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Notion of Gene

Type 2 diabetes is due to abnormality of protein

insulin produced by the pancreas. Scientists
supposed that the origin of diabetes type 2 is a
genetic disorder. To validate this hypothesis, we
should prove that any defect in the gene that codes
for amino acids sequence will lead to inactive the
protein insulin.
Observe the following document:
1. Pick up from the text the tested hypothesis.
2. Identify the number of codons for given 5
amino acids.
3. Indicate the differences between the B
chain normal insulin and abnormal one?
4. Conclude the cause of diabetes type 2. B chain of the B chain of the
5. Is the hypothesis validated? Justify. Insulin
normal insulin abnormal insulin
molecule molecule


1. Hypothesis: the origin of diabetes type 2 is a genetic disorder.

2. Since codon is a triplet of nucleotides and each codon is a code for one amino acid and there are
5 amino acids then there are 5 codons for 5 amino acids.
3. The 4th amino acids in normal insulin there is (His) which is replaced by (Asp) in abnormal one
and in the 4th codon in normal insulin the nucleotide “C” is replaced by “G” in abnormal one.
4. Therefore, abnormality in the chain of amino acids constituting the insulin hormone is the cause
of diabetes.
5. Yes, since the change in nucleotides sequence in the DNA lead to disorder in the sequence of
amino acids therefore the origin of diabetes type 2 is a genetic disorder.

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