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About the Tutorial

Equestrian includes three different events namely Endurance, Jumping and Dressage.
This sport can be played as solo (individuals) as well as in teams. This tutorial will teach
you the basics of playing the sport along with its rules and regulations, equipment, etc.

This tutorial is meant for anyone who wants to play equestrian. It is prepared keeping in
mind that the reader is unaware about the basics of the sport. It is a basic guide to help
a beginner understand the sport of Equestrian.

Before proceeding with this tutorial, you are required to have a passion for Equestrian and
an eagerness to acquire knowledge on the same.

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Table of Contents
About the Tutorial .................................................................................................................................... 1

Audience ................................................................................................................................................... 1

Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................................. 1

Copyright & Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................. 1

Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................................... 2

1. EQUESTRIAN – OVERVIEW .................................................................................................... 3

2. EQUESTRIAN – DISCIPLINES.................................................................................................. 5

Endurance ................................................................................................................................................. 5

Jumping .................................................................................................................................................... 5

Dressage ................................................................................................................................................... 6

3. EQUESTRIAN – EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................. 8

4. EQUESTRIAN – TAKING CARE OF THE HORSE................................................................. 9

5. EQUESTRIAN – RIDING THE HORSE .................................................................................. 10

6. EQUESTRIAN – HOW TO PLAY? .......................................................................................... 12

Before Mounting..................................................................................................................................... 12

Mounting ................................................................................................................................................ 12

Western Style of Riding ........................................................................................................................... 13

English Style Mounting ........................................................................................................................... 15

Dismounting ........................................................................................................................................... 16

Position of Body Parts while Riding ......................................................................................................... 16

Changing Direction .................................................................................................................................. 17

7. EQUESTRIAN – RULES ............................................................................................................ 19

8. EQUESTRIAN – CHAMPIONS ................................................................................................ 21

1. Equestrian – Overview

Equestrian is a citation to horseback riding. It is derived from Latin words equester and equus
which means horse. This sport is played as solo and also in teams. It is a combination of three
different events namely Endurance, Jumping, and Dressage.

 Endurance – The endurance discipline checks the rider’s talent on horseback along with the
fitness and potential of the horse.

 Jumping – The jumping discipline checks the rider’s talent to make their horse jump over
barriers on command.

 Dressage – Dressage is the third discipline which is commonly known as horse ballet.

Equestrian checks the rider’s talent to coordinate with the horse to perform a set of moves.
In this discipline, the horse’s form and willingness to perform with minimum pushing from
its rider is judged.


Equestrian is an interesting sport which is completely based on rider’s equation with horse.

The sport includes three different events whose objective is a bit different from others. In
the Endurance event, the main objective is to finish the course with shortest time. The
riders who complete the course in minimum time are ranked higher.

In the jumping event, the aim is to finish the session with minimal time without knocking
over or missing any barrier, deviating from sequence of the session, and exceeding the
time limit.

In the dressage discipline, the horse’s form and willingness to perform along with the
rider’s relaxed and in control behaviour is judged. The riders with the best scores qualify
from the team event to the individual event.

A Brief History of Equestrian

Equestrian was first presented at the Games of the II Olympiad held in Paris in the year
1900. Although, it was not included for the next two editions of the competition but it was
again seen in 1912 and has always remained a part of Summer Sports Olympics

Up to 1948, only men were allowed to participate in this sport. The year 1952 witnessed
active participation of women in this sport in Games of XV Olympiad held in Helsinki.
Firstly, they only compete in dressage but slowly as the time passed, they started
participating in other events too.

Participating Countries
The Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) administers the FEI World Equestrian Games
for international championships in equestrian. The championships take place once after
every four years. The place of the championships alters within different countries. In the
2010 Summer Olympic Games, 800 people along with their horses represented 57

Given below is the list of countries where recent five Equestrian championships were held.

 2014: Normandy, France

 2010: Lexington, US
 2006: Aachen, Germany
 2002: Jerez de la Frontera, Spain
 1998: Rome, Italy, Argentina

2. Equestrian – Disciplines

Equestrian consists of three disciplines: The Endurance, the Jumping, and the
Dressage. Each discipline has both individual as well as team events.

In this discipline, the rider’s abilities on the horseback along with fitness, potential, and
stamina is tested. For each round, a time limit is set for some distance with weight
divisions, so that no rider has any advantage. For the team event, each group includes
four riders and ranking is done on the basis of the team which first completes the round.

