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VOL. 01


Mia Kusmiati, SE., MM., CT., MOS., MCE.
METHODOLOGY Dr. Budi Pramono, S.I.P., M.M., M.A.,

Dr. Avinash Pawar, Ph.D., MBA., B.E.

VOL. 01


No Anggota IKAPI: 418/JBA/2021
Authors :

Mia Kusmiati, SE., MM., CT., MOS., MCE

Dr. Budi Pramono, S.I.P., M.M., M.A., (GSC)., CIQaR., CIQnR.,
Intan Regency Blok W No 13,
Tarogong- Garut-Jawa Barat 44151
Dr. Avinash Pawar, Ph.D., MBA., B.E.
Mobile/WA: 081-2222-3230
Editor : Dr. Jajang Sugiat, SE., M.Pd., MM
Desain Cover & Layout :
Link Buku:
Putri Novia Ardianti
Link Bio:
ISBN: 978-623-6387-76-4 (jil.1 PDF)
55 pg, 21 x 28 cm @October 2022
For any branch of Academics, research methodology is not only an
important base but also an essential one.Thus research is an academic
activity which gives creativity, thinking and knowledge. Research is
nothing but a matter of raising questions and then trying to find answers.
Research plays an important role in managerial functions, not only in
general management but also in functional areas. Managerial research is
of great utility value if the method used is scientific, while hypothesis is an
inseparable element of the scientific method. Therefore, we throw some
light on the scientific method, in research.
Research is the systematic approach to obtaining and confirming new
and reliable knowledge. To understand what scientific method is, one
must understand the meaning of science. The simplest definition of
science is the accumulation of systematic knowledge in general.
For any branch of Academics, research methodology is
not only an important base but also an essential one.
For any scientific research, a researcher must have the
knowledge about what is Science and Scientific
Method. Though, in the earliest stage of development,
mythology was used almost entirely to explain unusual
occurrences of everyday life which would otherwise
have remained a mystery forever.

This book discusses Understanding Research, Scientific

Methods and Research, Formulating Research Problem
and Hypothesis.
04 07
Foreword UNIT 1
Understanding Research

05 25
Synopsis UNIT 2
Scientific Methods and


06 41
Structure UNIT 3
Formulating Research

Problem and Hypothesis



After going through this unit, you will

be able to:

Assess the need for research in the

current situation
Explain the actual process of

research and its role in managerial

decision making
Differentiate between various types

of research
For any branch of Academics, research methodology is
not only an important base but also an essential one.

Thus research is an academic activity which gives

creativity, thinking and knowledge.

Research is nothing but a matter of raising questions and

then trying to find answers.

Role of Research methodology in Management studies

Thus research is an art of scientific investigation.

Definition and Meaning of Research
The simple meaning of research is to search for facts -
answers to questions and solutions to problems.

Research is a purposeful investigation. It is an organised


It clarifies doubtful facts; it corrects the misconceived

ideas/facts; it seeks to find explanations to unexplained
Definition and Meaning of Research
“Research is the systematic approach to obtaining and
confirming new and reliable knowledge”
Systematic and orderly (following a series of steps)
Purpose is new knowledge, which must be reliable

This is a general definition which applies to all disciplines.

John W. Best has defined research as “the systematic and

objective analysis and recording of controlled observations
that may lend to development of generalisation, principles
or theories resulting in prediction and perhaps ultimate
control of events.”

Research is not Accidental Discovery

Characteristics of Research
Research is a systematic inquiry. It is said to be a careful,

patient and diligent inquiry.

Research is a critical investigation into a phenomenon or

a subject.
Research is undertaken to establish facts or principles.
It is a logical method which uses possible tests to

validate theories or tools and draw valid conclusions.

Research is also based on empirical evidence and

observational experience for formulating conclusions to

establish new theories.

Research, many a times, is directed towards finding

answers to pertinent questions posed.

Research does follow a scientific method
Objectives of Research
1. To verify and/or to test the existing facts and theories and to

improve the knowledge pertaining to these

2. To make suitable predictions of future events by use of general laws

developed through research.

3. To add knowledge to human beings regarding the social life,

4. To bring to limelight, information that could have never been

brought to knowledge under normal course

5. To explore and/or analyse relationships or inter-relationships

between variables.
6. To find solutions to problems in the form of applied research.
7. To develop new theories, concepts or tools for study of unknown

Motivation in Report Coverage

To get a degree in

To solve a problem.
To do creative work.
To serve the society.
Types of Research

Pure, Fundamental or Theoretical Research:

This is undertaken for the sake of knowledge without
formal intention of applying it in practice.

