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1. The big store with lots of food is called a supermarket.

2. Signs in the supermarket help us find things we need to buy.

3. We can find fresh fruits and vegetables in the part of the store called the
"produce section".
4. The yummy smell of fresh bread comes from the "bakery section".
5. The place where they slice ham and cheese for us is called the "deli counter".
6. Sometimes we have to wait in a line at the checkout to pay for our food.
7. If we go to the supermarket a lot, we can join a special club to get prizes called a
"loyalty program".
8. In the "freezer section", we can find food that is very cold and can be cooked later.
9. If something we bought at the store is not good, we can return it and get our
money back.
10. If we need help, we can ask the nice people who work at the store.
11. There is a big parking lot outside the store where we can park our car.
12. The store has many different kinds of food from many different companies on
their shelves.
13. The store has a special part where we can buy medicine without a doctor's note
called a "pharmacy section".
14. Sometimes the store will make food cheaper if it is going to be too old soon.
15. The store has a special part where we can buy healthy food like fruits and
vegetables called the "health food section".
16. The person who helps us pay for our food is called a "cashier" and they are very
17. We can also pay for our food ourselves by using a special machine called a
18. We can find things to clean our house with in the "cleaning section".
19. We can find things to feed our pets with in the "pet section".
20. We can also buy food from the supermarket on the internet and they will bring it
to our house!

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