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HW 3

Leadership Communication

Donny R. Pasca / Eks 39 A / MM UGM Jakarta

Three What Not to Say at Work – Jill Geislerr

If you become a manager, you to know how to avoid talking yourself into trouble at work. You
don’t read the riot act to your boss, don’t traffic in trade secrets, don’t declare safety rules and
regulations to be optional, and don’t vio;ate employment law or company policy with loaded
language thar reeks of discrimination.

Here are some pharases that draw cringes from colleagues :

1. Do it because I’m the boss and I said so

If this is your management statement, it means you’re hiding behind the power of your
title rather than earning respect as a leader. As a leader you can not talk only, but you
have to create a lot of idea and give your sub ordinate motivate and gave an example for

2. I don’t care if people like each other around here, as long as we get work done.
This is the battle cry of bosses who hate the human side of management and focus on
results only. If the bosses do something like that, they faces the risk such as when your
team devolves into dysfunction because you’ve allowed problems to fester or allowed
people to treat each other poorly, the work will suffer – along with your reputation.

3. It’s not personal; it’s just business

4. We’re all a big family here. People love working here.
5. I wouldn’t give a choice assignment to someone who doesn’t come to me and fight for it.
6. It’s just the way I am; people should deal with it
7. What do you mean, you have to check with your spouse before saying ‘yes”
8. Socil Media? No thanks, why the heck does anyone care about what somebody had for

Three tips from Jill Geisler about how employee can feel enjoyed with their jobs.

1. Be leader who care with his employee

All employee more love their jobs if a leader care with them. A leader is always back up
his employee. For examples always smile when meet them, always opened mind, and low
2. Give your employee a feedback; Reward
They are feeling happy if your employee get a reward. Reward because your employee
do a good job.
3. Create a good culture; support and fair each other.
Your employee is your partner business, it will make a good condition at your company.
It will make your employee feel appreciated.

Youll be happiest at work when you do meaningful work, have acces to your boss and have the
freedom to be “you” Real leaders make the best listeners, learners and connectors of ideas.when
you give up the notion of micro managing, you become a more powerful leader. Do something to
help your subordinate reduce their fear. Admite your mistakes and you’ll gain more respect and
never stop learning.

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