Applied Research :
Applied research is carried out to find solutions to real
life problems. It is, thus, problem oriented. Applied
research is conducted to test empirical content or
assumption or the validity of a theory under certain
Types of Research

Descriptive Research Action Research

Exploratory Research Diagnostic Study
Experimental Research Evaluation Study

Historical Research
Case study research
Research in
Business Decision
1. In day-to-day decisions
2. In strategic decisions
3. Functional decisions
4. Operational decisions.
Steps Followed in Research
Role of Research in Various Areas
1. Financial Management
This is one of the most pivotal functional areas of
management, as efficient utilisation of a business
enterprise directly relates to the effectiveness of the
enterprise. Financial management is now concerned
Determining financial needs
Raising funds at minimum cost
Making optimum allocation of funds
Developing control tools for financial performance
Preparing financial data for decision-making
Role of Research in Various Areas

2. Production Management :
3. Banking
4. Government
5. Human Recourse
6. Marketing Management
Limitations of Research



Human bias

Characteristics of A Good Research




Good Researcher's Qualities :
Method of approach


Qualifications and


Personal qualities



After going through this unit, you will

be able to:

Explain the meaning of “science”

and scientific method

Specify what constitutes scientific

Describe the role of scientific

method in research
Identify how to incorporate various

characteristics of scientific method

for research
Scientific Method
Research plays an important role in managerial functions,

not only in general management but also in functional areas.

Managerial research is of great utility value if the method used

is scientific, while hypothesis is an inseparable element of the

scientific method. Therefore, we throw some light on the

scientific method, in research.

To understand what scientific method is, one must

understand the meaning of science. The simplest definition of

science is the accumulation of systematic knowledge in

Definition of Scientific Method
Karl Pearson says, scientific method is marked by the
following features (a) careful and accurate classification of
facts and observation of heavy correlation and sequence, (b)
the discovery of scientific laws by aid of creative
imagination (c) self criticism and the final touch stone of
equal validity for all normally constituted minds.

The scientific method is a systematic method of

investigation, evaluation, experimentation, interpretation
and theorising. It is characterised by critical discrimination,
generality and system and empirical verification.
Scientific method has two

important bases,

Characteristics 1. Which deals with the

method employed
of Scientific 2. The other with the results

Of course, the latter is most

Basis of Scientific Method
The scientific method is based on certain basic postulates

which can be stated as under:

1. It relies on empirical evidence.
2. It utilises relevant concepts.
3. It is committed to only objective considerations.
4. It aims to make adequate and correct statements about

population objects.
5. It results into probabilistic predictions.
6. Its methodology is made known to all concerned for

critical scrutiny or for use in testing the conclusions

through replication.
7. It aims at formulating most general axioms or what can

be termed as scientific theories.

For any scientific research,

a researcher must have

Report Coverage
the knowledge about

what is Science and

Scientific Method.

Though, in the earliest

stage of development,

Methods and
mythology was used
almost entirely to explain

unusual occurrences of
everyday life which would

otherwise have remained

a mystery forever.
Components of Scientific Approach
1.Procedural Component
The procedure of scientific method involves the major steps as given

1. Defining the problem
2. Formulating hypothesis as to causes/explanations/solutions of the

3. Collecting data
4. Analysing the data to test hypothesis and draw conclusions

The procedural components of above are identified as Observation,

Hypothesis and Verification. They are applied in different degrees in

different areas of inquiry and in different methods. However, these

three are essential ingredients of research. The scientist must have a

thorough knowledge of the subject matter of the problem.

Components of Scientific Approach
2. Personal Component
Just as the man behind the machine is more important than the

machine itself, similarly, the researcher or the scientist is more important

than the procedural steps and technical tools that he uses. The research

man needs
1. The scientific imagination to construct hypothesis,
2. The analytical ability to devise crucial experiments to test the

3. The resourcefulness,
4. Manipulative skill
5. Pursuance to carry through the experiment.

Researcher must have sincerity, honesty, integrity and perseverance. He

must also possess the spirit of independence and the spirit of originality.
Bias and Prejudice in
Scientific Research
Each person is forced, some of course
more than others, to make
rationalisations, judgements and to
form opinions. These mental
processes at best are catalysed by
the mould into which each of us is
Gender Bias




After going through this unit, you will

be able to:

Explain the distinguishing features

of research problem.
Assess the importance and

significance of different elements

constituting the total research

Formulate your research problem in

terms of four hypotheses to be

Defining a research problem is the first step in


The complete research problem has to specify the


Unit of analysis
Time and space boundaries
Characteristics under study
Research Problem: Need for Defining
The purpose of a problem statement is to:

Introduce the reader to the importance of the topic being

studied. The reader is oriented to the significance of the study

and the research questions or hypotheses to follow.

