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3/3/24, 11:43 Unit 2 - Activity 1: Revisión del intento

Ingles52024-01BA  Unit 2 - Activity 1


Comenzado el domingo, 3 de marzo de 2024, 11:42

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en domingo, 3 de marzo de 2024, 11:43
Tiempo empleado 50 segundos
Puntos 9,00/9,00
Calificación 5,00 de 5,00 (100%)

Pregunta 1


Se puntúa 9,00 sobre 9,00

Choose the right modal verb to fill the blanks, remember the information provided in the Exploring the Language

1. He might go to Instanbul. I'm not sure.

2. She won't come to my party because she is ill.

3. I'm sure he will pass the exam because he is studying hard.

4. He won't save enough money, he always spends it all as soon as he gets it.

5. It's just not possible, you won't pass this exam if you don't study hard.

6. Seeing how things are going... I think there might be energy crisis sooner than we expected.

7. Don't worry, she will help us with our problem, she never says no to me.

8. the dog's been so sick, i'm worried he might die soon, even though the doctor is sure the treatment

will be effective. 1/2
3/3/24, 11:43 Unit 2 - Activity 1: Revisión del intento 2/2

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