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is when there is a

comparison made between

two different things which
share something in
America is the melting pot.
is a phrase that
compares something
to something else
using the words like
or as.
Her hair was as gold as the sun.
is a phrase that
compares something
to something else
using the words like
or as.
Her hair was as gold as the sun.

is the similarity in sound

between vowels in the
middle of neighboring
“Men sell the wedding bells”.
is a term which uses an
exaggeration to add more
dramatic meaning to the
He’s running faster than the wind.
is when you give human
qualities and human
characteristics to an object,
animal or idea.
The stars winked at me.
is when there is repetition
of consonant sounds in
adjacent or closely
connected words.
The lumpy, bumpy road.
is a when the beginning
sound of words are
repeated in close
Come and clean your closet Kevin.
is a word that actually looks
like the sound it makes, and
we can almost hear those
sounds as we read.
The dog sniffed the air; he could
smell meat.
is a phrase that
compares something
to something else
using the words like
or as.
Her hair was as gold as the sun.

is the use of words to

convey a meaning that is
opposite of its literal
A fire station burns down

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