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Complete the text by filling in the verbs in their correct form. Use
Past Simple, Past Continuous and Past Perfect.

It ………………………… (HAPPEN) last August at the airport. A few weeks

before, a group of us ………………………… (DECIDE) to go to Greece
together for a holiday. We ………………………… (WAIT) in the queue at
passport control when suddenly I ………………………… (REALIZE) that I
………………………… (FORGET) my passport.

It ………………………… (BE) quite a shock. I ………………………… (HURRY) to a

phone and ………………………… (RING) my parents. They …………………………
(WORK) in the garden, but luckily my mother ………………………… (HEAR)
the phone. They ………………………… (FIND) the passport and immediately
………………………… (DRIVE) to the airport with it.

I ………………………… (MEET) them at the information desk. We

………………………… (HAVE) no time to talk, but I ………………………… (SAY)
goodbye to them earlier that morning. I ………………………… (RUN) all the way
to the plane. I was just in time. When I ………………………… (GET) there, the
passengers ………………………… (SIT) in their seats ready for take-off. When
they ………………………… (SEE) me, everybody started (START) clapping.
Put the bracketed words in the right tense or form.

Children who are not vaccinated against measles are 35 times more likely
than immunized children to catch the disease. 10 years ago, the American
Health Department (report) ……………………… 55,622 measles cases.
Research ……………………… (show) that these epidemic numbers are due to
the fact that in some areas only 50% of preschool-aged children have
received the vaccine. Without vaccines the diseases we ………………………
from will return: thousands of children (become) ……………………… sick, some
(have) ……………………… long-lasting health problems, and some (die/ even)
Other countries do not have the same levels of immunization that
developed countries benefit from. Therefore, we must all remain
(protection) ……………………… with vaccines because contamination is only a
plane ride away.
Put the verbs between parentheses in the correct answer form.

The English language (speak/ first) ……………………… by the people who lived
in England; but because they (be) ……………………… great travelers and
merchants, they (carry) ……………………… their language abroad, and it (use)
……………………… now in many countries. Because the way people speak is
always changing and new words (invent/ often) ………………………, different
varieties of English (speak) ……………………… in different places. The two
main varieties are obviously British English and American English. British
English used to be (consider) ……………………… the real thing. However
nowadays, American English (spread) ……………………… faster than British
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the adverb:

As a child, Maria was always afraid of the dark. She would hide

________ (fear) under her covers and listen ________ (careful)

for any sound that might indicate the presence of a monster. Even

as she grew older, this fear never went away ________ (entire).

It continued to haunt her ________ (persistent) throughout her

life, causing her to avoid ________ (nervous) going out alone at

night. Eventually, Maria realized that she needed to confront her

fear ________ (direction). She began ________ (regular)

attending therapy sessions to help her overcome her phobia. Over

time, she learned to face her fear ________ (bravery) and

eventually conquered it completely. Now, Maria is no longer afraid

of the dark and can confidently walk __________ (confidence)

through the streets at night.

Complete each one of the sentences below with an adjective or an


• Modern means of communication (bad/ badly) affected the

relation between people.

• The match was cancelled because it was raining (heavy/


• The population of the world has increased (rapid/ rapidly).

• Peter has made a (remarkable/ remarkably) progress since he

changed schools.

• We took a lot of photos because it was such a (beautiful/

beautifully) place.

• Beethoven became (complete/ completely) blinds at the age of


• Children like to play with (bright/ brightly) colored toys.

• After so many years of job search, she's become (hopeless/

hopelessly) about finding one.

• We were (great/ greatly) surprised by the news of his death.

• No one knows the (exact/ exactly) number of disabled people in

the world.

• She is an (incredible/ incredibly) beautiful girl.

• The (new/ newly) published book is a good seller.

Compound nouns
Underline the compound nouns in the below-mentioned sentences.

a. Have you solved your homework?

b. On his birthday, Kapil offered all an ice-cream.
c. Tomorrow we will see the sunrise in the sea.
d. Have you finished your breakfast?
e. Have you checked today’s newspaper?
f. Dishwasher is used to clean plates.
g. What is your plan for your birthday?
h. Use that matchbox to light the candle.
i. Sensodyne is a good toothpaste.
Fill in the blanks using appropriate compound nouns given below:

teapot, bookshop, policeman, watermelon, weekend, timetable,

snowman, suitcase, postbox, racecar

a. Which is your next class in your ________?

b. Can you please post this letter in the ________.
c. That________ is empty. Please fill that with tea.
d. ___________ is my favorite fruit.
e. The _________ helped us to verify the document.
f. What’s the plan for the ____________?
g. I am searching for that book. But it’s not there in that
h. Are you interested to drive my __________?
i. ________ is made of snow.
j. My __________ is too heavy.
Use the hints and form a compound noun.

a. Trip taken by a newlywed couple: ____________________.

b. Machine used for cleaning dishes: ____________________.
c. Food remaining from a previous meal: ________________.
d. Women’s purse: ____________________________________.
e. Opposite of software: _______________________________.
f. Room used for sleeping: _____________________________.
g. A tall structure with a powerful light: __________________.
h. Work given by teachers to do at home: _________________.
Causative verbs

Verbs used to describe a person or thing that causes an action to

Function of causative verbs
Complete the verb definitions with the causative verbs: have, make,
get, let.

1. …………………… is used when you allow or permit someone to do some-

thing for you.

2. …………………… is used when you force someone to do something for you.

3. …………………… is used when you convince or persuade someone to do

something for you.

4. …………………… is used when you pay, authorize, or give responsibility

to someone to do something for you.
Complete each sentence with a causative verb (have, make, get, or
let) and the verb in brackets. You may need to change the form of
the verbs.

1.I'm usually not allowed to go out on a school night, but my

parents are .......... me ........... (go) to my friend's house

2. Sara is good at keeping secrets, but I ........... her ..........

(tell) me what another classmate secretly told her.

3. I'm terrible at painting my own nails, so I ........... a

professional .......... (do) them for me.
4. I hate cleaning so after some convincing, I .....................
my sister ..................... (clean) my room for me.

5. I hate vegetables, but my dad always ..................... me

............ (eat) them.

6.The student ........ his friend ............. (check) his homework

before he handed it in.

7. I usually don't ..................... my younger sister

................. (come) out with me and my friends.

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