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THBT Developing Countries Should Prioritise Policies That Reduce Inequality Over Pursuing Economic



The gov side of the house say that

In 1960 the United States issued 0.94 kilograms of co2 for every dollar of production, but in 2014 this
value just 0.34 kg which is 64% less, and the European Union reduced 54% of CO2 emission between
1991 and 2014, this value same as japan, even china reduced CO2 emissions by 75% over the past 4
decade. This is mean that economic growth make the development technology like renewable energy
which is can help to decrease the air polution especially on the CO2 emission, in other words that’s
mean decrease the damage to the earth. It is make sense because richer contries can allocate more
resources towards technological development and protecting natural areas

For example renewable energy cost a lot of money


Goal: To increase prosperity and make the good enviroment

Stance: So we don’t angree with the narrative that developing countries should prioritise policies that
reduce inequality over pursuing economic growth

Mech: How to achieve our goal? We should give full support to the enterpreneur in order to make their
company bigger and so on, after all we can make a policy that will give more prosperirty for people. For
example like capitalism and I would interwtwine this in my argument


1. Why prioritising policies that reduces inequality is not urgent?

In the status quo right now there is still a lot of poverty in the world no less than 650m ( six
hundred fifthy million) people live in extreme poverty, and they are not guaranted the most of
basic things like food, home, or a decent clothes. In fact most of them is developing country.
Instead of prioritising policy that reduce inequallity its better to pursuing economic growth. Also
inequality will still exist in the world, and that will not completely resolved, this is the situation
RN. Now ill explain whats the benefit of prioritising economic?
First if the economic of a countries good then the other aspect will be good too

The second is the growth of economy will give good impact to our enviroment. For example In 1960 the
United States issued 0.94 kilograms of co2 for every dollar of production, but in 2014 this value just 0.34
kg which is 64% less, and the European Union reduced 54% of CO2 emission between 1991 and 2014,
this value same as japan, even china reduced CO2 emissions by 75% over the past 4 decade. This is
mean that economic growth make the development technology like renewable energy which is can help
to decrease the air polution especially on the CO2 emission, in other words that’s mean decrease the
damage to the earth. It is make sense because richer contries can allocate more resources towards
technological development and protecting natural areas. So we believe that pursuing economic growth
is better than Prioritise Policies That Reduce Inequality
It is also give more benefit in our side.
and I will explain later in my argument.
Ideally people needs a happines and prosperity in their life. In order to make prosperosity we


1. Why is it ok to Pursuing economic growth?

Maybe you all think that the enequality will happen in our case, but its wrong. Why? Because if
economic growth, the majority’s income will increase, if the majority income increased then the
inequality will be reduced. So its mean in our case the inequallity will not happen.

Even if the inequality still happen, but its fine, because when the economic growth poor people
still can live well by the tax. If the economic growth, surely the company is also getting bigger,
and then the income tax from a company will be more. After all we can make a capitalist
economy regulation. For example finland, and US. In finland the tax is allocated to public
facilities like hospital, school, etc. and that’s give impact to prosperty and happines, now finland
became the most happines contries in the world. My second reason is if unequality happen the
impact is not as big as when we got an economic crisis.


1. Tidak boleh menambah mekanisme

2. Jelaskan keuntungan ekonomi naik, baru kenapa aspek lain bisa teratasi
3. Bawa policy dengan cara; misal membuat kebijakan yang akan mengurangi pajak untuk
pengusaha >> jelaskan secara detail di argue>> dengan memprioritaskan pertumbuhan ekonomi
otomatis inequality akan teratasi
4. Dengan mempermudah pengusaha akan membuat orang lebih banyak untuk menjadi
pengusaha, kemudian akan ada banyak job vacancy >> ini bisa mengurangi inequality karena
masalah terbesar di suatu negara biasanya pengangguran
5. Jangan bawa enviroment >> bukan di room of debate
6. Kelancaran speech

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