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1. August 2, 2021 - I got really sick with a bad cough, shortness

of breath and a severe headache. I thought it was a cold or even Covid ,
So I tried to take care of myself treating my illness as it was a
cold or worse.
Later that month I noticed that my cough was becoming more
severe and eyes were constantly burning with no relief.

2. September 1, 2021 - I was in Las Vegas taking care of my

Father who had fallen ill and had to be hospitalized, so while was there I
paid a
Visit to a blood specialist to analyze my sickness. And upon His
analysis found my illness was not a common cold or Covid,
But something worse. He told me that there was something he
couldn’t quite put his finger on
And gave me somethings to treat my sickness and wanted me to
return a month later. I talked with the Doctor sometime later
But He was still in the dark about why I wasn’t getting any

3. January 17, 2022 - I found one my guitar cases covered in

mold, then I began to move furniture around the apartment to find out
all of the walls were covered with black mold.
I also found that all of my shoes under my bed were all moldy
and stinking as well as some of my computer equipment and music
equipment, (small speaker , drumstick bag,
drum machine case and some other misc. things.
At that point I started taking photographs of the damage to the
walls as well as the damage to my belongings .

4. January 18, 2022 - I placed a phone call to the landlord to

notify him of the mold, but got no return call. Then I called a mold
specialist and the health department to find
Out what to do. The Health Department said I needed to address
the landlord about the situation and would not get involved. The mold
specialist said they would come the
Next day. Still no word from the Landlord.
5. January 19, 2022 - The mold specialist came to document and
take samples of the mold and was very disturbed by his findings.
He said that he would do an analysis and Get back to me. Still
no word from the landlord.

6. January 25, 2022 - I finally reached the property manager and

a maintenance request was put in.

7. February 2, 2022 - The maintenance man finally showed up

to clean up the mold and paint the walls. He was quite shocked at the site
but acted like it was
No big deal. At this point I was quite sick and had an
uncontrollable cough my throat was constantly hoarse.
I thought after the mold was clear I might get better, that not
being the case. I suffered for months until it went away.

8. February 1, 2023 - I woke up feeling sick all over again and

searched the apartment and to my surprise the mold was back.
immediately notified the property management that the mold
had come back.

9. February 4, 2023 - This time the owner of the property came

out with the manager in charge to see what the issue was.
As I was pointing out where I had seen the mold, they tried to
tell me there was not any mold present.
So I took more photos to show them as well as presented a pair
of shoes that got covered in mold to prove my findings.

10. February 16, 2023 - The maintenance man came out to

remove the mold and paint the walls. While he was here
I asked him to get the property manager on the phone when he
reached them I asked to be relocated to a different property.
They suggested me moving to the building next door, which at
this point I felt even more insulted considering my illness.
I asked to be relocated to a different property owned by them
and they responded saying there was a property that was
So I asked when I could see it. They told me the price was
$2000 and they would let me know when it would be available.
When they got back to me they asked could I see it on a
certain day, but I had to reschedule due to a car accident.
Upon reaching out to them again they told me that the price
was then $2400 which I thought was disrespectful after being
Quoted $2000.

11. March 4, 2023 - I had a friend rent me a hotel for 2 days

just to get away from the apartment to get some sleep
And not have to breathe mold which seemed to help a little.

12. March 7, 2023 - The mold returned on the walls and I

reached out to the property management again and I requested
Relocation once again with no response. I also informed them
that my health was getting worse and I am expected to go
On tour this summer to promote my new record that was
released in January. But considering my condition I may have
to cancel
My tour which in turn will affect my welfare as well.

13. March 15, 2023 - I had to be admitted to Downtown

Urgent Care for my coughing and being short of breath again.
Headaches are getting worse and I can’t get a goodnight’s
sleep for the sake of coughing. I was given a steroid shot and
An inhaler for my lungs. I was also tested for Covid, which I
was informed is not the issue.

14. March 16, 2023 - I reached out to legal council to see what
can be done about this issue.

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