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My name is Precious Anne S. Collante


One of my fondest memories from my school was participating in various extra-
curricular activities, here includes participating in different sports such as
volleyball, soccer, tennis, etc. Playing these requires teamwork, practice, and
most especially, your dedication to do what’s the best for the success of your
team. One of the realization

that it isn’t Being a part of different teams also allowed me to make new friends
and build strong bonds with my fellow classmates.

As a student, my main goal in life is to achieve academic excellence by getting
high grades through hard work and dedication. I aim to strive to understand the
lessons to be discussed by our teachers, participate actively in class, and complete
my assignments on time.

EXTRA (for conclusion)

To conclude, as I am now moving into a new chapter of my life and soon will be a
high school student, I wanted to share my personal experience throughout my 6
years journey in elementary.
There were moments when I struggled to keep up with my studies, but with the
help of my teachers, parents, and loved ones in life, I was able to overcome these
To sum everything up, my journey throughout elementary has been filled with
ups and downs. It was a pleasure to discover new passions and overcome
challenges. I am truly grateful for the memories, experiences, and most
importantly, the knowledge and learnings that I have gained.

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