Place the problem into a particular context that defines the

parameters of what is to be investigated.

Provide the framework for reporting the results and indicates

what is probably necessary to conduct the study and explain

how the findings will present this information.

Structuring The Research Problem
In any scientific paper the research problem written is almost like a statement
of intent.

Defining a Research Problem

Formulating the research problem begins during the first steps of the scientific

As an example, a literature review and a study of previous experiments, and

research, might throw up some vague areas of interest.
Many scientific researchers look at an area where a previous researcher
generated some interesting results, but never followed up. It could be an
interesting area of research, which nobody else has fully explored.
Structuring The Research Problem

A scientist may even review a successful experiment, disagree with the

results, the tests used, or the methodology, and decide to refine the research
process, retesting the hypothesis.

This is called the conceptual definition, and is an overall view of the problem. A science
report will generally begin with an overview of the previous research and real-world
observations. The researcher will then state how this led to defining a research problem.
The factors, which require due

consideration for selecting

Report Coverage
research problems, are stated

as below:

1. Interest of the researcher Selection of

2. Importance of the topic of

the study The Research

3. Avoid the selection of the

monotonous problem,
There should be novelty in

4. Resources for the research
5. Data Availability
The individuals or objects

whose characteristics are to

be measured are called the

units of analysis. They may

be persons, groups of
Units of
persons, business

establishments, inanimate
objects, transactions,

monetary units or just about

objects or activity a person

can name.
Time and Space Co-Ordination
The time dimension of a decision problem is always the future.

What will consumer response be to our contemplated promotion

for the month of November?

These questions indicate the futurity aspect of the time

dimension of a decision problem. Managers continually run the

risk of making the right decision at the wrong time.

Opportunities are transient; the executive who assumes the

static environment is doomed to failure. Therefore, it is crucial

that the decision maker and the researcher establish the

appropriate time reference for the decision.

The characteristics of

interest identify about the

units that are of concern to

the decision maker. These

of Interest characteristics fall into two

categories: the dependent

variables and the

independent variables.
Formulation means translating

and transforming the selected

research topic/problem into a

Formulating of scientifically researchable

question. It specifies exactly

A Research what the research problem is

and why it is studied. Merton

Problem and identifies the three major

components in formulating a

Hypothesis research problem:

Testing The originating question

The rationale behind and
The specific question
Examples and Non-Examples of Good Research Questions

Do students in Algebra I classes who engage in the XYZ curriculum

perform significantly differently on state tests than students who do
not participate in that curriculum?
This one is good. It is specific and clear. One knows who the participants will
be, and one knows that student performance on state tests is the problem

Why do students seem so apathetic?

This is not specific or clear, nor does it reflect an intervention, if one is
planned, or a target group of participants. Better questions might be: Are
science students more engaged in class discussions when a response
strategy is used (experimental)? What are the reasons for apathy among
various groups of high school students (descriptive)?
Examples and Non-Examples of Good Research Questions

Do general education teachers evaluate student homework

differently than special education teachers, based on five
Assuming this is descriptive research, the problem is evident, the
target participants are noted, and the question is pretty clear.

Does computer practice improve state test scores?

Even though an intervention is mentioned and a way of measuring
performance is implied (i.e., state test scores), the problem and
target group are unclear.
Examples and Non-Examples of Good Research Questions

Does the use of meta cognitive strategies predict reading

performance on standardized tests for immigrant Chinese
This one is clear and quite specific, notes the target participants,
and nicely alludes to the variables that will be studied.

What strategies improve student understanding of main ideas

in history texts?
The problem is pretty clear, but the target group is not. In addition,
there is no specific reference to an intervention.
About The Author
Mia Kusmiati, SE., MM., CT., MOS., MCE: She was born in Garut, on November 1979. As an
assistant professor at one of the Economics Colleges in West Java, namely STIE "Yasa
Anggana" Garut. Concernation on Operational Management Course. Currently active as a
Writer and Editor. She also has a competency certificate as a trainer from BNSP and
international competency certification is Microsoft Operation Specialist (MOS) dan
Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE). In carrying out the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in
the field of book publication, she has published books since 2020, including
Entrepreneurship Development and Management with ISBN: 978-602-50789-4-1,
Kharisma Venti Rahmawati Jakarta Publisher. 2021 published the book Manajemen
Operasi dan Produksi with ISBN: 978-623-96026-2-8, the chapter book is Rute Jalan Tol
Pengusaha: Strategi Bisnis = The entrepreneur toll road routes: the business strategy with
ISBN: 978-623-96383-2-0 (no.jil.lengkap), and Proses Produksi Manufaktur with ISBN: 978-
623-6387-43-6, publisher CV. Aksara Global Akademia.