The tracks here are cross-country. It comprises of both natural and some artificial barriers
like hills, ditches or edges. The rider who manages to cross all the barriers in the round in
minimum time is ranked higher. There are awards for the horse which crosses the finish
line in better condition as compared to other horses.

In this discipline, the rider’s skill to coordinate with the horse along with the horse’s skills
to jump over the barriers as per the rider’s command is tested. This discipline has over
eight to twelve obstacles which include ditches, low walls and parallel bars.


The duo i.e. rider and the horse who completes the round with fewest penalties and in
minimum time are the winners.

Penalty Points
In case if the rider’s horse is not willing to cross an obstacle and complete the round then
time faults (one per second) are awarded as penalty points. Any violation will lead in
penalties and deduction of points from the final scores.

Here riders have to wisely make a pass as they have to make two passes and the one with
highest score will be directly promoted to finals. The rider and the horse with shortest time
wins but in case of a tie, the rider has to perform an additional pass to break the tie.

The aim here is to finish the round in the shortest time without knocking over or missing
any barrier or deviating from the round sequence. Only four riders can play in teams and
the one with lowest score has to leave the sport. Finally, the team which performs best in
the shortest time is crowned as the winning team.

This discipline is also referred as the horse ballet as the riders and their horses are judged
for their accuracy of movement, calmness, suppleness, and flexibility by five judges. Here
the horse's form and its enthusiasm to perform each element with minimum inciting and
motivation from the rider is judged.


Dressage round is held in a 60 X 20m sand based area where the horses have to perform
some sequence of movements. The movements for the first two rounds are compulsory
while the third round is the free style round. In the third round, the rider chooses an
individual program that is set to music.

It is advised that the rider remains relaxed and in control. On the basis of the above
mentioned criteria, judges’ award points to each rider from 0 - 10 for each element
performed and finally the rider with the highest score wins.

The team event is held first for Dressage. Four riders make a team and the one with the
lowest score has to leave the sport before the total is added together. Eventually the team
with the highest score wins and the riders with the best scores for the team event qualify
for the individual event.

3. Equestrian – Equipment

Equestrian is a sport of horse riding in which the riders take part in any of the three
disciplines. Horse riding is a dangerous game because if a rider falls from the horse due
to his mistake or some other reason, he may get hurt. The rider also needs comfort while
sitting on the horse so that he can easily mount on it and ride it. SO he needs comfort and
safety equipment.

In this chapter, we will discuss about the equipment used in Equestrian.

Any saddle that fits the horse and do not restrict its movement is good to go. Breast collars
can also be used to ensure that the saddle stays in its place in rough terrain.

Head Gear
It is a clothing element which every rider is bound to wear for safety reasons.

It is a material placed in a horse’s mouth positioned on its head through headstall.

Breaches are a set of trousers worn by the rider during the event along with boots and

4. Equestrian – Taking Care of the Horse

Horses are considered as large animals but they do require proper attention, care, and
regular interaction. They are living beings and they do understand emotions. Taking care
of horses, be it boarding them for some time or keeping them, requires commitment and

Making Stalls for Horses

While making stalls for the horses, make sure that their stalls are greater than 3.6m by
3.6m and they should be let out daily for exercise. They are fed hay twice a day. It should
be noticed that the horse’s food is kept in barrels off the ground in order to prevent
ingestion of sand which may cause sand colic.

Fences and Gates

Ensure that the fences and gates are in proper condition and try not to use barb wires as
the animals may get caught in it and get hurt. If the riders want to board the horse, they
need to check out what is available at that instance. In this case, they can opt for full time
boarding that consists of all the requirements and making the stalls.

Riders should also carefully notice all the services and extras available at that instance.
They are also expected to check on their horses at regular intervals so that they can
monitor their good conditions. They should have close bonding with the horse so that they
can prepare them for the big event.

Part Boarding
In part boarding, the horse does not belong to the riders. They pay some amount in return
for its use. This is the best option for those who can’t afford to own a horse. As they pay
less, they get to spend less time with their horse.

5. Equestrian – Riding the Horse

The basic requirement for the players of Equestrian is their potential to stay on their horse.
The entire sport relies on the rider’s bonding with the horse. From taking care of the horses
to keep them happy and active to perform in the event, everything needs to be taken care

Alignment of Rider’s Body

While sitting on the horse, the riders are advised to keep their body aligned. It would be
wise to stay relaxed and feel comfortable while sitting on seat bones avoiding use of thighs
to grip the horse. The rider should remain calm and should not show signs of anxiety and

While standing on the horse, it is very important to keep the upper body in the same
alignment as it was during the sitting position. In short, body should be aligned from head
via hips.

