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78 Instagram Story Ideas

Always use engagement features such as the YES/No or Quiz function to increase your reach
which is also a first touchpoint to connect with potential clients.
Always reflect and ask:
• Is this story helping anyone ?
• Does it help my audience to feel connected?
• Would I keep watching this?
• Document don’t create!
• Less filter = more trust = more sales
• Less curated = more sales

Get To Know Me/My Business

1. Create a quiz about yourself. This is great way to instantly increase your engagement.

You will get so many responses because people do want to know the right answers. Many

people also send DM´s saying “I got it all right” or “I didn´t know you spoke 5


2. Share When you started your business

3. Share your personal story timeline

4. I started because I saw the need in xyz

5. My best piece of advice for people in (insert niche) is

6. A piece of advice I would tell my younger self is

7. My ideal day looks like

8. Something you don’t know about me..

9. Share a day in your life

10. Do a tour of your office space

11. My get “it done list” looks like this:

12. Before I started my business vs. after

13. Share throwback photos of yourself and describe who you were in them vs. who you are


14. Why I use (programs/apps)

15. Share behind the scenes

16. How I found my niche

17. Here's a sneak peek of what I've been working on...

18. I help people who are struggling to/with

19. Introduce your team

20. Share client testimonials

21. To me, success is…

22. Something I would have done differently when starting my business is

23. I hit a roadblock earlier when __________ but I overcame it by _____________.

24. Today I'm celebrating my recent win

25. When I'm not working on my biz, I like to xyz in my free time!

26. Something that everybody loves but I can't stand is…

27. Everyone does______ but over time I saw that ____ get the best results

Conversation Starters

1. _____ is what keeps me going when times are really hard.

2. My dream vacation spot is _____. Where do you dream of going someday?

3. My business promise is _______. What is your top biz value?

4. My mission in life is to __________ and here's why.

5. I received this DM from a client and it really spoke to me because _____ (share a

screenshot of the DM)

6. I measure success in my biz by ________. How do you measure success?

7. The scariest thing I've ever done in life is…

8. Guess how much time I spend on social media and share your time!

9. A problem I recently overcame was___

10. Do you ever feel like giving up? This is my routine to get through a down phase..

Your Best Biz Tips and Tricks

1. What people think they need to [do something] versus what they actually need

2. One software that I cannot live without is _____ and here's why....

3. Sneak Peek

4. The 1 mistake for new business owners to avoid is...

5. The worst thing you can do for your business is...

6. My top 3 tips for setting work/life boundaries are...

7. My favorite business books/podcasts are...

8. My business changed after I implemented this one simple tactic

9. How to structure your work day to maximize efficiency

10. I used to struggle so much with ________ but after implementing this ______ (solution),

my life has been xtime better!

11. My business grew a ton when I stopped __________

12. The mindset that limited me the most was when I thought ____________ (limiting


13. I outsourced this one thing in my biz and it had __________ effect for the better!

14. I recently hired_____

15. When I started structuring my day like this: __________ I saw my business become way

more organized!

16. My biggest pain point when starting my biz was ______________.

17. I invested in __________ for my business and it had _________ effect!

18. Here's a weird tip that helped me with XYZ in your niche

Lead Gen Ideas

1. Why I love working with ______ (insert ideal clients)

2. Today I am celebrating _________ (client success).

3. If you could ask me anything about (insert niche), what would it be

4. Have you been struggling to __________? I think I have something that can help you!

5. What's one thing that could dramatically change your biz for the better?

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