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Worksheet 1

Lesson 167 • Endangered Animals


Fact or Opinion
A fact is a statement that can be proven to be true; for example: A spider has eight legs. An
opinion is a statement that expresses a belief or feeling; for example: Spiders are ugly.

Read the passage.

In paragraph
In paragraph
Zoos and wildlife sanctuaries are working to save 2, colour the
1, underline
endangered animals from extinction. Some people words that
the sentence
tell us what
that expresses think animals shouldn’t be kept in zoos and that people can see
a fact. sanctuaries take up valuable land. in zoos.
Zoos are places where people can see wild animals
in captivity. Modern zoos educate people about
In paragraph animals, conduct research and encourage the In paragraph
1, highlight 2, underline
conservation of endangered animals. Some animals,
the sentence a fact about
that expresses such as the California condor, have been saved from the California
two opinions. extinction by breeding programs in zoos. condor.

Colour the correct answers

1 Which of the following statements about zoos is a fact?
¡ Animals shouldn’t be kept in zoos. ¡ Animals in zoos are unhappy.
¡ People can see wild animals in zoos. ¡ Animals feel safe in zoos.
2 Which of the following statements about zoos is an opinion?
¡ Zoos work to save endangered species.
¡ Some people think zoos take up valuable land in cities.
¡ Many zoos run special breeding programs.
¡ Modern zoos educate people about animals.
3 Write down one fact about the California condor.

4 What is your opinion about zoos?

Reading—Comprehension: Distinguish between statements of fact and opinion

Copyright © Reading Eggs and Blake eLearning 2017

Worksheet 2

Lesson 167 • Endangered Animals


Read the passage.

Underline two
Some species don’t breed in captivity. Some
Circle the words
sentences that people object to zoos because they believe it that tell us
show why some is wrong to hold animals captive. They say that where animals
people are can be seen in
against zoos.
zoos keep animals in poor, cramped conditions.
their natural
Zoo supporters say that animals are now kept habitats.
in habitats as close as possible to their natural
Colour the
You can see animals in their natural habitats
Highlight the
sentence that in wildlife sanctuaries and national parks. advantages of
shows why Sanctuaries keep animals safe from poachers. keeping animals
some people in wildlife
support zoos.
African wildlife sanctuaries have increased the
population of African elephants.

1 What are the different opinions that people have about zoos? Support your answer with
quotes from the passage.

2 Many animals have benefited from being in wildlife sanctuaries. List two facts that support
this statement.

Reading—Comprehension: Distinguish between statements of fact and opinion

Copyright © Reading Eggs and Blake eLearning 2017

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