Riding without Stirrups

Riding without stirrups helps in developing body balance along with strengthening lower
leg. This exercise helps the rider to naturally sit deeper into the saddle centering on the
horse’s back. It also helps the rider to naturally lean towards the sides when he is on the


The feel of horse’s moving rhythm can also be developed by posting trots. The riders can
lift their body up from their saddle by just using their horse’s stride by posting without

Five-Five-Five Exercise
Five-Five-Five is another exercise which gives the rider the capability to pay heed to where
the horse’s hooves are. This can be done by feeling the movement through the horse’s
body as it moves. Here the rider needs to sit on the saddle for five strides as the horse
walks, before posting for the next five strides.

At the end of the first five strides, the rider and horse stand for five more strides. This
exercise should be practiced daily so that both the rider and horse are comfortable with it.
Practicing these three sets of moments make the riders well aware with the rhythm of the
horse’s stride.

Once the rider is pretty sure of being on the saddle, the final step is jogging in a circle. It
begins with a trot and directs the horse in establishing a large circle. After forming the
circle, tighten the circle by half and direct the horse into a jog. As the circle tightens, drop
inside stirrup and maintain the balance. Once the rider feels the hang of it, they can easily
change the direction and practice.

6. Equestrian – How to Play?

Before Mounting
Before mounting a horse, make sure that you are mounting gracefully without hurting the
horse with your leg onto its rump or saddle. Align yourself correctly over the saddle and
start riding with a slight touch over the rein. Do more trotting or jogging instead of
cantering or lopping. Instead of artificial aids (crop or spurs), use natural aids (hand, legs,
weight and voice) to give a clear cue to your horse on movements.

Start with little bit of warm up then go for mounting. This is because, cold muscles of the
horse require gradual warm up for smooth functioning. Therefore, before canter/lope just
move along with your horse in both the direction for jogging or trotting.


Different styles of mounting have different steps but all have some common steps that
need to be followed:

 Take your horse to an open location and make sure your horse is at fair distance
from other horses.

 Check the tightness of clinch/girth.

 Rein should be evenly distributed over the horse to give a firm control over him. A
good rein can help you holding your horse in steady position, so that it will not
move while you ride.

 If the horse is feeling shy or bolt, his eyes and ears can communicate with you. So
before riding, look into his face for such signs.

 Use a mounting block which will help in reducing the strain on horseback while you
ride on it.

Western Style of Riding

If you wish to ride the horse in western style, then follow the steps given below:

1. Stand on the left hand side of the horse and start evenly distributing the rein
through your hands over his neck.

2. Now hold the rein tightly in your left hand, restricting any further movement of the
horse in forward direction before mounting and after mounting it can be released
a bit.


3. Use your peripheral vision to keep an eye on the head of your horse and face either
in the same direction or to the side of his face.

4. Now position your left hand in front of the withers by holding tightly the saddle if

5. Use your right hand to hold the stirrup and place your left foot in it.

6. Hold the saddle horn tightly and push up off the ground with your right leg.

7. Keep yourself in a standing position and put your whole weight on left stirrup.

8. Pass the right leg over the saddle without touching the horse and sit over it gently.

9. Position your right leg into the right stirrup and adjust the saddle along with reins.


English Style Mounting

If you are going to ride your horse in English style, then use a mounting block and follow
these below steps.

1. Keep the stirrup irons run up while mounting on a horse saddle with an English

2. Place the reins over the head of your horse.

3. Hold the reins with your left hand by standing on the left hand side of the horse.
Reins should be evenly distributed and should be short enough to hold the horse in
a steady position.

4. Face towards the forequarters and at the withers, grasp your horse’s mane with
your left hand.

5. Now it’s time to turn the iron stirrup towards you in a clockwise direction with your
right hand.

6. Place your left foot into the stirrup and right hand on the off side of the saddle.

7. Now lean slightly forward and mount the horse with your right foot making an arc
over his saddle without touching.

8. Now sit down gently on the saddle by adjusting your right foot into the stirrup and
adjust the reins with your hands.


Before landing, always make sure that your landing area is free from any obstacles. Those
who are using western style of horse riding can use any of the following two dismounting

 Without using your left stirrup, gently slide down from the horse.
 Leave your foot in the left stirrup and step down from the horse.

The size of the rider decides the method of sliding down from the horse. For example, a
person having small height should use the first method instead of second.

