;21'" ICOI,l $17500. • Al>d 1O I,l,. .. Inpul Av.llable IOf b l.....1 Inpul
TS100A l25Ooo. Clegg Inle<cepIOI $ISOoo. matchll'lg a M FOR SAlE KelOOlOOd T5-930S l'anse.............lh ...T-930 and • ()pen CoIl.clor or RotI.y ContllCt Inpul
bandof< $ISO 00. eomc.all CTl( '« $100 00. "atlOnat ...c155 ON F ~t'" $ 1300 K...-...ood $I,l220 Slat"", ""(lflO1Of 8S-8 • ()pen CoIl.clOf N PN Ou ipul
$100 00_ seE 3( $75 00 I _ e>POll a...........-e 10 lhe If.... p;ln Oo5Iay $.275 Wm sr-Tc~ 1 LOIS A~ 0.1I0n, NJ • Remole Diaable Inpula
wotId Io1o&1 come ... Ih All 'epIoeS a _ e d Mosl
dem& UPS shop I,l"k.. 011 5 ""af. PauISOn_Posl Olloc.. 80.
0 701.1201-(11-3196) . "~
.A V Kit Indudl"ll borIrd . nd p."t. .... 1111 20 page
0280.801_. ,.VU S A 11510 P'e.... no1eTtlatmany~....... WANT UTC L..-.ea' SId '''' I F a "'ClOt... lmonol or McIntosh rNlnual __ ... . • . • , •• 1200.00
. 'e ....,.. lI\an one 01 a ~nd T~ \'OU E.pan ~'"e5 on- ...· 116 or MC30 (mono) bOlll cllea 1~ Don. 80. ((I
.,~ Stn . ...~ , """ 0 18 10 FOf _ ""_1_
Buill, 1ft1~, .nd ca llbra led illl m. nua l . ... S350.10
caU Of IO'I'ila:
(61 ")
TELL THE WORLD .......t you WOUld ,eally fatOO' Dedoong' ' 'I' d VOT EA H.ll Electron ic.
RaIOO< Be DX',ng" bumpe, ShCke< ...,Ih "Amaleu' RilOoO " W"'NTED Kenwood TW ·.QOOA 8930 r cees & lZ96 ""HZ 261 -a811
gea' Clem, WBVO , 33121 B'ownlaa,St,,'lorIQHglS .. MI ( oon '1 5 E. Hudaon 5 1...1
..."nen dOwnlt1e sees. Send 52 00 plus $ 50 poslalle 10 Dan
l _ _-;;:;;;;;;c::~~
m~;,:- hlp " 3.211
Jo'dan. P O. 80. 63 49. Evansv,lIe. IN 4711 2 WANT EO_D,a . " rTlOd<fl P·T5 pIlOne palCII a nd " KLM 11-,,1a- CIRCLE 15" O N READER S ERVICE C ARO
"",nl 6 m"le r t><lam Johnny Ga rr, Rou l" 2 , Roc~ma ' l. CiA
SELLI NG SWAN CVGNET 210 , Kle"lgo any...he re ng , 12V
30 153
12{)Vb",11 ,n, $2OO0r Desl cue- KENWOOD I S5205. $3000'
HEL P' To ~ .....p In touch ...,Ih my lam,ly, a Venezuelan I ludent
Dest 011",- N<lW YO' . 5 16-285·5196 FOR SALE: Yaesu Ff ,90 1DM_ a .c"l lenl fig Call 215·445· ne-e-ds donation 01 &Qu opmenl CS-s ...,th SSB a'e a lso ac-
50&43. $550 or t><lSI cner Slep/l,," "'OZ" loak , Bo. e RO 1, "'" ,n cept<ld R Lopez. VV10 WO, 1409 Oa . Sl .. "'e lboufne. FL
20 '110 on COMpuTER PRQGRA""S' SeM SASE 10' 1'<Ie cala -
100. EPa SO FTW"'RE. 7805 N E l(7m ....e . V"ncou~" W'"
51 . SI,,"'"'5. PA 11518

CANADI...N HAMS. H""tll HR I680. HS-I661 sPO'. HW8

FOR SALE D,,,ke T...",s . R4B, UX_ ACIII,lS4 manuals .

