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While I’m aware there were specific tasks to complete, Java is a completely new language to

me so I started by just trying to figure out very very basic programs and syntax, and for the
sake of not wanting to look like I didn’t do anything just because I didn’t complete most of the
actual tasks, I’ve attached screenshots of the basic things I did to familiarise myself as well. I
know this wasn’t the task and I apologise greatly but I do feel I built a little bit of a foundation
for myself with this language through these little tasks I set myself knowing I wouldn’t be able
to jump straight into actual programs just yet. I do want to strive to do well in computer
science this year but I really did struggle with the tasks and decided my time was probably
better spent taking the initiative of just learning the basics so I could have a fairly good
foundation for when we start in class.
Also NetBeans wouldn’t download on my laptop as I have a Mac so I used for these
mini programs.

Figuring out the main essential syntax and how to print:

Attempted for a while to ask for user input but didn’t get it quite right
I kept getting error codes about the use_input line
I wanted to find a way to get a user input without having to import a new class but I don’t
think I can.
My aim with this was just to output a simple list of names from a string array with the position
of each in front. At first I kept getting errors and couldn’t figure out why until I realised that I’d
forgotten to define x so my while loop had nothing to compare, but once I fixed that I got it to
run smoothly.

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