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Grammar for IELTS

Final Test
120 minutes
Month: JUNE 2023

A. Grammar
Choose the correct answer by bolding the word.

When you think of millionaires, do you think of people wearing diamonds and (1)to
drive/driving expensive cars? Actually, the rich are far more likely to be wearing
(2)jeans old/old jeans and driving an old pickup truck. They do not try to look
different from ordinary people, say authors Thomas Stanley and William Danko in
their book, The Millionaire Next Door. They surveyed American’s millionaires and
(3)find/found) that the main secret to wealth (4)is/was modest spending. “Anyone
can (5)been/be wealthy if (6)them/they make (7)an/a plan, (8)is/are frugal, and work
hard,” says Stanley.

Eighty percent of millionaires in America made (9)their/his fortunes in one

generation. They (10)doesn’t/didn’t inherit (11)themselves/their money from family.
Most of them own a business. Two third of them (12)is/are self-employed, often in
blue-collar industries, where you do not need (13)wearing/to wear a suit. They are
roofing contractors, dry cleaners. These people (14)was/were not the A students in
high school. Women (15)is/are more likely to become millionaires than men, unless
it is through marriage.

B. Writing test
Choose one of the following topics and write an essay about it in at least 250
words in the box below.

1. Nowadays, parents put too much pressure on their children to succeed. What could
be the reasons to this?

2. Having more money but less free time is better than earning less money and having
more free time. Which do you agree with? Why?

3. Having a good university degree guarantees people a good job. To what extent do
you agree to the statement? Why?
C. Speaking test

Choose one of the following topics and record your response for 2 minutes. Go to
this web to record your answer and attach the link in the

1. A recent change in your life

2. Describe a journey you went on

3. Talk about a form of exercise or sport you do to stay healthy

Insert the link to your recording here:

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