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Área personal  Mis cursos  2023 JULIO - AGOSTO - SANDOVAL FRANCISCO - P19 - A2.2  Unidad 9  Unit 9, Use
of Language Quiz 2

Comenzado el sábado, 22 de julio de 2023, 21:59

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en sábado, 22 de julio de 2023, 22:02
Tiempo empleado 3 minutos 18 segundos
Puntos 5,00/5,00
Calificación 20,00 de 20,00 (100%)

Pregunta 1 Finalizado Se puntúa 5,00 sobre 5,00

Choose the correct option.

1 We stayed at the cheapest hotel in town

2 The United States is very large, but Russia is the largest .

3 We had a great time. It was one of the most amazing vacations of our lives.

4 He is the most famous actor in movies today.

5 These shoes are the most fashionable shoes of this season.

◄ Unit 9, Use of Language Quiz 1 Ir a...

Unit 9, Reading Quiz 1 ►

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