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BIO1020 Day 2 Assignment Name: Emma Webb

5 Points Possible DUE: Day 3 to Canvas or Hand in paper copy

Questions About Succeeding in College

Take some time to answer these questions from the course textbook College Rules. Either type your answers or print
legibly (if you write them out, make sure that it's legible or you won't get credit for the assignment). We are mostly using
this book as a reference. The goal is to get what you can from the book in a way that is most meaningful to you. We will
use this first assignment to take a little more time to peruse the book so that you will be able to utilize it going forward
in a way that will best assist you when you need it.

How much time should I spend on BioQuest homework? For every hour you are in class you should spend twice that
amount of time outside of class. So for each 50 minute class period you should spend 1 hour and 40 minutes on this
class. This includes homework, reviewing notes, meeting with your Mentor and implementing new strategies that you
are learning. Most of the assignments I provide, should not take longer than 1 hour to complete, so the other time can
be used meeting with your Mentor, reviewing ideas and implementing them (example: join an organization). This first
one might take you longer than an hour. Everyone is different and that is ok! If you get stuck on a specific concept please
just make a note to ask in class and keeping moving along.

Chapter 1 of College Rules – read pages 9,10; 13- top of 18, 21

1. What do you need to be successful in college? (page 9-10)

Self-discipline, patience, motivation, a gameplan, effective learning strategies, and knowledge of technology

2. What are 6 ways that college differs from High School and for each one explain whether you think this will be a
hurdle for you. Why is it a hurdle? (or Why is it not a hurdle) How will you combat this issue? (pages 13 – top of
1. We have greater freedom and responsibility
2. There’s a different class structure and instruction
3. Instruction happens at a faster pace
4. New kinds of studying
5. Fewer exams
6. Fewer grades

3. Page 21: at the end of each chapter is a section entitled “IF You Read Nothing Else Read This.” Write down the
bullet point that you want to remember from this chapter.
 Prepare to make some changes in how you think about school, learning, and studying

4. Write down ONE action step you can take to try to accomplish that bullet point.

I can make a schedule and keep track of what I need to do each day, keeping priorities in mind
BIO1020 Day 2 Assignment Name: Emma Webb
5 Points Possible DUE: Day 3 to Canvas or Hand in paper copy
Chapter 2 of College Rules – read page 22,23; skim 24-27, read 28-30

1. How will you determine when to ask for help?

I’ll know when I need help when I recognize I may have an issue that needs resolved and I’m not sure how to
handle it by myself.

2. What might prevent you from seeking assistance?

Embarrassment, not knowing who to go to for help, etc.

3. What strategies might you employ to overcome this hurdle? Hint: think of the things you are really great at and
how you might use these strengths to overcome this hurdle.

I’ll remind myself that the staff on campus are here to help me succeed, and that they’ve probably seen the
issues I’m dealing with many times before. I’ll also make sure I know which offices handle which problems.

4. List 5 offices/people on campus that could be good to know (or you already know will serve as your 5).

Phone Office Specific Service or

Contact Name Email number Hours? Role
608-342- My Academic
Nadia Sifri 7125 ? Advisor
meyersz@uwplatt.e 608-520- Full-time
Zoey Meyers du 1991 student My RA
trujillox@uwplatt.e 815-441- Full-time
Xena Trujillo du 3701 student My Peer Mentor
helpdesk@uwplatt. 608-342- 7:30am- Helping with tech
ITS Help Desk edu 1400 5pm issues
Student Health uwpshs@uwplatt.e 608-342- 7:45am- Helping with medical
Services du 1891 4:15pm issues

5. Page 30 – Write down one bullet point that you want to remember from this chapter.
 Seek assistance when you first recognize you need it, not when it is too late

6. Write down ONE action step you can take to try to accomplish that bullet.

I need to be aware of when I’m in over my head with something, and I need to check with myself regularly to
make sure I’m okay and I’m not overwhelmed or confused about something.
BIO1020 Day 2 Assignment Name: Emma Webb
5 Points Possible DUE: Day 3 to Canvas or Hand in paper copy

Chapter 5 of College Rules – read page 64-66, 71-72, 73

1. What did your social life look like in High School?

My social life went through a big shift in the middle of high school, but it was fairly stagnant during the second
half of my high school career. I had a small group of good friends that I always stuck with.

2. What concerns do you have about meeting new people with similar interests?

I hope the people I meet enjoy spending time with me, and I am concerned with the current pandemic situation
that I won’t be able to form a decent network of friends.

3. What are 2-3 ideas for getting involved and making some new friends? (page 64-66)

Joining the peer mentor program, forming study groups, and joining clubs you’re interested in

4. Why is it important to be socially connected to campus? (page 71-72)

Being socially connected to campus makes college more enjoyable and paves a path toward success.

7. Page 73 - Write down one bullet point that you want to remember from this chapter.
 Well-rounded students take advantage of what their college has to offer, both inside and outside of the

8. Write down what ONE action step you can take to try to accomplish that bullet.

I will remind myself to socialize with friends and try to go to events that aren’t academically oriented.

Finally, I challenge you to pick one of those 3 action items.

I will accomplish prioritizing what I need to do each day (action step)

by October 1, 2020 (date).

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