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Assignment 2

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Hasnain Rajper55988

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Q.1 Moral reasoning refers to the process leaders use to make decisions about ethical and
unethical behaviours. It does not refer to the morality of individuals per se, or their espoused
values, but rather to the manner by which they solve moral dilemmas. Do you agree or
disagree? Why? Explain any one major reason.

Yes agreeing with the above statement as ethics are the set of rules which a person follows in
particular organization whilst morality comes when ones individual set of rules about right
and wrong so one major reason would considering the leader who works at an organization
and he follows the ethical rules which are set into an organization and moral reasoning is
mostly shaped by organization values so moral reasoning is the process through which a
person uses logic to discern the distinction between what is right and wrong in a personal
circumstance. To make such an evaluation, one must first understand what an activity is
meant to achieve and what effects it may have on others.

Moral reasoning is used by leader in order to do the right thing. Leaders are regularly
confronted with moral decisions, such as whether to lie to prevent hurting someone's feelings
or whether to adopt a course of action that benefits some but harms others. Such decisions are
made by weighing the goal and anticipated consequences of a course of action.

The decision is either ethical or not, is mainly done with the values of organization setting
like some organizations back the decision of smoke free work environment despite some of
their personnel’s are involve in smoking but as set of rules if somebody will smoke he will be
breaking the ethical sets of organization and he will be breaking the ethical values and leaders
with their set of morality will be taking the decision as the unethical because of their morality
is being shaped by the working environment set of rules and their high morality also reflect in
the ethical standards of the organization.

So in last we can say that morality of individuality does not necessary to say that one action is
ethical or not it is the organizational ethical values which mainly decide one’s action is ethical
or not.

Q.2 Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become
actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become
character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. Exemplify.
You become what you think this saying truly reflect that our thoughts shape our words, like
say for instance an infant employee on his first day of job if he think of the organizational
work setting as a cool place to work in his words regarding the organization become what he
perceives of it, say for instance a female employee join first day at Imtiaz super store as a
brand ambassador, she think of her other female courteous employees she automatically start
treating her customers because of the her positive thoughts gave her insight of her becoming

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a courteous employee herself.
We can take the above statement like thoughts becomes your words in not so positive way
like a student who because of his not so good friendship as we know “a man is known by the
company he keeps”, so he has thoughts of behaving bad so he be reflecting his not so good
behaviour in classroom as well so thoughts must be adopted positive so that we must reflect
Our actions become our habits this true statements can be seen an example of like say for
instance if an employee actions are bullying the new employees if he is seen the same
behaviour he is imitating to other fellow employees he will adopt this as a habit and he will
be known for his habits as a bully employee so it’s better to perform the actions which are
accepted in society and in an organizational setting so that person must be known as a good
person not as least likely person to accompany with.
Habits are the major thing a man can shape his character as good habits become our character
and man is known by his character as it’s a saying that great readers ended up being great
leaders so this reading habit of their character become their trait of themselves. The key to
almost any door in life is instilling the right habit in a proper way. Whether it is exercise to
build a good physique or for weight loss, market disruption to social revolution, and above all
success, the right habits can change everything. So right habits becomes us so for a better we
to be in particular one must have to adopt good habits, so that character form which a man is
known mostly should be of good habits. Say for instance, a Bank employee have habit of
treating his customers in way that they really start trusting that bank employee and his
character become trustworthiness which is most important for a bank employee to be trust
worthy, so ultimately good habits will lead a man to be successful in his life.
This way a man can shape his destiny and can really turn the table towards his destiny as
good character or effective character can help a person to shape his destiny and like a reader
by habits build the character of leaders into a man and ultimately this character will give him
path towards the destiny which will he become. Like for example a manager a Nestle has
character of honesty and do the work in accordance with the principles of nestle as a whole
and having the trait of leadership this character of that employee ultimately gets him fine
position at nestle and his perks and privileges made him live his life smoothly.
In last, we can say we must adopt good thoughts as our thoughts are our words and we must
speak gently and should give multiple thoughts before speaking as our actions become our
actions and we must behave in a way that become acceptable for others, as our actions
becomes our habits and adopt good habits so we can have good character which will
ultimately become our destiny. So in a nut shell we can say that if we shape of thoughts in a
positive way this will eventually shape our destiny positively.
Q.3 According to Aristotle, the Greek philosopher said, "Men acquire a particular quality by
constantly acting a particular way. You become a just man by performing just
actions, temperate by performing temperate actions, and brave by performing brave actions."
Explain your arguments with appropriate examples.

Aristotle emphasized the moral development of individual. Which in his point of view was
best possible within the state. Because he recognizes man as a social animal and believes that

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men will form a state. Furthermore, He classifies population of state on basis of their ability
to perform any work. He assigns different jobs to be performed by different classes of society.
Which he considers as best fit to perform that job.
Moreover, Aristotle’s above statement supports the proposition of trait theory of personality.
Which proposes that people behave as they do, because they develop strong traits by
repeating same action. Different types of leaders possess different traits. Which impacts on
their performance in organizations.
For example, leaders who are hardworking, social, and punctual can perform tasks on time,
have good relation with subordinates and achieve targeted goals. A person with these traits
can be assigned important and critical projects to lead. Instead, a non-punctual, non-social
leader will have negative impact on his performance. Therefore, cannot be assigned critical

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