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Name: Vince Denver C.

Program, Year and Section: BS Psychology 3-A


1. Book 5 of the Labor Code of the Philippines

In Book 5 of the labor code of the Philippines, unfair labor practices refer to actions that
violate the rights of either the employees or the employers. These practices are prohibited
because they undermine the principles of workers' rights, compromise fair and just labor
relations, and hinder the development of a harmonious working environment.
Unfair labor practices can significantly impact the relationship between employers and
employees, leading to conflicts, strikes, or even legal disputes. Recognizing and
addressing unfair labor practices is crucial for fostering a balanced and productive
workplace. By having clear guidelines and regulations to prevent such practices, the labor
code aims to protect the interests and rights of both parties involved, ensuring a healthier
and more cooperative labor landscape.

2. Book 6 of the Labor Code of the Philippines

The Philippine Labor Code's Book 6 addresses issues related to life after employment,
such as retirement. The standard retirement age is 60 years old, per the Labor Code.
Although employees are permitted to work past the retirement age, they must be given
the choice to do so.

The Labor Code understands the importance of providing protection and assistance for
workers as they make the transition from active employment to retirement. Retirement is
a crucial part of a person's working life. The average retirement age is set to promote
workforce diversity and give younger generations a chance to find employment. To
ensure that retirees can live out their golden years with financial security and dignity,
adequate retirement planning is essential.

3. Book 7 of the Labor Code of the Philippines

Both final provisions, which consolidate and condense key elements of the entire labor
code, and transitory provisions, which address the effective implementation and transition
to the new labor laws, are found in Book 7 of the labor code.
New labor laws must be applied correctly, and this is where temporary provisions come
into play. They make it easier to switch over smoothly from the old regulations to the new
ones, preventing confusion and abrupt changes that might disturb operations and labor
practices. Additionally, final provisions emphasize the significance of preserving constant
and equitable labor relations while serving as a condensed reference to the fundamental
ideas and goals of the labor code.

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