SAlE Inlo-lech keyboa ' d. Model 150. InlO-lecll conv"'I.. t ,
IAodeI ISO. Panasonrc 9· ...-",oo,nOf. $200 caM(118)
SCVR, HD-1250 Doppe, . SA 5010 umatoe KeV"" R W Elovd.
80. 793. Stn ........ l,lont," 1. Quebec. (S U I ((11-(830 afte'
18 001'"
eableS .!. e .tfa . t.. 1$ Condition. $325 I,llll TOfen.
W2G""A, 1162 Laf.5PI" Ad . CI>e"y HoM. NJ 0ll00:]

Get Your Best Deal ••

1·800·238·6168 (In Tennessee, cell 901-683-9125)

AUTHOR IZED DEALER FOR : Kenwood. ICO M, reo -tee. MFJ . When you c all , talk to a Quali fied w. Ire an Authorized
Astron . Mirage, B&W, Hustler, ccshcratr . Larsen, Hy-Gain, Ham Operatorl Ask for Service center for
Bullernul , Avanl i, Van Gordon. Ameritron AEA and more ... MARSHALl, KU40, or BILl, W4TN P KENWOOD

Store Houra:
AUer the •• Ie,
It', the ••rvlce
that count,1
Memphis Amateur Monday-Friday, 9 to 5,
Saturday 9 to 12
(Cent ral Time)
Electronics, Inc.
1465 Wells Station Rd., Memphla, TN 38106 CIRCLE 42 ON REA DER S ERVICE CARD

SBYYOU Saw It In co Janu ary 1986 • CO • 109

Tho se o f y ou wh o • FCC. NABER And SBe licensed
h a v e been wai t -
• Modem Lab
ing for th e ul- . 90 Day Warra nty On WOOl Perlormed
tiaa te t end n a l • $ales Of Commerci al Land Mobi le, Paging. Po!1 ab: e And
uni t t o support Mobile Telephone And Mari ne Equ ipment With Ant ennas And
AJ1TOR and PACKET need wa i t no
~re! We 've a dded true t er. ina l OUler Accessories
e.ulation capability t o ou r Hode l • KLM Electronics Repair fac ihly

((('p,gt(~e;c::: ll1
900B. This .eans you now ca n h a ve OPEN: 6 PM to 10 PM
not only g r eat R'l"J'YjASCItjCW
functions, bu t Clin connect the
Hodel 900B to any RS-ZlZC PACKET
or AMTOR co nve rte r and get on
these eceee t oo. The Model 900 B
... ""',
Sun . tnru Th urs.

\ ~//IJ!I II iJJ!
terminal uni t consis ts of a h iqh GRAN D LEDGE. MICHIGAN 4&131
q u a l i t y keyboard. bu i l t- in six-
teen c haracter LED d i sp l a y . AC CIRCL E I.S ON READER SERVICE CARD
power supply. 80 charac ter b y 25
line video interface
ZVH -12lA monito r
a dvanced aud i o circuit ry
gives yo u 1 Hz s e lecta bili ty o n
(Zeni t h
is i n c lud e d ).
t h at
fULL COV ER ...CiEI lL a...,u.s ,
U T OM ....
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Wk . 1 w.,. _ _'t<. c _ _ • ._ '
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out puts. mic i nput. level co n- . ...... l:io<alLnll. .lL-tR"'-----II--III ' 011 "n ··
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t rol. sidetone with volume con-
trol and more ! Sof twa re fea t u res
inc lude e xte nsive buffe ri nq (up
to ten full p aq e s of memory).

...••• _ _ or 0 ........ _ . I
SIr_ _ to 60

.............-. r.•.... ..
M. L OI'[ II" 0" ....._
1 2000 W ..
. . . . . .. 10 _ ••. sM "'LL " N l ...T.
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W9INN ANTENNAS 312·3...341.

BOll: 3930 MT. PROSPECT. IllllOO5l
• •_

split- and fu l l-s c r e e n aedes. M £NT,. R[.TRteT£O .. M _P _ 2_ .

WRU. t en aO -characte r Dessage S_R . . ... "'LL _ ... l ... _ eo... SO-3OOlo.c/ ")H'.
buffers with battery-backup and
.ore_ The 900B also has DTHf
.. _
~, .
- EVlII . C O IIII'\.[ T [ U "'$$EIlla4,lD .
~ .. "G-S.U C • • • " _ ' _
_ - _
PL 21111
c_.c SELL Lcx:om 31""'2 GHl \20
GesFellNA $120
Dtao.e L·n" r.I"~ "'·W1S lim Amo.1C()I,l PS-2S.
output to nes and dupe-checkinq .... _ S M lIO-4Q.N.'IJ..OO - ' _ .11 ..._ " II.IIS EX'06 FJ,l. PS-30 K.,K 2\ B86S-6S<l\
of up to 1000 calla. partition- .... _ 0$ ._ 2lI". - S• • .1I11
10.. 0020S _ _ 20-05 _00 _ _ . . . .
13 t I . - - S . ' .SS
abl_ by band and scee . Call or .... 0018.- _ Kt .O 2O-l_ _ i l _ e3 It. - . , • ." VAEsun l 01E_6(lIHl.U1 I...... FT~6m.'<1r $600
write for ~ re inforaation. $[NO fULl p"teI. FOil "OI:L I" US"'~10 S S .GO
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plua ~ K.ooe. a EaIJl, .28 Dt~ Way , Gull
Bt-l'It. Fl32561

