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Communicate the Learning Objectives: Clearly state the specific learning

objectives at the beginning of the session. Outline what participants are expected
to learn and achieve by the end of the training. For example, objectives could
include understanding the properties and hazards of H2S, recognizing symptoms
of exposure, implementing control measures, and responding to emergencies.
This provides participants with a clear roadmap of what they will gain from the
2. Explain the Importance of H2S Safety: Emphasize the significance of H2S safety in
the workplace. Discuss real-life incidents or case studies to illustrate the potential
dangers associated with H2S exposure. Highlight the potential health risks and
the importance of adhering to safety protocols to protect themselves and others.
By explaining the importance of the topic, participants will understand the
relevance and relevance of the training.
3. Outline the Training Structure and Methodology: Provide an overview of the
training structure, including the duration, topics to be covered, and the training
methodology that will be employed. Explain whether it will be a combination of
presentations, discussions, interactive exercises, or practical demonstrations. This
helps participants understand how the session will be conducted and what their
active participation will entail.
4. Discuss Expectations and Participation: Clearly communicate expectations
regarding participant engagement and participation. Encourage participants to
actively engage in discussions, ask questions, and share their experiences or
challenges related to H2S safety. Emphasize the importance of a collaborative
learning environment where everyone's contributions are valued. This sets the
expectation that participants will play an active role in their own learning process.
5. Address Pre-requisites or Prior Knowledge: If there are any pre-requisites or
assumed prior knowledge for the training, make sure to communicate this
upfront. Inform participants of any recommended readings or resources they
should review before the session.
This helps ensure that participants come prepared and have a baseline
understanding of the subject matter.

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