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Quiz-3 _Risk Assessment and Management Homework Questions

1- List two different hazards of chemicals?.

2- With respect to chemical hazard communication system RTK label is stand for .

A. Right to know.
B. Real-Time Kinematic
C. Rapid test kit
D. none of the above

3- What is the number of vocational diseases as per Egyptian law?

4- What is the different between NFPA and HMIS labels

5- How many sections are listed in the SDS


6- List the main elements of hazard communication program:

7- List all routes by which a chemical can enter the body:

8- What is the maximum period of exposure for each term :( TWA –STEL-CELLING)

9- State three types of container labeling ?

10-List three types of safety relief devices within compressed gas cylinder :

11-please type your name here

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