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Paridhi Tiwari

Wonder woman




Assignment No. 1

June LeDrew

Total Pages - 4

05 April 2023


[Wonder woman]

# of Group # of Your
Module Discussion started by which student
Replies Postings

1 29 2
Logan Willfong
2 25 1
Aria Swanson
3 25 1
Logan Willfong
4 25 1
Aria Swanson
5 Logan Willfong 26 1

6 24 1
Logan Willfong
7 Sydney Schenn 24 1

8 33 1
Tiana Seeman

My Postings

1. Module #1-
 Logan, I also agree with you. Earlier I used to be very fit and used to do various
physical activities but now I have become extremely lazy and there is hardly any
exercise which I do to keep myself fit and healthy. I have gained so much
weight also which not only makes my body chubby but unhealthy as well. I will
definitely admit my mistake that for relaxing I can take at least 30 minutes then
why not for exercise as well. If I can scroll through my social media apps then I
can definitely use my time in a more productive way which will keep me
healthy and fit. However, I should not forget that even doing little exercise or
household chores can also be considered exercise and can help us in maintaining
our body. - Friday, 13 January 2023, 5:42 PM
 Hi Victoria, the question you asked is very important and useful as many people
find it difficult to even take out 30 minutes of their day for exercise. According
to me, whenever we are making something in the kitchen, we can usually do
standing exercises which do not require a lot of props. If we are playing with
kids, then we can ensure that with their physical fitness, our fitness is also
equally important so we can also engage in their activities which will help in
keeping our body active. - Saturday, 14 January 2023, 8:46 PM


2. Module #2 - Hi Aria
I definitely agree with your statement. My high school years were spent in India, so
it was a completely different perspective for us. I used to study in an all-girls
school, so there was no concept of different participation. However, my other
friends who used to study in different schools usually told me that all the girls and
boys were separated during games and even in the classroom. This is definitely
gendering stereotype but sometimes I also think that girls become more confident
when they are challenged with boys. What are your views?? -  Monday, 6
February 2023, 3:59

3. Module #3 - Hi Tiana, I absolutely feel the same as you because if we repeat

everything again and again then the brain memorizes it and also it does not bother
us. It also becomes habitual to that thing and then constantly reminds us about it.
When we wake up at the same time every day, our brain gets used to it and when we
finally wants to sleep more, our brain wakes us up at the same time. -  Thursday,
16 February 2023, 9:08 PM

4. Module #4 - Hi Aria, according to me, the students should be taught a proper

schedule of their day so that they will be able to complete all their assigned works
as well get a proper 7-8 hours of sleep in a day. We as future educators can try our
best to educate the children and their parents so that they will encourage their
children to strictly follow that schedule and this well not help them being healthy
but also be energetic every morning. - Monday, 6 March 2023, 10:51 AM

5. Module #5 - Hi Sydney, I love how you took time to notice the growing problem of
concerned parents. Even though I am from a whole different country but I can
totally relate to the increasing number of concerned parents about letting their
children participate in some risky games or plays. Even in India, many students
either used to write fake medical applications to avoid the games that were going to
be played throughout the day or the parents used to notify the teacher to not to let
their kids play in the sun or play any outdoor games. This not only affected their
health but also made them indirectly hate the games period. Even after letting the
parents know about the benefits of letting their children play, many of the parents
were still adamant or hesitant to send their children to school specially on games
day. - Tuesday, 14 March 2023, 1:59 PM

6. Module #6 – Not written

7. Module #7 - Hey Logan! I actually believe that it is a wonderful idea if we have

some online projects related to it. Students can understand a lot through some
videos rather than listening as they don't quite pay attention when something is told
to them as they might be a little bit distracted. - Sunday, 26 March 2023, 11:53

8. Module #8 - Hi Sydney, I think parents should let their children be engaged in

physical activity as this will help them in improving their health whether it is
physically or mentally. The reward system is a great way of encouraging children to


play outside as this will gain their interest to play and also is a great opportunity for
them to make new friends. - Monday, 3 April 2023, 11:43 AM

My Self-Assessed Grade

#1 My self-assessed GRADE out of 15 marks

based on the content rubric provided below is: [13]

#2 How many modules I did not post in? (insert 0 to 3) [1]

#3 Number of marks DEDUCTED for missing modules

based on number inserted in #2 and the required
deductions presented at the end of this rubric. [2]

#4 My FINAL GRADE based on my contribution

to individual modules (aka # value of my words posted
in #1 subtract required deductions in #3) is: [11]

According to me, I deserve 11/15 as I have written my answers on time and within the context of
the features required for writing the discussion forums. However, due to me being unwell during
module 6 I couldn’t write the discussion forum and due to this I missed my forum and lost my
marks. In my forums, I tried to keep my answers in a form of conversation so that it looks like
we are just discussing over a topic rather than just answering a question. I also took great care of
posting validating answers while writing the discussion forum. I tried to keep my answers
mistake free by reading my answers again and again. In the end, I would have done more better
but this can be taken as a lesson to not to repeat my mistake.

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