If you are an English rider, then without using the left stirrup slide down from the horse
or else do the vaulting. Like western styles, riders do not step down from the horse directly.

Position of Body Parts while Riding

If you learn how to mount and dismount from the horse, that is not going to help you in
playing equestrian. Learning about various body positions is also equally important. Below
we have discussed about some basic position of your body while sitting on the horse.

 Head – Do not tilt your head with respect to your shoulders, rather keep it straight
and keep your eyes on the destination. Put the weight out of your heel by kneeling
forward and keep your chin in up position.

 Shoulders – As soon as you position yourself on the saddle, try to maintain your
both shoulders at same level. If not, they may indicate that your body weight is
not balanced centrally. If you lean in a direction, it will make your horse to lean in
that direction too.

 Back – Keep your back always in a vertical position with respect to your base. Do
not keep it rigid else it will affect your performance.

 Stomach and Arms – Your stomach should be flat and arms should hang naturally
not rigidly. Keep them soft and relaxed. In this way, your hand will move naturally
when the horse will make any movement.

 Seat – Keep your hips and pelvis in relaxed position because they are the real
shock absorbers. Try to distribute your body weight evenly all over the saddle. Your
thighs should remain in touch with the saddle.

 Legs – Through your legs, you can actually communicate with the horse effectively.
Legs can balance your upper body in a equilibrium position over the saddle. Stirrups
should be of shorter height than saddle so that your legs and ankles can effectively
act as shock absorbers.

 Foot – Most part of your body weight is carried out by your heel. So, proper
positioning of the ball of your foot over the stirrup determines how you are going
to use your legs. The position of your feet should be nearly parallel with the side of
the horse.


Changing Direction
To change the direction, you must use your hands, legs and the reins effectively. Let’s
discuss some of the basics.

Turn right/left
Let’s start with a procedure for turning right. Turning left will follow the similar procedure
with opposite aids. Put more pressure on the right hand side of the stirrup but do not lean
over the horse. Then draw the rein little back. Now there is task to turn the horse in a
direction you want to. For that you first turn your head, then shoulders and then hips, so
that your horse can sense the movement through you.

As the horse starts turning, bump his girth slightly with your outside legs so that the horse
will turn around more tightly. Here the outside leg will control the impulsion and the inside
leg will control the bending of his ribcage.


Riding a Circle
Making a circle requires the bending of the horse at four points and the rider should be
able to see horse’s inside eye all around the way. The steps for circling are as follows:

1. When you start to move around a circle, your horse will follow his nose and will
look for where he is going.

2. Slightly tip his nose to the arc of the circle with your inside rein.

3. Use your outside leg to control the movement of the horse around the circle.

4. Your inside leg can make him move around the arc by applying pressure on his
ribcage and spine in the same direction. Bump him at his girth in between if he
does not respond.

5. Pull your inside rein slightly up of his mane so that the shoulder of your horse will
remain in upright position.

7. Equestrian – Rules

Rules for equestrian are decided by Federation Equestrian Internationale. Let’s know the
rules relating to various aspects of Equestrian.

 Endurance has various phases varying from 20-40km each. The event lasts from
one to five days. Phases depend on the distance that is to be covered.

 After each phase, there is a compulsory break or rest time for feeding the horse.
Veterinary inspections of the participating horses are also conducted during this

 Time is the most important element that determines the winner of the sport. After
each phase, players are given a time card mentioning and recording their timings.
The first ten players who complete the finish line in best conditions are rewarded
by the organizing committee.

 The players should wear protective, securely-fastened headgear throughout the

sport while on the horse. Safety stirrups are compulsion and while riding, all the
players must wear footwear with heels of 12mm or more.

 All the riders must be in their respective uniforms. Shorts and sandals are not


 During the jumping event, all details regarding the event along with one copy must
be posted at the entrance of the arena at least 30 minutes prior to the event. All
barriers to be crossed have to be numbered in the order they need to be jumped.

 Two flags are used for marking. All the compulsory turning points are marked with
a red flag on the right side and a white flag on the left. If a rider tries to jump the
barriers with their head gear incorrectly fastened, then they will be directly

 In dressage, all the rules related to the penalties and faults are very strict and the
rider can be directly disqualified if the infractions made are deemed serious.
Anyhow, the riders can improve their performance by listening to the judge’s

8. Equestrian – Champions

The FEI World Equestrian Games are considered as the major international championships
for equestrianism, and are governed by the Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI). The
competitions are conducted after every four years.