Sinta ID : 6699369
Orchid ID: 0000-0001-8295-1739
Google Scholar:
No. Telpon: 081-2222-3230
About The Author
Dr. Budi Pramono, SIP., M.M., M.A., (GSC)., CIQar., CIQnR., MOS., MCE., CIMMR.
Born in Sidoarjo in 1967. He holds two Masters degrees, at Hull University UK in the Field of Security and Strategic
Studies (1998) and the University of National Development Veterans Jakarta (2005). When he was a colonel, he
was awarded a doctorate degree in Political Science with a very good predicate. After graduating from the
Magelang Military Academy in 1988, he served in the Indonesian Army Strategic Forces (KOSTRAD) for ten years,
then took part in the intelligence world (BAIS).
The author has a lot of experience taking various Military Education courses, some of which are: Austfamil Course
(SUSLAPA II-ART) Australia (1996), National Security Intelligence Training Course in Taiwan (1999), Command and
General Staff College, School of General Staff and Command in Manila (2001), best graduate with awards (Honor
Graduate): United Nations logistics Course at Port Dickson (2002), Austfamil Course at Lavertoon Australia (2003),
and Emergency Management in Australia, UN Military Observer Course, Port Dickson (2004). In addition to being a
frequent speaker at national and international conferences, as well as conducting scientific research, the author
has also been actively writing many books, including: "Transformation of Indonesia Counter-Terrorism" (Terrorism
and Disaster, Rajawali Pers, 2018), “The Role of Indonesia in Asean Security”, (Terrorism and Disaster, Rajawali
Pers, 2018), “Tanpa Senjata: Konsep dan Praktik Operasi Militer Selain Perang di Indonesia” (UNHAN Press, 2021,
ISBN: 978-623-6610-26-8)), “Monograph Indonesian Politics : Since it’s Birth Till The Reformation Era” (Aksara
Global Akademia, 2021, ISBN: 978-623-96683-9-6 (PDF)), “Politics & National Defense” (Aksara Global Akademia,
2021, ISBN: 978-623-6387-00-9), “Pengukuran Kinerja Sumber Daya Manusia: Teori dan Aplikasi” (Aksara Global
Akademia, 2021, ISBN: 978-623-6387-01-6 (PDF)), “The revolution in Military Affairs (RMA), and The Consequences
for Indonesia: The Study Before the Reform Era” (Aksara Global Akademia, 2021, ISBN: 978-623-6387-05-4 (PDF)).
Currently the author works as a Permanent Lecturer at the Republic of Indonesia Defense University and
continues to take part in carrying out the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.
Sinta ID : 6745514
Orchid ID: 0000-0002-5166-8516
Web of Science ResearcherID: GXF-3467-2022
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About The Author
Dr. Avinash Pawar, Ph.D., MBA., B.E.
Has completed PostDoc in Organisational Management, PhD in Business Management, MBA in Computers, HR, Production and
Marketing Management from University of Pune. He holds certification in Instruction Design, Customer Service, Psychological
Counseling, Digital Marketing, Competency Mapping, Reliability Management, Project Management, Six Sigma, Business
Intelligence and Knowledge Management Systems from reputed certification agencies and institutions. He is also an Accredited
Management Teacher and qualified with National Eligibility Test for Teaching and research in management.
In his career, Dr. Avinash was honoured with National Eminent Educator Award, Outstanding Performance in Research &
Education Award, Research Excellence Award, Early Career Researcher Award, Best Academician Award, Distinguished Faculty
Award, International Young Management Teacher Award and Best Teacher Award in Management from esteemed academic
organisations in India. He worked in reputed universities and business schools in India and associated with many academic
institutions across the world. Moreover, He is associated with Editorial Board Member for various reputed journals like Journal
of Promotion Management (USA), Journal of Corporate Governance Research (USA), Journal of Forex Press (USA), Journal of
Advancements in Business and Economics (Turkey), Research Horizon Journal ( Indonesia), Journal of Government, Politics &
Public Administration (Indonesia), International Journal of Nowadays and Future Jobs (Ukraine), Eastern European Business and
Economics Journal (Latvia), Akademika Nusa International (UAE), and Journal of Business Findings (Malaysia). He has also been
invited as a keynote speaker for international conferences in Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Ukraine, Singapore and India. He has
published more than 70 research papers in reputed journals indexed in Scopus, ABDC and ABS category. He has more than 15
books published till date on different areas of management in India, Indonesia, Germany and Australia.
Dr. Avinash is a distinguished professor, researcher and a philosopher in management.
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