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mOte n
fIOve bean serving the omoleur
Dt:F'fJ\l)ABlE " S-E-R·V· I-e.f" ond. _ fully intend to
corry on th is proud trod ilian with liven MORE new
prlXlvet lines plus the $Ome " fo ;," IJeotmeot you've
come to ' ely on. Our 'econditioned equ,pmenl is of the
fines' quality w ith 30, 60 and even fU1$ ond
New & Recond itioned
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11D • CO • January 1986 S8'fYOU Sa w It In CO

Advertiser's Index
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o your antenna is re so n ant Of nOl and . if it is
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BOX 455, ESCONDIDO. CA 92025 BOX 455, ESCONDIDO, CA 92025
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Say You s.w II In CO January 1986 • CO • 111

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LCD _2 ·_
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" _"'" '"DTY.
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CALL 618·345·6448

Celebrate your buvi decision
with the money youve saved.
111,en it comes to gelling
memories, and push-button quick perfect way to get all the II Fperfor-
maximum HF performancememory and hand scan. mance you desire, with money left
for your dollar, the choice is clear. The 757 also lets vou listen over to apply toward other ham gear.
I:leStI's rF757GX. from 500 kllz to ., 0 ~lI lz with its Perhaps a power supplyfor base sta-
Nowhere else will vou find
high-performance general coverage tion use. An antenna or antenna
so rnanv IIFfeatures packed into one
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compact, mobile-readv package. At a
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price that's got the competition newll;\RC hands, with 100 waus out- So askvonr dealer todav
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hallled. put on sideband. F~ I and c\1: about larsu'5 fT'7 57GX.The most
For starters, each 757 C\I' huffs will enjoy the celebrated II Fprice/ performer on
includes an electronic ke)~r. 6OO -liz
delights of full QSK operation. Plus the air.
C'I\' fi lter. AM and n l modes, AF
the massive heatsink and duct-fow
speech processor. And a 25-kllz
marker generator. All at no extra
cooling system allow continuous
J(n Yoperation for up to 50 minutes. Hectruntcs Corporatton
charge. lise the FP-757111J Iiealy-duty power 685/ U'ft!/!lalllfio : Paramount
And working the IlXI"" supply option for continuous-duty CA 90723 (213 ) 6334007
never been easier with dual VFOs, applications. }iu'sti Cincinnati Serrice CCIl/{'r
slngle-huttonITO/memory swap for Andof course, there's the 9070 Gold /tlr/: Drire. Hamilton
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PricI:'$ lind Sft'rif/f l U IJl1S $uhJt'ct In cbtJ".J:t' ullboul nllt;':.. U',I/d("/.lflUr hreliu tktJkr fl7.!IJnJi"Il ILW · f!(Jc'flltiOtt
Ultra Com act SURerio Simplifi r n
The new reOM Ie- 735 is what
you've been asking for...the most com-
paa and acvanced run-rearuree HF
lt's a high performer on all the ham
The large LCD readout and c0n-
tr.¥lSceiver wttn general ONerage receiver bands. and as a general coverage re- veniently located controls enable e
on the market. Measuring on~ 3.7 inches ceiver. the 1(·735 is exceptional. The operation. even in the mobile environlmeil
high by 9.5 inmes wide t¥ 9 inches deep. Ie-735 has a built-in receiver attenuator. Controls which require rare adjustmer?
the IC- 735 is well suited tor mobile. preamp and noise blanker to enhance are placed behind a hatch cover on t
marine or base station operation. receiver performance. PLUS it has a front panel of the radio . VOX contra
105dB dynamic range and a new low- mic gain ald other seldom used contr
noise phase locked loop for extremely are kept out of sight but are immediat
quiet rock-solid reception. accessible.

Dollar·for-dollar the IC-735 includes

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HM-12 seaming mic. FM. CW,LSB. USB,
ANI tr.Ylsmir and receive. 12 tunable
rrerrcoe s and lithium memory backup.
program scan. memory scan, switchable OptIons. A new lme of accessories see the' tC-73S at your autfonzed
AGe .Jutomatic ssa sejecton by band. is available, including the AT-ISO elec- ICOM oeaier. For superior performar~
RF speech processor. 12V operation. tronic, automatic antenna tuner and the and innovative features at the right pric
continuously adjustable o u tput power switching PS-55 power supply. The look at the ultra compact IC-135.
up to 100 watts. 100% duty cycle and a IC-735 is also corrpatible with most of
deep tunable notch. ICOM 's existing line of HF accessories.


First in (ommullicationl
ICOM Afl'lmc.a. Inc.. 2380-116lh A~ NE. 8t"I~, WA 98004 / 3331 T~ D~. SUlt~ 307. Dallas. Tx 7523
... «aM ~ _ 4'P'0i0"_ _ ~ lei d"'9" --......: '""*'" 0' ~ ... ~ t<dIos ~ '"""'"""" FCC ~ - . . ; IP""O'oII _ 7l54l

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