Some of the important Equestrian championships that are held worldwide are as follows:

 The American World Cup

 Saratoga Classic Horse Show
 World’s Championship Horse Show
 The AQHA World Show
 The Arabian and Half Arabian Horse Show
 The Georgia Arabian Horse Show

Equestrian is a sport of Horse Riding which consists of various events. Many participants
have won medals in various championships. The description of some of them is as follows.

Reiner Klimke
Reiner Klimke was a German Equestrian who has won six golds and two bronzes in
Summer Olympics. In the team events, he won golds in 1964, 1968, 1976, 1984, and
1988. In individual events, he won two bronze medals in 1968 and 1976.

He has also won six gold medals in World Championships of which two were won in
individual events in 1974 and 1982 and four in team events in 1966, 1974, 1982, and

He also got success in European Championships where he won many medals. He died of
heart attack at the age of 63.

Carl Hester
Carl Hester is a dressage rider from Great Britain. He started his career at a very young
age and won Young Dressage Rider Championship in 1985. From 1990 onwards, he started
taking part in World Championships, European Championships, and Olympics.

In 2011, he participated in European Dressage Championship in the British team and won
gold medal. He also won silver in special dressage and freestyle dressage in the same

Besides this, he has won four silvers and one bronze in European Championships in
different years. In 2009 and 2015 European Championships, he won a silver while a bronze
in 2013 in a team event.

Michael Jung
Michael Jung is a horse rider and equestrian participant from Germany who participates in
eventing. He has won many medals in Olympics, World Championships, and European


In 2012 Olympics, he won a gold medal each in team and individual events. In 2010, he
won a gold in individual eventing in World Equestrian Games.

In 2014, he won a gold in team eventing and silver in individual eventing. In European
Championships, he has won six golds and one bronze.

David O’ Conner
David O’ Conner is an equestrian participant from United States who has participated in
two Summer Olympics.

He won a silver medal in 1996 Olympics and a bronze medal in 2000 Olympics in team

He won a silver medal in individual eventing and a gold medal in team eventing in 1999
Pan American Games.

In 2002 World Equestrian Games, he won a gold in team event. He retired from the team
in 2004 and became coach for the US team.

Mark Todd
Mark Todd is an equestrian participant from New Zealand who has won two gold medals
in Badminton Horse Trials in Olympics four times and Burghley Horse Trials five times.

He also won gold medals in World Championships while being a member of New Zealand

At the starting of his career, he took part in first three-day eventing in a World
Championship and got 10th Position. In 1980, he won Badminton Horse Trials. After this,
Todd won medals in 1984 and 1988 Olympics.

Charlotte Dujardin
Charlotte Dujardin is a dressage rider from Great Britain and is considered as the most
successful rider who has won many major titles and has set many world records. The titles
that she has won include Individual Olympic Freestyle and World Freestyle.

Along with it, she has also won World Cup individual dressage and European Freestyle.
She was fond of riding from childhood and she has won Horse of the year four times till
the age of 16.

In 2007, she got some coaching with Carl Hester for dressage riding. She has won two
golds in 2012 Olympics one as an individual and other in a team.

Anky van Grunsven

Anky van Grunsven is a dressage champion from Netherlands who has won many medals
in Olympics.

She has the record of winning medals in three consecutive Olympic Games.

Apart from this, she has also won many medals in World Equestrian Games. Between the
year 1995 and 2008, she has won the World Cup nine times.

In European Dressage Championship, she has won eight team medals and seven individual
medals. After taking part in 2012 Olympics, she retired in 2013.


Isabell Werth
Isabell Werth is a German dressage rider who has won eight medals in Olympics. In 1992
Olympics, she won a gold in team dressage event and a silver in individual dressage event.

In 1996 Olympics, she won one gold each in team and individual dressage events. In 2000
and 2008 Olympics she won a gold in team and a silver in individual dressage events.

In World Championships, she has won seven golds and two bronzes while in European
Championships, she has won nine golds, three silvers, and two bronzes.

Nicole Uphoff
Nicole Uphoff is an Equestrian from Germany who has won four Gold medals in Olympics.
Besides this, she has also won medals in World Equestrian Games and European Dressage

She started her riding career in 1985. In 1987, she started taking part in international
championships with her coach Uwe Schulten Baumer. She won a two golds, one in team
dressage and one in individual dressage events in 1988 and 1992 Olympics.

In European Championships, she has won six golds and one silver while in World
Championships, she has won three golds and one silver.


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