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Alex | SMM

Don't worry my guy, I got you covered.
Here are 101 content ideas for
absolutely any niche.
I really wanted to include ideas that
sounded good to me, not just any
generic crap.

Here you go:

Alex | SMM
1. 5 tips I wish I knew earlier
2. The most important thing that I learned so far
3. Why I started doing _______
4. What I hate about _______(your niche)
5. My worst experience in _______(your niche)
6. My worst mistake in______(niche)
7. 5 dumbest mistakes I made in _____
8. What I love about ______(niche)
9. Life lessons I learned from ________
10. My top 5 favorite creators in _______
11. How I make my content
12. Tools I use in my job
13. Why I started instagram account about
14. Why you shouldn't do_________
15. Why you are not good at_________
16. Why you will not succeed at_______
17. Why _____ is better than _____(two tools,
18. Why _________ is the worst (a tool, creator etc)
19. You don't need money to start _______
20. You are wasting your time doing __________

Alex | SMM
21. Success is overrated
22. Why you will not get better at________
23. Mistakes are good for you
24. Working hard is a mistake
25. Quit_______ if you are not creative
26. Don't start _________ if you are emotional
27. Why you don't deserve success
28. Why nobody loves your content
29. Instagram hates _______(your niche)
30. Why original ideas suck
31. The best thing about_______(your niche)
32. 5 tips to fast success in_________
33. Don't compare yourself to others
34. Why you will succeed in________
35. Easy way to start doing_________
36. Earn money with_________
37. Why people love ___________(profession)
38. Read this if you are unsure about starting _____
39. Avoid these 5 mistakes in __________
40. What you will need to start________

Alex | SMM
Controversial ideas are centered mostly
about negating something that is widely
considered true or false.
The key with these topics is not to only
create a post that negates something true
for no reason, but to use it as an
affirmation, or to debunk a myth in your
industry. They are very good for keeping
people's attention.

Alex | SMM
41. How to be unique in____________
42. 5 reasons ____________ is easy
43. 5 reasons ____________ is hard
44. 5 mistakes everyone makes when starting
45. 5 easy ways to monetize ____________
46. How most people succeed in _____________
47. Why doing _________ is good for your health
48. 5 facts you didn't know about________
49. Debunk a common myth in your industry
50. Why it is worth doing _____________
51. 5 creative ways to make money with_______
52. 5 best tools for ____________
53. 5 lesser known tools for_________
54. A lifehack from your experience
55. 5 tips to save time when doing ____________
56. 5 tips to save money in ___________
57. Stop doing this one mistake
58. One tip that is going to change your life
59. 5 struggles everyone is facing in __________

Alex | SMM
60. 5 ways to become famous with________
61. Step by step guide to start with _________
62. 10 facts everyone should know
63. Follow this guide to succeed in __________
64. Where to start learning __________
65. Where to get tools that I use for __________
66. Top 5 apps to be better in _______
67. Introduce yourself
68. Talk about your motivation and stuggles
69. This is how I (make a tutorial)
70. This is where I work at
71. Introduce your familly
72. Talk about your journey on social media so far
73. Talk about your education
74. Talk about your struggles in the past
75. Why do you like_____?Comment bellow
76. Best way to promote_________ on social
77. How I improved in __________ on social media
78. Best websites to learn about ____________
79. How I started ____________

Alex | SMM
80. How I became successful in ____________
81. Common misconceptions about me
82. How long did it take me to succeed in ________?
83. Why learning __________ takes so long
84. Why are some people naturally good at _______
85. Why is it hard to succeed in ____________
86. How to make people pay you for __________
87. Websites to find a job for _________(your niche)
88. 5 rules of success in _________
89. Never break this one rule in ____________
90. 5 facts people neglect about ____________
91. 5 dos and don'ts about your niche
92. Before and after a certain change
93. Post a work testimonial
94. 5 books to become better at ____________
95. What to expect when you start ____________
96. Talk about a trend in your industry
97. Quantity vs Quality in ___________
98. 10 Funny facts about _____________
99. Not many people know this about me
100. Work smart not hard

Alex | SMM
Alex | SMM

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